Natural Resources essays
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Traditionally, oceans did not find their place in economic analysis. They were considered to be a part of the natural resources that could be exploited. The factors of production included land, labor, and capital, with oceans being a fixed factor in production. Oceans were classified as public goods, which means they are non-excludable and non-rival. In recent years, the finite...

An open-pit mine is to quarry or cut made at the surface of the ground for the purpose of extracting ore and which is open to the surface having it a large open pit. To expose and mine the ore, it is generally required to dig and relocate large amounts of waste rock. The environmental impact is one of the...

Environment consists of air, water, earth, flora fauna, human beings, their activities, trees and plants. Environmer sustains and supports our life. All the elements of environment ar life supporting. Hence arises the question of protection of ou environment. Environment is a very complex and comprehensive phenomenon. Minerals, climate, geography, geology etc are it: integral parts. Causes of pollution: There are...