Mental Health Essay Examples

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Anxiety And The Student Athlete

2 Pages 1033 Words
Athletes are afforded many positive opportunities such as traveling, making new friendships, receiving praise, and experiencing the thrill of winning. For many athletes; however, these experiences are accompanied by anxiety. There are two components of anxiety, a cognitive component and a somatic component. (Liebert & Morris, 1967; Borkovec, 1976; Davidson & Schwartz, 1976 as cited in Kais, K.; Raudsepp, L.,...

Value Of Life: Abortion, Suicide, Death Penalty, Life Ending

5 Pages 2356 Words
Introduction Life in terms of biology definition refers to time between a person's births till his or her death. It is the one and only thing that breathes essence of various activities which separates us from inanimate objects. As opined by Heywood and Mullock (2016), there is no definite answer to value of life. Each individual reflects and leads his...

The Correlation Between Sexual Abuse And Borderline Personality Disorder

7 Pages 3078 Words
Abstract The purpose of this research proposal is to highlight the correlation between the experience of sexual abuse and the development of emerging borderline personality disorder as a result. The sample is made up of 35 youth offenders in the main 6 medium-secure forensic units in England and Wales and were asked to take part in a questionnaire to collect...

Emotional Labor: Psychological Stress In The Workplace

5 Pages 2069 Words
“During my work as a police officer, I encountered many emotional demanding situations in which my colleagues and I often seemed to act unfelt emotions or suppressed emotions that would better not be displayed at that particular moment. For instance, during my first weeks of duty I wondered how police officers could stay seemingly untouched while being confronted with drunk...

How Does Shyness Stem Into Social Anxiety?

3 Pages 1534 Words
Shyness refers the quality or state of being shy. It's synonyms are bashful, reserved, introversion, being timid, fearfulness, nervousness, hesitation and doubt. Having social anxiety however, refers to the intense fear of being judged or rejected within a social setting. Synonyms of anxiety are worry, concern, unease, angst, nervousness, stress, suspense, disquiet and fearfulness. So how does shyness relate and...

Effects Of Body Shaming Leading To Depression Among Women

4 Pages 1644 Words
Introduction Have you been humiliated by people when they comment on your appearance? You have become so fat? Why you are so thin, parents don’t feed you? Hence, these lead to body shame. Body shame can be defined as the way in which an indivual is humiliated by their weight or body size. Body image disturbance has become so prevalent...

Abused Children And Depression

3 Pages 1434 Words
Abuse of children, unfortunately, has become a common thing that happens in society. Many children are abused. The lucky few are removed from their abusers and given therapeutic help, if available, while others’ abuse continues to go unreported; emotional abuse seems to go unreported because people tend to brush it off. People who are emotionally abused at a young age...

Lack Of Sleep, Memory And Academic Performance

3 Pages 1487 Words
Introduction Sleep is a fundamental physiological process for human survival and health; however, its common deprivation is an increasing area of concern for many students. Studies have demonstrated the significance of sleep for daily cognitive function, as it strengthens the synaptic connections made during the day, storing information for long-term use. However, with constant academic pressures, paired with students’ social...

Work Stress, Conflict & Burnout in Firefighters

2 Pages 956 Words
The main focus of this study is to see the picture of the relationships between work stress, work family conflict, and burnout and firefighter safety behavior outcomes. The most important things is, this study provides confirmation that burnout, as a stress-related process, does negatively impact safety performance in the fire service. The data was collected from 208 professional firefighters from...

Depression in Elite Athletes: Unique Risk Factors

4 Pages 1879 Words
According to the World Health Organization, an estimate of 300 (three hundred) million individuals globally have clinical depression or a depressive disorder (WHO, 2018). There is a common consensus that risk factors exist that are more unique to athletes that may increase their risk of depression (Wolanin, Gross and Hong, 2015, p. 59). The aim of this essay is to...

Specific Language Impairment Or Developmental Language Disorder

6 Pages 2898 Words
S is a grade 2 (7 year old) male student with normal nonverbal intelligence, and presents with a possible language impairment. S was nominated by his teacher to be assessed for his receptive and expressive abilities. His teacher reports that he has difficulty answering questions, with utterance that consists of omissions, reduced grammatical markers and when he is called upon,...

Impact Of Stress On Students Academic Performance

5 Pages 2001 Words
Introduction Nowadays stress has become an important subject matter in analysis studies in academic circle as well as in our society. This analysis was conducted to check the impact of stress on students’ academic performance. Tutorial stress among students has long been a subject of analysis study and researchers have recognized completely different necessary stressors that embrace excessive assignments, unhealthy...

Anxiety And Its Effect On Self-esteem

5 Pages 2115 Words
Introduction Humans are cognizant of others' actions and opinions and are therefore susceptible to others' evaluations. The urge to appear publicly acceptable and conform to societal norms has likely caused lower self-esteem in this generation. Leary (1999) states that sociometer theory suggests that self-esteem is a method of monitoring social acceptance and avoiding public rejection; therefore, self-esteem acts as a...

Research On Language Disorders

3 Pages 1323 Words
Introduction There are many problems that affect people and have affected the way they speak. Of course, you must have met or heard about some people who suffer from some of these problems. There will be difficulty in understanding the message because the letter exits are wrong. Language disorders is one of the most common problems in our days. Language...

Lack Of Sleep And Its Effects

1 Page 433 Words
One of the major effects of losing sleep is the increasing rate of being easily irritated, short-tempered, and vulnerable to stress. Without sleep you and could easily have a bad day, therefore, the lack of sleep increases stress levels, effects performances, and decreases attention to detail. People who lack sleep seem to maintain the same physical state and mental state...

Arthritis And Depression

2 Pages 758 Words
“It just seemed so pointless,” recalls Helen, who has lived with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) for decades. “I couldn’t lift my arms above shoulder height, so it was easy to explain why I wasn’t washing my hair. Then I developed nodules on my feet, so it was a simple matter to stop taking walks. Then it was difficult to open cans,...

Spirituality's Role in Promoting Longevity and Reducing Stress

2 Pages 983 Words
Introduction In an era where stress-related ailments have become rampant, the pursuit of a stress-free and prolonged life is a universal endeavor. Spirituality, often distinct from organized religion, offers a pathway that many individuals have found invaluable in this pursuit. Spirituality encompasses a broad spectrum of practices and beliefs, centered around the connection to something greater than oneself, which may...

Can Yoga Calm Anxiety?

3 Pages 1361 Words
INDRODUCTION Yoga refer to a scientific scheme of physiological or intellectual practices that arised in India approximately 3000 years ago. The aims of yoga are , development of the following via strong and flexible body free of pain, a balanced autonomic neural system with all physiological systems like digestion, endocrine, functioning optimally and a calm and clear mind. Studies have...

Borderline Personality Disorder: Psychoanalytic and Cognitive Approaches

4 Pages 2010 Words
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a syndrome that begins in young adulthood, characterized by excessive impulsivity, imbalance in affect and interpersonal relationships, inability to perceive self and hypersensitivity to abandonment (APA, 2013) Borderline personality disorder is a complex and serious mental disorder due to severe dysfunction and high risk of suicide. Although Stern (1938) used the term borderline among psychiatrists...

Causes Of Stress And Lack Of Sleep Among College Students

1 Page 457 Words
Health Issue High levels of stress and insufficient sleep can affect a student's physical health, emotional well-being, and academic success. Stress and inadequate sleep are major obstacles to academic success for undergraduate students (Hales & Hales 2016). Short-term effects of sleep deprivation include decreased cognitive function, memory, performance, and attention (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2019). Minimizing stressors and supporting healthy coping...

Music Therapy As A Method Of Mental Health Support

3 Pages 1306 Words
Music is all around the world and is a major part of all cultures. It has been around since the beginning of time and it is something every human being can experience on a deep level, bringing forth emotions or memories. Music therapy developed from this connection between emotion and music as a method to support mental health and it...

Effectiveness Of Music Therapy As A Form Of Treatment

6 Pages 2577 Words
Music Therapy: A Medical Application of Music Listening to music has become an integral part in society. Whether someone is walking along the street, driving around, or even sitting in a room, chances are that they are listening to music. Music has inexplicable capabilities. It is a gateway, having the ability to transport the listener to different worlds. It has...

The Benefits Of Mindfulness

3 Pages 1351 Words
Mindfulness is the essential human capacity to be fully aware, mindful of where we are and what we do, and not too emotional or distracted by what's going on all around. It is an ability that every human being naturally has, you just have to understand how to access it, it's not something you have to think up. (What is...

Bulimia: Treatment, Prevalence & Mental Health Practice

5 Pages 2246 Words
Introduction To begin with we need to define first eating disorders, and briefly mention the different types of eating disorders. Eating disorders are characterised by one or more seriously disturbed eating behaviours such as food restriction or recurrent episodes of uncontrolled food consuming, and weight-control behaviours including self-induced vomiting, excessive exercising or the misuse of laxatives or diuretics. (Murphy et...
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The Early America Mass Hysteria Of Religion

1 Page 674 Words
Imagine going away from your family and your home to avoid all the maltreatment and traveling across the Atlantic Ocean like it's a natural routine for you. The rueful crew of the Mayflower transported the Pilgrims across the devastated stormy Atlantic with just one factor which was these passengers were placed to handle the shortage of food and deadly voyage....

Psychological Disorders in "A Beautiful Mind" and "The Butterfly Effect"

3 Pages 1349 Words
Abstract There are two part in this paper. The first part will analyze the symptom, factors and treatment of schizophrenia disorder by the film, A Beautiful Mind. The second part will analyze that of schizophrenia disorder and dissociative disorder by the film, The Butterfly Effect I. Schizophrenia in A Beautiful Mind Overview of the film A Beautiful Mind illustrates the...

Sleep Anatomy: Stages, Rhythms, Effects, Deprivation, Disorders

8 Pages 3442 Words
While our sleeping habits have fallen behind in priority as a result of our fast-paced lifestyles, humanity must learn to hold adequate sleep to utmost importance in order to maintain peak physical and mental well-being, and to avoid the disastrous effects of deprivation. As the complexity of the sleep process is often overlooked, appreciating sleep means understanding the intricate biological...

Hysteria And The Cathartic Method

3 Pages 1458 Words
Introduction In any global sphere, research serves an integral role as it aids in the establishment of solutions to issues as well as providing relevant information regarding a defined area of a given field. Healthcare is one of the industries that heavily rely on research. Psychology is a division of the healthcare industry and a field dealing with behavior and...

Methods Of Treatment The Dissociative Identity Disorder

3 Pages 1337 Words
The complex disorder when a single individual has two or more personalities within themselves is known as dissociative identity disorder (DID). Victims of this disorder have alternate personalities that are also called subpersonalities, this means that a single individual has two or more personalities within themselves. Alternate personalities are never the same, as they can vary from different genders and...

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