Plato Essay

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4 Pages 1897 Words
Introduction Plato is broadly viewed evenly one of the superlative and most operant philosophers in the western custom. His political school of thought is held in too difficult value, and is the originally comp political thought we believe. evenly with early immense figures, Plato's political supposition was non alone section of his overall philosophic scheme just deep molded away his...
4 Pages 1924 Words
The two philosophers has very different interpretations of their God/Gods. However, I would like to point out that both philosophers believed that their deities are or have been present in the world at some point. Descartes wrote six meditations because of the fact that he believed that God created the world in six days, which is an act of presence....
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2 Pages 1008 Words
The Allegory of the Cave is the story written by the Greek philosopher Plato, who was the founder of the Platonist school of academy and thought. He presented this story as the dialogues between two people. An allegory refers to a deeper meaning in this story everything is illustrating something else. In this story Plato, tells that most of us...
3 Pages 1394 Words
Ancient political philosophy was mainly based on the premise that human potential is fulfilled in the Polis and on the citizen life itself. It encompassed ethics, justice, and politeia, (constitutions) thus implying how society is or how it should be organized (M. Lane, 2018). From that period many of the most relevant concepts and works came from the all-time most...
2 Pages 815 Words
Introduction Plato's philosophical inquiry into the nature of the self has profoundly shaped Western thought, providing a foundation for subsequent metaphysical and ethical discussions. His conception of the self is rooted in his theory of forms and the tripartite nature of the soul, which posits that true knowledge and self-understanding are achieved through a process of dialectical reasoning and introspection....
2 Pages 835 Words
Back then, philosophy for me is nothing but a vague and distant kind of notion. Simply because I see it as a very deep, broad, and difficult to understand in a general case. But putting up perseverance enable me to give assumptions and queries about how these philosophers gave their insights about plain words but managed to make them bigger...
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2 Pages 852 Words
The Republic is perhaps one of the world’s most popular and most influential works of political theory and philosophy, both historically and intellectually. In his Republic, Plato brings to life the main character of Socrates (Plato’s real-life teacher and role model) and explains to the reader his own personal views on how a virtuous and most importantly just city would...
1 Page 541 Words
Ignorance is usually an ability that any person would now not know. In truth, lack of knowledge is the having faith that there is any individual who can be aware of something, and that there is any man or woman who can be conscious of him or herself. Socrates and Plato had substantial and one-of-a-kind views on how they portrayed...
3 Pages 1262 Words
Plato’s view on immorality is ignorance is derived from the argument put forward in ‘Protagoras’ by Socrates, who claimed that all wrong and evil is done due to a lack of knowledge. In this essay I plan to critically analyze this argument and evaluate an objection to Plato’s claim that immorality is ignorance by disproving the premise that every action...
3 Pages 1163 Words
After learning where we stand in what our current situation is, what technologies have we already acquired, and which we are soon to have available, only one question comes to mind: what will be of humans, both as individuals and as a community? Throughout history, many philosophers have tried to define what a human is. Plato described humans as a...
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1 Page 502 Words
How do you visualize ‘good’ and ‘evil’? What determines them? Are they absolute or relative? How important is the concern of ‘good’ and ‘evil’? Good and evil are common topics of debate in our society. In general, what we do for the betterment of people is good and what we do for harming people is evil. Though there is no...
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4 Pages 1947 Words
In Plato's dialogue Phaedo, the title character recounts the events of the day Socrates drank the hemlock ending his life. The dialogue is mainly about the immortality of the soul. In this essay, we will explore the three arguments for the immortality of the soul, Simmias' and Cebes' objections, and their respective responses from Socrates. Phaedo himself states that Plato...
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5 Pages 2139 Words
I believe that Plato`s Theory of Forms is incoherent and contradicts itself in places. There is also no compelling evidence of the Realm of the One exists. I will argue my point below in a balanced argument. Plato`s Theory of Forms consists of the idea that there are two realms The Realm of the One and the Realm of the...
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6 Pages 2605 Words
Plato’s ‘Nature of Justice: A Critical Analysis This essay is a culmination of personal opinions along with reference to several other works on a similar topic all of which have been cited duly. Abstract There are several takes on the nature and theories of justice. However, Plato in his Republic provides some very famous arguments for what justice means and...
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3 Pages 1515 Words
Choose either Plato or Aristotle and one other thinker from those discussed in class (with the exception of Machiavelli). Compare and contrast the political philosophies of the thinkers chosen so as to discuss key concepts of political theory including democracy, equality and rights including the (civil) right to protest and to disobedience. It is interesting to see the views and...
Karl MarxPlato
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6 Pages 2722 Words
Part I - Plato's quote “It seems to me that a fit body doesn’t by its own virtue makes the soul good, but instead the opposite is true- a good soul by its own virtue makes the body as good as possible (Republic III, pg. 443).” In the discussion of virtue, specifically as to its inter-relatedness to the soul, Plato...
3 Pages 1165 Words
Throughout history, we have endlessly questioned the nature of our reality- whether or not we feel comfortable in our own skin so to speak. Prior to being awakened at birth to our version of reality, we enjoyed an existence of intelligent design- pureness created to allow for a limitless existence. It is, therefore, by that same design that the body...
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1 Page 613 Words
Marriage - the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship (historically and in some jurisdictions specifically a union between a man and a woman). When two people make a public pledge or commitment to each other to share and live their lives together that is recognised socially, legally and sometimes religiously. According to...
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7 Pages 3187 Words
Our topic for research is the views of Plato and Federick Nietzsche on love sex and marriage. The paper describes the views of each philosopher on love, sex and marriage and to understand it with a contemporary point of view. The paper includes terms like homosexuality, how sex is for producing kids than loveAlso to learn more about both of...
4 Pages 1837 Words
America is the freest nation in the world. A lot of people dream of getting into this country and have the same opportunities that Americans have. In other words, opportunities mean freedom, freedom of choice. The concept of freedom, as the right of choice, originated in ancient Greece, it has played a fundamental role in the development of people over...
2 Pages 720 Words
Sophocles, a renowned author from Athens, once stated that “to women silence is their proper grace,” which suggests that women are better off keeping their opinions to themselves and letting men hold all the power. The quote above reflects Athenian society’s view that women are not equivalent to men. The following essay details the biases held against women at the...
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3 Pages 1461 Words
What does it mean to live a good life? Two philosophers during the Classical period in Ancient Greece, Plato, and Aristotle had an opinion on precisely what consisted of the good life and how to go about accomplishing this goal. Plato and Aristotle both maintain a notion that happiness and well-being are the highest ambitions of moral thought and behavior,...
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2 Pages 740 Words
Reading about Aristotle and Plato has been very intellectually stimulating. Their views on what makes a person a citizen differ a lot but I believe that they are two sides of the same coin or two extremes on a spectrum. If I had to put the two on a political spectrum, I would put Plato on the left and Aristotle...
3 Pages 1401 Words
While Plato built on the idea of aristocracy as his method of governance in an ideal society (Kallipolis), he laid down heavy criticism towards democracy as a form of government in the process as well. In this essay, I will explore these arguments but first establishing what Plato’s conception of a democracy is. I will first discuss Plato’s assertion of...
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3 Pages 1485 Words
Throughout the ‘Republic’ Plato looks at many themes and uses a wide range of stories and myths to make and back up his various points. There are many different myths and stories used throughout this dialogue and it would be difficult to look at every single instance Plato reference one of these works, picking out some of the most interesting...
2 Pages 823 Words
The value and meaning of education have surely changed over time. Having an education was often seen to be more of a privilege than what education stands for today. Many people see early education as preparation for adulthood, whilst further education as a means to develop one’s own understanding of a subject. Argued to be one of the most influential...
6 Pages 2877 Words
Abstract The definition of love is something that will always remain too abstract and widespread to narrow down into a concise, neatly wrapped paragraph. Even if we did manage to do so, as many poets and writers have attempted to in the past, it is not guaranteed that the said definition will be acceptable by all those who were to...
4 Pages 1975 Words
There are many contributions made to the development of western philosophy made by both Plato and Aristotle. There is no other way to talk about the greats, without starting with Plato. Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher who is known to have founded the first academy which was located in Athens. He was known to be an educator to after...
2 Pages 1028 Words
Being “mentally alive” come in different forms. Many people define themselves as being “mentally alive” based on experiences that they went through or going through. For instance, some may go through terrible experiences which can affect them mentally. Therefore, many of them can be physically alive but not mentally alive. Others may feel being “mentally alive” due to a hobby...
Malcolm XPlato
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3 Pages 1393 Words
Both Sophocles’ Oedipus the King and Plato’s Apology explore the limits of human wisdom. Socrates spends times trying to understand the nature of wisdom and whether the people who claim to possess it actually do. This investigation stems from the oracle, who proclaimed that Socrates was the wisest man in Athens. Through this quest, Socrates develops a negative reputation, and...
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