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Immanuel Kant’s Analysis Of Imperfect Duty

6 Pages 2929 Words
Kants account of Perfect and imperfect duty is recognised and accepted all over the world. If we try to understand perfect and imperfect duty from a layman’s point of view it would go as follows : Perfect duty consists of duties which have a binding nature for example the duty to not to murder someone falls under perfect duty as...

Managerial Skills And Roles

4 Pages 2019 Words
INTRODUCTION Before discussing about the various roles and skills required by modern day managers, lets discuss about what managers and what are the various types of management roles and skills. Who are “managers”? Managers are people who are responsible of getting organizational work completed not only timely but also effectively and efficiently through its staff. They achieve the goals and...
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Water Utility Company And Stakeholders

1 Page 519 Words
Stakeholder is any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the organisation's objectives. (Friedman and Miles, 2006) Stakeholders have special interest in an organisation and as a result they influence the organisation directly or indirectly. There are two main types of stakeholders, which are internal stakeholders (employees, owners and managers) and external stakeholders (customers,...

Career Plan And Goals For Marine Environmental Expert

1 Page 474 Words
I focus on establishing a career as a marine environmental expert. Thus, following returning, I intend to continue my job at the Department of Fisheries. This is a unique public organization to achieve my career goals, to work intimately with both government and development partners. Subsequent to going along with, I need to present my Individual Activity Plan (IAP) to...

Enhancing Language Skills and Logical Thinking

4 Pages 1784 Words
An argument is a valid product of argumentative reasoning consisting of at least one claim and one premise. It is the process by which many claims are offered based on premises and one reaches a conclusion that is relevant and provides good grounds. Argumentation is the process by which arguments are dialogically and dialectically constructed. Logic is the science that...

Concepts And Roles Of Public Administration

4 Pages 2010 Words
INTRODUCTION This assignment seeks to critically discuss the importance of political parties and elections in South Africa. In this we will also get to know the meaning of a political party and elections. The body consists of subtopics such as, elections and youth, functions of elections on a society, the role of political parties in different spheres of government and...

Kenyan Domestic Workers Seeking Jobs in Saudi Arabia

4 Pages 1676 Words
Kenya’s economic and employment crisis are driving more people to seek jobs outside the country. Women are the most affected because they are underrepresented in various sectors of the workforce, and therefore risky opportunities in the Middle East often seem like the only option.]About 42 percent of Kenyans live below the poverty line; therefore support through working abroad is the...
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Business Information And Administration

2 Pages 703 Words
The walls of the organizations work environment, in addition to the entire layout and interior, says a lot about the organizations vision and mission. Everything from employee engagement, financial stability and work theory can be expressed effectively by the means of investing in correct décor and layout in the workplace. Productivity is the soul of an organization, for employees to...

Premier Destinations for English Teaching

2 Pages 828 Words
Introduction Teaching English abroad has become an increasingly popular career choice for educators, travelers, and recent graduates seeking to immerse themselves in new cultures while sharing their language skills. The global demand for English proficiency ensures that opportunities abound across various continents, each offering unique experiences and challenges. Countries like China, South Korea, and Spain are often highlighted as top...

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) VS Pharmacist

2 Pages 718 Words
When, I was in high school, I had a writing assignment titled, “where do you see yourself in 10 years?” I never thought of my future career, or what I could become. It wasn’t until I started medical assistant classes in high school that I knew I wanted to do something in the healthcare field. 6 years later, I went...

Women's Work-Life Balance in IT: A Case Study on 5 Leading Companies

2 Pages 823 Words
INTRODUCTION In the words of Hillary Clinton, “Life is a mixture of different roles and we all do the best we can to find whatever best balance is... but for me it is the balance between family, work and service.” Work Life Balance basically refers to the prioritization between personal and professional life. Every individual has life at work, home...

History Of The Engineer NCO (Noncommissioned Officers)

3 Pages 1316 Words
The NCO’s (Noncommissioned officers) have a long history and it all started with the Revolutionary War in 1775 and still carries out the tradition today. We will take a look through different periods in history of the Engineer NCO and the roles and task they performed as a whole. You will see how the NCO’s are known as “The backbone...

From Survival to Consumption: A Comparative Analysis

2 Pages 790 Words
Introduction The evolution from hunting-gathering societies to modern consumer societies represents a profound shift in human behavior, social structures, and economic practices. Hunting-gathering societies, characterized by a subsistence lifestyle, have long been regarded as the original human economy. These societies relied on their intimate knowledge of the environment to sustain themselves. In contrast, modern consumer societies are defined by mass...
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A Study On Work Life Balance: A Real Challenge

4 Pages 1873 Words
Abstract Work-Life Balance is a very important strategy for every organisation, group and individual for happy-living. Maintaining a balance between work and personal life is a necessity. A proper understanding of work-life balance can amount to more efficiency and productivity, better relationship among peers and superior-subordinate structure. Reaching out to a balance is a challenge to every employee, and understanding...

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Virtual Team

2 Pages 855 Words
Advantage of virtual team Flexibility: First of all, the flexible time for working can let the team members, whom can have autonomy applied to their time management and let the time members in charge of their own time, and lets them choose their work schedules. The team members can work at home or wherever the members choose their own working...
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Job Satisfaction In McDonald’s And Its Relationship With Personality

4 Pages 2012 Words
Job satisfaction, as Wood et al. (2016) mentions, represents to which extent people consider their job positively or negatively. As an emotional affiliation with the job environment or tasks, job satisfaction strongly influences the employee’s behaviour. As a result, job satisfaction plays a significant role in achieving the goals in any organization. For example, if there would be too much...

Multitasking: A Vital Skill for Office Efficiency

2 Pages 747 Words
Introduction In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern workplaces, multitasking has emerged as an indispensable skill for office workers. As technology continues to advance and organizational demands increase, employees are frequently required to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously. This ability is not merely a byproduct of contemporary work environments but a crucial competency that enhances overall productivity and adaptability. While some...

Can The Low-country Firefighter Peer Support Team Help Prevent Suicides?

6 Pages 2622 Words
Abstract According to a 2015 article published in the Journal of Emergency Medical Services, first responders attempted suicide rate is 10 times greater than that of the general population within the United States. More than 4,000 first responders or 6.6 percent had attempted suicide in 2015, and first responders attempted suicide rate has been gradually increasing over the past 10...

The Features Of Income Inequality Drivers

4 Pages 1978 Words
This essay will deal with the drivers of income inequality across households within nations. It is vital to understand household income and what income inequality is before discussing the drivers behind the variations in earnings. This essay will give a brief outline on what income inequality is before taking a look at the influencing factors. The main drivers that will...
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The Problems With Industrialization: Labor Unions To The Rescue

1 Page 541 Words
A day late and a dollar short is a popular phrase used in labor, but has it’s roots directly to the “Age of Reform.” The years of 1870 through 1920. During this period, Americans confronted a bewildering array of political, economic, and social problems created by the development of the modern United States and proposed even more solutions for dealing...

Changes And Improvements Of Work Life Balance

4 Pages 1773 Words
ABSTRACT Work Life balance has become an area of concern not only for the employee but also for the organisation as it impacts both in a big way. With the changing business environment change in work place is inevitable causing stress and insecurities in the lives of employees. It had led to reduction in employee productivity and increase in cost...

The Effects Of Stress On Single Parents’ Work Life Balance

8 Pages 3582 Words
Executive Summary Stress is a common issue in today’s organizations. More particularly employees have been noticed to suffer from it in most organizations. The main issue discussed in this paper is about how stress affects the life of single parents, and the challenges they face to balance work-life and family. It has become hard in this current generation to become...

The Factors And Effects Of Good Patient-Doctor Relationship

5 Pages 2129 Words
The physician William Osler once said, “the good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.” The patient-doctor relationship plays an important role in the treatment process. Each patient represents a story that includes their disease, their social situation and their beliefs, which need to be considered during check-ups and diagnosis. A good relationship...

Impact of Automation on Construction Workers

2 Pages 1003 Words
Introduction The construction industry, a cornerstone of economic development, is undergoing a transformation driven by the integration of automation technologies. This shift, characterized by the adoption of robotics, drones, and artificial intelligence, promises to enhance productivity, safety, and efficiency. However, it also raises significant concerns regarding the impact on the workforce. The effects of automation on construction workers are multifaceted,...
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Role Of Language In Multicultural Teams

4 Pages 1720 Words
While completing an exercise during the cross-cultural management class which needed us to rate certain factors according to their importance in selecting a leader to work on a project abroad, I had rated language as one of the most important factors that constitute a leader’s ability to be successful. Ironically when we got to see the ideal ratings, language wasn’t...

The Reasons Why Indians Prefer Working Abroad

2 Pages 707 Words
When I was in college many of my batch mates wished that after college, they want to get a job abroad and settle over there. Many of them got a job in countries like Australia, Canada, USA, New Zealand, and many other places. They didn’t only get a job but also are settled over there and doing well. Now, when...

Female Workers In Firefighter Jobs

6 Pages 2871 Words
Introduction This paper examines how systemic discrimination against women results in lower female participation in firefighting jobs. Firefighting jobs are a microcosm of the overall issue of systemic sexism in the workplace. Females have lower workplace participation than men overall. While there has been some improvement in the past half-century, the rate of change is slow and it will maybe...

Career: Plan, Goals And Self Assessment

4 Pages 1712 Words
Career Career play most important role in our life. When we all are Teenager we all are worried about Career . We don’t know what is good for us and what is bad for us. Some students take the advice of their parents some take the advice from their elder brother sisters , teachers some go for consultant but the...

The Journey Of A Nurse Practitioner

3 Pages 1420 Words
There are various fields available in the world today. The healthcare field is a field that plays a major role in our daily lives. Our health is part of who we are. Your overall health helps determine the efficiency of your ability to carry out daily tasks. There are various people that specialize in the healthcare field that help contribute...

A Study On Work-Life Balance Of Women Employed In Teaching Profession

4 Pages 1932 Words
ABSTRACT In India changing societal attitudes, inflation and rising educational levels made more women than ever before to drive into the paid workforce. The Indian women, who were confined only to the socially acceptable jobs like banks, teaching, nursing etc., are now stepping into various sectors. Irrespective of education, income and employment, professional women in India are still doing three...

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