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Essay on Organic Food and Target Market

3 Pages 1228 Words
Today, organic food and farming are one of the leading industries that customers are buying, because it is free of chemicals and pesticides in the farming processing. The consumers are concerned about how animals are used in its production process when it comes to natural resources and how farmers cultivate their products. Over the past few years, organic food products...

Factors Influencing Consumers to Buy Organic Products

3 Pages 1386 Words
The purpose of this report is to evaluate the various factors that influence consumers to buy organic products based on various socio-demographic factors such as age, employment, consumption rate and buying patterns. Consumer Awareness of Organic Foods According to Soler et al. (2008), Freeland-Graves and Nitzke (2010), understanding and education are the two key critical factors influencing consumer’s attitudes against...

Analysis of Devastating Effects of Bushfires on Australia

3 Pages 1501 Words
The Australian bushfires have changed Australia; as a result, many people and animals are undoubtedly affected by this disaster. However, in order to know why this happens, we must first look at ourselves. Nevertheless, bushfires have killed millions of people and even left many homeless causing them long-term problems and even debts. This impact on Australia has affected many lives...

Controversial Issues Regarding Organic Food and Organic Farming

3 Pages 1236 Words
When you are eating organic food from the supermarket, do you ever attempt to define organic? Or ever wonder why it’s so expensive compared to non-organic foods? Well, basically, according to, organic is defined as “of food or farming methods produced or involving production without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial agents” ( To simplify, a...

Organic Food for a Healthier Future

2 Pages 888 Words
Introduction In recent years, the rising awareness of health, environmental sustainability, and food safety has led to a growing interest in organic food. Defined as products grown and processed without synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs), organic food is increasingly touted as a healthier and more eco-friendly alternative to conventional food. According to the Organic Trade Association, the...

Existing Theories in Physics Might Lead to Real Time Travel in Future

3 Pages 1355 Words
Time travel have been the idea humankind interesting in for century. Since the ancient time, fairy tale about, time travel has always been relevant. From the Hindu epic, King Revaita accepts an invitation to Brahma’s place, when he returns to earth, he finds many century have passed. The story of fisherman name Urashima Taro, having saved a sea turtle, he...

People and Physics of First Supersonic Flight

4 Pages 1701 Words
If someone would have told us, more than 70 years ago, that could travel faster than the speed of sound, we’d nod our heads in disbelief and laugh. I mean, think about it. - Breaking the sound barrier is as mind-boggling as superman’s ability to defy gravity. But what if I told you, that a man achieved the impossible right...
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Using Social Bond Theory to Analyse Causes of Youth Violence

7 Pages 3261 Words
This paper will focus on Social Bond Theory as a specific type of Control Theory. The lead theorist for this theory is Travis Hirschi. The objective will be to identify Social Bond Theory and how it relates to criminal deviance as explained in his work. Furthermore, the empirical status in support of this theory will be discussed as well. Hirschi...

Electromechanical Solution for Vehical Speed Detection

6 Pages 2770 Words
Abstract Many people are getting killed in road accidents daily and it has become one of the major concerns for the whole world. According to WHO about 1.25 million people die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day and an additional 20-50 million are injured or disabled. The motivation behind this work is an attempt to...
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History of Concept of Time and Secrets of Time Travel in Physics

3 Pages 1269 Words
As I think of Time, all I can come up with is that it passes. It is irreversible and just only moves forward. Why do we need time though: to measure or calculate a duration that has been taken to do something. We use seconds, minutes, hours, days etc. to measure time in our daily lives. The definition that I...

Relativity & Black Holes: Time Travel Possible in Future

4 Pages 1852 Words
When you look up at the sky in a clear night, you see a bunch of stars shining in the sky. All the starlight are unknown worlds waiting for us to study. After reading The Illustrated Brief of The Time by Steven Hawking, I saw the mysteries of the space and time. Albert Einstein’s formula E=MS shut the door of...

Analysing Effect of Extra Wheels on Speed of Solar Car

2 Pages 896 Words
Introduction: This report investigates the effect of wheels on the speed of a solar car. This is achieved by considering the effects of force and energy transformation and what happens if extra wheels are added. Force is the act of pushing or pulling on an object with mass that causes it to change velocity (e.g.: accelerating a car). Force is...
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Using the Concept Speed in Understanding Special Theory of Relativity

2 Pages 980 Words
Introduction Newton's three laws of motion for several decades remained a matter of course. Until 1905, the physicist Einstein published a paper questioning the accuracy of these laws, which are now known as the Special Theory of Relativity, followed by the General Theory of Relativity, Its lack of understanding, where this understanding was based primarily on Newton's law of gravity....

Determining the Speed of Light by Applying the Fizeau-Foucault Apparatus

3 Pages 1161 Words
1. Introduction As a fundamental constant, the exact value of the speed of light has been disputed for centuries. The measurement of the speed of light brought arise to new areas of Physics such as Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. This Theory of Relativity was based entirely on the relativistic effects caused by objects moving near the speed of light. This...
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Food Safety and It´s Issues Nowadays: Bioterrorism and Tampering Risks

1 Page 682 Words
Food Safety is the proper handling, cooking, and preservation of food to protect people from foodborne illnesses. Preparing and cooking food properly is key to preventing foodborne illness and loss of income from missing work. Food Safety also contributes to health care, millions are spent each year form infections from food. Many people suffer from a lack of knowledge and...

Time Dilation: First Possible Step Towards Time Travel

5 Pages 2206 Words
Introduction The concept of time travel has been one of dreams, fantasies, and the imagination. What would you do if you traveled to the past? Would you make corrections or changes to your past, maybe fix what you regret, what if we had more time to do what we can not: these are some of the questions that people ask...

The Crysalids: Evolution in Society's Development

1 Page 655 Words
John Wyndham’s book title is slightly ambiguous due to the fact that he invented the word for his book, but it originates from the word “chrysalis”, a stage in the butterfly life cycle. The Chrysalids is a book about the aftermath of a nuclear war, and the struggle of people who are different. The novel follows three main groups, the...

English Class Reflection Essay

2 Pages 902 Words
When I first started this English class, I was not sure how well I would do. When I met my professor, Rebecca Samberg, I gained more confidence because she explained the materials in such a way that helped stimulate my interest. I feared I would struggle through the course but being under the supervision of professor Samberg, it got easier...

Principles of Experimental Design Applied to Engineering

2 Pages 1125 Words
Experiments are conducted in order to observe how changing a single factor or multiple factors affect the response variable(s). The purpose of experimental design or DOE is to create an effective procedure to create efficient experiments to make it much more easier to reach objective conclusions. Experimental design has three basic principles and they are briefly described below. Randomization This...

Postmodernism and Critical Theory as Education Theory

2 Pages 1125 Words
Introduction It is disappointing that it has become a norm for a lot of students to use other people's work and, thereafter give recognition to the original author(reference). Students are not usually advised that they can actually bring their ideas to the public, they tend to believe everything that’s printed on paper is true. This essay will give definition of...

Kohlberg’s Stage Theory of Moral Development: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1871 Words
This essay will discuss and evaluate the six stage of Kohlberg’s moral development theory. Before Lawrence Kohlberg, Jean Piaget, a swiss psychologist, thought that there were only two stages to moral development, “one that is subject to the rule of others and another that is subject only to a person’s own rules” (Benson and Collin 2012). He came to the...

Innovation Planning and Design Paper

4 Pages 2054 Words
Abstract Design thinking is an analytic and creative process in which a person is encouraged to explore, create and prototype models, collect feedback, and rethink. The literature has highlighted some characteristics (e.g., visualization, originality) that a successful design thinker should have. The primary goal of this article is to summarise and synthesize design thinking research in order to (a) better...

Importance of Creativity and Innovation in Leadership

4 Pages 2012 Words
This paper aims to explore the importance of leadership in the current innovative world, where many businesses are venturing into innovating new ways of doing business to grow. Creativity in any company does not occur by accident; leaders must drive the changes in structure, culture, and process to achieve growth. Therefore, creativity and innovation are what drives business success in...

Berger's Theory of the World Around Us

5 Pages 2239 Words
An image is but a “window through which we look out into a section of the visible world” (Richter, Wells & Kemp, 2008, p102). But what of this visible world and that of the viewer? To begin questioning “what we see and what we know” (Berger, 2008, p.7), is to watch 70s revolutionary broadcast Ways of Seeing by John Berger....

Essay on Critiquing and Evaluating Autoethnography

6 Pages 2599 Words
Introduction In this essay I will critique the research study by Greg Vass (2016), ‘Everyday race-making pedagogies in the classroom’. The author explores the way teachers pedagogically racialise students in classrooms through everyday interactions. I start off with a summary of my understanding of the article and move on to unpacking the methodology. I will focus on critiquing and evaluating...

Essay about Creativity and Innovation

5 Pages 2496 Words
The objective of this report is to have a deeper understanding of creativity and innovation. By delving deep into both concepts, it is apparent that both are correlated and one cannot sustain without the other. It was identified that creativity and innovation require vivid ideas and the ability to see things from a different perspective. In this analysis, the discussion...

Engineering Design Process Essay

5 Pages 2188 Words
This report contains the outputs of the previous planning phase which are unchanged and the outputs of this design phase. The process design outputs consist of; A Design failure mode and effects analysis (DFMEA) that was completed with the information currently available to analyze and prioritize the different levels and areas of risk included in the project. Design for manufacturability...

Ethics and Ethical Theories

2 Pages 795 Words
Introduction Ethics, a branch of philosophy, is concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior. It encompasses a wide range of concepts, including morality, values, and duties, guiding individuals and societies in discerning what constitutes good conduct. The complexity of ethical deliberation is compounded by the plethora of ethical theories that offer varied perspectives on moral judgments. These theories,...

Creativity Crisis Essay

1 Page 679 Words
The Creativity Crisis: Should creativity be sacrificed? The Flynn Effect states that Intelligence is increasing worldwide. So, how has Creative Thinking changed over the last 40 years? Kyung Hee Kim set out to answer this with her article The Creativity Crisis: The Decrease in Creative Thinking Scores on the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking. Threshold Theory The relationship between intelligence...

Anthropology: General Analysis of Bio, Culture, Lang, Archaeo

2 Pages 965 Words
Anthropology is known as the scientific study which seeks to end the infinite curiosity about humans(HASKINGS-WINNER, COLLISHAW, 2011, p. 7). Anthropology does not focus on one research about humans, it is a broad study seeking why, when and how people appeared on earth as well as how they have changed and got distributed around the world. Anthropologists also want to...

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