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Government Surveillance: Threat to Privacy and Liberty

2 Pages 925 Words
Introduction In the digital age, government surveillance has become an increasingly pervasive phenomenon, raising significant concerns about privacy and civil liberties. The advent of sophisticated technology has enabled state apparatus to monitor citizens' activities more intricately than ever before. The justification of such surveillance often hinges on national security and public safety, yet it poses profound implications for individual freedom...

Richard Nixon's transformation in The Selling of the President

3 Pages 1200 Words
At the age of twenty-six, American author Joe McGinniss wrote what would become one of American history’s most influential political books, The Selling of the President 1968. This work was originally published in 1969 after President Richard Nixon took office. It was later reprinted in 1988 with the title The Selling of the President. This 252-page, non-fictional book only took...

Government Surveillance in the United States: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 996 Words
This text seeks to analyze how citizens’ voices are being suppressed through government surveillance with a focus in times of national crisis where inhabitants are asked to exchange privacy and liberty for security and protection. Some supporters of heightened government surveillance ratify the actions as believed to be obligatory for national protection, on the other hand, those against it argue...

Differences in Political Party Beliefs: Conservatives Versus Liberals

3 Pages 1323 Words
A political party is an organization of people with common goals and similar political practices. These behaviours are guided by sets of beliefs on how a country should be governed, political ideologies that differ from each other depending on each political party classified in different political positions in comparison to each other in what is known as the political spectrum....

Government Surveillance on Internet Users: Dangers & Solutions

2 Pages 914 Words
Have you ever had the feeling of been watched and monitored by someone hiding in the shadow? Watching every single move of yours, what you do, where you go, who you interact with, and all of your daily activities. If you are certain about this, then your guess is correct because every single one of us is under our governments...

The Strategic Influence of Jinnah in Pakistan's Politics

2 Pages 764 Words
Introduction Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founding father of Pakistan, played a pivotal role in shaping the political landscape of South Asia. As the leader of the All-India Muslim League, Jinnah's political acumen and unwavering dedication to the cause of Indian Muslims led to the creation of Pakistan in 1947. His vision for a separate nation was not merely a reactionary...

Vladimir Putin: An Analysis of Leadership Dynamics

2 Pages 1140 Words
Introduction Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation, is a figure whose leadership style has profoundly influenced not only Russia but the global political landscape. Since his ascent to power in 1999, Putin's leadership has been characterized by a blend of strategic pragmatism, authoritarian control, and a focus on restoring Russia's prominence on the world stage. His tenure, marked...

Government Surveillance: Pros and Cons

1 Page 524 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Government Surveillance refers to how the government accesses domestic communications. It can also refer to as how the government access communications involving potential foreign influence and terrorism. The aims of government surveillance are intelligence gathering, prevention of crime, the protection of a process, person, group, or object, and the investigation of crime. It is also used by criminal organizations for...

Essay on Obama Care Pros and Cons

2 Pages 881 Words
What is Obama care? Ok, now we are on Obama healthcare so almost everyone living in the United States has heard of something called Obama healthcare. But not everyone has a clear understanding of what Obama care is and what it does for families that are living in the United States. Most people probably only know Obama care as “The...

General Overview of Gerrymandering: Analytical Essay

1 Page 379 Words
Gerrymandering is the practice of “dividing an area” into “political units” which ultimately helps one political party (Merriam-Webster). However, these divisions are typically unfair and leave one political party at a disadvantage. The philosophy behind gerrymandering is to not give an overwhelming amount of safe seats to the person who is probable to win, but to give the opponent a...

Why Is Barack Obama a Hero

5 Pages 2265 Words
Was Obama a Hero in Fighting Racism? Barack Obama’s presidential election was significant in marking a change in the nature of attitudes and beliefs regarding race in American society. As the first African-American president, the build-up to his campaign was crucial as it enforced many to evaluate pressing issues regarding race and unequal opportunities amongst minorities. His election was important...

Is Fidel Castro a Hero

2 Pages 881 Words
“To what extent did Fidel Castro successfully revolutionize Cuba, politically, economically, and Socially between 1959-the 1990s” Can he be considered a hero? Through the spotlight, on Fidel Castro, it is evident that he successfully revolutionized Cuba politically, economically, and socially from 1959 through to the 1990s through the use of Guerilla warfare to overthrow Batista through civilian movement and the...

Stalin or Castro: Compare and Contrast Essay

1 Page 460 Words
Reflection essay on corrupting power. This warning from Acton, a politician, and moralist, is as applicable today as it was in 1887 (Acton Institute, 2019), and can apply to individuals, organizations, and governments. According to Merriam Webster (2019), power is defined as the “possession of control, authority, or influence over others”. Power is that which leadership inevitably results in the...

Fidel Castro's Leadership Efficacy

2 Pages 879 Words
Introduction Fidel Castro, one of the most iconic figures of the 20th century, led Cuba for nearly half a century. His leadership has been a subject of intense debate, with opinions ranging from admiration to condemnation. Understanding Castro's effectiveness as a leader requires analyzing his strategic acumen, political ideology, and impact on both national and international levels. Castro's rise to...

Customer Satisfaction on Public Transport in Malaysia

2 Pages 1084 Words
Introduction Efficient public transport is a hallmark of any developed nation. Malaysia is rapidly developing its public transport infrastructure and facilities, aiming to become a high-income developed nation. Public transport represents'... greater freedom, connectivity and choice for those living in urban areas (Aziz & Mohamad, 2013, p. 1). Malaysia has, however,'... promoted a motorized society by upgrading the road system...'...

Pros and Cons of Gerrymandering

2 Pages 1104 Words
Single Member District Representation follows a set of rules that differentiates itself from multi-member districts and creates some advantages for being represented by one official. The first rule is that for every legislative district, there will be one representative. The second rule follows up on the first by stating that each district must be contiguous; they cannot be distant from...

Customer Satisfaction towards Public Transport: Case Study of Bus

3 Pages 1525 Words
1.0 Introduction Public transportation can be defined as transportation by conveyance that provides continuing general or special transportation to the public excluding school buses (Tran & Kleiner 2005, p.154). There are many ways of public transportation in Malaysia such as taxis, buses and vans. Generally, taxi is a mode of transport for people to go from one place to another...

Reflective Essay on the Issue of Gerrymandering

2 Pages 876 Words
In both houses members of congress are elected by a measure known as the direct popular vote, the process breaks down as follows, members of the senate are voted in through a statewide election, and house representatives are elected in the congressional district. The rule of how senators are elected is laid out in the constitution under Article 1, Section...

Political Parties: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1828 Words
Introduction Political parties formed to accommodate opposing views, enhance the policymaking process, represent people’s interests, and provide an oversight role. The history of political parties in the United States goes back to 1783 during the time of federal constitution ratification (Bonica, 2013). Disagreements over the proposal to have a centralized government led to divisions and the formation of an anti-federal...

Vladimir Putin is a Modern Machiavelli

3 Pages 1219 Words
The name of Niccolò Machiavelli is often heard on our lips when referring to a certain situation or someone ‘Machiavellian’ (being clever but dishonest and immoral to achieve some means) used to address the different varieties of men (as in mankind) that behave in a not so ‘moral’ way. It is true that Machiavelli was no saint, no lawyer is,...

Analytical Essay on Nixon's Activity As a President

4 Pages 1668 Words
My plan was to go to the Nixon Library with a few of my friends as a way to spend time with them. Since graduating high school, a lot of my friends went to different schools, so trying to allocate time with all of them is a headache. Until my grandparents overheard about this project where they basically invited themselves....

War against Drugs Launched by President Nixon: Descriptive Essay

3 Pages 1149 Words
The United States of America makes roughly 5 percent of the world population, yet funny enough it houses more than 25 percent of all people incarcerated throughout the world (Coates). The hardest hit communities are by far those of color in urban areas. This paper will focus on how America used the War on Drugs to wage war against its...

Privacy or Safety: Issues of Government Surveillance

2 Pages 888 Words
Have you ever been told about the government and how they listen and watch everything you do? Ever been told on how it’s for your good’ or ‘it prevents crime’? It’s obvious that those people believe that government surveillance is effective and reduces theft, however, research shows that government surveillance does more harm than good. One reason why the government...

Essay My Favorite Personality Quaid-E-Azam

3 Pages 1469 Words
Role of Ali Jinnah as the father of the nation. As we know Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a barrister, politician, and the founder of Pakistan.[1] Jinnah served as the leader of the All-India Muslim League from 1913 until Pakistan’s independence on 14 August 1947, and then as Pakistan’s first Governor-General until his death. He is revered in Pakistan as Quaid-i-Azam...

Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan Similarities

1 Page 551 Words
Neoliberalism is the idea that society should be shaped by the free market and comprises a set of economic theories as well as a more administrative, strategical, and policy position. The theory entails that ‘a largely unregulated capitalist system (a “free market economy”) not only embodies the ideal of free individual choice but also achieves optimum economic performance with respect...

Liberalism and Conservatism: Ideological Dichotomy

2 Pages 840 Words
Introduction The political landscape is often characterized by the enduring contest between liberalism and conservatism. These ideological frameworks influence policy-making, societal norms, and governance across the globe. Liberalism, with its emphasis on individual rights, freedom, and equality, advocates for progressive change and governmental intervention to ensure social justice. Conversely, conservatism prioritizes tradition, stability, and limited government intervention, advocating for the...

Margaret Thatcher Ronald Reagan Eulogy Rhetorical Analysis

2 Pages 798 Words
Margaret Thatcher in her eulogy appeals to our emotions to show how successful Reagan was especially during the Cold War. America was in terror and unease but Reagan's humor was able to keep the public together and unified. America is looking up to the President to provide firm leadership and the tone given alludes to people appreciating how the situation...

Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan Similarities

2 Pages 731 Words
During the late 70s and early 80s, the US was still recovering from the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal, and it almost led the US into a depression state. It was clear that the next upcoming presidents would have to make drastic changes to US foreign policy. In this essay, I will discuss US foreign policy during the times...

Ronald Reagan Challenger Speech Analysis

1 Page 536 Words
Reviewed double_ok
On January 28, 1986, the space shuttle “The Challenger” broke up 73 seconds after liftoff, and all seven crew members on board were killed. Almost immediately, Ronald Reagan had been given the task to give a speech that would put the nation at ease. On the same day at 5 p.m., he sat down in the Oval Office at the...

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