Persuasive Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Materialism as a Trend in Modern Society: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 958 Words
Have you ever followed a trend? Are you a materialistic person? Do you use materials and objects, such as money, phones, car, and luxurious items to receive happiness? Everyone at one point in their lives would have desired to want something or wanted to be like the people around them. For example, to feel better, to look better, to convey...

Taking Things for Granted: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 1072 Words
You really don't know what you have until it's gone. We complain every day about not liking the food that's on the table and complaining about not having the latest model of phone. If we searched around us, we could find at least a hundred things that we are not thankful for. However, people less fortunate would be grateful for...

Shark Culling Must Be Banned: Persuasive Essay

3 Pages 1503 Words
Sharks are a crucial part of the marine ecosystem. They help maintain the balance and health of the ocean. Shark culling has occurred in Australia in both Queensland and NSW as a response to shark attacks, it also appeared in Western Australia. Shark cull is implemented through shark nets and drumlines. Hundreds of sharks are caught each year in each...

Gay Rights Are Human Rights: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 453 Words
The fight for equality…If we give up fighting for equality now, then people will continue to abuse minority groups while acting like nothing is wrong. But something is wrong. Very, very wrong. 80% of homophobic bullying occurs at school, affecting Australia’s youth and raising depression rates to three times the previous statistics. 11% of Australians may have a diverse sexual...

Persuasive Essay on Reducing High School Dropout Rates

5 Pages 2221 Words
Every year in the United States of America 1.2 million kids drop out of high school. This is not acceptable for a country to be known as the cornerstone of modern advancement in technology and social freedom. Not only is this one of the most prevalent issues facing us at the moment, but it also will have consequences for the...

Horse Racing Should Be Banned: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 942 Words
119, the number of racehorses that died on Australian tracks between 2017 and 2018. That is an average of one horse dying every three days. Racehorses are the victims of a multibillion-dollar industry that is overflowing with drug abuse, animal cruelty, barbaric training tactics, injuries, and race fixing, and many horses’ careers end at the slaughterhouse. These horses are being...

Girls Deserve an Education: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 1008 Words
If all mothers in Sub-Saharan Africa had at least a secondary education, more than 1.8 million children’s lives could have been saved. Shockingly, this death count is larger than in the state of Alaska. Therefore, meaning that more than a whole state of people would be deceased. Girls’ education is one of the most underrated problems of today. Over 100...

American Society's Meritocracy Remains a Myth: Persuasive Essay

4 Pages 1626 Words
We live in a society where meritocracy has become a myth. Meritocracy is a believed society where discrimination based on race, nationality, gender, age, and other irrelevant characteristics is completely absent. Meritocracy is giving everyone respect on basis of their ability, not the amount of power they have or the amount of money they have. Everything in the USA can...

Persuasive Essay on Video Games and Why They Are Good

2 Pages 712 Words
Many parents forbid their children to play computer games because they think they are bad for them. But I believe that computer games are beneficial to our learning and health, as well as being entertaining. Computer games can improve both hand and eye coordination and increase problem-solving skills. Furthermore, some games are a great way to relieve stress and anxiety....

E-Sports as a Real Sport: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 404 Words
The world of eSports (electronic sports) is something that can come from as far back as the first computers being made. ESports has finally started to really gain some steam, and grow in popularity over the years. Actually, eSports has finally gotten its player to begin being accepted as athletes in today's world of sports. It has now been even...

Persuasive Essay on Whether Geography Can Be Considered a Science

3 Pages 1355 Words
Geography is a subset of Earth science one of the natural sciences along with biology, chemistry, and genetics. It studies both physical and cultural features, such as land features, inhabitants, and phenomena of the Earth and planets. Geography has been called a world discipline and a bridge between the human and physical sciences. Alexander Von Humboldt, a German traveler, scientist...

Student Debt Forgiveness Is a Bad Idea: Persuasive Essay

3 Pages 1527 Words
Student loan debt. You’ve probably heard this term at least once. It affects everyone, whether it be now or later on in life. During the 20th century, around the end of World War II, the federal government recognized the wasted brain power due to the lack of higher education for the majority of society except a few wealthy white people....

Persuasive Essay on Why Going to College Isn't Worth It

2 Pages 772 Words
From the moment young children attend preschool, everything they do in school is centered on one final destination, college. It has been ingrained and carved into their malleable minds that they need college to be successful. Without it, the American dream is deemed unachievable. However, what schools fail to tell these students is that college doesn’t determine their futures, they...

Should College Students Pay Much For Colleges: Persuasive Essay

4 Pages 1665 Words
All across the United States every year, parents prepare their kids for taking that big milestone to get into a college institution. They have to apply for financial aid, get their dorm room, and necessities, and make sure their kid is in a good environment. That’s beside the point, however, college/universities cost a lot of money; it could be 4-year...

Luxury of Having Freedom of Choice: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 642 Words
I pressed my face against the glass shielding the ice cream from yearning for people like me as I questioned which flavors to buy. There was vanilla, chocolate, mint, coffee, and, not to mention, all the different toppings available at the next station – which of these would I choose? I turned to my dad and asked for his opinion,...

HR Sergeant's Role in the Profession of Arms

2 Pages 958 Words
“I am an expert and I am a professional”. “No one is more professional than I”. Learning, knowing, and understanding these two sentences enhance soldiers to see the Army as a profession of arms and motivate them to be and stay professional. The uniqueness of the Army derives from its ability to create professionals identified through characteristics such as trust,...

Racism in the School System: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 784 Words
Nelson Mandela once said: “People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite”. This quote shows the world that things can and should change. No one is just born racist, they were taught how to act by society, teachers,...

Persuasive Essay: Going Vegan to Save the Environment

2 Pages 946 Words
“Compassion is the best side effect of being vegan”(). A vegan diet contains no animal products. Going vegan is good for the mind, body, and soul. Adopting a vegan lifestyle is one of the best things an individual can do for themselves. Becoming vegan benefits animals. Animal rights are often overlooked in the food industry. Their cries for help are...

Social Justice in Medicine and Healthcare: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 1052 Words
When addressing the concern about the United States being able to provide fair access to health services there are two popular theories that most people agree with. The two contrasting theories are market justice and social justice and in this paper, the theory of social justice is discussed. Social justice believes healthcare should be on a population level instead of...

Persuasive Essay about the Issues of the First Amendment

5 Pages 2232 Words
Under the first amendment of the United States Constitution, individuals are granted the right of freedom to speech amongst other rights and liberties. However, specifically for the right of freedom of speech, it follows in the Constitution as “Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…” (“4.2 Securing Basic Freedoms - American Government 2e,” OpenStax)....

How Fake News Harms Democracy: Persuasive Essay

6 Pages 2561 Words
There is no doubt that elections and democracy play a major role in the lives of Canadians. However, it is apparent that the issue of fake news is a rising epidemic that has threatened to harm and disrupt democracy by spreading disinformation, with the goal to alter the democratic process and affect election outcomes. Fake news is false information that...

Persuasive Speech on Deforestation

3 Pages 1370 Words
He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does he prospers. (Psalm 1:3) Then shall the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. (Chronicles 16:33). When you make something...

Persuasive Essay about Deforestation

4 Pages 1654 Words
Why Deforestation Needs Further Reformation As humans have evolved mechanically, their dependency on trees’ utility has evolved in a parallel manner. While at first, deforestation was simply cutting down a few trees here and there to build small settlements, it has now become a global practice and has grown to a massive scale that is endangering the entire planet. Over...

Is Deforestation Worth It: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 919 Words
“80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation” -- Heather Mill an activist from England. One of the most discussed topics today is global warming, thanks to activists such as Greta Thunberg, a sixteen year old Swedish girl who recently spoke at the UN, and although deforestation is one of the leading causes of global warming we rarely discuss...

How to Prevent Deforestation: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 968 Words
Agriculture aims to supply food to our growing populations. In order to grow a lot of food, farmers need a lot of land. Recently, Time magazine reported that farmers in Brazil are burning areas of the Amazon forest in order to make room to grow soy. This is a typical story of deforestation, the removal of vast amount of rain...

Persuasive Essay on Bipolar Disorder

5 Pages 2100 Words
The memoir written by Dr. Kay Jamison, An Unquiet Mind, provides an in-depth look at an individual’s personal experiences with bipolar disorder; something that I learned extensively about in the past 15 weeks in Dr. Robert’s PSY 423 class. The theoretical perspectives that we learned about in class are consistently touched upon in the entirety of Jamison’s memoir. Beck’s Cognitive...

Persuasive Speech Outline on Domestic Violence

3 Pages 1136 Words
Good afternoon all, As a citizen of America, I am here to let you know that we are all under attack. World War 3 is rapidly evolving in front of our very eyes and we are oblivious about it. This silent but deadly killer is mutilating over three hundred thousand harmless citizens every 12 months – however, 80% are scared...

Persuasive Speech on Gun Violence

2 Pages 892 Words
Gun violence it's one of the biggest problems not only in America but in the whole world. At least 1.7 million children live with unlocked and loaded firearms, which means that 1 out of 3 homes with children own a gun. Firearms are the second leading cause of death in adolescents, after car crashes. There have been multiple incidents that...

Persuasive Speech on Child Abuse

2 Pages 719 Words
We most likely experienced that one teacher we had a connection with and looked out for us as a child. Teachers play an important role in children's lives. We look to them for guidance and protection. If a child is being abused or neglected, what is the teacher’s role in this case? Training is vital for these types of cases....

Persuasive Essay on Child Abuse

1 Page 487 Words
Child ill-treatment is a ruinous social issue globally. It is due to frustrations and anger in the members of the family or society who are not happy with their lifestyle or financial status. Child abuse can occur at home, academic institutions, or any place like dance classes, music classes, gymnasiums, or play areas wherever the child visits. To commence with,...
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