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Human Struggle in Merchant of Venice & To Kill a Mockingbird

1 Page 601 Words
Prejudices borne by persecuted individuals, and born out of stereotypes, corrupt an individual’s relationship with self and society. The exploration of prejudice, as a human experience in texts, highlights the collective struggle humans inhabit as a result of institutionalised notions within society. William Shakespeare’s classic play, ‘The Merchant of Venice’, and Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ illustrate this innate...

Justice Vs Mercy in The Merchant of Venice & Poem Justice

2 Pages 706 Words
The common module gives an understanding of the human experience through collective and individual experiences. Through various modes of storytelling, texts have the ability to explore timeless issues which have always been faced by humanity, whilst illustrating lone perspectives of the individual characters. The universal themes portrayed in the texts are enhanced by the specific experiences of the characters, allowing...

Romeo and Juliet: A Timeless Message

2 Pages 1064 Words
Introduction William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is often hailed as the quintessential romantic tragedy, encapsulating the fervor and follies of youthful passion. However, beyond its narrative of star-crossed lovers lies a complex tapestry of themes that transcend mere fiction. This essay explores whether Romeo and Juliet serves as a mere fictional narrative or a deliberate message in a bottle, sent...

The Effects Of Symbolism Usage In A Doll’s House

4 Pages 1974 Words
Introduction to Symbolism in A Doll's House Ibsen's life and inspirations, along with the context of his writing during the 1800s was summarised during the Interactive Oral. Initially, I was only aware of the unequal treatment of women in terms of occupation restrictions. However, through learning about the domineering position by men over women in a traditional marriage during the...

How Trevor Nunn Changes The Theme Of Deception In Twelfth Night

2 Pages 883 Words
William Shakespeare enriches his plays with comedies by adding mistaken identities and treating them like witty and familiar themes. He adds deception to the plays to lure the audience into the world. Trevor Nunn follows a parallel path but additionally invites the idea of mistaken identities into play. The play enriches physical deception when Viola chooses to 'conceal me what...

Betrayal and Immorality in Macbeth and The War Works Hard

3 Pages 1286 Words
Shakespeare's medieval “Macbeth” and Dunya Mikhail’s poem” The War Works Hard” highlight similar concepts and themes such as betrayal throughout different points of time. Through appropriate language features and techniques Shakespeare he provides an insight into how Macbeth, a well known nobleman battles the road of corruption for a high position of power during the Middle Ages. Actions are fumed...

Themes Of Love And Hate In Romeo And Juliet

2 Pages 707 Words
Romeo and Juliet by playwright William Shakespeare is a tragic love story. It has two main protagonists Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. Love is the play’s most overarching theme but as the chief characters are from long standing feuding families, hate is also clearly embedded throughout the tale. In act one, scene one, the play wastes very little time in...

Love As A Complex Emotion In Romeo And Juliet

3 Pages 1489 Words
Romeo and Juliet has become ‘the’ love story; the historical epitome that has stayed culturally relevant for centuries influencing many, from The Lion King II to High School Musical. The theme of love is displayed in a manner of ways. With its notoriety for romantic passion, the infatuation between Romeo and Juliet takes a strong standing in the play yet,...

Special Expectations Of Gender In Romeo And Juliet

3 Pages 1169 Words
In William Shakespeare’s famous play, ‘Romeo and Juliet’, there are many themes and factors present. These contribute to the fated tragedy at the end, one being social expectations revolving around gender. Romeo and Juliet challenge these expectations individually as characters and introduce traits of the opposite gender. This brings their love together, though later attempts to conform to social norms...

The Problems In The And Topics In The Play A Doll's House

4 Pages 2068 Words
Henrik Ibsen’s 1879 play A Doll’s House is a domestic drama in which tension is built through the threat of Nora Helmer’s secret of having committed financial fraud being revealed to her husband, Torvald. It is set in nineteenth century bourgeois society, where the role of and expectations for women were clearly defined. A woman’s place was at home in...

Romeo And Juliet: Fate Or Actions Consequences?

2 Pages 842 Words
Romeo and Juliet is written by William Shakespeare in 1594-1596. It apprises two feuding families; Capulets and Montagues, that held an ancient grudge against each other. Romeo and Juliet were described as ‘star-crossed lovers’ from two opposing families. They both took their own lives to be with one other. Under the influence of many people, it reconciled the two families....

Shakespeare's Ophelia in Hamlet vs Juliet in Romeo and Juliet

3 Pages 1515 Words
Both Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet explore the nature of patriarchal values and the responses of female characters to these values. Whilst both male protagonists had similar contexts their personal responses to gender stereotypes were very different. Similarly, both female protagonists also had seemingly similar upbringings – as privileged members of powerful families, yet their ability to love and...

The Themes And Conflict Within Romeo And Juliet And Gnomeo And Juliet

2 Pages 1101 Words
The original text of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was written in 1594 by the famed William Shakespeare, which was a story of two households who held an ancient grudge against one another. The play was set in Verona during the Elizabethan Era where two ‘star-crossed’ lovers met only to perish in the end. ‘Gnomeo and Juliet,’ on the other hand, was...

The Idea Of Greed And Generosity In The Merchant Of Venice

1 Page 642 Words
THE play, Merchant of Venice, written by William Shakespeare consists of strong themes such as greed and generosity. This idea of greed and generosity can be carried into thoughts of todays society, relating to the thoughts of Christmas for children. With Shylock being such a key character in the portrayal of the themes of greed there are obviously multiple occasions...

Reassessing the Relevance of Romeo and Juliet

2 Pages 890 Words
Introduction William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" has long been heralded as a quintessential narrative of tragic love and the destructive power of feuding families. First performed in the late 16th century, this iconic play explores themes of love, conflict, and fate, capturing the imagination of audiences across centuries. While its historical and literary significance is unquestionable, the question of its...

The Resonation Of Themes In Romeo And Juliet within 21 Century

2 Pages 880 Words
Four hundred years have passed since “Romeo and Juliet” was first performed in London during the Elizabethan era, so why is the average student in the 21st century still expected to analysis and study Shakespeare’s historical figures? This is just one dilemma many students are asking. This play explores the highly distinguished themes and concepts such as; love, death, and...

Life Lessons Taught By Death In The Play Romeo And Juliet

2 Pages 1093 Words
There is no doubt that everyone has heard the name of the man who was gifted by God, and is credited with creating much of the English language we know today. If you haven’t already guessed, the name of the glorious man is William Shakespeare. Many people have written dramas and plays, so what sets Shakespeare apart from them? There...

The Culprits Behind the Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

2 Pages 825 Words
Introduction The tragedy of "Romeo and Juliet," penned by William Shakespeare, has long intrigued audiences with its poignant tale of star-crossed lovers doomed by fate and societal pressures. The question of who is truly to blame for the untimely demise of Romeo and Juliet persists as a subject of scholarly debate. While the obvious suspects include the feuding Montague and...

Love, Hate, Impetuosity And Death In Romeo And Juliet

3 Pages 1435 Words
What is love? ” That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” That by which we call a feeling of deep affection driven by our stereotypical perception or is it a multi-dimensional paradigm that corresponds with the play; whether it be wrapped in hate, directed by the impetuosity or surrounded by death. Love is...

Are Romeo And Juliet Relevant To Our Modern Society?

1 Page 618 Words
“To be or not to be, that is the question.” Romeo and Juliet in this day and age, is obviously not to be.” William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet has utterly no relevance in our modern society. Many may believe this play is the greatest love story in history, but most need to look beyond the language and the complex meanings...

The Significance Of Nora’s Deceits In A Doll’s House

3 Pages 1392 Words
All human beings have a sacred duty to themselves. A Doll’s House, a three-act play written by the profound Norwegian author Henrik Ibsen, challenges the entire fabric of marital relationships. The play originally written in Norwegian, was published in 1879 before being republished “of an anonymous, undated English translation published by Bartholomew House” (Ibsen, ii). Ibsen, born into the upper-middle...

Why Juliet Is A Much Stronger Character Than Romeo

2 Pages 865 Words
Romeo and Juliet, one of Shakespeare's timeless masterpiece which illuminate the complexities of human emotions and character that continuously engages many audiences on the subject of love and the tragic fates of a star-crossed lover; whose death ultimately reconciles their family fuels. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet explores the concept of tragic love and fate, hence, impinged Romeo and...

Justice And Mercy In The Merchant Of Venice

2 Pages 717 Words
Shakespeare has captured the attention of the world creating his new words and developing characteristics in characters relationships that are still seen in the 21st century. His personal views on justice and mercy are implicitly and explicitly shown through characters and their relationships. The Merchant of Venice; one of Shakespeare’s most famous articles of work has many examples of justice...

Love in Romeo and Juliet vs Five Feet Apart

2 Pages 889 Words
William Shakespeare, a monumental playwriter in society has explored many contrasting themes throughout his works. His writings embrace themes such as love, tragedies and comedies. Shakespeare’s most famous writing, “Romeo and Juliet”, describes the love tragedy between two naïve young lovers in Verona, Italy. The tale “Romeo and Juliet”, was written during the Elizabethan era and is set in the...

Is Othello A Play About Human Weakness?

2 Pages 1056 Words
Human frailty encompasses one’s weaknesses and insecurities as well as lack of self-belief, which acts as catalyst for their downfall. William Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Othello through Othello’s paradoxical character and how his character changes as the play advances, explores the fallibility of human nature, epitomised through Othello’s degeneration from a great soldier to a blood – thirsty monster....

Theme Of Weakness Of Human Judgement In Othello

2 Pages 951 Words
The fragility of the human judgement as affected by latent weakness within and external factors that are influential in disrupting the moral process of thinking is clearly demonstrated in Shakespeare’s “Othello”(c.1600). Judgement is the factor that provides the original conflict, acts as a vein, and runs through the text, resulting in chaotic events. The allegorical tale acts as a caution...

Social Class Conflict In The Novel Animal Farm And Play An Inspector Calls

4 Pages 1788 Words
In the twentieth century, the topic of class conflict and revolutionary ideas was an important issue. The conflict between different classes in a community resulting from different social or economic positions and reflecting opposed interests is known as class conflict. This essay will discuss how these ideas are explored in Animal Farm by George Orwell and An Inspector Calls by...

What Threat Does Soumaoro Make to Sundiata?

4 Pages 1718 Words
Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali and Macbeth both provided readers with an inside look at how prophecies and the role of fate help determine the outcomes of one’s action. Alongside the prophecies exist magic and sorcery that further influence’s one’s decision to be good or evil. In Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali, a king named Soumaoro abandons his...

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