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3 Pages 1524 Words
This essential reflection is concentrated on my very own expertise of leadership whereby I recommend areas for my very own development. I'm additionally exploiting hereby leadership theory and ideas in analyzing and evaluating the leadership case that I'm presenting. Leadership could be a method or series of actions directed toward cluster goals; it's a systematically incontestable pattern of behavior with...
Critical ReflectionLeadershipPersonal Experience
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3 Pages 1228 Words
Taking the idea of the small Chinese lantern and expanding it to a machine that carries humans while suspended above the ground, was where the ‘Aerostat Reveillon’, commonly known as the ‘hot air balloon’, originated from. The hot air balloon is the oldest flying aircraft, the first unmanned launch dating back to August 8th, 1709. The hot air balloon has...
KnowledgePersonal Experience
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1 Page 428 Words
Growing up, I tended to shrug off the fact that I was of Hispanic origin. Like many immigrants, I became Americanized, meaning there was a disconnection from my homeland. I was unknowing of the significance of pride many Latinos held that represented loyalty to their country. I had no recollection of my country after arriving in the United States. All...
About MyselfJourneyPersonal Experience
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2 Pages 945 Words
My story begins from starting with a place where I got lost in myself, and I was searching for my own identity and a place to call home. ‘Nepantla’ is a Nahuatl word meaning ‘tierra entre medio’ or in-between spaces. Nepantla is the idea of the liminal space, and finding places between different identities – the transformation and confusion from...
AdaptationImmigrantsPersonal Experience
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1 Page 597 Words
What makes the idea of transitioning to college so intense? For starters, a transition is defined as “an event or non-event that results in changed relationships, routines, assumptions, and roles”. The transition from high school to college is undoubtedly a very changing time for the lives of many young individuals. This is a huge step into the real world for...
CollegeHigh SchoolPersonal Experience
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2 Pages 807 Words
In my life, I have been exposed to a constant factor called change, and have witnessed its inevitability in various situations. Becoming aware of the necessity of change in life has been challenging to me until I realized that change is a driver of progress. A significant milestone that enlightened me to desire to be a driver of change is...
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4 Pages 2017 Words
The death of a child is a life-altering event for parents, leading to grief that is individual, intense, and long-lasting. The grief experienced by parents following the death of their child can affect their relationships, and how they sometimes see it, their role within society. Parents can find grief isolating, due to society’s lack of understanding of their grief experience....
DaughterDeathPersonal Experience
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4 Pages 1854 Words
Trying to choose an event to attend was not a simple task, at least not for me, because I wanted it to be meaningful and something I remember for many years to come, also something that is absolutely unlike American society, and also an event that is unlike anything I have attended. After much research and consideration, I chose to...
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1 Page 478 Words
When I was in freshman year at college, I always thought that I had to be perfect, or people would think that I’m not smart. It wasn’t until after this experience in my sophomore year that I realized that it’s not possible to be perfect. I also learned that what people hated the most was not nearly as bad as...
College ExperienceFailurePersonal Experience
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2 Pages 983 Words
Reflective practice is an essential aspect of nursing that involves deliberate and structured consideration of experiences to gain insight into practice and improve patient outcomes. It is an integral part of professional development and enhances critical thinking, self-awareness, and decision-making skills. The aim is to demonstrate how reflective practice can be used to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement,...
Critical ReflectionNursePersonal Experience
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1 Page 655 Words
Many people tend to be afraid of any kind of change that may be introduced in life. I have learned throughout the years that even though change may rattle me at the start, I always seem to adapt and embrace that change. A significant change happened in my life when I had to move to a big city 250 miles...
EventsPersonal Experience
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3 Pages 1188 Words
If you had asked me to tell you what I remembered most about school or about my favorite teacher growing up, I probably wouldn’t say much about the subject matter. However, for me, there was that one teacher, my English teacher, that I’d forever waffle on about, about how she made me feel as I learned that subject matter –...
3 Pages 1350 Words
Picture this, all around you are fish, water, and sand. You try to look up, but all you see is water. Terrifying, right? Well, that’s how I felt my first time going scuba diving. This all took place about a year ago, in Aqaba, Jordan, when I decided to go scuba diving, and it was one of the scariest and...
Personal ExperiencePersonal Life
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2 Pages 687 Words
My imaginative piece, ‘The Girl on the Train’, is an analysis of the Gothic features and themes and the impact they have on the readers. The ambition of my piece of writing was to intrigue my readers through the use of a mysterious unknown environment. My goal was not only to engage my readers but also to entertain them through...
Personal ExperienceWriting Experience
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1 Page 495 Words
Living in this modern life, we barely have free time for ourselves, our family, and our friends. It causes problems in relationships. As we prioritize our work and responsibility more, we couldn’t get enough time for recreation. It also takes us far away from the attachment to nature. Life becomes more complex and robotics. We have confined ourselves within the...
Personal ExperienceVacation
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2 Pages 979 Words
“Ladies, your first competition is in one week, so you must try your hardest during these last few practices that we have!”. My coach explained, her voice echoing through the gym. And so, we put up our hair and got into position. The music started and we were bouncing and running and flipping around the gym, performing well for a...
MomentPersonal Experience
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2 Pages 744 Words
The strength of our science project was the procedure. This process is the easiest part to complete because it involves conducting our very simple experiments. One good thing about the procedure was that it was short and easy to follow. Other projects at this science fair were aesthetically pleasing to look at. One of the most interesting was the project...
Middle SchoolPersonal Experience
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3 Pages 1174 Words
Growing up, education and literacy were always encouraged in my household. My studies came first and everything else followed behind. I was taught very early that my education was my sole responsibility. My parents enforced that I would always have help and support, but I needed to help myself first and put forth the effort. I have had many experiences...
LiteracyPersonal BeliefsPersonal Experience
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1 Page 562 Words
As a young individual, I had the opportunity to visit India. Indian culture is one that is quite different from American one. I was able to see the different building blocks of the culture as I interacted with Indians. The building blocks of a culture are the norms, values, language, and beliefs. The essay will focus on the different building...
Indian CulturePersonal Experience
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4 Pages 1754 Words
Life is full of lesson-learned experiences. Life is always going to be a never-ending learning experience. During your lifetime, you are going to experience an event that will teach you something important and ultimately shape or greatly affect your relationship to learning, reading, and writing. Throughout my lifetime, I have had too many trials and tribulations that caused me to...
High School GraduationPersonal ExperienceStruggle
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1 Page 469 Words
Studies show that among high school students, 44% of girls and 15% of boys feel that they need to lose weight in order to look better. This shows that many students suffer from low self-esteem as a result of body issues. Self-confidence is when you have trust in someone or something and believe in yourself and your abilities. Most people...
ConfidencePersonal Experience
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1 Page 672 Words
The sunny skies of Panama City Beach, Florida, represent beautiful memories in my life. I go to this off-white beach at least five to six times during the year. This place has taught me how to swim, race go-karts, enjoy simple things, and most importantly, value my friends and family. Apart from the things I have said, it is extremely...
Childhood MemoriesPersonal Experience
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3 Pages 1479 Words
When I first entered university, I was well aware of how I was the minority in school. Here I was at age 27 in my first year of university among my peers in the 19-21 age range. Add to the fact that I was a private A-level candidate in a sea of students coming from their respective post-secondary institutions and,...
Critical ReflectionEventsPersonal Experience
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1 Page 601 Words
The cold air bites my skin as I shakingly glide on the center ice. I can feel eyes follow me as I come to a stop and assume my position, waiting for the music to start. Anticipation and adrenaline course through me and it seems as if an eternity passes before my number begins. I experience all types of nerves...
Ice SkatingPersonal Experience
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2 Pages 851 Words
A problem my friend, Daniel, encountered in childhood was a traumatic experience in kindergarten. Daniel decided to tease a classmate, but he did not know the teacher had heard what he said and to Daniel’s surprise the teacher yelled at Daniel. In the shock of the situation, Daniel froze up as he feared the repercussions of his actions; as all...
ChildhoodChildhood ExperiencePersonal Experience
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2 Pages 903 Words
Introduction Memoir essays based on interviews with relatives offer a unique lens through which we can understand personal histories and cultural narratives. These essays serve as bridges, connecting the past with the present and enriching our comprehension of identity and heritage. By engaging with relatives through interviews, we can capture the nuances of their experiences, preserve oral histories, and contribute...
ParentsPersonal ExperiencePersonal Life
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1 Page 698 Words
Back in my high school years,when I used to hear the word leadership,my brain will automatically shift toward the concepts of excessive dominance and seduction of an individual that is usually the strongest mentally and socially over a group of people that are referred to as followers,That visualization made me think that being a leader is all about being the...
High SchoolPersonal ExperiencePersonal Life
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2 Pages 977 Words
What is happiness? Where does one find it? How does one obtain it? There's no real definition or proven fact by scientists what happiness is, and how it can essentially be obtained. But let me just say, happiness isn't something sought to be looked for. I'm not one to say this is the core answer to happiness, but with experience...
HappinessPersonal ExperiencePersonal Life
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4 Pages 1698 Words
People around me. Reading social and community context. I was born in Newcastle, in the small town of North Shields. Both of my parents are white British, they were both quite well-off regarding income as they had high-paying careers and we lived in a bought house with my two brothers Ross now 27, and Jordan, 21. We lived in an...
MemoriesPersonal ExperiencePersonal Life
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1 Page 541 Words
D was the most important and real friendship I've ever had in my life. It all started on June 27, 2018. I met a person through a friend, the most important thing about this is that the girl I met is from another country, from Honduras. Anyone could say that it is impossible to maintain a friendship or distance relationship,...
FriendshipMemoriesPersonal Experience
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