Research Essay Examples

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Social Issues

A Judge’s Role: Common Law Versus Civil Law Research Essay

4 Pages 1820 Words
It is an inaccurate belief by abiders of the common law system that ‘judges play the central role in all legal systems.’ Religious, customary, and socialist legal systems and traditions, for example, do not revolve around judge-made law as common law does. This essay, however, will only deliberate the essential differences between common law and civil law systems. Comparisons will...

Analysis of Korea and the Asian Region Based on Key Philosophers

4 Pages 1645 Words
The work of early philosophers has influenced the way society has adopted certain cultural practices, religious beliefs, and even political philosophies. Some of the influential philosophers from ancient history include Marx, Nietzsche’s and Freud. These three philosopher’s work has impacted the Asian region and Korean cultures, religion, moral thinking and values. Karl Marx was a philosopher from German, he was...

Research Paper on the Importance of New Negro Movement

5 Pages 2138 Words
“ That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you are not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong.”- F. Scott Fitzgerald. Roaring 20’s is described as a vibrant era filled with amazing authors like F. Scott Fitzgerald, Langston Hughes, and Gertrude Stein. As writers, their works were influenced by...

Counter-insurgency Strategies: US and NATO vs Taliban

5 Pages 2284 Words
Research Essay Assess the effectiveness of the counter-insurgency strategies used by the US and NATO in Afghanistan between 2001-2014. What lessons can be drawn to improve counter-insurgency strategy in the future? The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 on the World Trade Centre towers and the Pentagon shook the world from the heart of New York. The unprecedented lethality caused...

Echoes of War: Prufrock's Lament in Context

2 Pages 998 Words
Introduction "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," written by T.S. Eliot, is often considered a landmark in Modernist poetry. Its publication in 1915 coincides with the tumultuous period of World War I, a cataclysmic event that not only reshaped geopolitical landscapes but also deeply influenced cultural and artistic expressions. Eliot's poem, while not explicitly about the war, emerges from...

Acid Rain and Ozone Pollution Research Paper

3 Pages 1430 Words
Introduction Pollution entails the introduction of substances into the environment in quantities that can change environmental conditions and in turn, harm organisms. Acid rain and ozone pollution are a form of pollution, which entails the release of gaseous and dust particles in quantities that destroy the integrity of the atmosphere and affect organisms in their respective habitats and ecosystems. Essentially,...

Water Conservation and Drought Issues in Resorts Research Paper

7 Pages 3044 Words
Abstract Water conservation and drought issues are inevitable in some resorts. The primary reason refers to the fact that demand for fresh water increases with the growth of population and urbanization while supply decreases. The tourism industry is closely connected with water issues due to several reasons. First, most resorts are situated near large rivers and sources of fresh water....

Climate Change Skepticism in Relation to Global Warming

2 Pages 831 Words
The researcher has used the most appropriate research design that enables her to take a closer look at climate change skepticism. The researcher has been able to collect various sources by using a qualitative design that is explanatory in nature hence describing to the readers the behavior of who, what, where, when and how things stand at the moment concerning...

Acid Rain as an International-Scale Issue Research Paper

1 Page 676 Words
Introduction Acid rain is a very serious environmental problem that exists today because of high-energy consumption in the industrial world. Acid rain is snow, fog, or rain that has been polluted by acid in the atmosphere. Rain is naturally acidic because carbon dioxide, found normally in the earth’s atmosphere, reacts with water to form carbonic acid. While “pure” rain’s acidity...

Research of Why The Cherokee Removal Was Illegal

4 Pages 1754 Words
According to the article, “Cherokee Petition Protesting Removal, 1836”. Along time before, the idea of Indian removal ( has its origins rooted earlier in the eighteenth-century. A form of Indian removal was first proposed by Thomas Jefferson. However, Native Americans resisted the violent attack of American settlers. Other worker to adapt to American culture and defend themselves using particularly American...

The Role of Market Research in Strategic Marketing

2 Pages 798 Words
Introduction Market research serves as a cornerstone in the development of effective marketing strategies. By providing businesses with critical insights into consumer behavior, market dynamics, and competitive landscapes, it enables firms to align their offerings with market demands. The advent of digital technology has further enhanced the scope and precision of market research, allowing for real-time data collection and analysis....

Chief Justice Research Paper: Analysis of Thurgood Marshall

6 Pages 2791 Words
Chief Justice Research Paper (Warren Court 1953-1969) Introduction: The Warren Court led by Chief Justice Earl Warren was effective after the passing of Fred M. Vinson the former Chief Justice. Chief Justice During the Warren Court Era, the court handled several landmark cases that would transform area of laws in racial segregation, criminal procedures, and free speech to name a...

Women's Liberation in A Room of One's Own and Three Guineas

5 Pages 2087 Words
Virginia Woolf is viewed as one of the most well known and surprising innovator artistic authors of the twentieth century and emblematic figure of the women's activist development. This section will ponder her advancement as a women's activist author, her commitment to sexual orientation correspondence and her worry with the job of female in the public arena, in this manner...

Research Paper on Causes and Consequences of Attack on Pearl Harbor

4 Pages 1762 Words
The United States was never gonna join the war, America’s job was to only supply Great Britain with money and equipment to fight Hilter and his Blitzkrieg. When the war started on September 1, 1939, it sent the world into chaos, the United States was safe from Hiter’s army and was not going to get involved, but that all changed...

Rogerian Argument Research Essay: The Effects of Cellphone Use

4 Pages 2119 Words
Is one of the world’s most profound inventions becoming an issue? In today’s day in age cell phones have played a vital role in the way people communicate with one another. There are multiple ways rise of the cellphone has changed the life of the average person, and research supports that assertion. One way they have an impact on our...

Impact of Autism Spectrum Disorder on Parents

6 Pages 2813 Words
For this summative piece, I have decided to look at 'What is the impact on parents when having a child on the autism spectrum disorder.' I believe this to be an important topic worth discussing due to the focus usually being on the child rather than their parents. This leaves the parents feeling neglected that they do not have the...

Impact of Great Depression on Civil Rights Movement

3 Pages 1279 Words
Since the beginning of time people have always found a certain aspect in one another to find a fault in, as an excuse to discriminate and persecute others they don’t deem deserving of human decency. The time period that notably spurred on an ever-growing movement for all-inclusive equality would be the 1930s; while this decade caused progressive thinking for future...

Measuring Children's Learning Ability with Technology

4 Pages 1990 Words
The third outcome is that the overall adoption of technology will increase in elementary schools. This will be due to the activity suggested which is that teachers will use classroom technology more often. The output for this will be the number of assignments that are given to students that include the use of technology. Research Design The goal of this...

Research of Issues Faced by Wal-Mart and Its Effects on the Company

4 Pages 1635 Words
Executive Summary This proposal will highlight some issues in Wal-Mart, which is giving a negative prospect to the business success wise. Those issue will be examined which will be related to underpaying staff, loopholes in organizational strategy and some cost related analysis. Introduction Wal-Mart was established in 1962by Sam Walton when he was 44 year in Arkansas. The company became...

Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Titus Andronicus, Dorian Gray, Oroonoko

1 Page 550 Words
We as a society have come a long way from the discovery of the first light bulb to stepping on the moon. The world has developed, people are more educated, technology has made day-to-day life easier, but what has remained the same is the social stratification people had to and still have to deal with. This social stratification is not...

Outsourcing Impact on Competitive Strategies in Pharma Industry

4 Pages 1937 Words
Introduction: In a competitive business environment, companies need to minimize the cost of production so that they can offer products or services at a lower price and can attract customers. Every company has limited resources to meet the business’s operational requirements. For better business operations, companies apply different strategies. Outsourcing is also a strategy that is used if a firm...

Factors causing grade two students' math skill struggles

6 Pages 2836 Words
Description and Background to the Problem This chapter will provide an overview of previous observations and interactions that I had encountered when teaching a group of grade two students ranging from ages 7 to 8 years old at an urban school. This chapter will introduce the problem that prevailed consistently for the majority of the class when students were given...

Research Paper on Causes of Great Migration

2 Pages 788 Words
The Great Migration, A.K.A Great Northward Migration, was the movement of six million African Americans out of the Southern United States to the Northeast, Midwest, and West between 1916 and 1970. The primary causes were the poor economic conditions as well as the mass racial segregation and discrimination. After the Civil War and Reconstruction, white supremacy prevaled across the South...

Are Serial Killers Born Or Made? Research Paper

6 Pages 2804 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Have you ever stopped to think about what makes serial killers who they are? Do you ever wonder why they behave the way they do? Are they born or made that way? All of these questions frequently go unanswered due to the fact that there’s no logical scientific reasoning behind them. Numerous people around the world have their theories on...

Research Analysis of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

3 Pages 1505 Words
To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel written by Harper Lee and was published in 1960. The main aim of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is to focus on the extraordinary elements that come up in the 1930s in the Southern United States. Other authors and scholars, through their works, also focused on the aspects of racial discrimination and...

Research Essay: Case Study On Domestic Violence Against Women

4 Pages 1792 Words
I. Introduction Violence against women as defined by the United Nations is any act that troubles and violates women making them endure pain physically, emotionally, psychologically and mentally. It is linked with the unequal power relationship between men and a woman resulting from society’s misinformed views on gender and sexuality according to the Philippine Commission of Women (PCW). Based on...

Research Paper: Susan Glaspell’s Trifles Versus Shakespeare's Hamlet

2 Pages 1092 Words
After reading both Trifles and Hamlet more than once, there have been new themes that seem to catch my attention. Although there are themes such as death and revenge in both plays, but the most vital one would be the oppression of women in both plays. Considering that these plays were written a long time ago, in a time where...

Strategic Management Research: AFI Strategy Framework

1 Page 601 Words
Reviewed double_ok
AFI stands for Analyze, Formulate, and Implement, three major tasks to help managers when they are in competitive situations. In the analyze phase you should ask yourself, “What is strategy?” I believe before going into a situation you should always have a strategy thought all the way out so when put in certain situations you will be prepared for anything....

The Legacy of Malcolm X's Ideals

2 Pages 1140 Words
Introduction Malcolm X remains one of the most influential and controversial figures in American history. Known for his advocacy for the rights of African Americans and his promotion of black nationalism, Malcolm X's life was a testament to personal transformation and unwavering commitment to justice. His philosophy and actions have left a profound impact on subsequent generations, inspiring countless individuals...

HIPAA Research via The Department of Health and Human Services Website

6 Pages 2582 Words
I had no idea that there were so many “levels” of HIPAA and patient rights. All the different rules and regulations for the special topics, the depth of the Patient Safety Rule, the involvement of the OCR. Even though there was an overwhelming amount of information to research through, a lot of it seemed somewhat familiar. This paper discusses some...
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