Philosophical Theories essays

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The Loss of Humanity: Exploring the Historical Issue of Dehumanization

4 Pages 1985 Words
Winston Churchill once commented on the Holocaust, “There is no doubt in my mind that we are in the presence of one of the greatest and most horrible crimes ever committed.” During the historical period of the 1930s to 40s, Germany’s National Socialist (Nazi) regime exterminate the Jews of Europe through brutal ways in order to cater to German racism,...

Humanity's representation in The Picture of Dorian Gray

2 Pages 1103 Words
Introduction The Picture of Dorian Gray, a gothic novel written in 1890 by Oscar Wilde, follows Dorian Gray, an archetype of Victorian upper-class society, through his slow degradation. A portrait is painted by Basil of Dorian which possesses paranormal powers to capture the sins he commits. Under Lord Henry’s influence, Dorian becomes corrupted by his own beauty. He yearns that...

An Exploration of Renaissance Humanism in Relation to Art

5 Pages 2309 Words
With the nailing of the ‘Ninety-five Theses’ upon the Wittenberg Cathedral by the German monk Martin Luther, an uprising against the Catholic Church was raised. Soon, people began to really question the Catholic Church’s almost dictatorial attitudes, and the Protestant religion was created. Bearing its roots from the word ‘protest’, the new religion and its protest was facilitated by the...
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Fundamentals of Humanism in Architecture

3 Pages 1532 Words
Identification This research analyses the interior aspects of the National Parliament House in Dhaka by comparing the key importance in the response to three chosen scholarly texts. By analyzing three scholarly texts: (1) Architectural culture in the Fifties: Louis Kahn and National Assembly Complex in Dhaka by Sarah Ksiazek, (2) Louis I. Kahn: The Idea of Order by Klaus-Peter Gast...
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Waiting for Godot as an Existential Play

1 Page 559 Words
Waiting for Godot is the conflict between spiritual and philosophical ideas that both demonstrate renewal and diverse perspectives to the viewers. Waiting for Godot was part of the theater of the absurd a movement that appeared after the second world war. This movement looked at artist struggling to find meaning through devastation. The absurdist deconstructed plots and characters to try...

Gulliver’s Travels as a Critique of the Enlightenment

2 Pages 713 Words
The work is concerned to set forth the miserable conditions of man, his weakness, pride, and vanity, his unmeasurable desires, the prevalency oh his passions, the corruption of reason. -Swift during a sermon. Gulliver in his travels through the four books gains a lot of new experiences and perspective on life and his way of seeing the world. Swift has...

Literature Review: How Technology can Help Humanity and its Future

5 Pages 2250 Words
The Problem and Its Investigation Software development is becoming more and more important in our everyday lives. With the spread of technology to banking, public transportation, and even entire university classrooms, software is required to make money, get places, and get an education. However, this ubiquitous requirement for technology would not be satisfied without the technology that exists in space....

Monstrosity vs Humanity in Beowulf

2 Pages 1036 Words
The poem of Beowulf involves ambiguity between the portrayals of humans and monsters. It reveals the struggles of humanity finding a balance between predatorial and agonistic aggressions through conflicts which also indicate how the beast-like nature of man reflects human society. Throughout Beowulf, the monstrosity of the antagonists seem to share more relations with man’s humanity rather than diverge. The...

Transcendentalism and The Value of Nature

5 Pages 2429 Words
Origins and Core Concepts of Transcendentalism During the 19th century, a new movement known as Transcendentalism emerged that greatly impacted world philosophy and literature. Transcendentalism is made up of many different, yet connected concepts, such as individualism, nonconformity, and the divinity of nature. Transcendentalists believed in the inherent goodness of humanity and nature and argued that people reach their full...

Man VS Machine: In Defence of our Humanity

4 Pages 2093 Words
Origins As far back as the Stone Age, Man has sought to understand the world around him and make it inhabitable. Initially attributing natural phenomena and occurrences to the actions of gods and the spiritual, we eventually looked to science to explain the intricacies of our lives and ultimately make it easier through the application of technology. Thus from our...

Will AI be a Threat to Humanity?

6 Pages 2570 Words
The Evolution of Technology and the Rise of Artificial Intelligence In a world where technology plays a significant role in individual lives, technology focuses on the latest inventions and devices designed to make people daily activities easier, faster and more convenient. Technology have 4 ages, first is the electromechanical age which is designed in 183’s which mainly focus on the...

The Aspects of Liberal Humanism

2 Pages 985 Words
Liberal humanism is one of the earliest literary theory. It is the traditional approach of literary criticism which did not appear suddenly. The concept of liberal humanism come to site as a piecemeal of progressing English literature. The history of English study influenced liberal humanism. However, English was not introduced as a subject till 19th century because it was not...
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Theoretical Approaches In Psychology

5 Pages 2188 Words
This essay will explore three psychological approaches. Further comparison and contrast made from assumptions about human behaviour from the selected three approaches will be deeply discussed throughout the whole essay. Modern psychology branches out into several approaches that are currently used nowadays. In psychology, an approach is a point of view that includes different kinds of beliefs carried out by...
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Is Technology Killing Creativity and Humanity?

2 Pages 971 Words
Creativity is a word that is hard to define. It might have a a lot different definitions , but through the use of imagination, creativity in its simple terms refers to the act of making something authentic, original, or unusual. And humanity is basically humankind. So, when we presented the real question, “is technology really killing creativity and humanity” many...

Architecture in the Terms of The Philosophy of Humanism

3 Pages 1165 Words
Throughout history, many factors influenced the way western architecture developed. The most powerful movement in classical architecture was humanism during the early renaissance. The philosophy of humanism generally speaking is centered on the values, interests, and potential of the human being. Humanism influenced the western civilization in many ways particularly in the way architecture was formed. Humanism reformed people’s beliefs,...
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Nationalism's Influence on American Teens

2 Pages 901 Words
Introduction In recent years, the resurgence of nationalism around the globe has sparked heated debates about its implications for society, particularly among the youth. In the United States, a nation built on ideals of liberty and diversity, the concept of nationalism presents a complex narrative. Teenagers, who are at a pivotal stage in forming their identities and worldviews, are especially...

Political Philosophy in Northern Ireland's Majoritarian Democracy

4 Pages 1610 Words
Introduction Democracy remains a strong aspect in the determination of efficient governing systems all over the world. Democracy is defined as a governance system where the decisions made are an agreement of the people and passed by the people. This normally means that the election of representatives of the government, the local leaders, and even the passing of laws is...

The Formula of Humanity: Critical Analysis

2 Pages 795 Words
The necessity of using reason as the determinant for establishing law as implies that reason carries an inherent value in itself and those who possess it. Human beings inherently possess value as they are rational beings and should always be treated with dignity and respect. The humanity present only in human beings gives us all a great deal of inherent...

Main Characteristics Of Confucianism

3 Pages 1274 Words
Loyalty, honestly, reciprocity, integrity, and humanity are all characteristics of a diffused religion founded by Master Kong named Confucius. Confucius was a teacher and a philosopher. Although there is not much research done on his early life, researchers are certain about one thing. His teachings shaped China’s ideology. He accidentally founded this religion when he was trying to save the...

Class relations in "Very Old Man With Enormous Wings"

2 Pages 1053 Words
Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s short story “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings: A Tale for Children,” critiques the relationship between the working and upper classes and its connection with exploitation. Marquez conjures an image of a fallen angel establishing his social class; as a poverty and homeless stricken man, “ a very old man, lying face down in the mud”...

Transcendentalism in Early American Society

3 Pages 1527 Words
The three readings that I selected for my response paper are documents that strongly influenced early American politics. After reading the articles, it is evident that the policies and ideologies discussed not only impacted the time period in which they were written, but current political institutions. The first reading “The American Democrat” by James Fenimore Cooper, focuses on the dangers...

Moral and Social Issues in Frankenstein and Ancient Mariner

5 Pages 2297 Words
Traditionally Gothic writing deals with supernatural issues set in isolated regions. However, imbalanced human emotion is at the central cusp of horrific and terrifying events. The key focus in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s The Rime of The Ancient Mariner is that both critically explore moral and social issues within humanity. These authors implement conventions beyond being solely...

Confucianism In Chinese Policy: Critical Analysis

5 Pages 2155 Words
I. Introduction, context and importance of the problem The Mongol conquest of China was a sequence of military attacks by the Mongol Empire in order to invade China territory. The Mongols were nomads which were able to grow and expand by constantly conquering more lands and adding many peasants to their army. They migrated, moved and conquered based on climate...

Application Of Confucianism In The Western And East Asian Legal Systems

3 Pages 1149 Words
In East Asia, Confucianism has always been regarded as the cultural basis of political order and social norms. However, there are still differences that emerge in its application especially in western and East Asia. Confucianism is interpreted and presented differently in the hands of various people. The way that Confucianism is understood in the west is different from how it...

Representation of Human Responses in Very Old Man With Enormous Wings

1 Page 409 Words
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings is a short story by Gabriel Garcia Marquez which tends to both mankind and parts of the ground-breaking. This story reviews the human response to the people who are weak, subordinate, and exceptional. There are depictions of striking cruelty and hardness all through the story. After Elisenda and Pelayo's youth recovers from his...

Individualism's Negative Impact on Family & Community Structures

2 Pages 1012 Words
What is Individualism? Cambridge dictionary defines individualism as “the idea that freedom of thought and action for each person is the most important quality of a society.” It is a concept or idea or behaviour that each person should think and act independently, each person or oneself is more important than the group and one should work for our own...

Sociocultural Ethics On The Basis Of Confucianism

2 Pages 825 Words
‘ When working in the medical field, a sense of sociocultural ethics should be developed from the first day. Regardless of the culture, clients are to be respected and treated equally, with autonomy and social justice. Confucianism is a Chinese culture based on the teachings of Confucius. The most important value to this culture is harmony. Upon exploring their values...

Napoleon Enlightenment Ideas

1 Page 678 Words
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The Enlightenment was a philosophical movement which took place during the 1700’s. During this time period, many new beliefs and views of government, economics, and religion arose. There were many figures who had exemplified the ideas of the Enlightenment, but the person who best exemplified the ideas of the Enlightenment was Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military leader...

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