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Essay on 'Hamlet' Symbols

3 Pages 1164 Words
There is, throughout the play, a symbolic representation of melancholy. The opening scene of the play is on a platform in front of Elsinore Castle where watchmen are deployed depicting a melancholic atmosphere. From the beginning of the play, with such mentions as of ‘Tis bitter cold, And I am sick at heart’ (1.1.8-9) and ‘tis but our fantasy’ (1.1.23),...

Essay on Gender Roles in the 1940s

2 Pages 784 Words
In both ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ and ‘The Catcher in the Rye’, the characters’ existence is influenced by the idea of the American dream. An idea that was seen by capitalist America was that you must ruthlessly work to achieve your highest aspirations, and could be recognized by others through wealth and social class. With the ending of World War...

Madness in Shakespeare's Hamlet

2 Pages 1060 Words
Introduction Madness, both real and feigned, serves as a pivotal theme in William Shakespeare's Hamlet, offering profound insights into the human psyche and societal perceptions of insanity. The play, set in the late medieval period, deftly explores the boundaries between sanity and madness through the character of Prince Hamlet, whose erratic behavior raises questions about his mental state. This essay...

Essay on Oedipus Rex Dramatic Irony

1 Page 663 Words
The black death is set upon the city of Thebes, as the people look towards their righteous king, Oedipus for hope and resolution. Oedipus is seen as a hero to the people, but has not identified with himself: 'I grieve for these, my people, far more than I fear for my own life' (Sophocles 163). Oedipus's self-thoughts and heroic beliefs...

Madness and Decay in 'Hamlet' Essay

2 Pages 1102 Words
After watching a scene from Act 3 scene 1 within the Hamlet movie, produced by Andrew Fierberg and Amy Hobby it’s instantly evident a modern approach was taken. The characters are dressed with what would be in style in the year 2000 when the movie was released. While also having their hair styled to suite the modern day, while in...

Essay on Lena in 'A Raisin in the Sun'

3 Pages 1560 Words
Throughout the 1950s life was very limited for African American women. They were racially discriminated against and classified as second-class. African American people were afraid to stand up for their rights, and the limited freedoms they had were lost. In the 1950’s colored people were mistreated and abused by white people because of their lower status. 'A Raisin in the...

Essay on Ruth in 'A Raisin in the Sun'

3 Pages 1236 Words
The American Dream has played a pivotal role in the aspirations of many Americans. Although the American Dream has been traditionally represented by the idealistic symbol of the “white picket fence”, the dream is perceived differently by different people. For many, this dream resides in the acquisition of money. However, for the characters in literary works such as A Raisin...

Beneatha's Journey in 'A Raisin in the Sun': Identity and Ambition

2 Pages 1082 Words
Introduction In Lorraine Hansberry's seminal play, A Raisin in the Sun, the character of Beneatha Younger stands out as a multifaceted individual striving to define her identity amidst the socio-economic and racial challenges of mid-20th-century America. As the Younger family's younger daughter, Beneatha's journey is emblematic of the broader African American quest for self-actualization and cultural affirmation. Her character is...

Macbeth Guilt and Conscience Essay

4 Pages 1691 Words
Guilt appears as a key theme in Macbeth, presented as a dire consequence of heinous acts by Shakespeare. Guilt is shown through its link with the motif sleep, the appearance of Banquo's ghost and the recurring mention of the Macbeths' inability to wash the blood of their crimes from their hands. They construct their own personal hell where they are...

Essay on 'Twelfth Night' Character Analysis

2 Pages 993 Words
This essay will discuss the relationship between Viola's performance as Cesario and Judith Butler's theories on the relationship between sex and gender, exploring the concept of drag in the play, in addition to the effect of gender performativity on the relationships of the play and the role of performative gender in enforcing compulsive heterosexuality. In Twelfth Night, Viola's performance of...

Essay on Figurative Language in 'A Raisin in the Sun'

2 Pages 869 Words
Lorraine Hansberry is a writer and activist born in May 1930, born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. Hansberry is an African American woman, born in the Depression era although, because of her father's relative wealth they were considered middle class. Though their position on the economic ladder they still experienced extreme racism and segregation. She attended an overcrowded public school...

Essay on Walter Younger in 'A Raisin in the Sun'

4 Pages 1806 Words
Personal growth and personal struggles in the black family are the primary topics covered in Lorraine Hansberry’s 1957 play A Raisin in the Sun, inspired by Langston Hughes’s poem, published in 1951 titled “Harlem (A Dream Deferred).” The story follows the Younger family, living in “Chicago’s Southside, sometime between World War II and the present” (Hansberry 1437). The Younger family...

Analyzing the Symbolism and Themes in 'Trifles'

2 Pages 1001 Words
Introduction Susan Glaspell's play "Trifles," written in 1916, serves as a profound exploration of gender roles and the social dynamics of the early 20th century. The play unfolds as a murder investigation within a rural farmhouse, revealing the stark contrasts between male and female perceptions. While the men, representing the legal authority, dismiss the domestic space as trivial, the women...

Essay on Conflict in 'A Raisin in the Sun'

2 Pages 1102 Words
In dysfunctional families, conflicts between members of the family occur continuously and regularly. Family members in dysfunctional families are often disbarred from being unique and may also endure abuse and neglect. The Youngers in Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun undergo both loving and hateful moments throughout the play. The Youngers are a dysfunctional family as they have many...

Themes in Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night'

2 Pages 960 Words
Introduction William Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" remains a timeless piece that continues to captivate audiences with its intricate exploration of themes such as love, identity, and societal norms. Written in the early 17th century, this comedy intertwines mistaken identities and romantic entanglements, crafting a narrative that reveals the complexity of human emotions and social constructs. The play's enduring relevance is rooted...

Essay on Benvolio and Mercutio Are Rude to the Nurse

2 Pages 964 Words
Shakespeare's characters Mercutio and the Nurse are both sources of comedy in the tragic play of Romeo and Juliet. They illustrate comedy in the way Mercutio makes fun of his death as well as the Nurse's inappropriate jokes and lack of education. Mercutio uses a mixture of witty wordplay and dark humor as a source of comedy. Mercutio's 'Queen Mab'...

Essay on Setting of 'A Raisin in the Sun'

1 Page 657 Words
A Raisin In The Sun took place in the South side of Chicago between 1940 and 1960. During this period, a large number of African Americans migrated from the South to Chicago in search of a better living condition and new jobs, which resulted in many housing and race problems in the state. Since white people wanted to prevent African...

Comparative Essay on 'Twelfth Night'

1 Page 623 Words
Andy Fickman’s film, She’s the Man (2006) is a modern adaptation of William Shakespeare’s play, Twelfth Night (1602). Shakespeare wrote Twelfth Night around the 17th century, Whereas Andy Fickman’s film She’s the Man is based around the 21st century in a school-based theme. While Andy Fickman’s film shares a lot of similarities with Shakespeare’s play, it also has some differences....

Essay on Oedipus Tragic Flaw

2 Pages 758 Words
In all aspects of life, the past is different from the present. Whether that be the way we talk, the way we dress, the way we travel, or the way we learn, it can be agreed upon by everyone that things have changed. The way we interpret things has changed as well. When studying the tragic play that is Oedipus...

Essay on Polybus in 'Oedipus Rex'

1 Page 452 Words
Between Agamemnon by Aeschylus, Hippolytus by Euripides, and Oedipus the King by Sophocles, the latter is one of the best plays that I enjoy the most. The author of this story pars the excellence of Greek tragedy the most and this piece is the summit of playwrights. The play narrates about King Oedipus of Thebes who notices that he killed...

Essay on Oedipus Themes

1 Page 616 Words
In life, countless lessons can be learned. Some of these are from mistakes and others victories, but these lessons may also be called themes. In almost every book ever written one of these lessons/themes may be found. In literature, some of the most known themes are love conquers all, the good will always prevail, or lying gets you nowhere, but...

Essay on Aristotle Tragedy 'Oedipus the King'

3 Pages 1247 Words
Sophocles' Oedipus is one of the most notable unfortunate heroes throughout the entire existence of drama. His weird destiny drives him to heartbreaking ruin that leaves both the peruser and the crowd feeling sincerely influenced. As indicated by the meaning of the Greek thinker, Aristotle, Oedipus' problematic story qualifies him as a lamentable hero. Oedipus is the epitome of Aristotle's...

Othello' Essay on Ethos, Logos and Pathos

1 Page 645 Words
In this excerpt, Othello is watching Desdemona sleep and repeatedly telling himself that he has to go through with killing her. Othello uses the pronouns “i” and “me” to show that he is taking credit for all he is going to do. He will not state what his reason is but promises to not ruin her beautiful skin by cutting...

Essay on Why Is Lady Macbeth Guilty

2 Pages 696 Words
Lady Macbeth is cunning and manipulative. When first introduced to her in the play she is already plotting the murder of the king. Her ambition to be Queen and her power-hungry nature pushes her to manipulate her husband, Macbeth. Lady Macbeth calls her husband’s manhood into question, taunting his lack of courage when he begins having second thoughts on committing...

Theme of Madness in 'Hamlet' Essay

2 Pages 903 Words
Identity is a fickle thing it could lead you in a straight path through life or lead you to your death. Shakespeare creates doubt in both his play Hamlet and the character Hamlet in regard to identity through a form of self-referentiality. Shakespeare, the author himself, struggles with his identity that ultimately affects the identity of the play. Hamlet’s hamartia...

Essay on Canary Symbolism in 'Trifles'

1 Page 404 Words
The canning jars of fruit represent Minnie’s concern for her marital and household responsibilities due to the pressure society has placed on her. She is taught to fear the judgment of men if she does not complete her habitual role as a housekeeper. This fear is justified as the men mock her hard work while also rebuking the other woman’s...

Essay on Is Lady Macbeth Guilty

2 Pages 913 Words
Director Matt Edgerton writes ‘Great plays provoke us they disturb and confront us’. Macbeth continues to have relevance to audiences today because … of the universal themes that are still relevant today. Two of the biggest themes in the plays are the corrupting power of the unchecked ambition and guilt and remorse. Both can be found widely across our current...

Essay on Is 'Trifles' a Feminist Play

2 Pages 924 Words
Feminist criticism is concerned with 'how literature reinforces or undermines the economic, political, social, and psychological oppression of women'(Tyson). This school of theory looks at how our culture is inherently patriarchal and struggles to reveal males' biased writing against women. Therefore, many women rose to fight a patriarchal society that gave roles to each of its members. The main roles:...

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