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The Effect Of Different Carbonated Liquids On The Rate Of Photosynthesis

3 Pages 1537 Words
ABSTRACT The problem that was researched and studied, was how to increase the rate of photosynthesis. This topic is important because photosynthesis is one of the most important processes regarding all life on Earth. By increasing the rate of photosynthesis, the process will be able to generate more energy at a faster pace. The procedure used to study this conflict...

IoT Based Sign Language Translator Device

4 Pages 1659 Words
ABSTRACT Sign languages are natural languages that deaf people use to speak with other ordinary human beings in the community. Although it is believed that the signal language for people with hearing problems due to its considerable use among them, it is not widely known by other normal humans. In this project, we have developed a sign language recognition device...

How Accurate Is It To Say That The Media Reflects Reality

3 Pages 1522 Words
In such an era that information technology develops rapidly, media platforms have become the tools of mass communication and main data sources used by all to study about the society. There are many types of media such as Print Media, Broadcast Media, New Media and more. Media ought to be an independent body which give a function in reflect the...

Impact Of Space Exploration On Economy

3 Pages 1565 Words
Abstract Space exploration is the use of astronomy and space technology to explore outer space​.This article deals with the impact of space exploration on the economy. It also deals with the several,distinct ,diverse and far-ranging economic impacts generated due to space exploration including economic expansion in cities and surrounding regions, acceleration of technological advances, and growth of new industries and...

Ecology Of Medicinal Plant

2 Pages 1084 Words
When a child in the developed world feels sick, usually her/his parents take the child to visit a doctor. The doctor then prescribes a medicine of some sort, and the family leaves the hospital with a soon to be healthy child. The advanced medicines such as pills, syrups, inhalants, eg., have progressed human society to fight diseases and illnesses. The...

Second Language Learning In The Intermediate Phase

2 Pages 857 Words
Due to our political background, accommodations needed to be made in our education system as classrooms are occupied by learners from vast cultures and different home languages (Myburgh, et al., 2004). As per the DoBE (2010) only 7% of school learners speak English at home but attend a school where the language of learning and teaching (LoLT) is English (DoBE,...

Impact of Temp & Concentration on Membrane Diffusion

4 Pages 1705 Words
Introduction Biology may be a scientific study of life within which we examine the essential components to living things and their key habits to survival. to grasp this process, we first have a look at the organism’s cell. The cell was discovered and derived because the basic unit of life by British scientist, scientist. From his study, he concocted the...

Hydrogen Isotope Separation Processes At Jet

6 Pages 2653 Words
The Joint European Torus (JET) reactor located at Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE) is currently the world’s largest magnetically confined plasma experiment for the realisation of nuclear fusion to generate low-carbon electricity (CCFE, 2020). Fusion scientists have been striving to exceed plasma energy breakeven, and thus show that nuclear fusion is a viable means for humanity to generate almost...
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Plant Disease Detection with Deep Learning & CNN

3 Pages 1554 Words
ABSTRACT Deep learning methods are greatly admired in the research field of agriculture. The fundamental basic key aspect of agriculture is soil for crop growing.Here we identify plant disease and provide remedies that can be used as a defence mechanism against the disease. The database obtained from the Internet is properly segregated and the different plant species are identified and...

Biosafety Issues Of Unintended Horizontal Transfer Of Recombinant DNA

5 Pages 2137 Words
Evolution of Herbicide Resistance Weeds On a large geographical scale, many independent evolutionary events could simultaneously interplay for the emergence of herbicide resistance (Bonny, 2016). Regular use of glyphosate on a considerable proportion of GM crop fields makes the assumption of glyphosate resistance development a reasonable hypothesis. It is not mandatory for weeds to be a poorer competitor than susceptible...

The Role Of Language In The Life Of Humans

2 Pages 731 Words
Language plays a very important role for humans, it is a unique feature of human society to distinguish it from other animals. Language is used as a means of thinking, or it is also understood that language is the 'shell' of thinking, the mode of expression that wants others to understand the thoughts, needs, desires of the village through words....

Should Everyone Learn And Speak One Global Language?

1 Page 670 Words
Taking precedence over one global language seems a good strategy from various aspects. Unifying languages in the world enable people to communicate with around the world, avoids miscommunication. However, I disagree with this idea. Ignoring local language limits knowledge expansion and cognitive ability improvements in education. Local language plays an important role to build one’s identity, skills and cultural background....

How Does Bilingualism Affect Children’s Narrative Abilities?

6 Pages 2723 Words
Introduction The study of bilingualism consists of 2 broad aspects – cognitive and social. Within cognitive aspects, one can study how bilingualism is able to influence brain development and behavioral patterns. A child’s narrative abilities depends on his/her brain development. In turn, this child’s narrative abilities will shape how s/he is in society. The 4 basic skills needed in order...

Protection Of Abasic Sites During DNA Replication

3 Pages 1399 Words
Apurinic and apyrimidind (abasic or AP) sites are the most common DNA lesions that have the ability to block replicative polymerases. Stem cell-specific 5-hydroxymethylcytosine-binding protein (HMCES) covalently crosslinks to the AP site and prevents genome instability. An HMCES DNA-protein crosslink (DPC) with an AP site within a 3′ overhang DNA is able to shield the Ap site from endonucleases and...

Is Gene-editing Beneficial Or Harmful?

1 Page 549 Words
Recently, a scientist in China named He Jiankui, posted his results of gene-edited twins using CRISPR to prevent the embryos from contacting HIV, whose father was a HIV-positive. This incident raised heated and controversial debate about the premature gene-editing technology and whether its use is ethical on humans. Some support it, while most are concerned about the potentially harmful effects....
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Comparison Between Metaverse Dual-Chain And Other Chains: DNA-token

1 Page 567 Words
INTRODUCTION METAVERSE Dual-Chain is a block-chain system that satisfactorily implements the Dual-Chain Network Setup or Architecture (DNA) in providing optimum and satisfaction-level scalability, security, inter-operabililty and de-centralization. Metaverse, is not just different from other chains, but comparatively more beneficial and it offers optimized features. Unlike in other chains where one functionality or feature's quality is compromised for the other, Metaverse,...

The Classification Of Plant Seedling

5 Pages 2491 Words
Abstract Plant seedling classification is crucial for biodiversity conservation. Based on analysis of CNN, we propose a system to classify plant seedlings with minimum classification error. By machine learning algorithm, convolutional neural network have been applied to different datasets. We used training set and test set of images of plant seedlings at various stages of grown. The dataset comprises 12...

The Importance Of DNA In Science And Technology

4 Pages 1669 Words
Introduction to DNA's Role in Biological Systems DNA is of pivotal importance to science and technology as it holds the genetic information required to guide the life of every organism and the survival of every species. It contains the instructions needed to make proteins and coordinate internal processes throughout an organism’s entire lifespan. Without DNA, individuals would not be able...

How Will Genetic Modification Affect Laws And Ethics In The Future?

4 Pages 1645 Words
Genetic modification has been slowly climbing in popularity as it may be the answer to curing incurable diseases and preventing harmful hereditary traits. Scientists have discovered the plausible ability to insert genes into human cells to try and correct whatever damage has been done. This would be a replacement for the use of pharmaceutical drugs and surgeries to treat the...

Video Communication For Deaf And Mute Using Common Language Interpreter

4 Pages 1696 Words
Abstract Developing a system to detect, interpret and translate spoken language to SIGN LANGUAGE and vice versa for efficient communication with people of special vocal needs. This system can be integrated with any communication medium utilizing video calling feature. The spoken language detection and interpretation is mainly based on Natural Language Processing using the N-Gram model to convert speech to...

Mechanisms of Pathogen Transmission

2 Pages 863 Words
Introduction Pathogenic microorganisms, which include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, are agents that can cause disease in humans and other organisms. Understanding how these pathogens are transmitted is crucial for public health initiatives and for formulating effective prevention and control strategies. Transmission can occur through various pathways, including direct contact, airborne particles, and vectors such as insects. Each mode of...

Plant Disease Classification with Neural Networks

4 Pages 1703 Words
ABSTRACT The plant disease diagnosis is restricted by person’s visual capabilities as it is microscopic in nature. Due to optical nature of plant monitoring task, computer visualization methods are adopted in plant disease recognition. The aim is to detect the symptoms of the disease occurred in leaves in an accurate way. Once the captured image is pre-processed, the various properties...

The Controversy Of Gene Editing In A Technologically Developing World

3 Pages 1300 Words
According to a Pew Research Center study, conducted in 2018, “About seven-in-ten Americans (72%) say that changing an unborn baby’s genetic characteristics to treat a serious disease or condition that the baby would have at birth is an appropriate use of medical technology”. Advancements in gene editing are being made everyday by scientists, doctors and engineers worldwide, all attempting to...
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The Development Of New Technologies To Prevent Diseases In Gene Editing

3 Pages 1191 Words
According to Cell Press, a website that publishes scientific journals about life, earth, and health sciences, gene editing is based on the use of engineered nucleases composed of specific DNA by erasing, replacings or inserting another DNA sequence to correct genetic disorders. According to Marylin Strathern, a british anthropologist who deals with issues of reproductive technologies, there has been an...
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Sign Language Detection For Deaf And Dumb People Using Flex Sensors

3 Pages 1276 Words
ABSTRACT Communication is the major problem faced by deaf and dumb people to convey their thought, ideas with other deaf and dumb people and with other normal people. People who are not suffered from deaf and dumb can absorb new information and knowledge through the daily activities, conversations and language that is spoken around them. But the people who are...

The Effect Of Ammonia Concentration On The Morphology

5 Pages 2304 Words
This paper presents the electrochromic (EC) characteristics of nickel oxide (NiO) nanoflakes array prepared by chemical bath deposition (CBD) method with different ammonia concentration. Prepared NiO films have porous structure with 2-dimensionally networked nanoflake arrays. The addition of aqueous ammonia significantly affects the growth of NiO film. Moreover, appropriate amount addition of aqueous ammonia is important in obtaining a balanced...

The Effects And Applications Of Soil Pollution With Copper

1 Page 598 Words
The application of copper in the soil medium at a level of up to 4 times higher than the MPC contributed to an increase in the activity of cellulose-destroying microorganisms to 16 relative per cent. A further increase in the level of copper pollution to 10 times higher than the MPC of Cu was accompanied by a significant suppression of...
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The Image Of Sage In Tao Te Ching

1 Page 692 Words
The sage in the Tao Te Ching is someone who is a leader. It’s natural for a Sage to be an influencer or a leader. They use these traits to pass down their own beliefs to other people. Even though they do that, they don’t seek attention. Instead of seeking attention, all a Sage wants to do is influence everyone...

The Hidden Threat: Foodborne Pathogens in Sandwiches

2 Pages 719 Words
Introduction In recent years, the consumption of ready-to-eat (RTE) sandwiches has seen a significant rise due to their convenience and accessibility. However, this convenience may come at a cost to public health. Food poisoning bacteria in RTE sandwiches pose a serious threat, potentially leading to severe health complications. The prevalence of foodborne pathogens like Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, and Escherichia coli...
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