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A Critical Look at the Blockchain Revolution and Its Socio-Economic Impact

1 Page 604 Words
Stepping away from blockchain’s economic impact, its impact on society as a whole is just as influential. Firstly, the creation of digital identities not only affords individuals financial inclusion but also political and social opportunities such as the right to vote. Moreover, these identities enable us to prevent human trafficking, forced labor and child labor (Lapointe & Fishbane, 2018). Blockchain...

The Illusion of Perfection: Photoshop's Impact on Society

1 Page 637 Words
Introduction In the digital age, the manipulation of images has become a ubiquitous practice, with Adobe Photoshop reigning supreme as the tool of choice for creating visually enhanced content. Originally intended for professional photographers and graphic designers to refine their work, Photoshop has evolved into a cultural phenomenon, shaping perceptions of beauty and perfection. Its impact extends beyond the realm...

Will Robots Take Over the World? Essay

1 Page 568 Words
It is time for us to see the issue that is rupturing our society. The problem is the increase in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) that is taking over the world in our workplaces and homes, and the damage that it is leaving for our future generations and the ways of life which are being negatively affected. Without paying...

Engineering Marvel: 5G Network Technology

3 Pages 1169 Words
5G network is the 5th generation wireless network generated from 2019. Verizon is the first company to launch the 5G network service worldwide in Chicago and Minneapolis in 3rd April, 2019. The aim of this project is to increase the network speed and responsiveness for the wireless network. By using 5G wireless network, it has 20Gbps for the network travel...

Potential for Blockchain Inclusion in Voting System

3 Pages 1570 Words
Voting and ensuring a secure election system for candidates in the government or any society is essential and undoubtedly one of the most important processes that needs to be managed with high precision so that a fair representation of the votes can be reflected when making the decision. However, with the advancement of technology and hacking tools available for exploitation,...

Internet of Things: Future of the World

4 Pages 1976 Words
This term IoT is used to represent smart objects connected to the Internet. Scope of this concept is widening beyond just machine to machine communication. IoT will definitely make impact of the Internet more intimate in daily life. It is network of networks which utilizes electronic devices such as sensors and actuators to fulfill its purpose which results in optimum...

Essay on Artificial Intelligence in Education

2 Pages 818 Words
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The coming times of education is substantially connected with improvements on modern innovations and computing capacities of the brilliantly contemporary machines. In this sector, evolutions in artificial intelligence open to up-to-date conceivable outcomes and challenges for educating and learning in higher education, with the possibility to radically alter administration and the inner architecture of institutes. Since the 1950s, different hypothetical...

Essay on Artificial Intelligence in Banking

3 Pages 1533 Words
With digital upheaval rippling across the world rapidly, transforming industries and revolutionizing businesses with its power, no sector can afford to get marooned to the sidelines. As every industry engages in designing and developing approaches and methods to remain relevant in a world steered by technology, the banking sector is no exception. Customers, now familiarizing themselves with advanced technologies and...

How Artificial Intelligence Will Change the Future? Essay

2 Pages 2622 Words
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Introduction When you hear the word ‘artificial intelligence’ the first thing that comes to mind is robotics, but what truly is artificial intelligence and what does the future hold for it? According to Wikipedia, artificial intelligence also referred to as machine intelligence, is any device or machine that mimics cognitive functions humans associate with the human mind such as learning...

Essay on Robotics in Healthcare

4 Pages 1947 Words
Robots are quickly becoming the main source of labor for many growing industries and medicine is no exception. Today we are familiar with robots that can aid surgeons in producing more flawless procedures with lesser margins of error with a higher chance of accuracy. Robots have the ability to perform, and aid in performing, anything from blood draws to major...

Are Robots Taking Over All Jobs? Essay

3 Pages 1487 Words
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In this era of digital workplace everything is at an ease and all the day to day tasks have become a very simple algorithm to do so. But does all this come with a cost? That it will destroy all the jobs? Not exactly though. Of course, the robots and artificial intelligence (AI) will improve the quality of work over...

Is Artificial Intelligence Dangerous? Essay

5 Pages 2540 Words
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Is artificial intelligence really helpful to humanity or is it a threat, that we just don’t see? Artificial intelligence is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that are normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision making and translation between languages. It truly has lots of advantages in...

Are Robots Better than Humans? Essay

2 Pages 1037 Words
As the years went by and technology advanced, the use of robots and machines have been used for many purposes. Many machines can do tasks no human could possibly do and industry wouldn't be the same without them. They provide great service and perform to a very high standard, if manufactured properly. Nearly every modern household or industry uses some...

Robots in the Workplace: An Essay

3 Pages 1205 Words
A robot is a machine resembling a human being and able to replicate certain human movements and functions automatically. Also, it is a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one programmable by a computer. This is achieved through artificial intelligence (AI). AI is the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform...

Artificial Intelligence: Critical Analysis of The Chinese Room

2 Pages 1047 Words
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence and computation in machines, especially computer systems. These such processes include learning, reasoning and self-correction. There is AI all around us, from self-driving vehicles to virtual personal assistants on mobile devices such as Apple’s Siri. A.I can be categorized into two different groups: weak AI and strong AI. Weak AI are...

The Limits Of Artificial Intelligence

3 Pages 1263 Words
The best intelligence known in existence resides within the human nervous system. Artificial Intelligence is defined as “the study of how to make machines behave intelligently, to solve problems and achieve goals in the kinds of complex situations in which humans require intelligence to achieve goals (Fetzer).” People have conducted studies of Artificial Intelligence from numerous points of view. Steady...

Application Of Artificial Intelligence In SAR Analysis

1 Page 543 Words
Statistics show that it usually takes a biopharmaceutical company $500 million to $1 billion and 10 to 15 years to successfully develop a new drug. The high risk, long cycle and high cost of new drug research and development are all big challenges for pharmaceutical companies. AI technology can help analyze the structure-activity analysis of compounds, which can, to some...

Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On Accounting And Finance Industries

5 Pages 2517 Words
ABSTRACT Artificial intelligence has been in place since the year 1956, but considering the recent momentous acceleration in the accounting and finance industry it has become the vital topic in business. It plays a foremost role in the way the functions are performed in an organisation. Recently, Artificial Intelligence has revolutionised the efficiency, quality and time taken to accomplish these...

The Ethics Of Artificial Intelligence And Disruptive Technologies

1 Page 621 Words
As we know that Artificial Intelligence and disruptive technologies like Robotics tend to have a significant impact on the development of humanity today, Muller and Vincent C. (2020) aim to find answers to the problems associated with systems built using these technologies. The authors talk about ethical issues that arise with the use of these technological systems, their impact on...

Artificial Intelligence Dealing With Social Media And Human Rights

2 Pages 1054 Words
When people think of the world, people automatically think of tech. Our future will no longer be on paper and pencil, but everything will be technologically advanced. We all know these now, just like 200 years ago our ancestors dreamt of tall buildings and remote communication devices. The world doesn’t wait, it advances. Artificial intelligence is already something that is...

3D Printing VS Animal Testing

4 Pages 1663 Words
Throughout our life there is only one thing that remains unchanged, this is the progress of technology. The progress which is always an integral part of technology and until the end of time it will always be improving. In today’s society, every day something new arises. It may be a technology that has been long forgotten by everyone and has...

Artificial Intelligence In Marketing

2 Pages 841 Words
Artificial intelligence (AI) became a topic of interest these days. AI is a broad area of computer science that makes machine. In simple words, AI refers to systems or devices that simulate human intelligence to perform tasks [1]. Nowadays, due to the world’s improvements and to our abilities in teaching machines to act like humans, artificial intelligence applications can be...

Artificial Intelligence & It’s Applications

4 Pages 2046 Words
Abstract In coming years, intelligent machines will replace human capabilities in many areas. Artificial intelligence exhibited by machine or software. Artificial intelligence is becoming a popular field in computer science as it has enhanced the human life in many areas. Artificial intelligence in the last two decades has greatly improved performance of the manufacturing and service systems. Study in the...

Artificial Intelligence in Assisted Reproductive Technology: Boon or Bane

3 Pages 1467 Words
Motherhood is a joy cherished through natural conception and in case of infertility accomplished by substituted reproduction called as Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). One such ART technique in begetting a genetic child is through Surrogacy[footnoteRef:2]. Though in India, infertility rate is increasing at an alarming speed, the Country as a matter of Public Policy has taken a rigid approach in...

Ethics for Artificial Intelligence or Machinery

3 Pages 1371 Words
Introduction In the society we live in, robots and artificial intelligence are quite loved by the media/people for its controversy and mysteriousness. The question of robotic ethics is making a lot of people tense for they worry about the machine’s lack of empathy and even the feeling of sadness that occurs in humans when certain “unkind events” happen to the...

AI vs Human Intelligence: The Similarities and Differences

5 Pages 2272 Words
Abstract We have tried to give a short summary of what intelligence is, and then we have compared the key components which separate the human intelligence versus the artificial one. Different examples of contemporary AI agents have helped us illustrate the pace in which the field is being developed. Parallel to this development, many risks have appeared concerning the future...

Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) a Threat to Humanity?

1 Page 497 Words
Artificial Intelligence has become a huge controversy between scientist within the past few years. The goal of AI is to simplify life and improve the performance of just about everything around us. But many have asked themselves will artificial intelligence improve our communities in ways we humans can’t, or will they just cause danger to us? I believe that artificial...

Assessing the Potential Threat of Artificial Intelligence to Humanity

2 Pages 689 Words
From washing machines to Siri, we live surrounded by technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer science fiction. According to Techopedia, AI is “an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans”. Not every technology is artificial intelligence but every artificial intelligence is technology. Although this seems as a breathtaking idea...

Artificial Intelligence VS Emotional Intelligence

2 Pages 703 Words
From the expansive world of technological reality delivering Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the truth of fading humanity killing Emotional Intelligence (EI), we need to respond to the ways in which the millennial’s world is shape-shifting, and what lies ahead. Formal education is not enhancing the learner’s ability to live a good life, have peace with oneself and others, and become...

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