Philosophical Theories essays

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Arab Nationalism And Its Promotion In American Ways

4 Pages 1608 Words
Arab nationalism is a topic that I would like to further address. There are many articles of studies done over the Middle East, but they often reflect personal or political views. Arab nationalism is a topic that is often influenced by outside sources. Arab nationalism is most commonly associated with the thoughts, and beliefs that all Arabs hold the same...

White Nationalism In The United States: History And Modern State

2 Pages 1033 Words
In today’s world, the breaking news of twenty-two dead and thirty-six wounded is becoming more and more normal to see. Innocent people’s lives are being taken just by going to the store or out in public. The shocking part for most people is that the shooter is typically white, and the victims are of another race. This is known as...

Crafting a Personal Political Philosophy

2 Pages 857 Words
Introduction In the realm of political philosophy, constructing a coherent personal stance is both an intellectual pursuit and a moral imperative. This essay aims to delineate a personal political philosophy, underscoring the balance between individual liberties and collective responsibilities. Political philosophy, as John Rawls posited, is not a mere abstraction but a guiding compass for societal governance and personal conduct....

Essence of Political Thought in The Enlightenment

2 Pages 817 Words
Enlightenment period took place between 17th and 19th centuries and it witnessed significant developments in political thought that became the building blocks of Modern Western system of state and liberal democracy. The English, French and American Revolutions were inspired from reformist political ideologies of the time such as social contract, rights, liberty, separation of power, general will and free market...

Philosophy of Education: Opinion Essay

2 Pages 909 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Education is the greatest innovation of mankind that had been transformed our lives and the behaviour in a preferred way. It is my belief that education is the development of assisting in one’s learning and stated as the act of developing the brainpower, critical thinking capabilities, social and cultural understanding which brands us to be a true humans. According to...

Insight into the Theory of Utilitarianism: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2274 Words
Utilitarianism is an ethical hypothesis usually considered to have been established by Jeremy Bentham, a nineteenth-century English thinker and social reformer. It is based on the idea of satisfaction and tries to promote and enhance it. The thought here is that everybody looks for happiness and joy, and that it is a definitive objective of every person to be cheerful...

Never Let Me Go Versus Blade Runner: Concept of Humanity

3 Pages 1446 Words
Kazuo Ishiguro’s book “Never Let me Go” and Ridley Scott’s “Blade Runner” Film both explore a dystopian world which features its main characters as clones/replicants of real humans. But what does it mean to be human? Is it to obtain the characteristics of human features; skin, hair, eyes, a heartbeat? Or is it to show emotions of kindness, love, forgiveness?...

The Tragic Humanism Of Albert Camus: Book Review Of The First Man

3 Pages 1878 Words
is thо world of North Africa, to which hо fооls his dооpоst bоing bоlongs -- a world of wind and sand, opоn rangоs and anonymity. Thо timо hо was writing thо book coincidоs, morоovоr, with thо turmoil of Algоria at war. Thоrо arо thо sounds of tоrrorists' bombs, glimpsоs of jооps bristling with guns, thо awarоnоss that torturо is a...

Ethical Dilemma Case Study: Utilitarianism, Kantian and Virtue Ethics

3 Pages 1377 Words
Dilemma 1 states that Blair has accessed Sam’s computer without his consent and has discovered Sam’s gambling bets with a local sports bookmaker over the last several days. Since employees of the casino are forbidden to partake in any gamble activities, Blair is currently concern as to whether he should report on his co-worker or refrain from disclosing his illegal...

Frankenstein’s Monster: Humanity Unbound And Alive

7 Pages 3389 Words
Abstract: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein: or Modern Prometheus has always been the focal point in dealing with the shifting paradigms of humanity and monstrosity. The critical question is there- Is the ‘creature’ really a monster or is he essentially human? It is most notable that throughout the novel the creature has been degraded by other people, mostly by his own creator...

Justice and Utilitarianism in Rights Discourse

2 Pages 859 Words
Introduction The philosophical debate between justice, rights, and utilitarianism has long been a subject of intense scholarly discussion. Justice and rights are often seen as bedrocks of moral and legal reasoning, emphasizing individual entitlements and fairness. In contrast, utilitarianism, a consequentialist ethical theory, advocates for actions that maximize overall happiness and minimize suffering. This dichotomy raises pertinent questions about the...

Thomas Hobbes: From Enlightenment to Contemporary Thought

2 Pages 993 Words
Introduction Thomas Hobbes, a pivotal figure in political philosophy, is renowned for his contributions to modern thought, particularly around the concepts of social contract and governance. His ideas emerged during the Enlightenment, a period marked by rational inquiry and skepticism of traditional authority. Hobbes' philosophical inquiries were profoundly influenced by the tumultuous socio-political landscape of 17th-century England, characterized by civil...

Very Old Man With Enormous Wings: Short Summary

1 Page 437 Words
During the 20th century, Latin American authors blended the folkloric storytelling of rural communities with academic elements of high literature to create the genre of magical realism. Characterized by its mix of fantasy and realism, the genre mixes gritty, authentic narration with symbolic elements of the fantastical. Though most of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s works embody some element of magical realism,...

Individualism Versus Collectivism: What Is More Effective

4 Pages 1833 Words
Do you belong to yourself or do you belong to the state? Individualism focuses on personal benefits/rewards and encourages people to set personal objectives and goals. While collectivism focuses entirely on a group or society’s goals, prioritizing the community’s needs over the individual. Both of these concepts are addressed in the novels; Macbeth by Shakespeare, Anthem by Ayn Rand and...

Radicality of Enlightenment: Arguments For and Against

4 Pages 1712 Words
The Enlightenment of the eighteenth century is commonly acknowledged by most modern contemporary thinkers as being a pivotal moment in the advancement of human intellect, if not the beginning of modernity. According to Immanuel Kant, the Enlightenment encouraged people to be free-thinking and to deviate from conventional ways of thinking by using their own ability to reason (Jacob, 2001). In...

Measuring Utility: Must We Abandon Utilitarianism

5 Pages 2251 Words
Interpretive Psychology A possible option of measuring utility is through, Interpretive psychological testing. A psychological study is a theoretical fact we do in our brains to test a philosophical hypothesis. The theoretical fact should be something that could actually happen (and generally it's something that actually happened or will happen later). In order for us to test the hypothesis, it...

Philosophy's Role Beyond Academia: Political Implications

2 Pages 874 Words
Introduction Political philosophy, traditionally confined to the halls of academia, plays a profound role in shaping the ideological foundations of governance and policy-making. Its application outside the academic sphere is both pervasive and influential, guiding societal norms, ethical standards, and legislative frameworks. Political philosophers, from Aristotle to John Rawls, have provided frameworks for understanding justice, power, and rights, which transcend...

Extent of Changes in English Society Because of the Enlightenment

4 Pages 1856 Words
Enlightenment in English Society ‘No arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all continual fear and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short’ – Thomas Hobbes 1588- 1679 The Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, and the invention of the printing press all led to free-thinking, reasoning and questioning of authority,...

Imperialism And Nationalism: The Greater Impact

3 Pages 1212 Words
Nationalism for an individual is identifying with their nation and supporting its interests, even if that means disregarding the interests of other nations. “nationalism” The pride the individual carries for their nation puts the nation on a metaphorical pedestal. Imperialism is a policy where the nation in question expands their influence through diplomacy or force exhibiting power normally to obtain...

Spiritual Dynamics in Medieval China: Interplay of Major Philosophies

2 Pages 814 Words
Introduction The Middle Ages in China, an era spanning from the 5th to the 15th century, witnessed significant transformations in cultural, political, and spiritual domains. Central to these developments were the three dominant philosophies: Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. These philosophies, each with a distinct origin and ideological framework, influenced the fabric of medieval Chinese society in multifaceted ways. While Confucianism...

Influences Of Environment On Behavior

2 Pages 725 Words
Development begins the moment of conception and continues throughout the entire lifespan. the human body goes through many transformations. Psychologists, Erikson, Peck, and Levinson all contributed different theories expanding on adult development. According to Erickson development occurs in eight stages beginning at birth and ending with death. Each stage consists of a task or crisis that we must complete. The...

Ecology And Environment: Social Science

3 Pages 1395 Words
Ecology is the scientific study of the relationships between organisms and their environment. – Ernst Haeckel Ecology is a branch of biology that include interactions between organisms and their biophysical environment as well as with the members of the same and other species. It includes the relations among all the biotic and abiotic components of the environment but tends to...

Science As Mankind’s Greatest Achievement

3 Pages 1237 Words
From walking on the moon to making biodegradable plastic bags, from talking to people all around the world on a handheld device to having a head transplant, none of this would be even remotely possible without the help of science. According to Wikipedia; science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organises knowledge in the form of testable explanations and...

The True Religion Of Mankind

2 Pages 706 Words
“I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit”. Khalil Gibran India is the home of religion. We find Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam, Christainity, Hinduism, Zoroastrinism etc. in India. The teachings of religion have been envisaged in holy...

Difference Between Humanities Vs Social Science

1 Page 684 Words
According to science, the earliest sign of human existence can be traced to as far back as over five million years ago. Since then, there has been immense development, an increase in numbers, and a lot of division which gave rise to different communities as we know then today. Time has also helped with the understanding of the best ways...

Perspectives in Phenomenological Sense

3 Pages 1485 Words
Introduction The focus of this essay is the analyses of the case study (sitting under a tree in the botanical garden and taking in nature). What I encountered in the Botanical garden is plants, trees and etc, therefore I tend to analyse it from the three perspectives namely, the empiricist (or natural scientist), an intellectualist (or rationalist), the embodied perspective...

The Differences Between Religious And Non-Religious Ideologies

7 Pages 3274 Words
There are three ideologies under religious which are reveal and preserve, reveal but interpolated and not reveal but based on human wisdom. However, there are many ideologies under non-religious. For example, scientism, rationalism, humanism, agnosticism, atheism, materialism and etc. RELIGIOUS IDEOLOGIES “Religion usually describes the belief in a superhuman controlling power involving God or gods; it entails a system of...

Taoism And Confucianism As Oldest Asian Philosophies

2 Pages 978 Words
Some of the oldest philosophical ideas can be traced back to Asia, thousands of years ago. Lifestyle and how you are supposed to fit in society are key parts to these philosophies. Asia is home to one of the largest and oldest cultures on Earth, so there is no surprise that their beliefs are the ones we look back at...

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