Rhetorical Analysis Essay about Travel

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In this paper, we try to look at Trump's type of leadership in taking travel ban policies. The travel ban itself is a controversial policy where there is an inconsistency between Trump's campaign and the policies he applies now. In this paper, we also examine the reason Trump chose that decision and took another view regarding the existence of immigrants. Immigrants who are considered a problem for America turned out to have an important role in the American economy.


The travel ban policy is one of the policies that matter in 2017. The policy was introduced by President Donald Trump after the inauguration. The policy contains a ban on entering the United States for Iran, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Somalia, North Korea, and Venezuela. However, the focus of this paper is to focus more on entry restrictions for Iran, Libya, Yemen, Syria, and Somalia.

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The entry ban policy is intended for immigrants, with the aim of warding off people who are considered dangerous to the United States. Apparently, the plan to enact a ban on entry into the United States was announced by Trump during his campaign period where the focus was on residents from Muslim countries. Then after being sworn in, Trump realized it by submitting a ban on entry policy (Ban 1.0 Travel Policy) to the Supreme Court but was refused. After that, Trump revamped the blacklist of immigrants, and Iraq was excluded from the list of countries banned from entering the United States.

Then, the Ban Travel policy was formalized by the Supreme Court. However, a few moments after the enactment of the travel ban policy reaped a lot of criticism from various parties. However, Trump seems to be closing his ears on that, because according to Trump, travel tires are the highest level of security. Then, in September 2017, Trump issued a new form of travel tire, namely Ban 3.0 Travel where there was an additional list of countries subject to US entry bans, namely North Korea and Venezuela.

Historically, the United States was a 'state-nation' where initially the United States was inhabited by immigrants who came from other countries, this was what made public anger about Donald Trump's policies. The travel ban policy can be said to be related to the fundamental reasons of US policy, namely security above all due to the 9/11 incident in 2001. Therefore, Trump argues that the travel ban policy is reasonable because it is part of the United States' efforts to suppress terrorist networks that try to threaten US national security, plus Trump really echoes America's First.

Theoretical framework

Realism is a perspective found in the study of International Relations. The most realistic approach deals with war and security where it also relates to power and the military in it. The realism approach develops and bases the idea that 'man is evil'. According to Hobbes, human has 3 factors to dispute. There is a nature of competition, afraid, and will of prosperity (Fukuyama, 2011). The main actor in the realism approach is the state as an individual who will not cooperate with other actors without any specific goals and the state will always try to increase its power. Realism is present as a mainstream approach to international relations due to the imperfection of idealist approaches. The basic views or assumptions from the perspective of realism include:

    1. Pessimistic about the nature of humans who tend to do good. This perspective believes that humans are selfish, evil, ambitious to rule, cause war, and difficult to work together.
    2. Being skeptical (not caring) about the progress of international politics and domestic politics.
    3. Believing that the international system is anarchic in nature where there is no supreme power over the state and conflictual relationships. Conflict can only be resolved by war.
    4. Concerning national interests and upholding national security.

Realists place national security as a priority or main focus in the perspective of realism. In the realist view, military security and strategic issues belong to the high politics category. Whereas the economy and social issues according to realists are only ordinary things and are classified as low politics. Based on the realist perspective there are 3S principles in it. First, only countries can help themselves, this is called self-help. Then the second is statism, namely the state tries to maintain the status quo and the third, survival is how the state survives in an international system of anarchy.

Realism focuses its analysis on power and autonomy in international interactions and there is no harmony between countries so the concept of self-help here is very important for a country. As the main actor, the state is obliged to defend its national interests. Countries in this context are assumed to be single and rational entities. The point is that in the state order, differences in views are resolved to produce one vote. While the state is considered rational because the state has been able to calculate how to achieve its interests to the maximum extent possible. Because Statism shows that the state will remain the basic unit in making policy loyalty because it involves competition for security and a strong identity and shows who the country is in the eyes of the world (Ken Booth, 2014).

Realists also usually focus their attention on the potential conflicts that exist between state actors in order to pay attention to or maintain international stability, anticipate the possibility of failure to safeguard stability, take into account the benefits of coercive action as a way to resolve disputes and provide protection against violations region. Therefore, power is a key concept in this regard. The normative basis of realism is national security and state survival. All countries must pursue their own national interests and no other government can be expected by countries other than their own.


United States Global Policy regarding travel tires is a controversial policy. Trump's discrepancy occurred during the campaign period with his policy when he served as the 45th American President. Judging from the individual sources aspect, President Trump's leadership is included in the active-positive category where Trump's orientation is the result. There are several presidents besides Trump who are active-positive types of leadership too. They are Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter. But Trump is different, he is far more focused on results than the previous president and the slogan of his ambition is 'Make America Great Again'.

A psychological journal published online by St. Johns University explained that Trump is an ambitious, brave, and impulsive person (Immelman, 2017). This is true and we can review the policies that Trump issued up to now. Almost all of its policies are unpredictable and many are opposed by the international community. Starting from the transfer of the Israeli capital from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem, the trade war with China, the Mexican wall formation, and other policies.

Difference between Trump and Bush Policy

Then there are significant differences between Trump's and President Bush's policies in seeing crime in America, especially regarding terrorism. Trump saw specifically, immigrants who came to America were carriers of problems. They are terrorists, homeless, job seekers in America, drug carriers, criminal criminals, and other troublemakers. Whereas during the Bush administration, terrorists came from any country but there were many framing who stated that they were from the Middle East.

Bush also declared that the terrorists were threats and challenges to national security as well as world security. With this, Bush directs all of his policies in driving away acts of terrorism such as diplomacy, intelligence, financial influence, law enforcement, and everything that is considered a weapon of terrorism (Dina Yulianti, 2017). This shows how bush protectionism has been carried out at that time and is considered to be very capable to dispel activities that are considered terrorism.

Whereas in the era of the trump government, it was seen that those who harmed the security of the United States were more valued by immigrants who entered illegally and were very detrimental to national interests. The reason is that immigrants have a great impact on the stability and security of the economy of the United States, which has declined. For this reason, Trump wants to increase domestic prosperity by providing policies that reduce the presence of refugees or immigrants.

Explanation of Tire Travel Policy with 4P

The United States has a very significant foreign policy direction to obtain or achieve its national interests. American foreign policy can be seen as Power, Peace, Prosperity, and Principle. Of the 4 American interests in its foreign policy, the travel ban policy was issued in order to achieve the prosperity of the United States. Prosperity, in this case, is seen in the United States economy to increase export markets, foreign investment, and international economic benefits. In this policy also, it can be seen through two approaches, namely liberalism and radicalism.

Liberalism sees that prosperity foreign policy is encouraged to strengthen domestic profits in order to increase national prosperity and benefits for the domestic such as a favorable trade balance, strong economic growth, and healthy macro growth. Whereas the theory of radicalism shows the class economy more to capitalists like the United States who have large banks and multinational companies. In this case, prosperity is used to encourage the strength of the economy of the United States and show the importance of prosperity policy in managing national interests that refer to foreign policy (Shodhganga, 1994).

Tire travel is Donald Trump's policy when viewed through prosperity glasses with a realism perspective. That means that America places the highest priority on national interests in the economy and the prosperity of the American people through the provision of government jobs specifically for its citizens and the protection of the American government in domestic industries. Because immigrants are looking for financial and income sources in the United States and thus can reduce employment in the country. Immigrants are a threat and immigrants are considered rational economic agents who try to do the best from their resources (George Borjas, 2014). Thus the increase in the economic prosperity of domestic citizens can be supported by the travel policy of the tire according to the declared prosperity.

Factors and Reasons for the Ban Travel Policy

Donald Trump as President of the United States carried out his campaign in 2015 concerning the United States' national security which needs to be improved again given that there are many terror incidents that afflict national security. The president of the republic party stretcher put America First as its main priority in the national security strategy. The shooting or attacks that occurred in the United States added to the list of terror in the country included the shooting of the Boston Marathon, shootings at Fort Lauderdale airports, Chattanooga shootings, and San Bernardino shootings that took place from 2013-2017 (BBC News, 2017).

In Donald Trump's tweet, emphasizing 'We need the travel tire as an extra level of safety', this is also one of the main factors in the Ban Travel policy. This policy has a path until it is passed by the Supreme Court or the Supreme Court. In the US foreign policy-making system, the role of governmental sources is very much needed because it can affect the outcome of the policy. Therefore the decision of the Supreme Court was considered very influential for the results of the policy to be implemented, even though the policy came from individual sources or the president directly.

In January 2017, also called Ban Travel 1.0, there were many criticisms of the rejection of Ban Travel including judges and prosecutors working in government, countries included in Ban Travel were Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. But this was rejected by the Supreme Court and tried again with Ban 2.0 Travel by providing relief to exclude Iraq from countries that were temporarily blocked. In June 2017 the policy was ratified by the Supreme Court and only allowed foreigners from these countries to visit relatives with the relationship of parents, spouses, children, daughter-in-law, or siblings in the United States.

In September 2017 it was called Travel Ban 3.0 from the seven countries, plus Venezuela with restrictions on certain government officials and North Korea in delaying entry as immigrants and not as immigrants. Donald Trump hereby assumes that his policies are similar to those of his predecessor Barack Obama, who banned visas for refugees from Iraq. This executive decision has drawn a wave of protests from US citizens who sees this as a Controversial Issue and Islamophobia.

Pros and Cons of Ban Travel Policy

Every policy issued must have its own pros and cons of the policy, especially the travel ban policy issued by Donald Trump. Trump, a Republican politician, received support from his Republican counterpart. One of them is the Senate from Illinois that the United States should have to protect dangerous people who try to come to this country, not categorize people based on their beliefs, background, or country.

Whereas from the opposition, the Democratic Party stood upright against the travel ban and stated that travel tires were not something to be proud of from the United States, but became something immoral and dangerous. the travel ban is the same as discriminating against Muslims and this is out of the United States Constitution. However, Trump still believes that he has the authority and responsibility to protect Americans because the context is about terror and keeping our country safe.

Critical review

The travel ban policy does not come from the proposal of an American security agency but directly from the American president. When this policy was publicly announced, there was chaos and protests in American society. Many immigrants and refugees who have obtained permission to America must be temporarily detained at the airport. Then Trump set the rules for refugees and the refugees stopped coming to America for four months. Trump's policy is also followed by another policy, namely, zero tolerance. Like Trump's previous policies, zero tolerance is controversial as well because in practice there is a separation between parents and children. But overall, Trump managed to reduce immigrants even though his immigration system was not ready at first.

Cons of Trump's policy, a study by the American Immigration Council opposes the correlation between immigrants and an increase in unemployment. Immigrants who come to America do not significantly increase unemployment in America because they come to take on new roles. These immigrants have different specifications and skills than the original workers. Even the abilities possessed by genuine workers are more qualified because of their better English skills. This means that foreign workers and genuine workers actually walk side by side and fill each other.

Plus workplaces, housing, and education levels between foreign workers and native workers are also different. Trump misjudged the increase in immigrants to America and immediately increased unemployment. On the contrary, immigrants support the American economy through taxes. This was also supported by the University of Saint Louis Jack Strauss's research on the 2010 census describing cities where the level of immigrants was high and the unemployment rate was lower (American Immigration Council, 2013).

Keep in mind, immigrants who do not meet the requirements of the American Constitution do not receive benefits from the government. The American government only bears the costs of the education of immigrants who come but in the end, the profits from the investment will return to America. Then responding to Trump's statement that cornered immigrants as a source of problems, it turned out that with immigrants the American workforce did not shrink and the economy grew increasingly American. Trump is also wrong in perceiving that immigrants who are not citizens will benefit America. Precisely if the immigrants are American citizens, their health will be guaranteed and will increase the productivity of the American economy.


The travel ban policy is a policy that aims to secure American prosperity from immigrants. Immigrants to Trump are a threat because they are carriers of problems in America. In line with realism to achieve prosperity, the state must fight in anarchy (survival) and no country helps other countries (self-help).

But there will be a discrepancy between when Trump campaigns and after Trump becomes president. Trump previously declared that he would impose Muslim travel tires and after this travel ban, he stated that his policy was not a Muslim travel ban but to secure America. Then this inconsistency can be answered through individual sources where psychologically, Trump has a tendency to be inconsistent, brave, and results-oriented. In fact, it is not uncommon for Trump to blunder and take significant policy differences from the previous president.

Trump is also considered wrong in assessing immigrants as a source of problems in America. Precisely immigrants in America help the American economy and do not cause an increase in unemployment in America. Trump misinterpreted immigrants as a source of threat and in this case, individual sources were considered very influential in foreign policymaking.



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