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Why I Want to Study Computer Science: Essay

3 Pages 1358 Words
Ram.Rom.Motherboard.Small components in computers have ignited a fire in me from a young age and the flame is still burning. When receiving my first computer at the age of 6 I thought it'd be a good idea to break it apart and explore what was within this machine. I wasn't able to put it back together though and this sparked...

Why I Want to Study Business: Essay

1 Page 401 Words
I am applying to study for a business degree in ..... As I grow up seeing my grandfather taking care of our family business of olive lands and how my father took the lead to study business and management professionally I became committed with a keen lifelong interest in business and I also became more aware of the importance of...

Why I Want to Start My Own Business: Essay

2 Pages 1025 Words
Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) 10 August 1995 in Dhamai, a small village in Punjab, India into a Sikh family. My father works in the corporate sector a high position. My mother is a housewife. I have one elder and one younger sister. My elder sister is a teacher at an engineering college and my younger sister has completed her bachelor’s...

Why I Want to Be an Officer: Essay

1 Page 554 Words
I think that the most important thing to remember in life is that we are not alone. This statement has always had a profound meaning to me and to how I have lived my life thus far. My name is William G Pierce Jr; I was born to William G Pierce Sr and Lenore Iva Atwood on October 6, 1986,...

Why I Want to Be an Esthetician Essay

3 Pages 1166 Words
The word feminine has different meanings to different people but to me, it means being able to show a soft and sympathetic side while at the same time demonstrating strength. I feel as though the definition of the feminine has changed over time as it was used back then to somewhat degrade women and make them feel as though they...

Why I Want to Be an EMT: Essay

2 Pages 846 Words
When it came around to 14-year-old Shaquan’s turn to recite a section of Langston Hughes’ “Let America Be America Again”, he timidly struggled to verbalize more than a few words at a time. Seeing him embarrassedly tear up about his reading ability while surrounded by his fellow 8th graders, I began reading with him, walking him through each word. As...

Why I Want to Be a Welder: Essay

2 Pages 829 Words
Since before I can remember I have been taking things apart and wondering how they worked, intrigued by what makes a toy tick or a button click. At a very young age, I knew that I wanted to be an engineer, and design great things. Because of this endless passion for design and engineering, I entered the Plano Academy. The...

Why I Want to Be a Veterinarian: Essay

2 Pages 855 Words
After attending a lecture on how genetic diseases within humans and animals can be detected early and their effects prevented, I became fascinated with pathology and the biological mechanisms by which animals cope with illnesses. Combined with my long-held passion for animal welfare, my interest in veterinary medicine began to take shape. Reading the veterinary record has kept me up...

Why I Want to Be a Ultrasound Technician? Essay

1 Page 450 Words
'When I grow up, I want to be an ultrasound technician!' probably isn’t the most common reply a kid would give when asked what he wants to do when he grows up. It’s not a job name, that rolls from one's tongue, either. Alternative names for an ultrasound technician are diagnostic medical sonographer or just sonographer. While those names are...

Why I Want to Be a Supervisor: Essay

3 Pages 1551 Words
My Philosophy of Supervision is having clear goals of supervision, which is based on the following: My Values and beliefs of being a Therapist: As part of my training, I had very little opportunity to observe senior practitioners at work, apart from a few role-plays and watching Gloria films. The transition from the classroom-based didactic nature of learning to the...

Why I Want to Be a Speech Pathologist: Essay

1 Page 504 Words
As a 24-year-old Latina, I was born and raised in Miami, Florida which is one the most diverse cities that have a positive impact on the Latin community. I was first exposed to the speech pathology field when I was a small child. I had to attend speech therapy because I struggled with minor speech difficulties such as pronunciation and...

Time Management Essay (2000 words)

5 Pages 2479 Words
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Introduction to Time Management for University Students A lot of university students complain about running out of time when asked to do a certain task, they get frustrated because they are not able to make it before the deadline. Time management is an ability that every student must not only know but also apply. Time management is extremely important, particularly...

Essay about Registered Nurse

2 Pages 919 Words
Many people tend to believe that nursing can be described very easily, but that is not true. There are so many things that a registered nurse can do. The reflection of my first perception of a registered nurse to my current perception of a registered nurse. This new perception is from the increase in knowledge and education of most things...

Essay about My Leadership Skills

3 Pages 1474 Words
My Introduction to Leadership When confronted with the aspect of leadership, I always wondered what specifically made a great leader. Many times I think it is charisma, self-confidence, and the ability to observe and direct. I have never considered the concept of leadership besides the ability to take charge. However, through this course, I have learned many different concepts about...

Essay about My First Job

2 Pages 1055 Words
Everyone remembers their first job. It’s a definitive time in your life: it’s a step up from childhood, and a preview of adulthood. It’s a proud moment when you are old enough to earn your own money. First-job experiences are also formative. Not only do they teach you the value of hard work and money — but they also shape...

Essay about Jobs

3 Pages 1368 Words
Should High School Students Have a Job During High School? Did you have a job while you were in high school? Having a job used to be the most common thing that almost every high school student did in their spare time. They used to combine school and work during school time and work during the summer. They would make...

Internship: Reflection Paper Essay

4 Pages 1864 Words
This quarter, I had the opportunity to intern at the Colorado Department of Transportation as a Budget Analyst. This public organization is one of the twenty-eight departments under the Government of Colorado, and its primary purpose is to execute state transportation responsibilities in creating a safe and multi-modal transportation system for Colorado. It is a billion-dollar institution that incorporates engineering,...

If I Was President: Essay

2 Pages 772 Words
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If I were president I would aim to achieve three major things in our society. First, I would change our educational system, the second I would make drastic changes so that everyone has fair and equal treatment in the U.S., third would give ex-cons a fresh start after they served their time, and lastly I want to help clean our...

How Will This Program Benefit You: Essay

1 Page 657 Words
I am applying for the Graduate program within European Investment Bank. Currently, I am in my final year of undertaking a BSc (Hons) in Economics at the University of Bath. I am interested in the program as I aim to work in a fast-paced environment, which will challenge me and therefore help me grow as a person and employee. Thus,...

Essay on Why Messi Is Better Than Ronaldo

2 Pages 1041 Words
The greatest football rivalries in generation Growing up on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in a little community with no recreational activities, public parks, or kid-friendly places. There wasn’t any organized event or activities for kid. The only safe places we knew were miles-long beaches with various outdoor sporting activities. The beaches were divided into various sections for respective...

Essay on Why Life Skills Should Be Taught in School

2 Pages 886 Words
Here’s the thing. I can tell you how to answer a polyamorous equation. I can give you a completely memorized timeline of both World Wars. I can recite the 9 animal phyla and their characteristics. But you know what I can't do. I can't cook. I have no idea how to pay taxes. I know absolutely nothing about financial stability...

Essay on Importance of Continuing Education

3 Pages 1200 Words
The profession of nursing involves a multitude of qualities that are needed in order to successfully provide care to patients. Our group has created a Coat of Arms depicting just a few of the key qualities involved in nursing. The Coat of Arms consists of five symbols, each representing an important quality in nursing. The first symbol is a dragon,...
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Essay on How Will This Internship Benefit You

1 Page 449 Words
Since Jacobi Hospital is a large facility, it’s almost always very busy. I’ve learned a lot of different aspects of my field. This was one expectation I had before starting the internship, to learn different aspects of my field. My second expectation was taking orders from a manager and completing my daily assigned tasks. Although to some extent this expectation...

Essay on How to Contribute to Community

2 Pages 760 Words
My interest in doing community service developed after joining the Women in Search of Excellence after-school program. W.I.S.E. helped me understand that any circumstance should not hold me back from attaining the best version of myself. My first experience as a volunteer, was when I attended the Martin Luther King Service Day event, in which I sorted food from the...

Working in an Office Vs Working at Home

3 Pages 1168 Words
One of the most crucial aspects of any organization is providing a very conducive, productive atmosphere in the office since it is where innovative ideas are created. Highly skilled people are hired, meticulous, fearless decision makers and goals are driven. Working in an office can be a pleasant experience in the case of proper organization of workplace and dynamic working...
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Work from Home: Essay

1 Page 502 Words
WFH has been defined in various terms over the four decades, namely remote work, flexible workplace, telework, telecommuting, e-working. These terms refer to the ability of employees to work in flexible workplaces, especially at home, by using technology execute work duties (Gajendran and Harrison, 2007; Grant et al., 2019). Gajendran and Harrison (2007) define teleworking as an ‘alternative work arrangement’...
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Necessity of Work

1 Page 444 Words
What is work? Is work necessary? Is it a duty, a socially acceptable behavior, or a natural predisposition. The debate of the meaning of work stems from an argument on whether work was degrading or elevating. Is work a restraint on people’s capacities of freedom, according to Herbert Marcuse’s argument in ‘Eros and Civilization’ or has work, as Daniel Bell...

Main Elements of Choosing a Good Job

1 Page 447 Words
In my eye, a great occupation is created by three basic elements: high salary, a satisfaction of a worker and professional environment. They are a formula for everyone, especially internships. They can consider making the right decision for their future career and their own cash flow. If we can make an effort for everything we need and we want, a...

Job of an Athletic Director and Why I Want to Achieve It

3 Pages 1170 Words
The athletic director (AD) reports directly to the president of the school. In this role the AD serves as an administrator over functions of an athletic nature. The program can encompass several sports in either the NCAA or NAIA championship programs, the coaches, assistant coaches, athletic trainers, sports information, and student workers. The athletic director provides administrative direction and oversight...

Impact of 4th Industrial Rev & Covid-19 on Future of Work

2 Pages 760 Words
The fourth industrial revolution will impact everyone through the innovation of new technologies by merging that which is physical, biological and digital (Hinton, 2018). More so, the Covid-19 pandemic has rapidly altered the way humans currently live. These two events are likely to set a ‘new normal’. This paper will discuss the influence of the fourth industrial revolution and the...

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