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Teaching Spanish As A Foreign Language

1 Page 588 Words
Sánchez, (2005) claims: 'The concern to improve language teaching is a common denominator in the history of man”. Regardless of the method … “all of them have always pursued the same objective: to make the acquisition of foreign languages ​​more efficient” (p 7). “The choice of an appropriate method for teaching Spanish as a foreign language is one of the...

The Origin Of Big Bang Theory

1 Page 503 Words
The origin of everything is important and worth knowing. You will know where, when and how everything around us began and formed. Where exactly did it all start?. When did this happen?. How did this happen?. Most people say that Big Bang Theory is the beginning of everything. Is it true that the origin of all is the Big Bang...

Sign Language Recognition Using Optimized Convolutional Neural Networks

6 Pages 2619 Words
Abstract The method of communication with the people having hearing and speech impairments is based primarily on sign languages and the lack of knowledge about the various sign languages makes this communication difficult. This project focuses on developing a system where user input based of hand sign gestures will be converted to the corresponding alphabets. Some challenges associated with this...

Improving Skin Care for Atopic Dermatitis with Salt Solution & Education

4 Pages 2031 Words
Abstract Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a multifactorial, chronic inflammatory skin disorder resulting from disruption of the epithelial barrier and inflammation. A wide range of treatments are currently available for AD, aimed to restore impaired skin barrier and control inflammation. In order to avoid systemic therapy, the soak and smear technique, the wet-wrap treatment (WWT) with physiologic lipid-based barrier repair therapy...
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What Technology Is Needed To Get A Mars Rover To Function?

4 Pages 1921 Words
Introduction Can people live on Mars? This is where it all started for me and the multiple rovers that are on Mars right now. That was the question that eventually resulted in the launch of the Mars rovers. There are 4 rovers from NASA on Mars at the moment and they will be launching another one in July. The main...
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The Evolution And Development Of Discourse Analysis

5 Pages 2260 Words
Since 1970s Discourse Analysis (DA) has developed into substantial sub-areas, notably Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) which sees discourse as a form of social practice (Fairclough 1995, 1989) and argues that all linguistic usage encodes ideological positions, and studies how language mediates and represents the world from different points of view. It is the connection between ideas, language, power and the...

Communication: Ethiopian Sign Language Recognition

2 Pages 794 Words
Introduction Ethiopian Sign Language (ESL) is a crucial medium of communication for the deaf community in Ethiopia. However, the integration of ESL into mainstream communication systems is still evolving, primarily due to the lack of technological support. The recognition of ESL through image processing presents a promising solution to this challenge. Image processing, a burgeoning technology, involves the manipulation and...

Copper's Role in Enhancing Motherboard Efficiency

2 Pages 738 Words
Introduction The use of copper in motherboards is a subject of considerable interest in the field of computing technology. As the backbone of a computer, the motherboard is responsible for ensuring efficient communication between the various components of a system. Copper plays a critical role in this regard due to its superior electrical conductivity, thermal properties, and durability. These characteristics...
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Innovative Strategies in English Language Instruction

2 Pages 1052 Words
Introduction In an increasingly globalized world, the demand for English language proficiency has surged, necessitating the evolution of teaching methodologies to meet diverse learner needs. Traditional methods, once the cornerstone of language instruction, are gradually being supplanted by innovative approaches that prioritize communicative competence, learner autonomy, and technological integration. The modern landscape of English language teaching (ELT) is characterized by...

Climate Change And Its Effects On Our Planet

1 Page 422 Words
Can you imagine a world without any ice? All land around the ocean would be flooded, and at the rate we are polluting the atmosphere this would happen very soon. The earth's surface temperature would significantly rise and important plants and animals that we rely on, would die. Global warming has been happening for a long time and is increasing...
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The Ethical Considerations Of Gene Editing

2 Pages 1065 Words
Gene editing has been a controversial topic in the science department ever since it has been discovered. Science laboratories have used mice as subjects to grow human ears, genetically modified crops have been used to supply the food market, and also used to cure diseases within animals. The question of whether it should be implemented into the human fetus is...
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The Discovery Of The Structure Of DNA

4 Pages 1788 Words
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), a self-replicating material which is present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information. DNA was discovered in 1860. The molecule now known as DNA was first identified in the 1860s by a Swiss chemist named Johann Friedrich Miescher. Johann set out to research the key components...

Development Of Creative Writer Identity By English Language Learners

3 Pages 1471 Words
Creativity is the most sought after 21st century skill (P21, 2019) in the workplace today (LinkedIn, 2019). At the same time, language teachers continue to search for new and innovative ways to increase students’ skills and confidence in order to become capable and independent learners (Hisatsune, 2012). As such, reading literature and writing short stories in small groups are creative...

Language as A Communicative Device

5 Pages 2206 Words
Language is an instrumental apparatus that serves a multiplicity of purposes; however, many, if not the majority of people do not fully understand, nor comprehend the importance of language. Many people view this vital tool as trivial and simple; a frivolous convenience. Nevertheless, in reality, in actuality, language is an entirely important device. The art of communication is as beautiful...

Significance And Sources Of Protein

4 Pages 2061 Words
Protein is an important nutrient. Aside from its many benefits, it can also help you shed that stubborn weight you have been trying to lose for months, and make you feel full for longer hours. However, it is essential to control the intake of protein as too much of it can cause more harm than good. There are many sumptuous...
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UFO And Alians

1 Page 597 Words
Do you believe in creatures outside the Earth? Yes, I do. Hello, everyone. It’s good to see you all here. As you probably know, I’m Intuon Sinlapavijitkarn. Today I’m going to talk about a mystery of the world, UFO and Alien. The information I give you today should raise your awareness of lives outside our world. I’ve divided my talk...
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Multimodal Analysis of Djarum 76 Advertisement

5 Pages 2165 Words
ABSTRACT The study identifed and analyzed linguistic, visual, audio, strenghteness and weakness components associated with the selected advertisement of Djarum 76. The research uses descriptive qualitative method to analyze and elaborate the data. Data analysed in this research are the words and sentences converted to written text of Djarum 76 advertisement. The steps of data collection technique are by downloading...

The Peculiarities Of Language Translation

1 Page 406 Words
We live in a diverse world. People are always on the move each passing second. Some in search of knowledge, others search for employment opportunities, and so on. Our diversity extends to culture. You identify people based on symbols, norms, values, artifacts as well as language. Language makes social interaction possible and influences how people conceive of concepts and objects....

Gene Editing For Crop Improvement

5 Pages 2213 Words
As we are facing a climate change epidemic, alongside population growth and food insecurity, the future of crop production must be carefully considered. Crops may have adapted to certain environmental stresses, however, with weather extremes occurring more frequently, the integration of gene editing technologies may enhance the tolerance, yield, and overall success of crop plants. Failing to increase yields in...
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The Intricacies of Language Organs and Grammar Genes

2 Pages 1083 Words
Introduction The human capacity for language is a defining feature of our species, intricately tied to both biological and cognitive faculties. Theories surrounding language acquisition and processing often reference two critical concepts: the "language organ" and the "grammar gene." The language organ, conceptualized by Noam Chomsky, suggests an innate biological framework within our brains that facilitates language learning. Meanwhile, the...

Mantle Cell Lymphoma: An Epidemiological Review Of Hong Kong Patients

6 Pages 2603 Words
Introduction Mantle cell lymphoma, previously known as diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma and centrocytic lymphoma , is a low-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It is a mature B cell neoplasm, consisting of mature B cells which have exited the bone marrow. Traditionally, MCL is known to be a very aggressive NHL despite its low-grade nature, and is considered to be incurable with...

Why NASA Has Not Sent Humans To The Red Planet

3 Pages 1419 Words
NASA, also known as the National Aeronautics and Space Agency has been widely known as one of the most successful space agencies in the world. They conducted many space expeditions, projects, and breakthroughs in space travel and its history. When President Kennedy spoke to an audience at Rice University in 1962, his speech popularly entitled “We choose to go to...
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A Review On Microbiology Of Biogasification

5 Pages 2432 Words
Abstract The biodegradation of natural matter to create methane and carbon dioxide requires the intuitive of assorted populaces of microscopic organisms. The parts of each of these living beings within the handle and how they connected with each other is caught on as it were in a simple way. This paper depicts the examination of the microbial biology of the...

Reverse Osmosis PID Controller Tuning with Particle Swarm Optimization

3 Pages 1384 Words
Abstract This Paper describes the tuning of PID (proportional integral and derivative) by using a technique which is generally known as Particle Swarm Optimization. The technique reloves around the iterative method in terms of approach. In Reverse Osmosis System the method is used to adjust the pH level of the water in the system. The Particle Swarm Optimization is used...
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Linguistic Sexism in European Languages

4 Pages 1678 Words
Abstract The examination of gender in relation to language is an interdisciplinary endeavor that has been the subject of interest of linguists, sociologists, anthropologists, communicators, psychologists, and scholars in other disciplines, especially after the 1960s, having as its starting point the feminist movements by the end of that decade. Since then, there has been an ongoing debate on whether language...

Heavy Metal Concentration in Borehole Water, Ikono Urban

5 Pages 2259 Words
The concentration level of heavy metals (Pb, As, Cu and Fe) were assessed in five boreholes waters from Ikono Urban. Atomic Absorption Spectrometer was used to analyze the water samples. The results showed that Pb ranged from 0.15±0.040 - 0.40±0.094 mg/L; As, 0.05±0.008-0.10±0.041 mg/L; Cu, 0.02±0.008-0.06±0.016 mg/L and Fe, 0.20±0.016 - 0.37±0.025 mg/L. The concentration levels of Pb and As...

Text Classifier Using Natural Language Processing

4 Pages 1840 Words
Abstract Nowadays text synthesis is most vital part of web technology. Natural language processing (NLP) are often a subfield of linguistics, computing , information engineering, and AI concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages, especially the way to program computers to process and analyze large amounts of tongue data. Natural Language Toolkit also known as NLTK is...
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Consequences of Social Media on Public Discourse

6 Pages 2849 Words
Social media platforms can be deem as an open book: on their versatile interfaces which is changing all the time, people can perceive a huge number of amazing communication acts, “from mundane gestures to revolutionary ones, from intimate exchange to the rise of new global public spheres”(Langlois & Elmer, 2013, p. 1). As Facebook, Twitter and other web 2.0 platforms...

The Effects Of Language On A Human

4 Pages 1728 Words
Introduction Language is essential human life. Malinowski, father of social Anthropology says “It’s an indispensable instrument for creating the toes of the moment without which unified social action is impossible.” As man is a social animal, he lives in community, where misunderstandings are common. Language is that core which can eliminate this misunderstanding and let man evolve. What is a...

Global Warming: Is Planet Earth Under Threat?

5 Pages 2446 Words
Abstract More than 25 years have elapsed since it was reported that: “There is now overwhelming scientific evidence to suggest that Mother Earth cannot cope … for very much longer.” (The European, March 19-25, 1992). This paper explains a few of the causes which put our planet in peril and stresses out the magnitude to which we should heed such...
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