Perspective essays

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1 Page 456 Words
“He didn't see a man with hopes and dreams, with disappointments and accomplishments. All he saw in front of him was just another nigger.”(Kenneth Eade) The novel The Hate U Give represents institutional oppression, injustice, and bias with the shooting of Khaili Harris. While growing up in an unprivileged community; boys fall into gang life to provide for their families....
3 Pages 1556 Words
During the Gilded and Progressive Era, positive change was happening for most Americans. America was becoming an industrial power and was being reformed to be more democratic. This helped many groups who were disenfranchised at that time, but this did not include African Americans. In the time of the Gilded and Progressive Eras, the Jim Crow period was also occurring....
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2 Pages 1109 Words
With DACA on the Trump Administration’s chopping block, the need for a permanent law to protect Dreamers is at an all-time high. The Dream and Promise Act of 2019 is the Democratic answer to this issue. While the bill has successfully passed the House it soon will face a Republican-controlled Senate where, to make the Dream Act and Promise Act...
2 Pages 856 Words
Humans have been plagued by privilege and oppression throughout history. People have been oppressed by a multitude of factors: sexuality, gender, ethnicity, class, etc. These same elements are responsible for how people experience privilege. While some people are more privileged or more oppressed than others, that does not necessarily mean that someone only has privilege or oppression. Privilege and oppression...
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3 Pages 1589 Words
This discussion examines what is the meaning of the concept of ideology and tries different approaches to answering this question. However, this term is very commonly used in the academic sphere but many researchers tend to use it in different ways be it pejorative or meliorative. It is considered a ‘notorious pedigree’. It comes from the Greek; idea ‘form, pattern’...
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6 Pages 2752 Words
Actress Bette Davis once said, “If you have never been hated by your child, you have never been a parent” (Forbes). Davis recognized that as a parent there are situations where you must enforce the rules and Cathy Gulli acknowledges this in the essay “The Collapse of Parenting”. She describes how authoritative parenting has declined over recent years and the...
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1 Page 650 Words
“Man is not above nature, but in nature.” The quote stated by Ernst Haeckel describes how people have treated the earth surrounding them. Most do not give it a second thought. That should change. Many things could go into how humans need to see and work alongside nature. Both nature and people interact through daily processes, so people should know...
3 Pages 1440 Words
Values represent our subjective, personal principles which typically, but not always, help guide our beliefs, attitudes, and actions and determine what is important to us (Hawkes, 1996, Halstead, 1996). They are distinct from our characteristics as they are not perceptible, are largely shaped by our experiences (good and bad), and inform what we believe to be morally right (Heilbronn, 2018;...
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2 Pages 983 Words
Teaching is a complex profession. Changing educational practices based on new theoretical knowledge has resulted in teachers having to constantly reflect on what they are doing and make changes to ensure they continue to meet the learning needs of a diverse student population. This reflective portfolio considers two reflective entries and work events that the writer reflects on using a...
2 Pages 749 Words
The number fourteen is a wonderful number for Floridian teenagers all around the state, as it is the bare minimum age at which children can start working legally. Child labor laws had originally been declared unconstitutional in 1918 before Congress had decided to pass the Fair Labor Act in 1938. Although teens can be hired for a job, getting a...
High SchoolPerspectiveWork
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2 Pages 943 Words
Everyone has seen the problems that are going on at the border at present. Children are being taken from their families without any warning. In the morning their parents drop them off at school and by the time they go home, their parents are nowhere to be found. Illegal immigration is a major issue at the moment, but the bad...
1 Page 557 Words
Importance of Soccer and its Benefits Soccer is arguably the most popular sport in the world. The FIFA World Cup usually takes over all media forms. Those who are not soccer fans sometimes tend to wonder why the sport attracts so much attention compared to many other types of sports. Some soccer fans may also have a hard time trying...
2 Pages 1005 Words
In recent statistics and research, the overall level of teenage pregnancy has decreased. Even though there is still too much finger-pointing, lies, stereotyping, and shaming of pregnant teenagers, this article focuses on myths, misconceptions, and stereotyping that teen moms should know. Stop telling pregnancy lies to teen moms! The topic of teenage pregnancy is sensitive, especially since young girls undergo...
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2 Pages 845 Words
Introduction Teenage pregnancy is a multifaceted issue that presents significant social, economic, and health challenges. Despite a global decline in teenage pregnancy rates, it remains a critical concern, particularly in developing countries. The consequences of teenage pregnancy extend beyond the immediate health risks to the mother and child, encompassing long-term socio-economic implications that affect communities and nations. This essay argues...
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4 Pages 1746 Words
“Healthy young child goes to the doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes. - AUTISM! Many such cases” (Trump 5) Millions of parents around the world are anti-vaccine or vaccine-hesitant because of that reason. Vaccines, however, have saved many lives. Although there are risks, the benefits do outweigh the risks. Vaccines are beneficial because...
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3 Pages 1147 Words
Several photographers have photographed home and family life. Their styles range from the cinematic, staged, conceptual views of home, like Gregory Crewdson's 'Cathedral of the Pines' (2014) and Philip-Lorca diCorcia's 'Brian in the Kitchen' (1988), Tina Barney's family snapshots 'Theatre of Manners' (1997), showing the life of wealthy Americans, in an intimate, informal way, through to Richard Billingham's 'Ray's a...
2 Pages 969 Words
“If Singapore is a nanny state, then I am proud to have fostered one”. This quote by the late Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew aptly suggests the strength of governance in Singapore. A country ridden with natural resources emphasizes good governance to shape policies that will help Singapore survive. Singapore’s education policy is a key factor in helping the nation...
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2 Pages 798 Words
People experience identity and struggle with the concept of identity in many different ways. The intersectionality theory is tied to the concept of identity but before delving into it, it’s important to define the theory of intersectionality as well as understand the argument that it presents. The theory of intersectionality was coined by a social activist and feminist named Kimberle...
1 Page 412 Words
As Cynthia is too young to be a mother, there are so many disadvantages to her and her child that they will encounter physically, morally, psychologically, financially, socially, and educationally. She hasn't attained full physiological development yet, which will result in more serious problems. She might put herself at risk for stress, unhappiness, and worse depression, especially if her classmate...
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3 Pages 1152 Words
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is a turning multi-measurement story. It is generally a journey trail. Assuming the single instance of a Spanish shepherd kid, it extrapolates and expands upon the mind-boggling endeavors of life, decisions and outcomes, bargaining, change, predetermination, and the makings of an amazing plan of things. This book is about a youngster from Spain named Santiago,...
3 Pages 1399 Words
Identity is the beliefs, personality, expressions, and qualities that make a person or group. Self-identity is a collection of beliefs about oneself. A person can explore their identity by asking themselves the question “Who am I?”. I personally have experienced the feeling of not feeling like the person I want to be or the person that I am supposed to...
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2 Pages 963 Words
Businesses today face a constant battle to keep employees motivated. A recent study showed that 36% are likely to leave their jobs within a year. When each employee is driven by different sets of goals, but motivated by a shared set of feelings, it’s clear how difficult that battle is. The OED defines motivation as ‘a reason or reasons for...
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4 Pages 1674 Words
“But you, you’re not exactly the everyday man on the street, but you’re not nuts.” ~ Randle McMurphy Madness throughout time and culture has been portrayed as a dissociation from the ordinary perception of the real world otherwise known as mental illness. Mental Illness is present worldwide resulting in severe marginalization which furthermore develops the broad interpretation that the mentally...
1 Page 426 Words
Most romance comedy films are evaluated using very similar criteria. A romance comedy should consist of a good plot, one or multiple profound messages, good actors, humor, and originality. It is important to have all these components so that the audience wants to continue watching the film and enjoy it. The film “When We First Met” is a rom-com about...
2 Pages 779 Words
In the spring of 1992, a young man by the name of Chris McCandless began the most enduring and painful journey of his life into the Alaskan wilderness. He did not know of the dangers that lay ahead yet he proceeded on the death march in search of his own ideals. He was incredibly ill-prepared and uninformed about surviving in...
3 Pages 1552 Words
Imagine this; you wake up on your birthday and your mum has made you a delicious breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs, two pieces of toast with creamy butter, and a side of crispy bacon. Sounds good right? What if I told you that those eggs came from chickens locked up in cages as small as an A4 piece of paper?...
Eating HabitsPerspectiveVegan
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5 Pages 2422 Words
Part one: Assessing Health Needs Assessing the health needs of a population requires the focus of individuals and not the actual problem. For example, the subject of teenage pregnancy should represent the focus of pregnant adolescent mothers and their sexual health needs. It is estimated that each year in developing regions, twenty-one million girls from the ages of 15 to...
3 Pages 1217 Words
The stories of soldiers' experiences during battle have changed drastically as the years have progressed. However, despite the many wars America has faced, the American Revolution was a specifically unique period. The nature of the American Revolution could be described as a freedom fight; a colonial revolt. A perfect example of this would be a man by the name of...
1 Page 620 Words
Are you following your dreams? Just like you, I even stammered for a moment when I had this question on my mind. Everyone has a dream, but only a few of us are ready to pursue that dream. The rest of us are trapped under the fear of failure. The Alchemist is a Fiction book by Paulo Coehlo. It was...
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