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Difference Between Invention And Innovation

1 Page 587 Words
Introduction Some of us acknowledge English indeed is a funny language. While analogous sounding terms tend to have a separate meaning; there are some words which we had taken for granted as having the same sense. We had been using these words in our daily conversation; articles as well as research papers; and various other areas of business. We know...

Contributions And Last Days Of Archimedes

2 Pages 848 Words
Contributions When Archimedes returned home, the king was faced with a problem because he didn’t know how to empty water from the hull of a ship, so he recurred to Archimedes. According to the article Archimedes of Syracuse, “Archimedes' solution was to create a machine consisting of a hollow tube containing a spiral that could be turned by a handle...

Theories Of The Dinosaur’s Mass Extinction

3 Pages 1194 Words
Since the discovery of ancient dinosaur fossils, scientists have gone through extensive research to reveal the conditions of their lives on Earth and how many of them truly resided on our planet all those years ago. Yet despite all of our research, there is yet one baffling question we continue to ask today- which is, what exactly caused these daunting...

The Importance And Essence Of Quantitative Research

1 Page 583 Words
There are so many things that are yet to discover in this world and to be able to attain a full comprehension of those is through a research. A research can be classified into two types: qualitative and quantitative. The quantitative research is essential in the field of education for it is used in several cases. Through this type of...

Singapore's Leading Role In Aerospace

1 Page 484 Words
Benefit from the tailwinds of increased global passenger traffic and aircraft demand, Singapore is the top one-stop solution provider in terms of aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) demand. The aerospace industry in Singapore contributed nearly 10% of global MRO output. And it produced S$8.9bil total output in 2016, with 8.6% compound annual growth rate over the past two decades....
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Quantitative Research Importance And Use

1 Page 538 Words
Education Education for me is the most important part of a persons life. This is the part where we are absorbing every single learning that we need in order to have a better chance of getting a good work or a stable financial capabilities. In order to have that we need to have a good educational system and one of...

Quantitative Research In Different Fields

3 Pages 1225 Words
The Importance of Quantitative Research in the field of Education, Business, Medical and Health Allied Services and Science and Technology Education is definitely the broadest concept in this world. Everything starts from here. In our curriculum, Practical Research is a core subject that each student, any strand, must take. Some students perceive this subject as something that is hard and...

Importance Of Quantitative Research In Different Fields

2 Pages 761 Words
Biology • Quantitative research is important in cell biology. It is use to make accurate measurements to test a hypothesis in order to compare experimental data with predictions generated by theoretical models. • Using quantitative research in biology had often revealed counterintuitive phenomena and insights while at the same time leading to novel research directions. This is of particular importance...

Importance And Using Of Quantitative Reserch

1 Page 523 Words
In our world today, many things come up which has no clear answer to how it came to be. The solution that we came up with, was conducting researches, to soothe our curiosity. Since then, researching has been one of the ways to solve our society’s wonders. Research has two kinds of approach: Qualitative and Quantitative. Qualitative researches refer to...

Life And Characteristics Of The Red Panda

5 Pages 2476 Words
Abstract Red panda, Ailurus fulgens is unique animal of carnivora family that just has a single species and probably falls under monotypic family. Although they are found from Mugu to Ilam district inside eight different protected areas and one community forest of Nepal, the total population is not known. Their preferred habitat is the bamboo-dominated vegetation of evergreen deciduous forest...

Regression Models To Predict Air Pollution

3 Pages 1147 Words
Regression Model A regression model is one of the most common machine learning models used for forecasting. The main idea of the regression model in air pollution prediction is that the model learns about the relationship between a dependent variable and a number of independent variables. There are different forms of the regression model, namely: linear regression and multiple regression....

The Development Of China’s Aerospace Technology

2 Pages 1031 Words
China is a big country with creeping fundamental problems. In the light of the 2000s, China has been rapidly renovating everything and conforming to the new normals of the world. Their aerospace industry has recently been encountering technological problems, causing international unrest, and allowing China to create many incredible goals for the future of the industry. China’s challenges that slow...
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Strategic Interactions: Game Theory Applications

2 Pages 1141 Words
Introduction Game theory is a mathematical framework used for analyzing strategic interactions among rational decision-makers. Originating in the mid-20th century, it provides tools to evaluate situations where the outcome for each participant depends on the actions of others. This interdependence makes game theory a vital tool in economics, political science, psychology, and even evolutionary biology. The theory's relevance is underscored...

The Life And Achievements Of The Important Physicist Albert Einstein

6 Pages 2637 Words
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Albert Einstein was an important physicist that is well remembered today. He lived from 1879 to 1955 and a new interest was sparked in him at a young age. Albert hated the parades and the rapid growth of the military in Germany and he wanted to avoid it. Einstein was very religious at one point in his life and he...

Thermodynamic Laws and Health Protection Strategies

2 Pages 828 Words
Introduction The laws of thermodynamics, foundational principles in physics, govern energy transformations and distributions in any system. Their implications extend beyond pure science into diverse fields, including biology and medicine, where they offer valuable insights into health protection strategies. The first law, concerning energy conservation, and the second law, addressing entropy, provide a framework for understanding the metabolic processes and...

The Mystery Of Alan Turing's Death

1 Page 677 Words
Half a century ago, Alan Turing disappeared. A true war hero and mathematical genius, Alan Turing is also considered by many today to be the godfather of computer science and one of the precursors of artificial intelligence as a field of study. He radically, and forever, changed the destiny of Europe. But he also laid the foundations for a technological...

Endangered Greater Bamboo Lemur

3 Pages 1374 Words
The island of Madagascar is located on the east coast of Africa, which is home to a variety of lemurs. Most of us are probably not aware of how we damage their habitat and environment. The primary focus of this research is on the prolemur simus also known as the great bamboo lemur. This lemur has been classified as endangered...

The History Of Use Whale Oil Row

2 Pages 918 Words
From the 1700’s through the 1800’s, Whaling in New England was very popular. The thrill of the catch brought about a high risk, high reward business. The Whaling industry sought the production of three different raw materials, whale oil, spermaceti oil, and whalebone. Whale oil was extracted by heating whale blubber in water, known as “trying out.” One example of...
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The History Of Algebra And Its Need In The World

2 Pages 1125 Words
Algebra is used for many different things in everyday life. People have been using algebra for thousands of years starting in the 9th century. Algebra was discovered in Babylonia by Muhammad ibn Musa alKhwarizmi. He was a mathematician and astronomer, he is also known as the “Father of Algebra”. Algebra was invented to help aid the Babylonians in solving their...
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Non-human Primates

2 Pages 792 Words
Lemurs are an example of a type of non-human primate. They are relatively small in size, and many of them have a snout. All of them have a hairless, wet nose with curved nostrils. This unique nose makes them special and great sniffers. They have 5 digits on their hind and front limbs. The tail of lemurs is not prehensile...
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The 'Father Of Geometry' Euclid And His Contributions To Science

1 Page 420 Words
There is not much known about Euclid, the “Father of Geometry.'' We only know as much as he lived around 300 bc, and he taught in Alexandria, Egypt during the reign of Ptolemy I. Although the world still has his works and achievements throughout his books that still remain. He devised multiple theorems that laid the groundwork for geometry, subtlety...
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The Unique Feature Of Noxia Aqua Tigris Or Mertiger

1 Page 561 Words
Today we are going to be talking about a new species of tiger that was just discovered. It is called the Noxia Aqua Tigris, which translates to toxic water tiger in Latin. The Noxia Aqua Tigris, or Mertiger for short, came from the species the Siberian Tiger. For a quick backstory, the Siberian Tiger was from a small southeast region...
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Biography And Achievements Of The Greatest Mathematician Archimedes

1 Page 560 Words
Archimedes was a greek citizen. He was born in 287 B.C. in a city called Syracuse on an island they called Sicily. When Archimedes was born they hung an olive branch on the door post as a sign that Phidias had a son. One of the slaves would put the baby in warm water and then wrap him in a...

Diverse Dinosaur Types: An Analytical Overview

2 Pages 741 Words
Introduction The Mesozoic era, often referred to as the "Age of Dinosaurs," witnessed the proliferation of these magnificent creatures across the globe. Dinosaurs, a diverse group of reptiles, roamed the Earth for over 160 million years, adapting to various ecological niches. This essay aims to explore the intricacies of three distinct types of dinosaurs: Theropods, Sauropodomorphs, and Ornithischians. Each type...

Main Facts About Red Panda

2 Pages 1027 Words
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Geographical Range and Habitat Red pandas live mostly in Asia in the Eastern Himalayas like: China, Bhutan, Burma and Nepal. Red pandas live in the forest, where there's water, fallen logs, and bamboo. The reason why they need the bamboo is because they mostly make their house out of bamboo, and tree branches. In india red pandas like to live...

Cause Of Dinosaurs Dying

1 Page 515 Words
Dinosaurs ruled the land, the ocean, and the sky for about 165 million years. Rex Tyrannosaurus hunts its prey with 50 to 60 banana-sized teeth. The 55-foot dragon from nose to tail frightened the ocean and ate everything they could catch. But 66 million years ago, the world's climate changed dramatically. Suddenly, the earth became colder and darker. All dinosaurs-except...

Telephone In Victorian England

1 Page 408 Words
The telephone contributed to, and symbolised a period of unprecedented change in scientific research, in business and most importantly, in appraisal of technology. However, I would be particularly talking about how, since the advent of telephone, technology is embraced by the people. How the Victorians adapted to telephone helps us to understand how technology is socially embedded. By, technology, I...
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Sensory Substitution Within Rats: Sound For Vision

3 Pages 1496 Words
Students at Normandy University (Normandie Université) in Rouen, France were curious to test whether the concept of ‘sensory substitution’ exists within rats. ‘Sensory substitution’ is when an agent temporarily stops a specific sensory system from functioning properly, only to have a different sensory system to make up for the sensory system that was lost by using the other sensory system...
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