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Gender Roles In Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

1 Page 661 Words
Gender from Then to Today The societal role of women within british literature is a recurring theme seen across the centuries. Whether it be Guinevere in a lustrous affair with Sir Lancelot, to the Wife of Bath battling gender norms, to Viola fighting for work in a man’s world we see the importance of gender identity. In William Shakespeare’s Twelfth...

Hedda Gabler's Unhappy Life And Marriage

2 Pages 985 Words
Henrik Ibsen’s “Hedda Gabler” depicts a neurotic woman who is unhappy with her life and marriage. Because she was a daddy’s girl and never attained anything in her lifetime, she will go to great lengths to make the life of those that achieved their desires and goals a living hell. In the play we see that Hedda had a good...

Classic Aspects Of Dramatic Comedy In Twelfth Night

2 Pages 727 Words
By effectively manipulating comedy and the satirical use of jokes and humour, Shakespeare successfully managed to comment on certain aspects of Elizabethan society in his play 'Twelfth night'. Through his use of puns, irony, double entendres and satire, Shakespeare manages to entertain his Elizabethan audience whilst commenting on many ideas and values that revolve around their society. Twelfth Night contains...

Iago's Jealousy In Othello Essay

2 Pages 1137 Words
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Jealousy has been around since the beginning of time. It starts when you are born. Jealousy comes from insecurity, bitterness and obsessive caring. It also comes from wanting something that belongs to someone else or wanting someone who is in a relationship with another person. Most of us have experienced jealousy at some point in our lives in some way...

Beatrice As A Feminist Character In The Play Much Ado About Nothing

2 Pages 705 Words
Beatrice is one of the main characters in the play “Much Ado About Nothing” by Shakespeare. She is a strong, rebellious character who shows both independence and vulnerability which makes her more realistic and relatable. She is a complicated character who develops as a person throughout the play. Beatrice stands out from the rest of the characters due to her...

Manipulation in Dysfunctional Relationships in Short Stories

6 Pages 2835 Words
A dysfunctional relationship is a relationship that does not perform its proper function. Meaning the people in the relationship do not emotionally support one another, communicate well, or trust one another. People in dysfunctional relationships are manipulated and taken advantage of. There are many causes of dysfunctional relationships. The main cause of a dysfunctional relationship is manipulation. In the short...

Sexual Preferences And LGBT Issue In Fun Home

2 Pages 919 Words
Fun Home: a Family tragicomic, by Alison Bechdel, deals with the difficulties that a father and daughter face with sexuality/ being gay. Alison Bechdel realizes that Bruce and her are on opposite side of the Kinsey scale regarding their gender preferences. The story pursuit an understanding of how Bruce and Alison differently perceive their sexual preferences. We can wonder, how...

Hamlet: Discrepancy Between Christian Religion And Revenge Desire

2 Pages 983 Words
In plays, many outside forces such as geography, other characters, religion, culture, and society play an important role in the development of characters. In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Hamlet’s strong beliefs in Christianity influence his behavior and lead to his internal struggle of action versus inaction and ultimately tragedy. Hamlet’s Christian beliefs about heaven and hell deter his desire to take...

Themes Of Power And Ambition In Macbeth

2 Pages 1001 Words
Tragedy is a form of drama that is centred around a lead character with a fatal flaw. The main cast is often a victim/subject of their inner turmoil, which is a build-up of their mental illness, paranoia, ego, and growing greed and envy. The tragic hero’s poor decisions, as well as manipulative influences, causes a myriad of murder and issues...

Personal Identity In Othello And The Importance Of Being Earnest

3 Pages 1513 Words
Shakespeare in his Othello, and Wilde in his The Importance of Being Earnest, are about realising personality through creative strategies to exploit the hypocrisy of society. Oscar Wilde’s play was first performed on 14 February 1895 at the St James's Theatre in London. It is a farcical comedy in which the protagonists maintain fictitious personae to escape burdensome social obligations...

Features Of Comedy And Tragedy In The Play Taming Of The Shrew

3 Pages 1520 Words
Comedy in the world of Greek playwriting was considered a popular and influential form of theatre. In addition, Greek tragedy was also a popular form of genre for theatre, which mainly expressed scenarios or stories that end tragically mainly for the protagonist. In addition, Greek comedy is considered to be a public popular culture which in modern times, almost parallels...

Is Macbeth a Tragic Hero?

4 Pages 1617 Words
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Throughout Macbeth Macbeth transforms from a respected Noble into a tyrannous ruler that is ultimately defeated by his own hubris. The play tells the classic tale of a tragic hero by giving macbeth a fatal flaw and excessive pride as well as a moment in his story where he loses everything and reflects on what brought him to that moment....

The Correlation Of Ambition For Power And Guilt In The Play Macbeth

2 Pages 761 Words
“From now on, as soon as I decide to do something, I’m going to act immediately”. William Shakespeare’s tragedy ‘Macbeth’ explores Macbeth’s and Lady Macbeth’s ambition for power and how it leads them to guilt. The fight between Macbeth’s ethics and desires eventually leads him to justify his actions in his mind so he can be at peace with his...

Interwoven Revenge Dynamics in Shakespeare's Hamlet

2 Pages 923 Words
Introduction The tragedy of "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare stands as a quintessential exploration of the human psyche, particularly focusing on the theme of revenge. This intricate play delves into the complexities and ramifications of vengeance, serving as a mirror to the darker facets of human nature. At its core, "Hamlet" is a meticulously woven narrative that highlights the interlinked acts...

Feminism In The Merchant Of Venice

2 Pages 822 Words
Feministic values are very prominent in the play The Merchant of Venice, mostly those involving the radical feminist concept of a patriarchal society. The female personas were able to exploit the activity of cross-dressing to accomplish the business they needed so that their lives might be more tolerable while under the control of men within the society. Not all of...

Control in Popular Literature: Fun Home

3 Pages 1474 Words
What aspects can define what Popular Literature is? How is control a crucial aspect of Popular Literature? Popular literature is intended for large audiences and requires a certain level of engagement and entertainment. It is accompanied by many different aspects that can help showcase a good understanding of the story. Fun Home: A Tragicomic by Alison Bechdel published in 2006,...
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Gender stereotypes in A Streetcar Named Desire & All About Eve

3 Pages 1293 Words
Subsequent to the great depression, America’s economy quickly collapsed and many lives were taken during the time. This led to many individuals being left homeless with little to no money on hand. Today the great depression is remembered as a big mistake and downfall of America which claimed many lives. Many authors have portrayed the events after this moment including...

The True Tragic Hero In Antigone

2 Pages 1091 Words
Sophocles’s play, Antigone, expresses a journey of tragedy, nobility, and virtue through the actions of the tragic hero. A tragic hero, as defined by Aristotle, depicts one of high nobility, who experiences a tragic downfall due to their ignorance and blinding of their pride. However, the tragic hero also gains self-knowledge from their unacceptable actions. Creon’s tragic flaws of being...

Consequences of Uncontrolled Power in Macbeth & A Simple Plan

2 Pages 745 Words
Texts can provide insight into the human condition, highlighting the effect of unchecked ambition on an individual’s conscience within the boundaries of their context. Shakespeare’s play ‘Macbeth’ outlines how disrupting the natural order of things; Macbeth cheating his way into power, has its consequences. Throughout the film A Simple Plan by Sam Raimi, we can clearly see how Raimi has...

Morality Of Hypocrisy And Sincerity In The Importance Of Being Earnest

3 Pages 1414 Words
At the heels of the satirical Victorian morality delineated through Wilde’s play, The Importance of Being Earnest, a judiciously executed perception directed at society is apparent. To study a text 120 years on, what’s the point? At the time Oscar Wilde’s satirical view and the way which he composed his judgments on the Victorian society was thought to be quite...

Macbeth Ambition Effect On Human Morals And Own Personality

2 Pages 827 Words
Every individual seeks success and to fulfill their ambition, which can impact their lives in a negative or positive way depending on whether they allow their morals to prevail or not. Often, ambition takes a negative toll on one’s being whether they initially see it or not. If an individual has an ambition or goal, sometimes they will stop at...

Tragic Ambitions In The Play Macbeth And Film I, Tonya

3 Pages 1230 Words
Greedy for the crown, a displeased man, who is extremely susceptible to pressure, loses his morality. Several centuries later, a girl, who from an early age learned to transfer her rage into a fearsome ambition, is propelled into taking part in an unthinkable crime. The tragedy, Macbeth is perhaps one of William Shakespeare’s most terrific and popular plays. Written sometime...

Ideas Of Racism And Sexism In Othello By William Shakespeare

1 Page 653 Words
Racism is a theory. According to this theory, there are human races that present biological differences justifying relations of domination between them and rejection or aggressive behaviors. Racism is the belief in the superiority of a human group. Defined as a race, this group would be superior to all others. Racism is the hatred of one of these human groups....

The Abuse Of Power And Its Effects In King Lear

2 Pages 952 Words
The desire to gather power and to control what one wants to encourage their greed can be a dangerous quality. King Lear, written in 1608, by William Shakespeare, is a tragedy that represents the horrible impacts of abusing power and leads to his death. The abuse of power plays an immense role all throughout the character's lives in this play...
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Morality in Merchant of Venice & To Kill A Mockingbird

2 Pages 738 Words
Compelling texts draw in the responder to confront new ideas regarding the inconsistencies within personal and collective experiences. The Merchant of Venice depicts the struggle of the individual against the imposed obligations of society, while To Kill a Mockingbird, explores the human morality where the distinction between right and wrong can be seen. Throughout The Merchant of Venice, assumptions of...

Creon As A Tragic Character In Antigone

2 Pages 1101 Words
In Sophocles’ “Antigone,” the main character, Antigone, displayed strong determination and loyalty to her family and god. However, I sympathize more with Kreon because he was a man of his words and he refused to break social peace and state laws. Throughout the play, Kreon’s character exemplifies the traits of a tragic hero. Creon was suffering from his actions without...

Toxic Masculinity In Macbeth And My Last Duchess

2 Pages 1131 Words
‘Macbeth’ written by William Shakespeare and ‘My last duchess’ written by Robert Browning are two of the most common examples linked to toxic masculinity. In today’s car driven and busy city world, toxic masculinity can often go unseen. However, it is present more commonly than many think within men and women.Shakespeare’s representation of masculinity within his work during the Elizabethan...

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