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Impact of Violence on Emergency Medical Personnel

2 Pages 838 Words
Introduction Paramedics play a crucial role in the healthcare system, often being the first line of medical response during emergencies. However, the nature of their work exposes them to various forms of violence, which can have significant repercussions on their physical and mental well-being. Violence against paramedics is not only a violation of their rights but also a hindrance to...

Expectancy Theory Of Motivation And Team Effectiveness

5 Pages 2296 Words
Introduction Vroom’s expectancy theory of motivation considers different concept than other motivation-based theories like Alderfer, Maslow and Herzberg motivation models as Vroom’s theory do not provide with specific propositions about what motivates employees within organisations. Vroom’s theory, instead provides with a framework comprising cognitive variables which reflects individual’s diversified perspective regarding work motivation. From organisational behaviour standpoint, Vroom’s theory can...

Stress Management and Nurse Burnout Syndrome

1 Page 517 Words
Nursing is a particularly high-stress profession, emotionally challenging and physically draining, with a high occurrence of burnout. In addition to the negative effects of stress on nurses’ health and well-being, stress is also a major contributor to attrition and common shortages in the nursing profession. Stress, which can lead to depression and burnout, is an epidemic in nursing, but no...

Human Trafficking As A Global Problem

2 Pages 962 Words
Although it is unheard of, human trafficking is rising and has become a global crisis. This phenomenal has been an ongoing practice for a million of years and has not been stopped. Human trafficking can be defined as the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex from another person. Human Trafficking is...

Legal And Ethical Dilemmas Of Nurses

4 Pages 1888 Words
I am writing this paper over the ethical dilemma of chemical impaired nurses on duty. This subject is an ongoing problem is the nursing profession today that can and has changed a patient’s quality of life, due to mistakes made by a nurse while under the influence. Nurses have access to countless amounts of medications and are trusted to disperse...

Ethical Issues And Dilemmas In Healthcare

3 Pages 1157 Words
Healthcare professionals are obligated to avail care to ailing patients by minimizing any form of suffering as well as alleviating pain. Because of this, every action taken by healthcare personnel or physician constitutes both a moral and ethical dimension. These dimensions are supposed to be in alignment with a set of ethical principles that aim at enhancing the quality of...

Should Millennials Make Youtube a Career

6 Pages 2925 Words
In the current job economy, there are thousands of jobs that can be occupied if the right qualities and applications are met. Well rewarding jobs can be; Financial Analyst, Paramedic, and Statistician where salaries will vary between $30,000-$82,000 a year based on occupation (Martis). Jobs that involve a high level of education are dominantly controlled by millennials. Those that aren’t...

Critique of Nursing Role Theories in Health Promotion

3 Pages 1456 Words
Overview As the profession of the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) continues to evolve within the healthcare system, the utilization of theory-guided practice is imperative for the deliverance of purposeful and effective care to patients. The use of theory in nursing gives APRNs the ability to organize and structuralize knowledge to guide patient care (McEwen & Wills, 2019). Multiple nursing...

Nurses Role in Capital Punishment

3 Pages 1343 Words
It is said that death is certain, its hour is uncertain, but when capital punishment is in place, a prisoner on death row’s hour is known. Could you knowingly assist in another human’s death? As nurses, we are trained to save lives, not take them. Currently, according to the website belonging to World Population Review, we have thirty states in...

Architects As Violators Of Human Rights

1 Page 402 Words
Human rights are some of the basic rights that provides freedom to people to live peacefully. It comes in effect not only in the time of constitutional crisis but also on everyday basis, where architectural work is usually conducted. Spaces connect people to architecture not only physically or mentally but also socially. Henry Lefebvre states that “Social space is the...
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Impact of Police Powers on BAME Community

2 Pages 948 Words
It is apparent that the relationship between the police and BAME communities is vastly damaged and this is due to the ill-judged use of policing powers. Police powers remain among the most controversial components of British police force to stop and search individuals in public. The Police and Criminal Evidence Act was first introduced in 1984 as a reform against...

The Role of Nurses and Health Promotion Used for HIV Prevention

2 Pages 804 Words
The role of nurses to the global health challenge of HIV and AIDS prevention is to deliver care following the Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC) professional code of conduct. It focuses to prioritise people, ensure that people’s health need is recognised, assessed, and provided based on their preferences, goals, and values. Nurses are own a responsibility to recognise, value and celebrate...

The Ethics in Fire Fighting

2 Pages 885 Words
Code of conduct and ethics in the fire service matters so that firefighters to have trust one another and this can’t happen without a workplace culture that values integrity and moral. Ethics is also essential to the citizens so they can have faith and trust firefighters to keep them protected and safe. Ethics is defined as the comprehension of what...

Intercultural Conflict Management Between Pakistan And China Working Teams

8 Pages 3797 Words
1.1 Introduction As the fastest growing economy in the world, China has achieved tremendous success in attracting foreign investment during the past two decades. Although multinational organizations continue to establish businesses in China, many of them have not achieved the success they expected. In fact, foreign managers ‘‘have often reported frustration and confusion’’ (Zhao, 2000, p. 209) when doing business...

Emotional Intelligence: Impact of Emotions at Work

2 Pages 878 Words
Introduction Emotional intelligence (EI) has emerged as a pivotal component in the contemporary workplace, influencing how employees interact, perform, and lead. Defined as the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions as well as those of others, EI significantly impacts workplace dynamics and organizational success. The modern work environment, characterized by diverse teams and fast-paced change, demands more...

Benefits of Non-Judgmental Listening Skills

5 Pages 2113 Words
Listening Skills Describe and discuss the merits of being non-judgmental rather than judgmental. Explain why being judgmental can sabotage a coach-client relationship. Non-Judgmental Coaching “Sometimes, all you need is someone who will listen. It is fortune enough to have people around you who hear you and not judge you.” This quote by Tara Estacaan highlights the importance of Listening as...

Organizational Factors' Impact on Doctor Job Satisfaction

6 Pages 2854 Words
Abstract Job satisfaction has different perspectives. Considering the point of view of an employee, it reveals the benefits people might be looking for while taking the job. And these benefits are agreed by the employer considering their own strategies, benefits and profits. Moreover organizational factors that affect their satisfaction articulate employees’ aspiration to utilize their potential to make a valuable...

Position Paper: Importance of the Code of Ethics for Engineers

5 Pages 2075 Words
Introduction: The Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO) value accountability, respect, integrity, professionalism and teamwork [1] and hold their members to a high standard as they represent the field of engineering in their work. The Professional Engineers Act of Ontario regulates the standards and engineering practices for the province and includes a statutory mandate to protect the public interest where engineering...

Leadership And Management Needed By An Executive Director

3 Pages 1370 Words
Introduction This paper focuses on leadership and management. Great Start Nutrition has launched a new product design for designing, developing and delivering infant formula globally and therefore needs an executive director for this new division. The paper starts by distinguishing between leadership and management. It also describes the various management and leadership skills that the new executive director should possess....

Social Justice in Nursing: Opinion Essay

2 Pages 914 Words
Social justice is the action of trying to eliminate, if not reduce the disadvantages experienced by certain groups in populations by distributing resources fairly throughout the population. When talking about resources, it is meant as more than just services that are available, such as public transit. They are defined as “an aspect of having a positive effect on health, such...

Developing Qualities for Success as a Doctor

2 Pages 828 Words
Studying religious studies at GCSE level introduced the concepts of medical ethics. This and my passion for structure and function of the human body allowed my interest in medicine to flourish leading me to undertake valuable work experience and activities in order to develop the qualities needed to be a successful doctor. The problem-solving nature of medicine appeals to me....

Resilience and reflection in medical education

3 Pages 1482 Words
In the modern-day NHS, where pressure on doctors is growing, the importance of both resilience and reflection is increasing. This essay will discuss how these two factors are relevant to the lives of medical students and doctors. Reflection is ‘ serious and careful thought. ’ (Cambridge dictionary, no date ) Defining reflection is quite difficult because there are many different...

Importance of 6C's in Healthcare Profession

2 Pages 1135 Words
The following essay focuses on the principle purpose of care and discusses the importance of the 6C’s within the healthcare profession. The 6C’s of nursing were established so that care is delivered to the patients in a constructive and structured manner Secure Healthcare Solutions, (2016). Nurses who function on these core values ensure that the patients are safe, protected and...

Caring: Maria Elena Cox Personal Nursing Philosophy

5 Pages 2235 Words
Nursing theories are important to the practice of nursing. More importantly, theory-guided practice is important, as a nurse in any role, particularly in the role as an advanced practice registered nurse. It enables the nurse to deliver effective, efficient, and holistic care (Saleh, 2018). Theory guided practice is becomingly increasingly important in nursing that it was suggested that it should...

Importance of Critical Reflection in Social Work

4 Pages 1824 Words
Critical Reflection plays a significant role in social work, when practicing social work, it is important to reflect on new but also old experience for present and future learning. In Gardner’s Being Critically Reflective: Engaging in Holistic Practice she writes a section called ‘Theoretical Underpinnings’ which talks about the four theories that both Jan Fook and she ‘use the primary...

Community Workers' Use of Frameworks in Australia

3 Pages 1224 Words
Community practice work, through its method of collective action, is a process that involves empowering and mobilising communities to drive social change and achieve cooperative objectives. The following essay will analyse the utilisation of community development frameworks and approaches in the case study ‘Dubai on Country Camp’, whilst simultaneously exploring the context, method and outcomes of working within the community...

Preventing Medication Errors: Factors and Strategies

2 Pages 857 Words
Medication errors is still the most common cause of unintentional harm to patients (Cloete 2015). It leads to adverse effect that compromises the safety of the patient and results in a huge burden to the health services financially (Cloete 2015). It is important to prevent medication errors at every stage of the preparation of medication and the distribution of it...

Stakeholder Analysis Report: Facebook

4 Pages 1787 Words
Executive summary- Facebook is a global technology company that is a well-known provider of online social media platforms. The company is US based and Mark Zuckerberg is the key management personnel. Facebook has been a huge success in online social media and is immensely popular with billions of users globally however in the recent past the company has been facing...

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