Mental Health Essay Examples

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Narrative Essay on My Sister and Her Bipolar Disorder

2 Pages 860 Words
Bipolar disorder or manic-depressive disorder are terms that we hear in the media or possibly even from an acquaintance who is talking about knowing someone who has it. This disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings and changes in energy levels. This is a form of mental illness that affects not only the person who has it but also the...

Sherlock Holmes and His Sociopathic Characteristics: Critical Essay

2 Pages 1070 Words
In BBC’s ‘Sherlock’, Sherlock Holmes is portrayed as a ‘high functioning sociopath’ who considers himself married to his work and despises working with others. After John Watson returns from war and needs a roommate, the two meet each other and decide to room together. Once Sherlock asks John to accompany him on a case, they become partners: Sherlock is the...

Thesis Statement for Bipolar Disorder

5 Pages 2233 Words
Part 1. Literature Review and Ethical Considerations Article One: Treatment outcomes of an acute bipolar depressive episode with psychosis (Marco Antonio Caldieraro MD, PhD1,2, et al., 2018) The research by Caldieraro et al. was designed to study the impact of psychosis on patients with bipolar disorder (Caldieraro et al., 2018). The researchers conducting the interview also wanted to compare the...

The Complexities of Bipolar Disorder

2 Pages 795 Words
Introduction Bipolar disorder, a prevalent psychiatric condition, is characterized by significant mood fluctuations that include manic and depressive episodes. According to the World Health Organization, it affects approximately 45 million people globally, yet remains one of the most misunderstood mental health disorders. This essay aims to explore the complexities of bipolar disorder through a comprehensive analysis of its symptoms, causes,...

Persuasive Essay on Bipolar Disorder

5 Pages 2100 Words
The memoir written by Dr. Kay Jamison, An Unquiet Mind, provides an in-depth look at an individual’s personal experiences with bipolar disorder; something that I learned extensively about in the past 15 weeks in Dr. Robert’s PSY 423 class. The theoretical perspectives that we learned about in class are consistently touched upon in the entirety of Jamison’s memoir. Beck’s Cognitive...

Paediatric Bipolar Disorder: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1939 Words
Mental health is a major challenge in the contemporary society. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 25% of the global population has mental health problems. In 2001, WHO noted that depressive disorders are one of the leading causes of the global disease burden, outlining that approximately 40% of the countries do not have mental health policies, while 25%...

Informative Speech about Bipolar Disorder

1 Page 518 Words
Bipolar disorder Nature, or disposition and genetics, have been demonstrated to be a major factor in the development of some mental health disorders such as bipolar disorder. An individual is four to six times more likely to develop bipolar disorder if there is a family history of this illness. In recent years, biological factors have attracted more attention, with many...

Helping a Person with Bipolar Disorder: Case Study Essay

3 Pages 1358 Words
Introduction Approximately 1 in 5 people in the U.S. struggles with a mental illness every year, Hollywood is no exception. As time goes on due to a better societal view on mental illness more and more of our favorite actors, producers, and musicians come forward with their struggles with mental illness. From depression to schizophrenia it is crucial these illnesses...

Bipolar Disorder in Adolescent: Synthesis Essay

3 Pages 1586 Words
The track I chose for this project was track two Psychological Influences of Abnormal Behavior. Abnormality can be subjective depending on what one person considers abnormal (Whitbourne, 2017). Since there is a huge variation of what is normal, one could define abnormality as what is considered outside of the socially expected norm. Since the world is constantly changing the definition...

Argumentative Essay about Bipolar Disorder: Is Lithium a Salvation

5 Pages 2184 Words
Is Lithium a Salvation for Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder is a debilitating mental illness that causes extreme fluctuation in mood. One day, a patient may be manic, full of energy, then depressed to the point that the patient won’t leave their bed for days. These symptoms, extreme and unpredictable in nature, require constant medication and supervision. The main drug used...

Thesis Statement about Stress

6 Pages 2927 Words
Key theorists prominent in the recognition of stress include physiologist Walter Cannon in 1914, and endocrinologist Hans Selye continued its development in 1936. These theorists have defined the term stress and played a major role in its evolution. Stress Science: Neuroendocrinologyedited by Dr. George Fink describes in detail both theorists’ ideas about stress. Finks's analysis of stress begins with Walter...

Stress Thesis Statement Essay

3 Pages 1364 Words
The Health and Safety Authority defines Work-Related Stress (WRS) as stress caused or made worse by work. It simply refers to when a person perceives the work environment in such a way that his or her reaction involves feelings of an inability to cope. It may be caused by perceived/real pressures/deadlines/threats/anxieties within the working environment. Ireland’s frontline emergency services are...

Stress Reduction Programs: Critical Essay

4 Pages 1878 Words
Stress Assignment As the semester draws to a close, many college students often find themselves in a state of distress. Students can be found juggling a variety of tasks such as studying for upcoming finals, maintaining a decent grade point average, completing assignments with fast-approaching deadlines, and catering to responsibilities outside of school. Students must learn to deal with the...

Stress and Its Effects: Informative Speech

3 Pages 1236 Words
In this module, I was able to measure my knowledge of just how much stress I'm under and how that's impacting my mind and body. I was however astonished to find out about the effects of long-term stress on both my brain and my body. APA Quiz Results When I took the WebMD quiz, I managed to score 92 percent,...

Informative Speech on Stress and Its Influence

3 Pages 1185 Words
When the human body responds or reacts to an adjustment or something new, that reaction is called stress. The response of the human body varies from a mental to a physical one. Stress is a natural feeling that the human body is prepared to fight it. However, when there is continuous stress without a break or a pause this stress...

Is Autism a Kind of Brain Damage: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 498 Words
Introduction Autism is a complex neurological condition that affects individuals in unique ways. However, labeling autism as a form of brain damage oversimplifies its nature and fails to capture the richness and diversity of the autistic experience. This essay aims to present a persuasive argument against the notion that autism is a kind of brain damage, emphasizing the need for...

Informative Speech on Stress

2 Pages 1094 Words
I want to talk about theories, causes, and effects of stress. Stress is an inevitable consequence of life and is a state of mental or emotional tension that results in various or demanding circumstances. Stress is not always harmful, but it can trigger multiple biological responses. All people are stressed however, everyone interprets stress differently, and our coping strategies vary...
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Vaccines and Autism: A Tale of Shifting Hypotheses

3 Pages 1222 Words
In recent years, increased rates of autism spectrum disorder have led to social divides. In turn, attitudes towards the once mundane use of vaccines to prevent disease have become a controversial topic. So much so, that the World Health Organization listed “vaccine hesitancy” as a threat to global health in 2019. A significant factor leading to such trepidation is public...

Informative Speech on Autism

1 Page 625 Words
Autism has impacted millions of lives. This devastating disability is caused by a mistranslation when reproducing cells, enforcing a permanent transformation throughout the body. These transformations administer mutations that are usually unhealthy, although, some mutations can help humans evolve like slight differences in someone's hands. To illustrate autism’s history, let's talk about its introduction to the world. Eugen Beuler discovered...

Informative Essay on High Functioning Autism

5 Pages 2263 Words
High-Functioning Autism refers to a condition where individuals do not have any learning or intellectual disability but do exhibit other common features of autism. The main characteristics may include difficulties with social interaction and communication. They are unable to read facial expressions and social cues of conversations making it difficult to make friends. Along with high emotional sensitivity, individuals with...

Does Crazy Eyes Have Autism: Critical Essay

2 Pages 769 Words
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopment disorder. This is typically characterized by qualitative impairments in social interaction and communication, alongside restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities (DSM-IV TR; American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Many adults that are diagnosed with autism may be moderately functioning, though those close to the individual may notice that they have difficulties...

Autism Research Paper

5 Pages 2366 Words
Introduction Throughout the years, teachers in special education have implemented a vast array of strategies that target the behavior of autistic students inside the academic classroom. Some teachers utilize a list of different strategies to cope with their students. Others rely on experience or intuition to determine what works in a particular moment or with a particular student. Few, however,...

Eating Disorder: Personal Narrative Essay

2 Pages 938 Words
We are often told that ‘looks don't matter’ and that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’, but sadly, the eyes see what society deems perfect. We hear these sayings over and over, and yet ironically, these very ideas seem to be contradicted by our own society. If we are beautiful no matter our appearance, why does social media...

Critical Essay on Eating Disorders and Social Media

2 Pages 756 Words
Modern technology has had a great impact on many aspects of young people’s lives. Pater et al. (2021) conducted a study into technology use among patients in relation to eating disorders. They researched the impact of social media and other technologies on mental health, including eating disorders. They reviewed the results of an interview-based study with 10 clinicians who treat...

Eating Disorders in College Students: Problem-Solution Essay

3 Pages 1197 Words
What is an eating disorder? Is it a mental illness or is it a disease? According to the article ‘What are Eating Disorders?’ written by Ranna Parekh, she says that eating disorders are illnesses in which people experience severe disturbances, neither eating behaviors and related thoughts and emotions. Every year thousands of students are recruited to be student athletes at...

Eating Disorders and Bullying: Critical Essay

1 Page 649 Words
As said by Adolescent Growth “5.4 percent of children between the ages 13 and 18 will suffer from anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorder at some point in their lifetime”. Eating disorders, most common in teens, are life-threatening illnesses. For instance, anorexia’s most common complication is the issue of infertility. When a woman’s body fat drops, she won’t produce enough...

Informative Essay on Binge Eating Disorder

3 Pages 1290 Words
Some life experiences are harsh, and it's not only the victims that suffer, but also the people close to them. My interest in binge eating disorder research developed from the effect it had to a lady close relative and her family. It affected all of us in general because unfortunately there was no one in the whole family or even...

Eating Disorders and Challenges of Recovery: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1952 Words
Eating disorders are a complex and insidious mental health illness which has the highest mortality rate compared to any other mental health condition. The condition consists of anorexia nervosa restrictive food intake, bulimia, and binge eating disorder. Approximately 1.25 million people suffer from eating disorder. Many suffer in silence as they’re afraid to seek the help and support that are...

Descriptive Essay on Eating Disorder

1 Page 518 Words
In a world where appearance matters a lot in certain cases, everyone wants to look their best. In fact, the idealism and beliefs of modern society make us feel that no matter what we look like, we all need to be prettier, thinner, and more attractive. However, these pressures around us can sometimes lead to eating disorders as well. Eating...

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