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Eyewitness Misidentification: Causes and Measures to Minimize It

5 Pages 2383 Words
Mistaken eyewitness identifications have contributed to approximately 75% of false convictions. Meaning that more than 100 people each year could be falsely convicted of violent or sexual crimes because of these false accusations from witnesses (Garrett, 2011). Eyewitness misidentification is believed to be the single greatest cause of wrongful convictions nationwide which are later overturned through DNA testing. Research studies...

Eyewitness Misidentification in Wrongful Convictions: A Case Study

3 Pages 1311 Words
According to studies dating back to the 1930’s, eyewitness misidentification is the most common element in wrongful convictions. In this paper I will talk about a case where misidentification was truly show in honest spotlight. The defendant, Kirk Bloodsworth. a 59-year-old Caucasian man, born and raised in Rosedale, Maryland. An innocent man, only 24 years old at the time of...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Eyewitness Testimony

3 Pages 1329 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Any statement made by an eyewitness, a sworn statement or oath, which is written either on affidavit or paper done in court testimony, is eyewitness testimony. It is the main researching field in human memory and cognitive psychology. Eyewitnesses are only acceptable if the story they tell is consistent, comprehensible, and cohesive. Many psychological factors can affect eyewitness testimony. They...

Tolerance or Acceptance in Improving Marriage and Relationships

1 Page 448 Words
Many today enter into relationships and insist over and over again that their partners are perfect, but soon the intimacy of marriage starts to reveal faults and habits that irritates them. They begin to say marriage life would be more enjoyable if their partners would conform to their ideas of how a perfect mate should order their lives. Accepting your...

Emotional Intelligence for Childhood Success

5 Pages 2061 Words
Emotional Development Emotional development is a process that a child develops from dependence to a fully functioning adult and applies to most life forms. The study of emotional development has made great strides since the 1970s. Prior to this period, emotions in infancy were viewed as diffuse responses of physiological arousal to changes in stimulation. Emotions were not necessarily linked...

Mindfulness for Accepting Depression & Anxiety Symptoms

4 Pages 2020 Words
Being conscious of our feelings, sentiments, perceptions in the body, and our environment in each moment is called as mindfulness. This paper informs us about how mindfulness can help us to minimize our anxiety, stress, and in emotion management. This topic is interesting to me because this information regarding mindfulness is new to me, and if I use it in...

Self-Concept of Teacher Identity in Northern Ireland

3 Pages 1596 Words
Over the course of the first ten weeks of my study of education, I have developed a wide knowledge of the key aspect of Teacher Identity. This simple aspect permeates the entire study of education and plays an important role in many other aspects of the study. Through my study of education, it has become apparent that Teacher Identity is...

Psychological Implications of Death Attitudes: Anxiety and Acceptance

4 Pages 1716 Words
This study involves exploring the two different ways on how people react to the idea of death: anxiety and acceptance and how it affects an individual’s perception taking into consideration the association of age, gender, and religiosity. The following theories and concepts are used to explain this behavior: The Death Anxiety Scale and Death Acceptance Scale; Three-component Model of Death...

Self Concept through Prism of Socialization

2 Pages 793 Words
The question that arose from our discussion concerns whether the concept of self is formed through the interaction with others or if it is solely based on the individual. As we go through life, nothing stays consistent, we come across new situations, we develop and we progress. We learn about other people's perspective regarding us through the action of meeting...

Self Concept in Practice: Counselling of Hearing Impaired Individuals

2 Pages 680 Words
Hearing loss is a widespread condition, affecting approximately 432 million adults globally (World Health Organization, 2014). In general, having a hearing-impairment, whether it be mild or profound, makes communicating with the outside world difficult. A major focus of social work is to advocate for the rights of people at all levels (IFSW, 2014). When working with individuals with a hearing-impairment,...

Relationship of Landscape Paintings to My Definition of Art

4 Pages 1843 Words
In the book “Believing is seeing: Creating the culture of art”, Staniszewski considered art in many aspects. There are some here: (1) Art, like photography and popular culture, is a field of representation that is unique to modernity, and it is meant to augment out understanding of cultural creations both different and including our own. (2) Art is an original...

Relationship between Intelligence and Creativity: Psychological Approach

3 Pages 1473 Words
From an extended time, creativity has been a neglected subject in psychological research. This can be chiefly as a result of its invariably been widely believed that it has mystical influences or a divine nature. Plato said that the writer is barely able to produce what the Muse dictates and most frequently than not, even these days, writers and inventors...

The Legacy of Andy Warhol

2 Pages 817 Words
Introduction Andy Warhol, the leading figure of the Pop Art movement, has left an indelible mark on modern art and culture. His works, characterized by their bold color schemes and repeated imagery, have transcended the boundaries of conventional art, establishing a new paradigm in art-making and consumption. Warhol's legacy is not limited to his art; it extends to his influence...

Reflective Essay on the Lack of Senior Fashion Designers

2 Pages 1152 Words
The development of the fashion industry is vigorous, it is one of the industries that many youngsters dream to work at. However, the blooming development of the fashion industry is only focusing on the design which is mostly about children, teenagers, and adults. About elderly fashion, the fashion industry is lack of senior fashion designers. It seems like young designers...

Reflective Essay on the Concept of Selfie

2 Pages 1057 Words
As many people know a selfie is a type of self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone. Selfies are often associated with social networking, like Instagram, Facebook, and other social media. Everyone in the whole world takes selfies for a variety of reasons. it can be from serving as a remembrance of an important moment...

Reflective Essay on Prevalence of Medication Treatment for ADHD

3 Pages 1192 Words
What is ADHD? The controversy surrounding overmedication of children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is an ongoing contemporary issue. There are three categories of ADHD, Hyperactivity/Impulse (ADHD-HI), Inattentive (ADHD-I), and Combined inattentive and hyperactive impulsive (ADHD-C). Symptoms are usually identified by age four. Overall, I have found significant studies that confirm ADHD is under diagnosed. I was...

Reflective Analysis of Holy Week and Easter

2 Pages 840 Words
Introduction Holy Week and Easter stand as pivotal events within the Christian liturgical calendar, encapsulating the profound mysteries of faith, sacrifice, and redemption. These observances are not merely religious rituals but profound spiritual journeys that invite adherents to engage in deep reflection and renewal. Holy Week, commencing with Palm Sunday and culminating in Easter Sunday, retraces the final days of...

Reflective Essay on Graffiti and Street Art

2 Pages 974 Words
The practice of marking a wall to record and communicate traces back to the hieroglyphs of Ancient Egypt, though in the modern day, it resembles more so the “tags” of New York that trace all the way back to the 1960’s. Today, these markings are considered street art or graffiti depending on their message. A common misconception within the community...

English Class Reflection Essay

2 Pages 902 Words
When I first started this English class, I was not sure how well I would do. When I met my professor, Rebecca Samberg, I gained more confidence because she explained the materials in such a way that helped stimulate my interest. I feared I would struggle through the course but being under the supervision of professor Samberg, it got easier...

The Legacy of Ancient Art: A Critical Analysis

2 Pages 862 Words
Introduction The study of ancient art history provides invaluable insights into the cultural, religious, and social dimensions of past civilizations. J. Alden Mason, in his seminal work on ancient art history, delves into the intricate tapestry that constitutes the artistic expressions of early societies. This reading response paper aims to critically analyze Mason's perspectives, focusing on his thematic exploration of...

Creativity Versus Intelligence: Critical Analysis

3 Pages 1276 Words
Since a long time, intelligence and creativity have been seen as two separate abilities and creativity has been an ignored subject in psychological research. But in life, creativity is been valued more than intelligence as it comprises individuals adapting to novel situations that would lead to either result in success or failure. According to Plato, a writer is barely able...

Analysis of Archetypes in Novels: Essay on The Book Thief

3 Pages 1475 Words
Death states, “Did they deserve any better, these people? How many had actively persecuted others, high on the scent of Hitler's gaze, repeating his sentences, his paragraphs, his opus?” (Markus Zusak p. 375-76) 1942, was a year known for being the beginning to an unfortunate end. Although some survived the horrific war known as, World War Two, effects rendered and...

Grit and Growth Mindset Essay

1 Page 533 Words
In today's society, there is a belief that intelligence is tied to GPA. There is a stereotype about intelligence. It is the idea that you are either smart or not smart. You either understand it, or you do not. What happens if you are between? College is about self-learning and not depending on the professor to teach you everything. If...

Essay on How Should Intelligence Be Assessed

1 Page 416 Words
Intelligence testing is the testing of someone’s cognitive ability that can help diagnose people with any method of disabilities that may hinder their everyday life. However, influence testing every day is susceptible to barriers such as patients not following up, proper scoring, and miscommunication. Intelligence Assessments are a type of evaluation to classify an individual’s cognitive function and mental thinking...

Who I Am: Defining My Self-Concept

4 Pages 1998 Words
Reviewed double_ok
The question, ‘Who am I?’ is simple yet profoundly difficult to answer. Oftentimes, I thought I already have a definite picture of who I am, but when pushed to articulate it I falter and fail to form a clear overall picture. I could respond with my name, aspirations in life, gifts I possess, and talents I have perfected but these...

Who Am I? Post-Course Reflection

2 Pages 920 Words
I used to think that I was a strong person. In the face of difficulties and challenges, I would overcome the difficulties without fear of hardships and move forward alone, but later I found that I was wrong. Great achievements can never be achieved by one person. We need partners, we need allies to support each other, and we also...

Unrealistic Beauty Standards Lead to Unrealistic Standards of Life

5 Pages 2244 Words
The Harsh Reality of Unrealistic Beauty Standards Karen is a seventeen-year-old girl who has been affected by the effects of having a negative body image (Phillips, Atala, and Albertini, 1995). She frequently compared herself to others and obsessed about many of her body features that she thought of as imperfect (Phillips et al., 1995). Karen’s negative body image was detrimental...

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