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How Does Landscape Architect Impact People

2 Pages 872 Words
INTRODUCTION With the continuous growth of urban population, urbanisation is a universal phenomenon all over the world. Therefore, human beings are taking this as a serious problem and trying to find greener and more liveable cities. Landscape architects are responsible for public spaces with attractions and functions such as parks, gardens and playgrounds. We designed and planned the locations of...

Sociocultural Context Of Cashew Workers

2 Pages 736 Words
The Portuguese introduced cashew trees to India in the 16th century in hopes to prevent soil erosion. (Lindberg, 2005). It was only until the 20th century the Indian market discovered its commercial value. Today, India is one of the world's largest producers and importers of raw cashew nuts. It is also the largest exporter of processed cashew nuts. The expanding...
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Leadership And Teamwork Satisfaction

4 Pages 1953 Words
Teamwork between individuals in a firm are foundations for corporations. Assembling efficient teams can increase productivity, achieve higher synergy and gain broader perspectives. Nevertheless, teams are not always effective; it’s benefits can only be reaped if the group has trust, common goals and compatible personalities necessary for achieving high performance. THE SITUATION The article, ‘Leading in Hostile environment’, presents difficulties...

Surfing: Cost, Learning Skills And Personality

6 Pages 2629 Words
WHAT IS SURFING? Surfing is the sport of riding waves in an upright or prone position. Surfers catch ocean, river, lake, or man-made waves, and glide across the surface of the water until the wave breaks and loses its energy. The ultimate goal of surfing is to ride and progress on the unbroken part of the wave using piece of...

Headache Due To Ischemic Cerebral Vascular Accident

4 Pages 1767 Words
Introduction The point of this case study is to research and explore ischemic cerebral vascular accidents and their treatment in the pre-hospital environment. It will include the epidemiology and incidence of strokes, the clinical presentation as well as the aetiology and pathophysiology. This case study will then determine how to appropriately manage these patients in the pre-hospital setting. Stroke is...

The Peculiarities Of Service Profit Chain

5 Pages 2461 Words
Service profit chain The service-profit define as the bonding between profitability, employee satisfaction, loyalty, and productivity. The Profit and growth are prompted in particular by way of purchaser loyalty. Loyalty is a direct result of client satisfaction. Satisfaction is mostly effective by way of the cost of offerings supplied to customers. Value is created with when there is satisfied customer...
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Gig Economy Workers And Companies

3 Pages 1573 Words
INTRODUCTION This report discusses how Uber company uses Gig economy workers for the working of the company. It will highlight the use of freelance economy by the company and how they maximise their profit without investment and use of flexible working hour employees. It introduces us to the working of gig economy, how companies gets advantage and disadvantaged by it....

Women In History Of Workforce And Gender Roles Change

2 Pages 901 Words
Women have played a significant role throughout history, from Dido of Carthage to Wilhemina of the Netherlands. However, they have been overshadowed and confined to the home by societal norms since, well, the dawn of humanity. But during World War one and two, unique circumstances allowed for women to be temporarily emancipated from their domestic duties, and this taste of...

Three Common Myths Of Work Life Balance

1 Page 538 Words
We often come across the term “Work-Life Balance” that has conditioned us to believe that there is a magic formula for having it all. Those who firmly believe that if they work hard and are disciplined then they can have a good job, money in the bank, nice home, fancy car and loads of free time to spend with their...

Social Work and Mental Health: Human Rights and Public Policy Impact

5 Pages 2187 Words
Even though mental health has constituted a fundamental part of the definition of human wellbeing, this has only recently become a public health priority, both worldwide and at the local level (Stacey & Herron, 2002). Particularly in Australia, where the high burden of morbidity due to mental health issues ranks third (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2018), the government...

The Nature Of Community Service Organisations (CSOs)

2 Pages 1095 Words
“Community service organizations are those organizations, whose primary objectives are social rather than economic. The core of the sector includes charities, religious organizations, arts organizations, community organizations, campaigning organizations, trade unions, and other not-for-profit organizations” (Hudson Mike, 2009, p. xvii). “Usually referring to organisations that work with a confined local or regional focus. Community organisations may have a legal status...

The Structure Of The Architectural Profession In Queensland

1 Page 685 Words
Architect is a registered skilled profession in Queensland which work in the environmental field, make use of the visual and creative ideas and integrate it into the environment with the professional knowledge and experience. Architects must possess a systematic body of theory that involve education, training and experience. Therefore, architect will need to apply the body of theory to give...
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Charity Among Teenagers Essay

2 Pages 937 Words
“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.” - Winston Churchill This quote is what volunteering is all about, being a light in the darkness for someone else, being a light doesn’t just mean giving money but it’s also about giving time and love. Volunteering can take in the form of helping...

The Meaning Of Christian Vocation

1 Page 604 Words
Christian Vocation is a calling from god or the Christian church. Christian vocation isn’t just something that God calls us to do it’s also the person God calls us to be. Each person’s calling is different from others callings. God calls his followers to fulfil his mission. By having a Christian vocation you have been called to follow the Christ...
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The Nature Of Volleyball Activity

2 Pages 1073 Words
Volleyball is a game played between two teams ranging between 2-6 players per side. The aim is to hit the volleyball over the net (2.43m for men and 2.24 m for women). Through this, both teams score points if the ball hits the ground on the opponent's side of the court. Each team hits the ball only 3 times (Dig,...

The Significance Of International Teamwork And Collaboration

2 Pages 1014 Words
Teamwork is a notion that is commonly described as a combined action of a group that is aimed to achieve a collective goal. Tasks are carried out more efficiently, making teamwork one of the essential factors in reaching higher productivity for both planned and unplanned events. The Thai Rescue Mission was an unforeseen event that had occurred in Thailand on...

The Dangers And Safety Of Paramedic

3 Pages 1383 Words
Every job a paramedic enters, the risk of getting injured is always prominent; But with the correct approach, that risk is minimised. Apart from being a paramedic, entails checking for dangers as part of your primary survey, to protect yourself, bystanders and the patient. After checking for dangers, the paramedic will need to check the patient’s level of consciousness using...

Fly-in Fly-out (FIFO) Workers As A Special Employment Group

5 Pages 2184 Words
Health issues In Western Australia, fly-in fly-out (FIFO) lifestyle, is where people are required to temporarily travel to their jobs and live for a period of time on site. FIFO contracts require employees to live and work-away from their families and friends, and return to a location of their choice when they are rostered off/off duty. Individuals classified as FIFO...
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The Main Dysfunctions Of A Team In The Book Five Dysfunctions Of A Team

3 Pages 1253 Words
“Five dysfunctions of a team” by Patrick Lencioni is different than the other books I have read because of the facts that it is a fable and it addresses problems of a special, crucial subject from the life of an entrepreneur: the health his team. With a simple narrative thread, the book presents the fictive story of a Silicon Valley...
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The Significance Of Team Work

1 Page 487 Words
In the health sector, teamwork is the connection between two or more health professionals who work together to provide care for patients. The role of organizational presentation teams has been the subject of much research by scholars and practitioners in previous years (Jones et al., 2008). The main probable reason for this attention is the belief that teams can influence...

The Peculiarities Of Doctor-Patient Relationship

3 Pages 1312 Words
INTRODUCTION Medicine is of great significance for mankind. It deals with the most fundamental aspects of the human condition: birth, life, physical functioning, vulnerability, loss, and death. Estimates show that health and medical care contribute to life expectancy over several years. Moreover, they contribute to improving people’s functional ability and quality of life. However, scientific knowledge and technical abilities are...

Nation Building: Role Of Architecture

2 Pages 1079 Words
Architecture is one of the fine arts that integrate itself into every aspect of our lives with great finesse. Architects use their power of imagination which goes on to create unity in diversity. Playing a very significant role in nation building, the architects with their creations and innovations go on to develop positive cultures, for the country’s myriad value systems...

Problems For Essential Workers During The Covid-19 Crisis

4 Pages 1661 Words
Recently, many different parts of the world have been affected by the pandemic of the coronavirus. Because this virus spread so quickly across the world, the safe measure that would help slow the spread of the virus was to shelter in place and close all businesses except for the essential workers. This now has many American workforces working from home...

Service Quality Attributes

2 Pages 850 Words
Customers view reliability as a mixture of keeping promises. The reliability dimension comprises of “promises” and “doing it right” sub-dimensions (Dabholkar et al., 1996). consistent with a survey by Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Asian consumers demand superb quality, especially the provision of merchandise in stores way more than the Western customers. Service is alleged to be distinguished from goods because of its...
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The Modern Architect Toolbox

6 Pages 2570 Words
Abstract This paper takes a critical look into the new technologies in the fields of architecture and construction, specifically a fabrication method called 3D printing. 3D printing, a method familiar to most in the field, offers new ways to design, and construct projects. The paper will focus on how to develop construction efficiency in time, material, mobility, and accessibility. This...
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Labor Market Witnessing Motionless Curve During The Lockdown

2 Pages 795 Words
Temporary & Contract Labor segment is severely impacted, as the major companies and factories across Europe and APAC have temporarily shut down their operations. Contract manufacturers are majorly dependent on temporary labor and contract workers to produce mass exhaustible commodities like phones, automobiles, textiles, etc. Key industries affected include General Office & Clerical Duties, FMCG, Food processing, Healthcare, Medical, Manufacturing,...

The Role Of Stakeholders In Improving The Teaching-learning Process

4 Pages 1762 Words
Abstract The teaching-learning process has gained all time importance in the changing educational scenario, though it is the basis of the education system since time immemorial. The second criterion of the assessment parameters by NAAC ‘Teaching-Learning and Evaluation’ carries the highest weightage which brings forth its importance to the fore once more. The student is the chief stakeholder in the...

The National Labor Relations Act: Components And Improvements

2 Pages 830 Words
Introduction The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), enacted in 1935, stands as a cornerstone of labor law in the United States, fundamentally shaping the landscape of employer-employee relations. Designed during a time when labor unrest and economic instability were rampant, the NLRA aimed to establish a structured framework for collective bargaining and labor rights. The Act's primary goal was to...
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Why Community Service Is So Important For College Admission?

2 Pages 1068 Words
There are high chances of losing an opportunity to join the college of your dreams due to many reasons out of which, community service is one. It is considered that there are many students who will be wanting to join the same college as you, thus making the competition too high. Are you wondering why community service is so important...

Building High Performing Teams Through Coaching

2 Pages 743 Words
We can go writing many pages about the great benefits that any coaching program can bring to organizations. However, we will highlight in this section how coaching the teams can build high performance leading to better results. How often did we hear of competent individuals who cannot perform in teams? Team coaching programs come to put into effect the new...
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