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Effective Strategies for Conserving Electricity

2 Pages 755 Words
Introduction Electricity conservation has emerged as a pivotal topic in contemporary discourse, given the escalating demand for energy and the environmental impacts of energy production. It is widely acknowledged that electricity plays an indispensable role in modern society, powering everything from homes to industries. However, this reliance on electricity has led to increased consumption, often resulting in significant environmental degradation...

The Advantages of Electric Vehicles: A Comprehensive Analysis

2 Pages 1069 Words
Introduction In recent years, the transition from traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs) has gained considerable momentum. This shift is driven by a range of benefits that extend beyond environmental advantages, touching upon economic, technological, and societal dimensions. As the world grapples with climate change, air pollution, and dwindling fossil fuel reserves, EVs emerge as a...

Behaviour And Welfare Of Captive Tigers

5 Pages 2368 Words
The World Organisation for Animal Health (2020) describe welfare as “ the physical and mental state of an animal in relation to the conditions in which it lives and dies “ and in 1965 the guiding principles of welfare were created called the ‘Five Freedoms’ which are : freedom from hunger, malnutrition and thirst. freedom from fear and distress. freedom...
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Justification for Koalas' Endangered Status

2 Pages 855 Words
Introduction Koalas, scientifically known as Phascolarctos cinereus, are emblematic of Australia's unique wildlife. Despite their iconic status, these marsupials face a multitude of threats warranting their inclusion in the endangered species list. Historically, koalas thrived in the eucalyptus forests of eastern and southern Australia. However, a combination of habitat destruction, climate change, and disease has precipitated a severe decline in...

Study Of Horse Behavior In The Herd

5 Pages 2115 Words
Introduction Throughout the duration of a week, a herd of 18 horses that formed the group of riding school horses at Wallington Park Equestrian Centre were observed for the exhibition of behaviours, these behaviours are then discussed below including the root and reason for their existence. The herd had a range of breeds and sizes containing ponies and horses together,...
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The Concept Of The Atom In Nuclear Power

2 Pages 1004 Words
This universe is made up of millions of various substances. All those substances are produced from the basic building blocks classified as atoms. Understanding atoms help scientists provide supplies for use in LCD screens, lasers and solar cells. Multiple atoms combine to produce new different substances. Atoms are the tiniest units of matter that preserve all the chemical properties of...
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Qualitative And Quantitative Research Methods

3 Pages 1422 Words
Research is an action that occurs in our everyday lives, it is how to get the answers to question that we have. In terms of the research processes, there are two broad methods, qualitative and quantitative. These two methods are used by researchers to gain knowledge and understanding to make informed statements. Ritchie et al explains research as being fundamentally...

Mathematics And Numeracy In Everyday Life

2 Pages 1080 Words
Mathematics and Numeracy can be found everywhere in the world around us as they are both an important aspect of our lives. Be it a shopkeeper, a doctor, a teacher, a lawyer, a student and even an insect in nature they all use the form of mathematics. Mathematics and numeracy are often thought to be the same but are two...

The Life And Career Of Stephen Hawking

2 Pages 741 Words
Stephen Hawking is a well known,well respected and an inspirational scientist, who many look up to. He was revolutionary in many fields of science and has a long lasting legacy. But what’s really behind this genius, how did he survive motor neurone disease for so long and how many flaws did he really have Stephen Hawking was born on the...

The Problem Of Keeping Killer Whales In Captivity

1 Page 603 Words
Imagine if the word you lived in, space you breathed in, and freedom you played in was all suddenly taken away from you. Killer Whales are kidnapped, usually from a young age, and taken away to be tortured for the pleasure of an audience at Sea World. The experience these Killer whales undergo cause extremely poor health in whales, including...

Great Scientist Archimedes And His Main Discoveries

2 Pages 792 Words
Archimedes, the famous scientist was a man who was born in 288 BC and lived until 212 BC. He was born and raised in Syracuse, Italy. He was assumed to grow up studying astronomy and mathematics (primarily geometry) in the learning capital of Alexandria, Egypt. Afterwards, he readapted to Syracuse to engage in a life of using his pure knowledge...

Mercantileness And Cruelty To Horses For Profit

2 Pages 996 Words
Racehorses are pushed to race at younger ages than they really should, so that the jockeys, trainers and owners can make as much money from that horse as they can. Sounds good right? Making loads of money? Well, maybe in this case it is not as good as you think. Horses are expected to race before their bodies are developed...
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Stephen Hawking's Biography And Discoveries

2 Pages 799 Words
Stephen hawking was born on the 9th of January 1942 in Oxford, United Kingdom and lived with his Mum, Dad, brother and two sisters. He started his career at Cambridge university where he was a Lucosian professor of mathematics. His life was a fairly normal life until 1963 when he was diagnosed with a type of motor neuron disease which...

Experiment To Increase Heart Rate From Exercise And Energy Drinks

2 Pages 913 Words
Introduction The human body is made up of about 78 organs, 5 of which are considered vital for survival - they all work together to keep a stable internal environment. Many externals factory’s influence how the body reacts and changes to keep this internal peace; simple things like a decrease in temperature can cause muscles to shiver and blood vessels...

Impact Of Climate Change On Birds

2 Pages 999 Words
The study of climate change impacts on birds has increasingly been hot topic in recent years. Abundant evidence and proof shows there have been apparent changes in avian population, life history traits, and geographic ranges in react to worldwide environmental change. This paper briefly reviews the impacts of climate change on birds specifically focusing on its distribution, production and conservation...

Famous Mathematician Archimedes His Life And Inventions

1 Page 638 Words
Have you ever heard about Archemides? You know, the Greek mathematician? Today I’m going to be talking about who Archemides was, where he lived, what his education was, and three of his inventions: the principle of buoyancy, the Archemides screw, and the law of the lever. Also, which one of these inventions that has the biggest impact on me. (A...

Archimedes The Greatest Mathematician And His Discoveries

1 Page 442 Words
The greatest mathematician known to walk on the face of the earth, killed in war, who was he, where did he come from, and what did he do? The greatest Mathematician Known to man was Archimedes.Archimedes lived from 288 BC, to 212 BC which means that he lived to be 76 and would have lived so much longer if he...

Intelligent Personal Assistant On Automotive Industry

6 Pages 2922 Words
Automotive industry is a huge business involving various activities and business processes. From the repair and service of vehicles; selling of tools and parts; repair and maintenance of motor bikes and cars; and some non-car manufacturing; are covered by automotive industry. Automotive industry comprises companies and organizations involved in design, development, manufacturing, marketing and selling of motor vehicles. Automotive industry...

Koala Populations Are A Threatened Species

1 Page 457 Words
Climate change impacts have resulted in ecological changes that cause physiological stress on species and can affect population dynamics. Sources of stress include biotic factors such as predation and competition, as well as abiotic factors such as extremes in temperature and increased frequency of fires and drought. For example, global temperature levels have and are expected to rise, with eighteen...

Problems Of Forced Migration Of Emperor Penguins

1 Page 444 Words
Emperor Penguins Emperor penguins migrate annually from the West coast of Antarctica to their breeding grounds. This journey has a distance of 60-100 miles and the main reason is for breeding. However, recently some Emperor penguins are migrating because of climate change and limited amounts of food. The migration takes place during the month of March. Around 595,000 Emperor Penguins...
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Features And Habitat Of Koalas

2 Pages 807 Words
Koalas, the Aussie-favourite. Only about one-hundred thousand Koalas live in Australia. They may be cute and soft. But their fur is as coarse as the sheep wool that hasn't been knitted and softened, it protects them from both heat & cold as it also helps to repel water like a raincoat. In fact, their fur is the thickest of all...
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Researching Of The Causes Of Dolphin Extinction

3 Pages 1538 Words
Extinction happens when a plant or animal species ' last individual dies out. This can occur naturally, likely due to climate change or other factors, or due to human activity such as overhunting or habitat destruction. Marine animals are aquatic mammals that rely for their life on the ocean and other marine ecosystems. Researchers are now using a comprehensive study...

Using Rats In Scientific Research

3 Pages 1630 Words
Living organisms have systems which all work together to enable survival. In the animal kingdom, rats and humans are both mammals, and they have very similar systems and organs in their body. A mammal is a warm-blooded vertebrate animal which has fur or hair, gives birth to babies, as opposed to laying eggs, and feed their young milk. The systems...
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Features, Habitat And Migration Difficulties Of Orange-bellied Parrot

1 Page 520 Words
Orange-bellied parrot is a kind of slim ground-feeding parrot with grass-green top and yellowish below. Its prominent is the orange patch on belly, but adult female has slightly smaller orange patch. The taxon name of orange-bellied parrot is Neophema chrysogaster. This species breeds only in south-western Tasmania, Australia between November and March. The nest is in a natural pit or...

Energy: Thermochemistry Of Iron

5 Pages 2218 Words
Introduction The aim of the investigation is to experimentally determine how much iron (Fe) is in each heat pack and analyse the results obtained, relating to principles of thermochemistry. Energy and Enthalpy Energy transformation is the change of energy from one form to another. Energy gives the capacity to do work and may exist as potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical...
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The Chemistry Of Poisons And Toxins

4 Pages 1965 Words
All matter is composed of atoms. An atom is a particle that uniquely defines a chemical element (S1.1). Atoms are the smallest component of an element, and an element is a substance which cannot be chemically broken down. Every element on the periodic table has a different atomic mass and is given a unique symbol to distinguish it. For example,...
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Theories Of Evolution Of Lamarck, Darwin And Wallace

2 Pages 1066 Words
Introduction Throughout history a number of alternate theories of evolution have been proposed by equally intelligent scientists, most notably the theories of Jean Baptiste Lamarck, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. As with various theories, many tend to raise the question as to which theory has had the greatest contribution to modern evolutionary theories. Evolution is the one of the...

Key Role Characteristics And Features Of Butterfly Wing Patterns

4 Pages 1624 Words
Evolutionary biologists have, for a long time, been interested in the butterflies' colorful wings. The coloration patterns on the wings of a butterfly have many roles, which include the attraction of the male, concealment, mate identification, and warning signals. Given that the coloration on the wings mostly plays several roles simultaneously, there is a possibility that there exist conflicts between...
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Fear Of Nuclear Science

2 Pages 969 Words
The General public is typically fearful of nuclear science. These fears are not founded on reliable information or scientific fact. It is vital we grow our knowledge in nuclear science to help with nuclear energy, medicine and agriculture. However, this growth is restricted as the general public is fearful of nuclear science. This fear is from past negative experiences with...

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