Sacraments Of Healing In Modern Day Church

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Anointing of sin is the second healing sacrament that has been performed for centuries, slowly being interpreted for the modern world. During this ritual a priest lays his/her hands on the participant and anoints with the Oil of the Infirm, first, on the forehead and then on the palm of the hands (Franciscan Media, 2020). Afterwards the priest says ‘’Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the Grace of the Holy Spirit, Amen. May the Lord, who frees you from sin, save you and raise you up. Amen.’’ The first evidence of this catholic teaching is in scriptures Mark 6:7-13, when Jesus sent his 12 apostles out in pairs, giving them the power to rectify the sick. They ‘anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them' (Mark 6:13). Catholics started referring to the sacrament as Extreme Unction, or last anointing. It was usually administered only at the time of death.

Furthermore, the catholic catechism states 1499 'By the sacred anointing of the sick and the prayer of the priests the whole Church commends those who are ill to the suffering and glorified Lord, that he may raise them up and save them. and indeed she exhorts them to contribute to the good of the People of God by freely uniting themselves to the Passion and death of Christ (Pope John Paul II, 2003).' I believe anointing of the sick stills play a significant role in the members of the modern-day Catholic church, as society finds way to interpret the scriptures.

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Anointing of the sick has been interpreted differently throughout centuries and generations, however, some step remains similar. Currently there are 3 main steps to being anointed, laying of the hands, the anointing and prayer after anointing. However, there is another method which involves a different first step- prayer of faith, the priest or bishop gathers with some members of the Catholic community to pray for the sick in the form of a litany (The Sacraments, n.d.). The most common approach in the modern-day Catholic church, starts with the priest silently laying his hands on the person, then praying for them in the name of the Catholic church. After this occurs the receiver of this sacrament is anointed with blessed oil, if possible, by the bishop and then the final prayer is presented (Catholic Change, 2008). Anointing of the sick can be administrated by a priest or bishop and the receiver is most likely going into surgery or experiencing life threatening sickness. This sacrament involves many symbolic actions that contribute to the overall imitated version of what Jesus Christ performed.

For example, the oil is usually made from olives or another pure plant blessed by the bishop. This symbolic liquid is the great sign of the Holy Spirit, whose power works through the sacrament and whose supreme objective is to lift us up on the Last Day. Additionally, the oil represents being healed from illness and cleansing from sin (Study , 2020). Laying of the hands symbolises a common method in many sacraments, the action is an Epiclesis, or referring to the invoking the holy spirit. Epiclesis comes from the Greek word ‘cheirotonia’ because, the cleric is calling on a high order- the holy spirit. In summary, anointing of the sick has 3 main steps, in which there is a series of symbolic objects and gestures that truly drive the general concept of this sacrament. Furthermore, Christian can understand that although this is celebrated like this now, it has not always been this way.

There have been multiple changes and adaptations to the ways Jesus performed this sacrament. The main difference is in the bible Christians must only receive anointing of the sick once in their life and sometimes people were nearly unconscious before the priest was called. However, in modern day church people receive the sacrament multiple times, whether it’s before surgery and sometimes the sickness isn’t even life threatening. For example, in James 5:14–15: 'Is any man sick among you? Let him bring in the priests of the church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick man.’’ Earlier chapters in this letter centred on the connection between beliefs and actions, and how to practically apply the concepts of Christianity. During this section James opens a letter, his intention was not for Christians to pretend that there happy, simply to realise that God could bring good out of every situation. This scripture means Christian should call for the priest if their sick, this happened centuries ago. however, currently people receive this multiple time in their life, even if they’re not sick. In Mark 6:13, ‘’And they cast out many demons and anointed with oil many who were sick and healed them.’’ (Bible Gateway , 2011). A controversial statement which collides greatly with what the modern-day church believes. This scripture in early church days would be interpreted to believe that by having this sacrament the patient will be healed- physically. However, many Christians know, due to modern technology, that there not truly going to be cured but be closer to God in the time of death. In the early days of Christian church, anointing of the sick became recognised as 'last rites'' because many people received it in the preparation for death. Perhaps some people might say the reason why it can be received multiple times is down to the fact modern day science proves the scripture wrong. So, it has been adapted to be received at times when the person isn’t experiencing life threatening sickness as it has become more about the spiritual connection. Through the changes from the early church this sacrament has become slightly less significant because you can have it multiple times. Whereas, previously it was only administrated at a time of death, so therefore it was regarded as a once in a life-time opportunity.

Sin is referred to in the Vatican II, catholic catechism as an ‘’offense against reason, truth, and right conscience; it is failure in genuine love for God and neighbour caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods. It wounds the nature of man and injures human solidarity (The Vatican , n.d.).' This statement is truly justified as it expresses that sinning is an unjust and dishonest action that is formed when there is a failure in a sincere love of God. However, the one of the main teaching is Catholics must forgive the sins of their neighbours for God to forgive them their sins .Accordingly, with this message Catholics can live their day-to-day life, not holding grudges against people, just as God does by forgiving our sins through another sacrament of Penance.

Many people can refer to God’s mercy however, Pope Francis Easter Urbi et Orbi message delivered during the 31st of march, says it best. God's mercy can make even the driest land become a garden, can restore life to dry bones (cf. Ez 37:1-14). ... Let us be renewed by God's mercy, let us be loved by Jesus, let us enable the power of his love to transform our lives too; and let us become agents of this mercy, channels through which God can water the earth, protect all creation and make justice and peace flourish (Francis, 2013).”

The source is from Pope Francis during 2013, refers to anointing of the sick in a variety of ways. For example ‘’the driest land become a garden, can restore life to dry bones’’ this is connect to the sacrament because during anointing of the sick someone is being healed and this talks about Gods power to alter even the most arid places on earth, or in this case the most deadly sicknesses. However, it most greatly relates to both Sin and forgiveness because readers can understand that this serves as a metaphor- The evillest sin, can be forgiven. Christians can be truly inspired by this because they can know recognize that no matter what sin they have committed it can be forgiven through sacraments such as Penance.

Additionally, Pop Francis goes on to say ‘’Let us be renewed by God’s mercy’’ this refers to anointing of the sick because it means we can be fixed and transformed by God’s mercy. There is a truly spiritual connection of anointing of the sick, as this scripture provides, readers with a descriptive motivational parable. It Correlates with sin because Christians can develop a greater understanding of the true power of God’s mercy, no matter the sin God will always show mercy.

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Another statement referring to sin and forgiveness was declared by Neve Mahoney in the Australian Catholics magazine. “We accumulate this guilt that weighs us down. What makes reconciliation worthwhile is not so much that God needs to hear about our sins, it is that we need to stop and acknowledge where we’ve gone wrong. Reconciliation helps set us on the right path and find a way to make amends (Mahoney, 2016).”

The quote can be linked with Sin because by saying ‘this guilt that weighs us down’, its referring to the sin that engulfs us with shame and self-disappointment. Many people feel as though through going to get their sins heard and being forgiven, the feel their relationship with God is healed. Another key section is when Mahoney refers to is ‘’not so much that God needs to hear about our sins, it is that we need to stop and acknowledge where we’ve gone wrong.’’ This can be linked with forgiveness and Penance, as it refers to us realising where we’ve sinned and learning to fixed it, mending the patch with God to develop the key concept our very religion is based on- Forgiveness. Ever since the dawn of our religion forgiveness and sin were established, just look at the story of Easter, Jesus dies on the cross to save our sin and for us to be forgiven. In conclusion, ‘sin’ and ‘forgiveness’ can truly be defined as one of the core teaching of Christianity today.

This sacrament plays a significant in society as it brings Christians closes to God in a time of sickness and uncertainty, very relevant during a worldwide health crisis. Anointing of the sick helps the sick person to have faith in God no matter what happens. It gives the unwell person grace to unite their suffering to the passion of Christ (, 2020). Additionally, it provides physical and spiritual healing according to the bible. It also prepares the person for death as they look back and question them self- did I live a life of respect, selflessness and service to God, just like Jesus? This healing sacraments provides receivers with a comfort, knowing God is with them in a time of death.

‘A person can receive the sacrament as many times as needed throughout his or her life, and a person with a chronic illness might be anointed again if the disease worsens… The rite can be performed in a home or a hospital by a priest, who prays over the person and anoints his or her head and hands with chrism (holy oil). The priest may also administer the sacrament of the Eucharist and can hear a confession if so desired. If a person is at the point of death, the priest also administers a special apostolic blessing in what is known as the last rites.’ (Encylopedia Britanica , 2020). This statement supplied by Britannica refers to how the sacrament is practiced today, because, by new methods and techniques being interpreted people can appreciate that this sacrament is still very prevalent in the Catholic church. In summary, this sacrament comforts receives experiences sickness a through developing a spiritual connection to God.

In Conclusion, anointing of the sick still performs a significant role in the members of the modern-day Catholic church, as society finds way to interpret the scriptures. The sacrament is a very crucial part of the church life because Jesus reaches out his love to those who are very sick, fragile and close to death. Jesus heals the person not only their body but their soul as well. Therefore, it doesn’t matter how develop the world gets we will always need that spiritual and hopeful guide that is God

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