Novel essays

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2 Pages 803 Words
“A Marsh is not a swamp, a marsh is a space of light where grass grows in water…Then within the marsh, here and there, true, swamp…Swamp water is still dark, having swallowed the light in its muddy throat. …the swamp is quiet” (1969, page 11, Prologue). ‘Where the Crawdads Sing’ by Delia Owens is all about resilience and survival, but...
4 Pages 1779 Words
Rules need to be broken at times. As both the 1985 film by John Hughes, ‘The Breakfast Club’, and the 1981 novel by Morton Rhue, ‘The Wave’, discuss why and what can happen when such acts are done. With so much desire to break the rule, there is little room left to see why they need to be disobeyed sometimes....
3 Pages 1279 Words
In the novel 'Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, the story of Umuofia, a fictionalized village set in Nigeria, is told. The novel details Umuofia as a pre-colonized village, allowing the reader in on their customs and traditions, all the way to a colonized Umuofia; where the story ends. Throughout this story of colonization, many themes are displayed. Masculinity in...
2 Pages 1073 Words
Introduction David Malouf's novel, "Ransom," offers a profound exploration of themes such as grief, redemption, and the transformative power of storytelling. Set against the backdrop of the Trojan War, Malouf reimagines a brief episode from Homer's "Iliad" with a focus on the human elements that underpin mythic narratives. This novel intricately balances the epic and the personal, delivering a narrative...
3 Pages 1475 Words
Death states, “Did they deserve any better, these people? How many had actively persecuted others, high on the scent of Hitler's gaze, repeating his sentences, his paragraphs, his opus?” (Markus Zusak p. 375-76) 1942, was a year known for being the beginning to an unfortunate end. Although some survived the horrific war known as, World War Two, effects rendered and...
5 Pages 2432 Words
In contemporary literature, novels such as The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas or The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander depict the cycle of oppression among African Americans. A book from the perspective of a Caucasian police officer advocating white privilege or racism is rarely seen on the shelves of bookstores, much...
7 Pages 3127 Words
In the novels Mathilda, by Mary Shelley and The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison; both writers convey ideas around the effects of traumatic events caused by deep desires. In Mathilda, the majority of trauma faced is based around the incestuous love and desire Mathilda’s father feels for her which ultimately leads to his suicide and Mathilda’s lonely death. However, in...
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1 Page 441 Words
In Jack London's The Call of the Wild Buck goes through a self-evaluation because of his surroundings and what he has to adapt to. Buck changes for the better and worse because of his adaptability, intellect and might. Because of these traits, he can overcome great obstacles. He is constantly trying to adapt to nature because it is the only...
1 Page 595 Words
In the unforgiving and savage north, humans commit atrocities and make unwise choices but, many of these are unknowingly orchestrated by a hunger that burns inside of all, greed. The theme of greed is a key aspect throughout the book, The Call of the Wild. Buck, a civilized dog from the south, is taken from his home and paired with...
5 Pages 2080 Words
Howes describes the self as ‘a construct of the mind, an hypothesis of being, socially formed even as it can be quickly turned against the very social formations that have brought it into birth’. By exploring literary narrative thinking, which emphasises the structure of events in terms of a human’s feelings and thoughts, a dual landscape is created by allowing...
2 Pages 818 Words
Narratives have been universally told since the beginning of human existence because they highlight social issues, shaped by their contexts. ‘Purple Hibiscus’ by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and the film, ‘The Color Purple’ directed by Stephen Spielberg are no exceptions of such narratives. Through analysing and comparing narratives, truths about society- both previous and current are revealed. Such narratives allow future...
2 Pages 870 Words
INTRODUCTION In an attempt to make a perfect society the people in the community lose their freedom and don't gain anything from it. Through her novel The 'Giver', Lois Lowry utilizes the aims, that the community tried to make a perfect society and gain a lot, by solving world problems. Firstly, Lowry explores the community controlling the weather. Secondly, the...
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4 Pages 1642 Words
Abstract A journey in literary criticism may have several connotations. A journey may be a physical one, such a thing happens when Robinson Crusoe, the main protagonist of the novel, leaves his family estate and goes out on a journey that finally brings him to the isolated island off the coast of Venezuela. A journey can be a psychological one...
2 Pages 946 Words
Can you imagine not knowing what true happiness was? In the novel, “The Giver”, Jonas was selected to be the next Receiver of Memory. His job is to hold the memories of the world, good and bad. Being selected to be the receiver is a great honor. There are many good parts of being the Receiver. Now Jonas has the...
2 Pages 989 Words
Adichie's Purple hibiscus is a novel based in post-colonial Nigeria where we are introduced to 15-year old Kambili who shares her narrative on the toxic family environment in which her father, an abusive catholic man oppresses and imposes his beliefs on his family. In the following essay, I will be discussing the key theme of defiance in Purple Hibiscus. To...
4 Pages 1928 Words
Abstract:- The Africa is faced so many conflict like social, political and ethnic. For the main causes are weak government, state collapse, inter-ethnic clashes, economic decline, and unequal distribution of resources. African writer portrait the conflict of Africa through their fiction like Chinua Achebe, Adichie Etc. Adichie describes this history with fictionalized in her novels. This paper tried to analyze...
1 Page 612 Words
The Road demonstrates diverse perspective in renewal be making readers question not only spiritual beliefs but the existence of god. Throughout The Road there is a conflict of spiritual belief that is demonstrated by the main characters own uncertainty. McCarthy’s novel could be seen as an agnostic novel with multiple characters believing in god and others completely rejecting the idea...
6 Pages 2598 Words
The story starts off in dystopian future America, called Panem led by President Snow. There was a war many years ago, which resulted in the country being divided into twelve poor districts and one rich totalitarian capital. The twelve districts all represent different characteristics and beliefs based off the resources they have. District twelve, known for mining coal, is where...
2 Pages 946 Words
When MLK spoke at the Lincoln Memorial in 1963, he used a mountain top to represent and symbolize the civil rights movement's climb throughout American history. Ascending the mountain represented freedom from slavery and segregation. Similarly, Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche uses the hibiscus flower to capture her idea of the cultural and religious 'civil war' in Nigeria during the 1990s. In...
2 Pages 707 Words
King and queens in the past have made the mistake of abusing their power. King George III Abused his power. He prevented the British government from making judicial decisions. He took complete control over Brittan. This resulted in the USA being founded. In the book ‘Purple Hibiscus’ Papa gets the opportunity many times and takes advantage of his power. He...
2 Pages 988 Words
The Call of the Wild is a novel of “devolution” which traces the process of releasing Buck’s savage, atavistic nature beneath its civilized veneer”(citation). Buck, a St. Bernard Shepherd mix, was a very loyal pet to his own family in California where life was easy and good. However, Buck is kidnapped during the time of the Klondike Gold Rush where...
3 Pages 1385 Words
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s novel ‘Purple Hibiscus’ explores the tumultuous relationships between the members of the Achike family, inflicted by the father, Eugene. The novel is narrated in the first person, by the fifteen-year-old protagonist Kambili. This essay will portray the significance of ‘body writing’ which will be depicted through Eugene and Aunty Ifeoma. The entire family are subjects to domestic...
4 Pages 1757 Words
Barbara Kingsolver’s The Bean Trees is one of the most popular and urgent literary works nowadays. It touches upon burning issues of the modern society such as the conflict between ethical and legal, racism, adoption laws, homelessness, multiculturalism, kidnapping, depression suicide, the conflict of nature and nurture etc. We are going to analyze the importance of nature and nurture for...
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2 Pages 895 Words
“Creativity is presented in assigning to do a task; creativity must meet be of a quality of a kind and be unique in its ‘novelty’.” Creativity has many features and techniques. Such features could be deducted in a text, such as writing in metaphor techniques, wordplay or word punning, writing a comedy, satirical or sarcasm text, stressing a rhythm, repeating...
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4 Pages 1879 Words
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Introduction to the Novels and Their Similarities The novels, Water for Elephants and Riding Lessons by Sara Gruen, are both outstanding books and share some similarities. Not only are these novels similar, but they also withhold their own differences. Some similarities and differences to compare Water for Elephants to Riding Lessons include the characters, theme, and last but not least,...
2 Pages 931 Words
Introduction William Golding's 'Lord of the Flies' is a profound exploration of the intrinsic nature of humanity when stripped of societal norms and constructs. Published in 1954, the novel delves into the dark recesses of the human psyche through the lens of a group of boys stranded on an uninhabited island. Golding's narrative raises fundamental questions about civilization, power, and...
1 Page 604 Words
Buck, who is a very big and pretty Saint Bernard, has changed through the book due to his new owners, and friends, and his new journey’s. Buck throughout this story has to be able to adapt to his new changes and has to overcome all his new challenges. Weather it’s be taken from his home, beaten with a club, just...
2 Pages 1135 Words
In the novel 'The Call of the Wild' by Jack London, the protagonist Buck, a dog from South-land is kidnapped and sold to hostile people in the North. He has to adapt to becoming a dog of the North. Within this novel, Buck undergoes a very significant change of character and emotional state. He transitions from being the self-illustrated King...
1 Page 623 Words
Individualism describes the habit of being independent and self-reliant. In both The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time and The Call of the Wild, the main characters display the habit of individualism. Christopher takes himself from his home in Swindon to London. Buck travels from Santa Clara Valley, California to Canada. Both characters take their trips alone. In...
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