Psychological Concepts essays

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Reflective Essay on Counselling Session

6 Pages 2663 Words
The feeling of being a client As this is the first time I am attending a counseling session, I felt curious and excited during the first counseling session because I had only a brief idea of the counseling session which is clients have to express their feelings and problems of own to find a solution. After I attended counseling sessions,...

Reflective Essay about Finishing a Class

2 Pages 882 Words
Dance class reflection This is the class that had me most nervous because aside from my dance experience when I was a little kid, I had no dance experience. I swim and did a little track and volleyball in high school. I had seen hip-hop, jazz, ballroom, and afro-pop/beat dance but I had never heard of the butoh dance. I...

Reflective Essay on Choosing Career Choice

3 Pages 1399 Words
The role of Women in the digital world was one of the topics that was presented to us on the 11th of October, 2019 by our guest lecturer Paula Neary, a Managing Director within Accenture’s Health and Public Service practice in Ireland. Her extensive experience in leading the successful design and execution of large-scale, complex business and ICT transformation programs...

Reflective Essay on Blood Pressure

2 Pages 1077 Words
Observation: Improving patient care has become a priority for all healthcare providers with the overall objective of achieving a high degree of patient satisfaction. A number of contributing factors to improving patient care include greater awareness among the public, increasing demand for better care, keener competition, and more healthcare regulations. One of the greatest methods of enhancing patient care is...

Reflective Essay on Anxiety

2 Pages 854 Words
In my reflective journal, I have chosen to center on anxiety and how this affects working memory, concerning academic performance. I chose anxiety, as this is what I believe most affects me in my studies. I know that this is something I will have to combat to reach my full potential and successfully complete my foundation year as well as...

Why Resilience Is Important Essay

3 Pages 1423 Words
The qualities of reflection and resilience are developed throughout a person's life, This is of particular significance to those pursuing a career in medicine as these attributes are encouraged from the very beginning of medical school, continuing after graduation as a part of professional development. In this essay, I will outline the importance of these to a successful medical career;...

Trauma and Resilience Essay

3 Pages 1481 Words
This assignment is going to critically evaluate the self-help provided in excerpt one based on trauma and stress. It will highlight the positive and negative advice it provides whilst suggesting why this self-help advice is either useful or why these points suggested can be harmful to people suffering from traumatic experiences. It will evaluate these points by using psychological terms...

The Secret to Filipino Resilience Essay

1 Page 622 Words
No one could smile and make jokes after a devastating situation happened in their lives; only Filipinos could quickly continue and accept it. Amy Tan once stated 'The ability to find humor and irony in situations that would otherwise overwhelm you is what makes a person resilient.' Do you believe that being resilient is a Filipino's greatest weapon for combating...

Student Resilience Essay

3 Pages 1479 Words
A medical career is one that brings many challenges. Therefore, both resilience and reflection are essential concepts needed to overcome these challenges. In this essay, I will explore these two concepts and discuss what relevance they have to medical students and doctors. Oxford Dictionaries define reflection as ‘serious thought or consideration’ (Oxford Dictionaries, 2018). Reflection is an activity used regularly...

Speech about Resilience

2 Pages 750 Words
Resilience is crucial to my life. The path of my life is not as smooth as other classmates. I have taken my first Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (DSE) in 2015. I failed as my English only got level 2. I decided to retake the DSE. However, my parents and teacher did not support me, they thought that...

Short Essay on Resilience

1 Page 642 Words
Psychology has always struck interest in me and throughout the nursing in society unit developing my knowledge further on this topic has opened my eyes to psychology in nurses and healthcare. Nursing is a difficult job physically and emotionally and it is important to be resilient and have emotional intelligence, especially through the current pandemic of COVID 19. At the...

Resilience of Human Spirit Essay

4 Pages 1714 Words
Multiple anthology texts we have analyzed explored the idea of ideal freedoms and portrayed the resilience of the subjects facing their unique challenges. For example in ‘Disabled’, the author presented the immense pain portrayed by the legless soldier. His version of ideal freedom is being seen as a hero after the war. Another example of a character striving for ideal...

Resilience in Nursing Essay

3 Pages 1166 Words
Description - What happened in the immersive simulation resilience scenario? The immersive simulation resilience scenario was a perfect opportunity for me to learn the importance of resilience in nursing. The scenario was set up in a way that every student contributed to a better learning experience. Various aspects of nursing were discussed in the simulation such as hand hygiene, effective...

Reflective Essay on Resilience

3 Pages 1543 Words
Introduction The topic I chose to focus on over the three-week timetabled period was resilience. From part A of the assignment I learned different theories and interpretations surrounding resilience. Through part A and further research, I found a range of different activities focused on the development and improvement of personal resilience. The activities I picked to perform, track and interpret...

Recovery Vs Resilience Essay

4 Pages 1731 Words
Natural disasters have continuously perturbed the Earth’s biosphere and the various ecosystems within it. These adverse naturally occurring events include floods, cyclones, wildfires, earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and droughts (Ayyam et al., 2019). Such disturbances result in profound modifications to the structure and functioning of an ecosystem that persist for long periods. Examples of these modifications are alteration of...

Personal Response Essay 'Life of Pi'

3 Pages 1298 Words
One boy, one boat, one tiger, and one cinematic success! Foxton pulls back the curtain on this year’s most visually enticing film as Ang Lee brings to life Yann Martel’s Life of Pi. From land to sea, human to tiger, despair to hope – this film is nothing short of a cinematic miracle. Ang Lee’s remarkable reworking of Yann Martel’s...

Media Body Image and Eating Disorders Essay

3 Pages 1545 Words
The issue I was trying to display was in today's Western society the use of advertisement and photoshop is destroying many women’s self-image of themselves. It is important for women and all the people around them to learn to treat and love their bodies with respect. To understand there is no need to compare themselves to unattainable standards set by...

Importance of Resilience Essay

3 Pages 1299 Words
Being a medical student has both its advantages and downsides. But overall the life of a medical student is quite stressful. Repeated clinical shifts, continuous studies, and a lot of facts to remember make it quite burdening. In some students, this can lead to stress, depression, erratic mood swings, and other health-related problems. Stress can be defined as ‘‘a state...

Hospital Patient Resilience Essay

3 Pages 1461 Words
Introduction: A career in medicine asks a lot of any person; individuals must be well-rounded and academically capable with a clear work-life balance. From day one of medical school, I believe culturing resilience and reflection is vital. The NHS (no date, para. 1) defines resilience as 'our bounce-back ability in the face of difficulty or challenges. Resilience is the ability...

Family Resilience Essay

6 Pages 2561 Words
A human being is a social animal and to survive in this society we have to communicate and interact with individuals. It s not the individual who impacts our learning process but it the relationship with them, the places where we met, and the things that they did; and that’s how cognition occurs (May 2013). According to Te Whariki, the...

Emotional Resilience Essay

3 Pages 1524 Words
The purpose of this paper is to explore emotional resilience as an area for improvement during my transition from a student to a registered nurse using the concepts of transition theory and reality shock (Kramer, 1974). The rationale for choosing emotional resilience is a need to improve my weaknesses in the SWOT analysis in preparation for the transition. Nurses face...

The Themes of 'Life of Pi'

2 Pages 976 Words
Introduction Yann Martel's novel "Life of Pi" is a profound narrative that weaves together a tapestry of themes, ranging from the quest for survival to the exploration of faith and the human condition. The story follows the journey of Piscine Molitor Patel, known as Pi, as he survives a shipwreck and drifts across the Pacific Ocean in a lifeboat with...

Just Mercy' Narrative Essay

3 Pages 1358 Words
Within my role as a Community Health Worker, I am often faced with ethical dilemmas that involve conflicting values and morals. The balance of what is morally right and wrong is constantly in my heart and on my mind when it comes to the vulnerable populations I work with. However, this module’s material has given me a deeper insight into...

Animal Farm' Reflection Essay

1 Page 490 Words
In Animal Farms, George Orwell, a great social reformer, reflects that we should be cautious about the 'future possibility of totalitarianism' and he himself is skeptical of every 'version of ideal society' (White 73). The novella is said to be the masterpiece as it, very beautifully, exhibits the dystopia of society. Moreover, the novella is an allegory as both the...

My First 30 Days of Employment: Reflective Essay

2 Pages 969 Words
TBA Leicester is a private sector, Leicester-based Software Company and part of the TBA group, officially formed in April 2017, comprising three sites: one in Leicester, one in Delft, and one in Doncaster. The group also has offices in Romania, Germany, and representatives in North America, South America, and Oceania. The group is owned by Finish company Konecranes, which specializes...

What Is Entrepreneurial Mindset and How to Develop It

3 Pages 1500 Words
“Entrepreneurial mindset refers to a specific state of mind which orientates human conduct towards entrepreneurial activities and outcomes. Individuals with entrepreneurial mindsets are often drawn to opportunities, innovation, and new value creation” (Dr. Alain Fayolle). Davis et al. (2015) have further elaborated that an entrepreneurial mindset is a mixture of motives, skills, and thought processes that differentiate entrepreneurs from non-entrepreneurs....

Explicatory Essay on Hafez: 14th Century Poet

5 Pages 2079 Words
Since the 14th century, people have been analyzing and talking about the works of Persian Sufi poet Hafez. Born between 1320 to 1325 a.d. in Shiraz, South-Central Iran, Hafez was one of the two most influential, studied, and praised poets of the Middle East and even the world. His works centered around the ideas of spirituality, love, and wine. Hafez's...

Theatre Critique of 'A Doll’s House': Essay Example

3 Pages 1342 Words
Henrik Ibsen’s theatre production 'A Doll’s House' is a literary masterpiece that captivates the audience through its complex plot that follows a struggling marriage that is riddled with dishonesty and the main character’s journey to self-discovery and empowerment. The production of 'A Doll’s House' follows the story of a young married couple, Torvald and Nora Helmer, as Nora Helmer struggles...

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