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Black Holes: From Birth To Death

2 Pages 964 Words
Introduction Black holes are among the weirdest and least understood things in the universe. What do they look like? How do they die? And what happens if you fall into one? In this article, we are going to talk about the life cycle of Black Holes - from birth to death. Fusion of Stars Stars, like the Sun, are huge...

Is Space Exploration Worth It?

2 Pages 999 Words
The 12th of April, 1961, Yuri Gagarin completed his first orbit around Earth in the Vostok spacecraft taking the title of the first person to journey in outer space. Some 7 years later, Neil Armstrong touches down on the moon. Nearly 600 million people watched the Apollo 11 moon landing and its historic achievement. These were the two main events...

New Technologies For Social Learning And Language Practice Platforms

4 Pages 1665 Words
As suggested by the researchers, web tools offer potential ground for supporting individual personal learning (Severance et al., 2008; Woo et al., 2011) by empowering their perception and valuable activity exploration (Boruta et al., 2011; Gardner, 2011; Mortimer, 2010; Shihab, 2008). This review of literature provides a context and groundwork for the investigation that attempted to discover the affordances and...

Problems And Solution Of English Language Popularity In Education

2 Pages 775 Words
Globalization worldwide has started from several years ago. Not only in one aspect, but various aspects such as culture, economy, and politics. According to Oxford Living Dictionary (2019), “Globalization is the process by which businesses or other organization develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.” Namely, these organizations open a network with others from the other areas...

Salt Tolerance In Plants

2 Pages 785 Words
Soil salinity is a major constraint that adversely affects crop yields in many parts of the world. About one billion hectares of land is adversely affected by salinity worldwide, due to flooding and ocean surge, soil salinity increases by 10% annually (FAO, 1988). High sodium ion (Na+) concentration which is the major cause of salinity is toxic to the plant...
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Influential Factors And Approaches In Second Language Acquisition

8 Pages 3458 Words
Introduction When studying the factors affecting second language acquisition (SLA) it is important that we consider the differences among L2 learners as these differences can result in different levels of impact on them. Clearly, some language learners demonstrate better abilities in learning a second / foreign language than others. This can be due to internal factors (e.g., age, personality and...
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Factors And Approaches That Influence Second Language Acquisition

4 Pages 2015 Words
Introduction Some students learn faster and easily a new language than others. Clearly, some language learners are successful by virtue of their sheer determination, hard work and persistence. Nevertheless, there are other crucial factors influencing success that can’t be controlled by the learner. These factors can be broadly categorized as internal and external. Complex interaction of these factors determines the...

The Biochemistry Of Apoptosis

6 Pages 2720 Words
Programmed Cell Death Apoptosis is defined as programmed cell death. Apoptosis recently is not considered as the only cell death pathway since various cell death pathways are discovered. More accurately programmed cell death is defined as cell death that is dependent on genetically encoded signals or activities within the dying cell. Therefore, the designation programmed refers to the fixed pathway...

Application & Success Of Biotechnology In Pakistan

2 Pages 1002 Words
Introduction Biotechnology is commonly characterized as use of living frameworks based on innovations to create business procedures and aimed to enhance the quality of human life. By using this “technology” the business or biological procedures can be improved, modified, for developing an effective pharmaceuticals, bioenergy, disease-resistant and high-yield crops as well as animals, and microbes for remediation in an efficient,...

How Mobile Phones Change Our Language

2 Pages 800 Words
If we look back 20 years in time, not many has changed. You may have a little bit more grey hair, other shows were on TV and you maybe feel better than 20 years ago but, one thing changed massively over the past 20 years, namely the introduction of the mobile phone. Due to the introduction of the mobile phone,...
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How Can Space Exploration Benefit Humanity?

4 Pages 1807 Words
The planet in which we live in, is a beautiful miracle of nature. Ever since we started studying the universe, we still haven’t encountered another planet like Earth, able to support life. Unfortunately however, our beautiful world is not without problems. The more we learn about it, the more we understand that humans will have to overcome obstacles in order...

Preserving Endangered Languages In Andorra

4 Pages 2029 Words
Background Information on the Topics Principality of Andorra is the only country being governed by a co-monarchy, called the co-princes who are the president of France and the Bishop of Urgell. As its second inimitableness, the main language can be shown since Andorra is again the only country to have Catalan as the sole official language. Spanish, French and Portuguese...

Plant-Derived Compounds and Their Impact on Fungi

2 Pages 909 Words
Introduction Fungal infections pose significant challenges in agriculture, medicine, and food preservation, leading to substantial economic losses and health concerns. The increasing resistance of fungi to conventional antifungal agents has prompted a search for alternative solutions, with plant extracts emerging as promising candidates. These natural compounds have been used traditionally for their antimicrobial properties, and recent scientific investigations have provided...

Discourse, Lexis & Grammar in Spoken English

6 Pages 2812 Words
Even though numerous grammatical characteristics of day to day, spontaneous discourse are judged wrong by the principles followed by written discourse, these characteristics of spoken grammar should not be viewed as off base deviations from the written or standard English. In contrast to written discourse, spoken discourse is typically unconstrained and spontaneous and created progressively with no open door for...

Introduction To Second Language Acquisition

6 Pages 2823 Words
PART ONE The child is seen to have some progress over the four data collection periods. He is seen to be using more number of questions by the third collection and the patterns are seen to be more clear by then. He seems to make a number of mistakes due to L1 transfer in his interlanguage. For example, ‘like you...

The Peculiarities Of English Language Teaching

6 Pages 2954 Words
Introduction “Language is the most overwhelmingly dominant perceived problem that international students face in their attempt of studying and living in an English-speaking country” (Robertson et al, 2010), particularly Unaided States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. In the UK context, the majority of the international learners come to England having already decent knowledge of Standard English (minimum IELTS...

Negative Frequency-Dependent Natural Selection

7 Pages 3015 Words
An Overview Selection is frequency dependent when the fitness of a phenotype, genotype, or gene (or species) varies with its relative abundance in the population (or community) and hence can be detected only when measured at two or more frequencies. In “negative frequency-dependent selection,” fitness decreases with frequency and thus rare genotypes or species could be maintained at a stable...

Has Gene Editing Become A Reality?

1 Page 585 Words
The idea of tinkering with the genes becoming a part of future generations has always existed as a muse in science fiction. Now, we have the technology and choice to change the course that thousands of years of biological evolution have taken us on. And it comes in the form of a pair of molecular scissors called ‘CRISPR’. With this...
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The Commodification Of Language In The Area Of English Language

4 Pages 1630 Words
Background The term ‘Commodification’ usually can be seen as a topic of Economics but actually, it can be used in every area. Even language can be commodified ,can be used as an economic resource where market value exists . There are many studies which are mainly based on language economics, and this area’s evolution has not deep-rooted history. It is...

The Implication Of Semiotic In Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension

5 Pages 2483 Words
Abstract This writing explains the symbols or signs in a short story, The Selfish Giant, written by Oscar Wilde, to explore the explicit meaning of the text. The writer chooses this short story, because the short story is used to examine students’ reading comprehension. This research applies Semiotic which discusses about symbols. The capabilities of students to identify the meaning...

The Advantages Of Bilingualism, And Current Research On The Topic

1 Page 650 Words
Bilingualism is hard to define as it relies upon the meaning of fluency. In its simplest form, bilingualism is defined as “knowing” two languages (Valdez & Figueroa, 1994). A more recent definition views the proficiency of learning multiple languages on a continuum (Harley, 2014). In language acquisition, simultaneous bilingualism is considered to occur when two languages are acquired from birth...

Dependency Of Mankind On Biotechnology

1 Page 595 Words
Biotechnology is a continuously evolving science that is affecting mankind’s day to day life. The extraordinary revolution in biotechnology has created new possibilities for curing diseases and manipulating our genetic heritage (Shahin Akhondzadeh, 2014). This essay aims to discuss the dependence of biotechnology and the ethical and social issues raised from it. Malaria, a parasite infection of red blood cells...

Imagery And Symbolism In Tao Te Ching

2 Pages 726 Words
Imagery and symbolism are one of the most commonly used styles as far as literature is concerned. Imagery refers to the creation of images or pictures in the people’s minds by use of descriptive or figurative language. Imagery aims at adding weight to literary or artistic work. Symbolism on the other hand refers to representation of the author’s thoughts, ideas,...

The Electrical Conductivity of Salt Water

2 Pages 899 Words
Introduction Electricity is a fundamental aspect of modern life, powering everything from household lighting to industrial machinery. One intriguing question in the realm of physical sciences is whether salt water can conduct electricity. This inquiry is not merely an academic exercise; it has practical implications in fields such as environmental science, electrical engineering, and maritime operations. Salt water is a...
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My Thoughts On The Origin Of The Universe

1 Page 565 Words
The three things that resonated with me in Professor Hawking’s lecture involved the word “why”. Sometimes when I’m deep in thought and start thinking about future, I think about life. I think about why things are specifically the way they are, why specific events of varying effects on people or places happen and how sometimes, reality seems too good to...
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A Pilot Study On Sign Language Detection

5 Pages 2081 Words
ABSTRACT People having physical limitations such as speech and hearing impairment are often unable to convey their message properly, which leads to them being left out in many aspects of life. To help those people express themselves in a better and easier way we have developed the sign language detection application. We have developed a translator that takes hand gestures...

Dynamic Kurdish Sign Language Gesture Recognition with New Features

7 Pages 3007 Words
Abstract Hand gesture recognition forms a great difficulty for computer vision especially in dynamics. Sign language has been significant and an interesting application field of dynamic hand gesture recognition system. The recognition of human hands formed an- extremely complicated mission. The solution for such a difficulty requires a robust hand tracking method which depends on an effective feature and classifier....

Wearable Sign Language Detection

2 Pages 1052 Words
Introduction Sign language serves as a vital communication tool for individuals with hearing impairments, allowing them to express themselves and interact with the world in a meaningful way. However, one of the persistent challenges has been the integration of sign language into everyday technology, facilitating seamless communication between sign language users and non-users. Recent advancements in wearable systems have opened...

Room Temperature Sodium-Sulfur Batteries: A General Overview

6 Pages 2932 Words
Abstract This paper presents an overview of room temperature Sodium-Sulfur batteries. Efficiency, safety and lifespan are challenging problems that face current energy storage technology. Room temperature Sodium-Sulfur batteries are a viable, low-risk and high-density energy storage option which are also considered a low-cost alternative for on grid energy storage and other electrochemistry practices. This overview regarding room temperature Sodium-Sulfur batteries...
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English Proficiency through Travel Experiences

2 Pages 896 Words
Introduction Learning a new language is a multifaceted endeavor that extends beyond traditional classroom settings. English, a global lingua franca, is increasingly essential in various domains such as business, academia, and tourism. While formal education provides foundational grammar and vocabulary, the immersive experience of traveling can significantly enhance language proficiency. This essay explores how travel facilitates English language acquisition by...

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