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War Theory Vs Pacifism, Realism, Holy War

5 Pages 2441 Words
Just War Theory Jus in Bello The Jus in Bello aspect of the Just War Theory addresses how nations and states that initiate military intervention should act while in war. The Jus in Bello piece of the theory regulates and provides an ethical framework for judging whether actions whilst in war are ethical or unethical. One of the fundamental aspects...

Principle of Determinism by Peter Van Inwagen: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1935 Words
Peter Van Inwagen was an American Philosopher born in 1942 and was a prolific leader in the field of free will. Incompatibilism or otherwise known as “The Consequence Argument” was made popular by the famous philosopher Van Inwagen. However, prior to discussing Peter Van Inwagen’s first formal argument for incompatibilism, it must first be established what incompatibilism is. Incompatibilism or...

Attack on Hard-Determinism: Argumentative Essay

3 Pages 1302 Words
The choices we make in life all depend on the situation we are in. Choices like choosing to go outside on a sunny day or eating ice cream on a rainy day. We are entitled to decide what we want to do without being forced. Some people would think otherwise. Others would object to the view of a hard-determinist in...

Traditional and Revisionist Views on Just War Theory: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1963 Words
“Feminism is the belief that women are of equal social and human value with men, and that the differences between men and women, whether biologically based or culturally derived, do not and should not constitute grounds for discrimination against women” (Reardon 1985, 20). This definition best summarizes the core concept of feminism. From this simple belief, feminism has developed into...

Free Will Vs Determinism: Argumentative Essay

4 Pages 1941 Words
Free or Determined “We learn the influence of our will from experience alone. And experience only teaches us, how one event constantly follows another; without instructing us in the secret connexion, which binds them together, and renders them inseparable.” (David Hume, 1737) When we broach the subject of whether we are free or determined, we must understand that there are...

Legacy of Neo-functionalism: Critical Analysis

3 Pages 1245 Words
Question: Discuss any theory of regionalism/ regional integration Introduction What is regionalism? In politics, regionalism is a political-ideological system that focuses on the national or normative enthusiasm of a specific locale, gathering of districts or another subnational element. These might be depicted by political division, managerial division, social limits, etymological areas, and strict topography, among others. Regionalism targets expanding the...

Comparison of Western vs Chinese War Theory

8 Pages 3488 Words
How important is a nation’s national security? What would happen if one of their critical infrastructures failed? These are some of the topics that are discussed by nations around the globe. The one thing both of the above-mentioned examples have in common is more than likely they have some sort of computer working on them, some cyber device. If I...

Essence and Theoretical Backgrounds of Functionalism: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 2057 Words
Introduction Functionalism is: “the principle that the most important thing about an object such as a building is its use rather than what it looks like” from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press. Functionalism is a psychological approach concerned with the mind and the way the mind function and the way it adapts an organism...

Analysis of Idea and Rules of Just War Theory

3 Pages 1562 Words
From Cicero’s early ideas to Saint Augustine’s substantial contributions, the just war theory has been used as a means to morally justify the choice to go to war and maintain that the war is fought justly. Although the idea and ‘rules’ of just war have evolved over time, the idea of just war has become redundant. There are several reasons...

The Essence of Just War Theory: Critical Analysis

6 Pages 2555 Words
According to the US Department of Defence, “irregular warfare (IW) is defined as a violent struggle among state and non- state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant populations” (“Irregular Warfare” 5). Irregular warfare is waged by irregular fighters such as terrorists or guerrillas and what constitutes irregular warfare is determined by the tactics of war deemed unjust by...

DLW Case Analysis: Natural Law Perspective

1 Page 678 Words
DLW was acquitted of the bestiality charge on the basis that no penetration occurred. In this report, I will examine the D.L.W case from the theoretical perspective of Natural Law Theory. During my analysis, I will focus on the original D.L.W decision and how it missed factors of Natural Law Theory, such as human rights, animal cruelty, and penetration. By...

Free Will vs Determinism Essay

4 Pages 1650 Words
Ways of Thinking What is a philosophy and why is it important? Philosophy is a way that can get people to think and ask questions about things. Many philosophers have come up with their own beliefs and ideas. What makes philosophy interesting and great is that anyone can participate in it and that everyday people will use it without even...

Natural Law Definition

1 Page 576 Words
Natural law is a theory in ethics and philosophy that says that human beings possess intrinsic values that govern their reasoning and behavior. Natural law maintains that these rules of right and wrong are inherent in people and are not created by society or court judges. The theory of natural law says that humans possess an intrinsic sense of right...

Pacifism in the Early Church

4 Pages 1629 Words
The early church understood the meaning of peace in the New Testament as a positive and creative force — the fruit of love. Its peacemaking was not based on a specifically political opposition to an unjust state, on the abhorrence of idolatry, or on apocalyptic expectations, but on the gospel command to make peace that was the basis for all...
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My Plans to Save Humanity: 'Path of Sustainability'

1 Page 533 Words
“To deny people their rights is to challenge their very humanity” claimed Nelson Mandela, perhaps, as a sigh of caution to all humankind, waking their senses against discrimination. The human race is so special a creation, that, it possesses unique powers to both create and destroy things, like nothing else can do. And so do we share a larger chunk...

Injustice of Crisis in Yemen

3 Pages 1385 Words
Yemen is facing with problems they have been struggling to resolve for a long period. Their incapability to fix these obstacles is putting them at risk with even greater ones. Due to the years of conflict, they have dealt with they are on the brink of a catastrophe. Yemen is one of the world’s poorest countries and almost every third...

The Future of Pacifism

4 Pages 2053 Words
There is no paradox in the fact that the American people are profoundly pacifist and yet highly impatient of the present activities of many professed or professional pacifists. The disposition to call the latter pro-German and to move for their suppression is an easy way of expressing a sense of the untimely character of their moves at the present juncture....
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Ideas of Cultural Relativism

3 Pages 1433 Words
Albeit cultural relativism before the mid‐1950s was a build utilized by both Western anthropologists and indigenous people groups to oppose European activities for cultural authority, since decolonization, the idea has been appropriated by third world bourgeois‐nationalist elites to undermine pre‐colonial privileges of individuals from different non‐Western people group. Utilizing the contextual analysis of homophobia in Zimbabwe, I examine how political...

Puritans Contract with God

1 Page 628 Words
It is difficult to have people maintain the same governmental and religious beliefs if they are allowed to have an option. Viewing a relationship with God as a contract allowed the religion to stay the same throughout generations. It ensured that people would do and be their best to get on God’s good list. The Puritans did what they could...
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Building a Just Society Through God’s Love

1 Page 638 Words
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was 35 years old when he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. He was the youngest person to have received it at that time. This grand achievement was in recognition of his efforts to end racial segregation and discrimination in the United States – entirely through nonviolent means. Dr. King’s inspiring message...

Principles of Nonviolent Civic Resistance

1 Page 653 Words
“Not one hair of one head of one person should be harmed”, this is the motto of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), presided by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who was at the wheel of this instrumental organization. Dr. King not only witnessed racism and segregation, but experienced it first-hand. Through it all, Dr. King believed that violence should...

Humanitarian Intervention is the Continuation of the Colonial Project

3 Pages 1397 Words
The ethics and legitimacy of humanitarian intervention is often questioned, with a nation’s real intentions often being unknown, and this has led to beliefs that it may be used as a façade to disguise neocolonialism occurring. The idea of humanitarian intervention was publicised and reworked by the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty under the Responsibility to Protect (R2P)...

A Critical Analysis of Utilitarianism

2 Pages 948 Words
In spite of debate with regards to the inception of ethics- are they natural or are they learned, are they God-given, or are they manmade develops - the way that ethics are priceless to people stays uncontested. Imagine a reality where we don't have ethical behaviors controlling us. In such a world, what is to prevent us from killing one...

Reasons Why the Syrian Conflict is Not a Just War

3 Pages 1362 Words
Imagine you are a Syrian refugee, going from camp to camp with little to no hope of finding a better life. Having fled your home with the fears of being killed, tortured, or kidnapped. You are forced to leave your home for staying would be worse than leaving. Sadly, this is the reality for over 4.5 million Syrian refugees. The...

History of War Ethics

1 Page 601 Words
The discussion of the ethics of war goes back to the Greeks and Romans, although neither civilisation behaved particularly well in war. In the Christian tradition war ethics were developed by St Augustine, and later by St Thomas Aquinas and others. Hugo Grotius (1583-1645), a Dutch philosopher and author of De Jure Belli Ac Pacis (The Rights of War and...

Reasons Why Relativism is the Worst Idea Ever

2 Pages 954 Words
The philosopher Allan Bloom once lamented: ‘There is one thing a professor can be absolutely certain of: almost every student entering the university believes, or says he believes, that truth is relative.’ Perhaps Bloom overstated his case, but as a university teacher myself, I think he’s onto something. Do people who proclaim that ‘truth is relative’ or that ‘everyone has...

Puritanism Values in Today's Society

1 Page 491 Words
Puritans were some of the first colonists to settle on the soil of North America. They came seeking an escape from the persecution from England. They were chased out and they were refused the right to practice their religion. And in America, they found that privilege. They may have faced a lot of hardships and death, but they were able...
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Social Systems Theory Introduction

3 Pages 1241 Words
Social work practice approaches are highly influenced by theory. The theory is something that helps us explain and predict human behavior. In social work practice, social systems theories shape many courses and programs. Social systems theory helps us understand that a person is a product of their social environment at multiple levels of that environment. Early in their studies, students...

Systems Theory Approach

3 Pages 1160 Words
The view of organizations as open social systems that must interact with their environments in order to survive is known as the systems theory approach. Organizations depend on their environments for several essential resources: customers who purchase the product or service, suppliers who provide materials, employees who provide labor or management, shareholders who invest, and governments that regulate. According to...

The Natural Law Theory in Ethics

17 Pages 7865 Words
‘Natural law theory’ is a label that has been applied to theories of ethics, theories of politics, theories of civil law, and theories of religious morality. We will be concerned only with natural law theories of ethics: while such views arguably have some interesting implications for law, politics, and religious morality, these implications will not be our focus here. This...

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