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A Look into the Future Economy

2 Pages 748 Words
The future economy is creeping up and it is evident that technical innovation is the main engine of aggregate economic growth, providing advanced living standards in the long term and boosting per capita income and consumption. The future of innovation, will cause a change in the nature of work, demolishing some professions within the labour market whilst creating new ones....

GM Food as Solution to Hunger in Third World

1 Page 630 Words
The World Food Program estimates that 795 million people worldwide – mostly in the third world - experience hunger. Starvation may worsen in events of global climate-change effects like drought (Effiong & Noor, 2019). Indeed, recent natural disasters in major food-exporting nations in Africa and Asia could aggravate adverse food situation (Qaim & Kouser, 2013). Fortunately, recent scientific discoveries have...

Essay on the Future of Computer Technology

1 Page 678 Words
It is impossible to imagine the modern world without computers. Today’s computers help the work force perform their jobs more efficiently and offers hundreds of benefits to the business. The most impacting benefits include saving money and time. Some of the most noticeable benefits include automating reports, increasing interaction among employees and managers, and dramatically increasing communications on a global...

Essay on Innovation in Transportation Technology

6 Pages 2684 Words
A world without vehicles and transportation could be harsh for people to survive as trading and traveling are important for certain countries and regions to survive. Many vehicles used for transportation are very convenient and beneficial to our society, however, there is a price to pay for transportation such as money, resources, and more. Because vehicles cause problems in our...

The History of the Invention of the Internet: A Short Essay

1 Page 675 Words
Here we are in 2019, and we can’t even imagine our lives without the Internet. The Internet has become a huge part of our daily life. The Internet has brought knowledge and information on our tips. The Internet has made our life positive and easy. Gone the days when we had to go to a library to get some piece...

Essay on Food Security in India

2 Pages 963 Words
Food security is access to sufficient food for a healthy and active daily life to all the people at all time. Even though, India is developing with high growth rate, but still India has the problem of food management and its distribution. India has the 17.1% of agriculture's share in India's GDP and has fallen below 20% since the mid-2000s....

Environmental Impact of Auto Recycling

4 Pages 1723 Words
A 75-year-old recycling business and its current standing. Environmental Impact of Automobile/Car Recycling. Focusing on two geographic areas: Flushing and Jamaica. Also, looking at the broader aspect of recycling and what happens to the materials as soon as it leaves the auto recycling facility. What happens to vehicles when they are at their full potential? How and where are they...

Electric Cars Essay

3 Pages 1414 Words
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Abstract Electric cars are the latest development in the automotive industry. The cars are made in a manner that positively contributes toward a stable and healthy environment. Electric cars have both a number of advantages and disadvantages associated with them, but clearly, the advantages overshadow the disadvantages. Advantages include: No gas required Cost No emissions Popularity Safety Low maintenance Reduce...

Earth Essay

5 Pages 1504 Words
Introduction Our planet Earth is a wonder of the universe and a symbol of the amazing conditions that make life possible in the very large universe. Earth is in the habitable zone of the solar system, which means it is home to a wide range of life forms, from tiny organisms in the oceans to complex plants and animals that...

Dialectic Essay

5 Pages 2251 Words
Introduction This essay aims to analyze the dynamics of the urban socio-spatial dialectic with reference to the key themes and traditions within urban geography. The essay will begin with unpacking what is understood as the urban socio-spatial dialectic followed by insights into the dynamics of the urban socio-spatial dialectic itself. Continuing, the theme of the urban commons and practices of...
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Describe Your Personality Essay

5 Pages 2491 Words
Introduction. All people are different: they behave, react, feel and think differently. According to Lewin’s (1951) model of people's behavior, where P and E are personality and environment, and B is behavior; people are affected by both internal and environmental factors and their behavior is a result of continual interaction between these factors. Factors influencing individual behavior Internal Factors Environmental...

Career Aspirations Essay

1 Page 445 Words
Ever since I completed my recent four-week internship at BP, I knew for sure that there is no better career path for me other than Engineering. Electrical Engineering amazes me, especially the way different components work in digital systems. The prospect of vast career opportunities that will become available to me as my further education and career progress is one...

Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

1 Page 580 Words
To the professors and experimenters who vouch for animal testing, It is no means for your research. Right now, an assortment of vulnerable animals is locked inside barren cages in laboratories across the country. Not only is animal testing morally and ethically wrong, the multi-billion dollar industry that encompasses the pharmaceutical and chemical chains, is ruining the biodiversity throughout our...

Are Leaders Born or Made Essay

4 Pages 1790 Words
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Introduction A leader is somebody who has followers. It is broadly acknowledged that leaders are not born but made. In arrange to be a good leader, one must have the experience, knowledge, commitment, persistence and importantly the expertise to arrange and work with others to attain objectives. Great leadership is developed through a never finishing process of self-study, instruction, preparing...

Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language Essay

3 Pages 1153 Words
It is an irrefutable fact that in the cosmopolitan world bilingualism is considered the most advantageous skill which includes educational and social benefits. Although it has some drawbacks such as losing national identity and decreasing in the usage of mother tongue, the advantages of multilingualism outweigh all drawbacks giving opportunity for individuals cognitive improvement (yielding studying abroad, mental flexibility, language...

Are Electric Vehicles Better for the Environment Essay

3 Pages 1542 Words
Electric vehicles (EV) and their production have recently emerged as the latest trend in the automobile industry with various acclaimed and known automobile companies such as Tesla, Nissan, Chevrolet, Hyundai, Kia, and many more plummeting straight onto the bandwagon. Even luxury brands like Audi, Porsche as well as BMW have embraced the trend and have positioned electric models on sale...

Essay on Scientific Method

4 Pages 1653 Words
Introduction The discovery of science started to happen from the discovery of atoms and metals throughout the human genomic mapping. Observations started about 500 BC when the Mesopotamians were explaining that earth is the centerpiece of the universe and everything revolves around it. The great Greeks were the first people to observe and explain the theory behind the nature of...

Gmo Argumentative Essay

2 Pages 756 Words
Introduction The genetic engineering of plants and animals is a highly beneficial method of making our food sources healthier, hardier, and larger that has been practiced since the dawn of man. Modern disparagers of GMOs are more concerned with modern methods of gene manipulation like the use of CRISPR and “Gene guns” as the direct manipulation of genes, and the...

Benefits of Being Bilingual Essay

5 Pages 2080 Words
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Introduction: The Multifaceted Advantages of Bilingualism Famous psycholinguist Frank Smith once said, “One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.” In today's modern global world where it is possible to communicate with anyone anywhere on the planet at any time, there are still a few barriers to communication remaining. One of...

Breaking Social Norms Essay

2 Pages 817 Words
Our society is ruled by a massive number of social norms that we follow in our everyday lives. Social norms are these unwritten rules put into place by the society around us about what behavior, thoughts or feelings are appropriate within a given circumstance. These norms influence our actions in our everyday lives without any of us knowing how much...

Role of Neil Armstrong and Moon Landing: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1507 Words
One Small Step? Neil Armstrong, the first man to supposedly land on the moon, once said: “Every sight in space is spectacular.” The question is, did he and America really land on the moon? Or was it a broadcasted fraud? When looking at the scenery, timing, science, etc it is clear that the United States did not land on the...

Analytical Essay on the Bald Eagle: Description of Bones and Joints

1 Page 586 Words
The Bald Eagle is one of the most efficient birds of prey in the world. Its multiple adaptations allow it to hunt more effectively in its environment. Bald Eagles are predominately found near wetlands, on the coast, lakes, rivers, or in marshes. They prefer to live in areas close to water, where they hunt for their prey. They tend to...
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Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Techniques on Mars Odyssey, MESSENGER, and Dawn

5 Pages 2320 Words
Abstract: Gamma-ray spectroscopy techniques have proven to be useful in mapping the surface composition of bodies in the Solar system. This paper reviews three space missions that made use of gamma-ray spectroscopy and their contributions to space exploration and planetary science endeavours. Keywords: Gamma-ray spectroscopy, 2001 Mars Odyssey, MESSENGER, Dawn, germanium semiconductors, neutron spectroscopy 1. Introduction Gamma-ray spectroscopy has proven...
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Evidence in Support of the Continental Drift: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1700 Words
The Continental Drift Continental drift is the suggestion that over long periods of geological time, the continents of the Earth have moved apart from each other and had once formed almost one single land mass known as Pangaea. Whilst the theory that the continents had moved over time had been speculated upon before, the theory wasn’t properly developed until 1912....

Democritus and Dalton's Role in Atomic Theory

2 Pages 814 Words
History of atom Our journey with the atom model dates back to 442 BC when Greek Philosopher Democritus proposed his theory of matter. While his theory was obviously not based on any observable science, it was entirely dependent on rationalism and was largely inspired by Greek philosophers, Leucippus and Anaxagoras. Democritus enters this discussion facing phenomenal resistance. His proposition so...

Explorers' Voyages Impact on European Commerce

5 Pages 2110 Words
This period of discovery lasted from about 1418 to 1620. During this time, European explorers made many daring voyages that changed world history. A major reason for these voyages was the desire to find sea routes to East Asia, which Europeans called the Indies. When Christopher Columbus sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean, he was looking for such a route....
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Continental Drift's Impact on Major Landmasses: Analysis

2 Pages 925 Words
Abstract The study of geomorphology is an academic discipline related in explaining the earth’s surface and to understand the processes which create and modifies landforms. The geomorphology textbooks focusses on the detailed processes which takes places in the weathering of rocks and the transport of debris as landforms are created and destroyed. The global inspection reveals an imbalance of areas...

Continental Drift Theory: Wegener, Vine, Hess

2 Pages 878 Words
Alfred Lothar Wegener Biography Born in 1980 in Berlin – son of an orphanage director As a child became fascinated with Greenland Graduated from UNI of Berlin with PHD in astronomy Instead of continuing with astronomy, pursued meteorology – worked for Royal Prussian Aeronautical Observatory in Berlin. In 1906, he finally got a chance to go to Greenland – this...

Critical Analysis of "Flight of the Kiwi"

4 Pages 1927 Words
The article “ Flight of the Kiwi” will explain how large flightless birds overcame the water barriers and dispersed around the world. Also, the article explores the idea of if the Kiwi bird came first or the egg. The Emu and Cassowary (Australia), Kiwi and Moa (New Zealand ), Rhea (South America) and Ostrich ( Africa) are members of a...

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