Philosophical Theories essays

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Case Study: Family & Ecological Systems Theory on Somalian Elder

5 Pages 2167 Words
Introduction This case study is about a Somalian 70+-year-old lady, Salma, who came to Australia with her grandchildren. Her husband, son, and daughter-in-law were killed in Somalia by the army. I met Salma in Dallas Neighborhood Housing during my field placement. In this paper, I will discuss the main difficulties that the lady and her grandchildren are facing and how...

Rumi's Mystical Views on Pacifism

6 Pages 2817 Words
Abstract This paper explores mysticism in Sufism, and the works of one of the greatest Sufi poets, Jalaluddin Rumi. Three poems by Rumi: ā€˜Masnavi Manaviā€™, ā€˜How Very Closeā€™ and ā€˜The Song of Reedā€™ are discussed and analyzed, while answering two main questions: How has Jalaluddin Rumiā€™s past affected his mystical journey and his poems? How is mystical experience represented in...
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Arguments for Ethical Naturalism and Intuitionism: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1637 Words
Moral philosophy or ethics is the discipline that is concerned with what is morally good and bad, and morally right and wrong. This term can also be applied to any theory of moral values or principles. How should we act? Is it right to be dishonest in good cause? Morality describes the principles that govern the answers to these kinds...

Social Worker's Role in a Just Society

4 Pages 1949 Words
For my senior capstone paper, I will be discussing several key items. First I will be discussing my vision; my view on a social worker's responsibility to contribute to a just society, my strengths related to those views, any knowledge or skills I need to develop to meet that responsibility, and the mechanisms I will use for self-evaluation in my...

Methods of Intervention: Systems & Attachment Theory Analysis

5 Pages 2444 Words
Assessment and Intervention, Theories and Methods. This essay will explain and evaluate the theoretical bases and influences of two methods of intervention, namely Systems Theory and Attachment Theory. It will show how both approaches might be implemented in work with a service user, drawing on the contrasts and comparisons in how they would be applied as an intervention. Using research,...

Analyzing Aristotle's Theory of the Golden Mean

3 Pages 1479 Words
After speaking with students over various issues like the meaning of ethics, the duty of life, and other things they enjoy about school. It takes a turn by one of the students lighting up a marijuana joint and offering it to Aristotle then follows by asking him his opinion on the major topic that has been up for debate for...

Use of Personification, Naturalism, and Setting in The Street by Ann Petry

3 Pages 1309 Words
The Deceitful Street The term blackness is a term that has been extremely prominent throughout the history of black individuals not only in the United States but from all corners of the earth. The meaning of the term has changed multiple times from when it was first originally coined, but to highlight its original meaning, it can be described as...

Argumentative Essay on Objection to the Natural Law Theory

3 Pages 1501 Words
If you have ever watched animals in nature, you may have noticed that they tend to behave a little selfishly. That is, they act on their urges without much regard to other creatures. People, on the other hand, are a little different; we care about how our actions influence others. However, we still are a part of the animal kingdom,...

Impact of Naturalism on Renaissance Art: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2726 Words
Headmasters Essay In my headmaster's essay I will describe ā€˜what affected Renaissance art?ā€™ and use artists to illustrate my points. In my opinion, there were three key factors which significantly affected Renaissance art. The Renaissance period was a time after the Medieval era of European social, literary, economic, and political 'rebirth.' The Renaissance described as taking place between the 14th...

Greek and Chinese Ethics: Nicomachean versus Confucianism

4 Pages 1796 Words
At the very beginning of Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle starts from goodness and states one of his main ethical ideas, ā€œEvery art and inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good.ā€[footnoteRef:1] The good here refers to something that is morally right, or in other words, righteousness. The he distinguishes between two kinds of practical activities,...

Plato's Republic: Golden Mean and Moderation Analysis

7 Pages 3001 Words
Knowledge can be depicted in many ways. In Platoā€™s foundational text on Western philosophy and justice, Republic, true knowledge is represented in terms of permanent and immortal truths that can be represented only by the absolute reality of Forms; whereas in John Miltonā€™s biblical epic poem, Paradise Lost, knowledge is symbolized by an all-knowing God and the Tree of Knowledge....

Puritans' Impact on Political Views in New England: Analysis

4 Pages 1728 Words
Throughout history, many colonies have been influenced by other people. For example, the Puritans influenced the New England colonies from 1630 through the 1660s in multiple ways. Specially, politically by coming up the idea of a united government which later on was used by the United States, economically by using fair pricing, and socially, because they had a big emphasis...
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Importance of Pacifism and Peacemaking: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1946 Words
The two events I attended were From Just War to Peacebuilding: Lessons for US Racial Justice lecture by ethicist Lisa Sowle Cahill and Someoneā€™s Gotta Tell the Freakin Truth! Writing about ā€˜Fundamentalismā€™ in the Age of Trump. A discussion between Brandon Ambrosino, journalist, and David Harrington Watt, the author of Antifundamentalism in Modern America. Mrs. Cahill discusses the importance of...
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Control Parameters of Dynamic Systems Theory: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1361 Words
In dynamic systems theory, an ā€œindividual is viewed as a complex, multi-component system that self-organizes patterns of movement from the interaction of many subsystemsā€¦ [the] motor development is considered a process of self-organization, brought about by the interaction between multiple factorsā€ (Lloyd, 2019). The three different concepts that make up the dynamic systems theory: are attractors, self-organization, and control parameters....

Responsibility for Peace, Nonviolence, Human Development: Reflections

2 Pages 812 Words
Peace Conference Reflection Last Tuesday, October 1st, I attended the peace conference here at Seton Hall. Leading up to the event I did not know what to expect. My lecture was the opening lecture on the second day. It was titled, ā€œThe Human Personā€™s Responsibility for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Development.ā€ The speaker was very intriguing as he spoke about...

Critical Analysis of Dorothy Dayā€™s Position on Pacifism

2 Pages 982 Words
Dorothy Day was a journalist who eventually became an advocate for pacifism which resulted in the founding of the Catholic Worker Movement. Her claim to fame was the fact that she did everything in her possible power to help out the poor. She dedicated every single second of her life to helping out the less fortunate iregardds to the economic...
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Analytical Essay on the Theory and Essence of Relativism

3 Pages 1336 Words
There is a lot of controversies when it comes to ethics and what is morally right and wrong. So, over the years many people have tried to create theories in order to bring some clarity but I feel this has only bought on more complications and disputes. In this essay I will be discussing the theory of relativism, this theory...

Systems Theory: Definition, Origin, Benefits, and Disadvantages

5 Pages 2062 Words
Systems Theory ā€“ Introduction Connolly, M., & Harms, L. (2015) wrote, ā€œsystems theories help us to think about these interactions between people and their social and physical environmentsā€ (pp. 47). The approach to system theory is based on the central conviction that all facets of a human problem should be regarded as a whole. Systems are applied to components of...

Harry Gensler on Cultural Relativism and Subjectivism: Analysis

3 Pages 1283 Words
Harry Gensler, a professor of philosophy at the University of Scranton, compares and analyses theories of cultural relativism and subjectivism. Gensler analyses the problems that arise from cultural relativism and subjectivism. What a leader believes from a moral and ethical point of view is often influenced by what the leader has been told to grow up with. Each person has...

Puritanism's Profound Influence on New England Literature

2 Pages 940 Words
Introduction The Puritan movement, which emerged in the late 16th century, was not just a religious reform but also a profound cultural and intellectual force that shaped the early American colonies, particularly New England. The Puritans sought to "purify" the Church of England and implement a more personal and introspective approach to Christianity, which naturally extended into their literary contributions....
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Systems Theory and Participatory Management in Mental Health

2 Pages 1127 Words
Organization Name: North Western Mental Health Management Theory #1: Systems Theory Describe the management theory (making links to theoretical literature) (250 words) Systems Theory is a non-concrete philosophical structure that however involves a highly experimental and analytical form of management science. Systems Theory proposes an evolutionary clarification for the supremacy of management in modern-day society. It also explains the role...

Critical Overview of Puritans' Society: Historical Essay

2 Pages 1065 Words
Puritansā€™ were a massive flawed group during the 17th century due to their self righteousness and contradiction views within their society. A puritan is a member of a christian group that moved away from England and set sailed to North America. Reasons for the Puritansā€™ migration was because the Church of England was being ā€œtooā€ Roman Catholic and it did...
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Realism, Poetry, and Naturalism: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1375 Words
1. Introduction Literature is most valuable for what it helps us understand about the world and to help us come to realizations about ourselves as we learn and grow. Although time and culture evolve, human nature does not, which is why humans often still read and connect with pieces written at different points in history. Literature that has no personal...

Naturalism and Nihilism: Comparative and Contrastive Essay

3 Pages 1452 Words
The text, The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog, by James Sire prioritizes a list of eight basic worldview questions to help one determine the values and accords of specific worldviews. The nihilist worldview is difficult to apply to Sireā€™s questions. The nihilistā€™s response to ā€œWhat is prime reality ā€“ the really real?ā€ Nothing. The response to ā€œWhat personal,...

Aboriginal Rights & Just Society Vision in Canada

2 Pages 844 Words
In Canada, during the 1968 election, Pierre Trudeau campaigned his vision of a 'just society.' He was known for defining what his version of a 'just society was. He envisioned a society where every Canadian had a reasonable standard of living and where every citizen had the same individual rights. Thus, after he was elected, he brought the Charter of...

Comparing Ethical Theories: Utilitarianism, Deontology, and Others

6 Pages 2746 Words
Journalists being free to publish information is vital to a functioning, democratic society, and an informed population. However, a number of checks and balances are required to ensure that this right is not abused. As the Council of Europeā€™s guidelines on safeguarding privacy in the media state, ā€œa journalistā€™s right to freedom of expression is not absolute. Journalists have rights...

Critique of Sociological Theories and Their Applications

3 Pages 1573 Words
Introduction to Sociological Theories: Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionism Everything in society can be explained through different perspectives, have you ever wondered which perspectives sociologists use? There are endless perspectives used in sociology but there are three main viewpoints I will cover throughout this essay. The three perspectives are structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Each perspective...

Critical Analysis of Spinoza's Determinism

4 Pages 1681 Words
Humanity has witnessed numerous philosophical theories that have attempted to offer a clear understanding of the universe. It is an extremely fascinating, yet controversial subject because it attracts different opinions from various spheres. In the field of philosophy, Baruch Spinoza`s views have had one of the most significant implications on how humans perceive issues related to the universe, and for...

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