This essay addresses the development and articulation of career goals. I provide a comprehensive analysis of two career goals I have developed over the past months. In doing so, I recognize the institutional commitment to leadership we uphold as an educational program. I close with thoughts for future self-reflection and action.
What significance do specific career aspirations hold? What special questions, opportunities, and challenges surrounded the articulation of career goals in your life and for your professional career? Career goals are a significant concern to me given the somewhat unclear nature of my life to this point. I began college with no vested interest in any one particular field and, indeed, very little sense of what I wanted to do or be. More importantly, I was lacking ambition in any technical sense of the term. No outward, long-term goals existed then. I knew certainly that I wanted a “good” job after completing school, but couldn’t have told you what that looked like. I became a Religion major for lack of any better idea. Given that, “you have to major in something,” I selected Religion because it was in this course of study that I could take the most in which I was sincerely interested. Today, unlike some of my friends, my path remains largely intact; I have experienced no colossal life-altering moment, no giant road-to-Damascus moment of revelation. And yet, I am done with my undergraduate work.
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I think increasingly that decision reflects the direction my life may take. I have been told I had leadership qualities, and even though I am no longer sure what that means in any concrete way, that remark embodied a confidence in my abilities that I have come to see as a self-fulfilling prophecy. In college and at work, I exhibit a sort of reluctant leadership. I seem to attract new ideas and unexpected situations. This piece of writing represents part of that characteristic. The articulation of my career goals, in some measure, stemmed from great counsel I received. It was suggested my post-graduation game plan should rest heavily and more importantly on the intrinsic interests and values I have cultivated through three and a half years. Because of this, I am inclined to study in a field that has immediate practical application: law. But I also think that career choice is less about this terrible nervous step toward life. Display of ambition might take me nowhere, but it could take me somewhere, too. Proper time management and general awareness of my own emotional life and those of others would be growing priorities as practical matters intersect more fully with unconscious absolutes. The questions are myriad.
The Importance of Setting Career Goals
Setting defined career goals is widely recognized as an essential resource for progressing both personally and professionally. These objectives enable people to determine both short- and long-term desired outcomes and to realize the future that they genuinely want. They give purpose and vision and can even make people more enthusiastic and committed. Because people always strive to achieve a sense of accomplishment associated with reaching objectives, performing a task is a rewarding endeavor. However, career goals that are not aligned with personal values and standards may be fraught with competing interests. A lack of congruence creates distress for a person that results in harmful consequences like burnout or psychological distress. In conclusion, setting targets according to similarly aligned values is more likely to lead toward satisfaction and consequently success. As a part of one of many models that are employed for goal setting, a comprehensive theory sheds light on the processes of establishing and pursuing goals. Individual differences, such as personality, psychological self-regulation, and goals, guide the starting points from a person's aspiration up to their consequences, which can influence the motivation and inclination for setting goals. Subsequent research has shown that the use of this distinct model facilitates the accomplishment of a person's efforts within an empirical context. Additionally, continuous feedback that depends on the evaluation of the goal is maintained to correct errors and set new targets and parameters. Despite the importance of guarantees, the objectives should be adjusted proportionally with the original parameters. However, the acknowledgment that preset objectives fail to provide ultimate promises remains applicable. This provides the necessity for periodic and regular consultative revisits. Critics suggest that people can feel afraid, shy, or doubtful of failing to achieve aspirations, although the presumptions may not hold. In any case, giving up can lead to a potential cause of reactivity biases inadvertently towards an unsuccessful career.
Identifying and Defining Two Career Aspirations
For my analyst role, I have considered two different career aspirations and have discussed them below. Out of the two, I have chosen one aspiration in my vision statement that I believe resonates with my career aspirations. When I looked at various career opportunities available to me, I referred to my interests, considered the valuable skills I possess, and took into account my life and career ambitions. It is crucial to conduct an in-depth, mindful self-evaluation and to engage in discernment regarding the critical aspects of life, as choosing a career can be one of the most difficult decisions to make. For an educated, astute, and far-sighted person, countless relevant jobs are available after graduation, but only one particular career stands out, and the decision about the next career determines a professional's career.
I am self-driven and hold an ardent passion for technology and innovation. In alignment with my individual values and my capacity to identify unique opportunities, I would like to pursue a career as a Product Manager, and this aspiration is consistent with my skills, career objectives, and interests. My choice of gaining an educational qualification in an MBA is one such decision that fits well with the career aspiration. An individual's career life is a wheel of fortune; therefore, it is crucial at the outset to have an end in mind. Passions change from time to time, but an aspiration gives us a sense of direction. It mirrors an individual who seeks a career worth accruing benefits in the process. A career is more like an art, and the results are immeasurable. Passion drives an individual closer to aspiration. Having held over a decade of work experience in the private and public sectors, I have fantasized about my next career path and the values and skills I would bring to it. One area that I find myself keen and eager to explore in greater depth is the energy industry. It is ripe for change, and in particular, renewable energies are transforming the market forces, thus potentially altering the way we currently perceive energy consumption. The history of the industry is built on a foundation of known factors; it has a history of boom and bust. I endeavor to pursue a career in the exploration side of the industry, an area that has the prospects of influencing the world. To this end, I have identified the following aspirations in my professional career.
Comparative Analysis of the Two Aspirations
The graphic designer and e-sports coach paths share some similarities, but the differences clearly outweigh them. These two aspirations can really be boiled down to two or three similar facts. Both paths' job responsibilities are heavily engaging, and neither exists because of any monetary gain. Job satisfaction might not be a career-defining factor. The impact on potential growth in these areas is also somewhat similar due to the virtual unknown that each industry seems to be resting on. In terms of acquiring skills, this is probably the biggest difference between the two paths. As a graphic designer, your skill set will always be growing and evolving, but it will not change heavily from three years ago to the current day. The e-sports coach, on the other hand, has seen sporadic growth in the skill set needed to perform, as games have drastically changed with the times. Trends and industries are fickle and ever-changing. As e-sports rose in popularity, so did e-sports coaches and analysts, but graphic design is timeless and ever-prevalent in multiple advertising strategies. The market for entry-level designers in freelance work, entry-level agency work, or internship work is also much more available than for e-sports coaches. As the industry grows, this market will continually shrink with the demand for intensely experienced individuals. Additionally, a problem that seems unique to this aspiration surrounds my age. I would be a 27-year-old intern in 2024 or a 26-year-old college grad looking for entry-level work. This directly affects my potential career advancement and could easily cause complications. The vast potential for such difficulties is unsettling. This cuts into my end goal of job stability quite heavily. In relation to the last listed factor, these difficulties are really unavoidable as e-sports is a growing industry, and an internship would be my only foot in the door. While this might be a relatively average expectation for any recent grad, the market for entry-level designers is considerably higher. Given my lack of recent experience in the design industry, this could affect my chances of landing a first-level job. That is a dangerous projection with no readily available data for facts citing my credibility; so, it is important that I acknowledge it will merely be just something to consider through this exploration. That all said, while writing all of that was an uncomfortable experience, it is important to consider the reality of pursuing a less mainstream career choice such as e-sports. I am very passionate about the art of e-sports, but the stability of graphic design is massively appealing to me.
Strategies for Achieving Career Goals
There are several ways to strategically move toward one's career goals. The most important thing is to make an actionable plan. Making use of notes is a good way to do this. A successful author suggested to a group of my English graduate students that the job applicants she selects for employment are the ones who show up for interviews with a one-page, single-spaced, well-edited resume that highlights their skills and abilities, along with a cover letter explaining their goals and how they plan to meet those goals. The next step is to lay out some time frames. For example, in six months I hope to have made three new contacts in the field by asking my professors for the names of colleagues they respect, along with asking different secretaries and advisors if they can suggest networking opportunities I might pursue. Also, I plan to have had three informational interviews, perhaps with someone whose job title I think I will have in six months, someday, and a year from now. This is how you progress toward your short-term goals and beyond. This plan should be stuck to your refrigerator so you can see how much progress you’re making.
Skills are learned in a variety of ways: take a course or go to a workshop; learn more through internships; engage in extracurricular activities that help you develop your knowledge. Need help learning to connect with possible mentors? Volunteer at conferences and learn about the business funding folks, professional writers, or the industries of your choice before and after your shift; join a search committee and see who the people interviewing candidates for jobs are, and talk to those folks or others working in the field of your choice. Like sexual health policy? Call your local organization and see if you can volunteer with a fundraising committee; learn about your local safe house and how you might volunteer for them in a meaningful way. Also, take informational interviews with everyone in the field you choose to learn about what they do and how they think and feel.