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Temperature, pH, and Oxygen Effects on Enzymatic Activity in Red Apples

2 Pages 916 Words
Introduction The browning of an apple or other foods like potatoes and bananas are something that we have all seen in our everyday life. This phenomenon is caused by the interaction of enzymes, that are naturally found in plants, with oxygen. These enzymes oxidize to create the brown colour that we are familiar with. Enzymes are natural catalysts that help...
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Microorganisms: Definition, Types And Effects

2 Pages 802 Words
A microorganism is an organism which is microscopic, which means so small that people cannot see them with the naked eye. Most microbes are unicellular and small enough that they require artificial magnification to be seen. However, there are some unicellular microbes that are visible to the naked eye and some multicellular organisms that are microscopic. Microorganisms differ from each...

The Tackling Of Dialect Discrimination

2 Pages 885 Words
Dialect can be defined as a variety of a language that differs from others in its vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation peculiar to a specific region or social group. It is widely accepted that standard dialects and accents are often rated more favourably than nonstandard varieties. As a result, The issue of addressing dialect discrimination has been a source of great...
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To What Extent Did Scientists In The 20th Century Reject Race?

5 Pages 2080 Words
Scientists in the 20th century focused on previous research based on race and whether or not it had any substance today. The term ‘race’ is often rejected by scientists due to its prejudicial and mythical nature. Scientists today often claim that race is a human construct, not a scientific one. They reject scientists who argue that race is true, as...
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Viral Evasion Techniques: Surviving Host Immunity

2 Pages 912 Words
Introduction Viruses, as obligate intracellular parasites, have evolved a myriad of strategies to circumvent host immune defenses. Immune escape is a critical aspect of viral survival and proliferation, enabling viruses to persist within a host and spread between individuals. This phenomenon poses significant challenges to public health, as it complicates vaccine development and antiviral drug efficacy. The ability of viruses...

Leveraging Space Exploration for Terrestrial Advancements

2 Pages 829 Words
Introduction In recent decades, space exploration has evolved from a symbol of national pride and technological prowess to a multifaceted endeavor crucial for the advancement of society. The exploration of space offers myriad benefits that extend far beyond the pursuit of scientific knowledge into the realm of tangible improvements in everyday life on Earth. As private companies and government agencies...

The Role of Microorganisms In Humans Life

1 Page 457 Words
Microorganisms are small, as the name implies, they can't be viewed in the naked eye without the help of a microscope and techannly microbes are organisms that are microscopic. They are present in all living organisms and are responsible for producing energy sources like nitrogen and carbon etc.While a few microbes are harmful in their nature, other microorganisms are incredibly...

How Can Biotechnology Enable Sustainable Growth Of The Human

5 Pages 2412 Words
Introduction As the name suggests, biotechnology is technology that is based on biology. It utilises cellular and biomolecular procedures to develop products and methods which can be used to enhance business processes and improve our quality of life as well as the health of the environment (Bio, 2020). Mankind’s use of these biological processes are by no means a novel...

Is DNA Database an Ethical Issue?

3 Pages 1208 Words
In an ideal world, we would walk freely knowing we aren't being tracked. However in our reality more and more people get entered to a DNA database everyday. DNA profiling is a technique in which the police compare DNA found at the crime scene to someone else DNA from the database to see if they can get it to match...
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Diffusion Of Innovation Theory

2 Pages 865 Words
Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory, developed by E.M. Rogers in 1962, is one of the oldest social science theories. It originated in communication to explain how, over time, an idea or product gains momentum and diffuses (or spreads) through a specific population or social system. The end result of this diffusion is that people, as part of a social system,...
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New Frontiers: The Quest for a Habitable World

3 Pages 1159 Words
Introduction The pursuit of space exploration has long captivated human imagination, driven by the innate desire to explore the unknown and the quest for survival. As we face mounting environmental challenges and population pressures on Earth, the search for a better planet becomes not just a scientific endeavor but a necessity. The exploration of space as a potential frontier for...

Motivations for Language Change: Internal, External, Extra-linguistic

4 Pages 1800 Words
External motivations are ‘contact-based’ motivations, Weinreich et al (1968) put great emphasis on the need to incorporate external factors into a theory of language change. Hickey (2010) states that while “internal change is that which occurs within a speech community, generally among monolingual speakers, external change is that which is induced by contact with speakers of another language [(or dialect)]”...
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Mitosis Vs. Meiosis

1 Page 463 Words
Mitosis and meiosis are both involved in the process of making new cells. However mitosis results in (body cells) and meiosis results in (gametes). The starting cell in both mitosis and meiosis is formed with 2 sets of chromosomes in humans that involves one set of 23 chromosomes from mum and 1 set of 23 chromosomes from dad. Interphase is...
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Co-production Using Theories And Method In Social Work Practice

4 Pages 2026 Words
In this essay I will be evaluating co-production in relation to their strengths and limitations. I will explain how this concept promotes relationship-based and person centred in relation to social work practice. Social workers will also empower individuals and let people be independent and self-determined, living the lives they want and having control. Social workers will follow the guide of...

Is It Possible To Sustain The Planet By 2050?

6 Pages 2818 Words
This study delves deeply into the current state of the earth, as well creating a clearer image of the future, provided that countries act collectively, to restore the planet before the impacts are irreversible. The Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration released a statement declaring that “human civilization will crumble by 2050 if we do not combat climate change now.”...
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Speech And Language Therapy

6 Pages 2969 Words
Speech and language therapy is recommended for anybody who has problems with their speech and/ or communication, perhaps due to a developmental or neurological disorder. Conditions which usually affect speech include developmental disorders like autism which can cause problems with social skills and the use of additional communicative techniques such as facial expressions and body language, leading to a lack...

Weather Conditions On Mars

1 Page 631 Words
The weather here on Earth is ideal for life because this is where it evolved. Choosing the right planet in our Solar System to terraform in order for it to sustain is going to be a difficult task no matter the circumstances as there are so many limits as well as possible things that can go wrong and act as...

DNA-Based Innovations in Environmental Biotechnology

2 Pages 1002 Words
Introduction The burgeoning field of biotechnology has unveiled myriad applications across various domains, with DNA-based technologies emerging as pivotal tools in environmental management. These innovations harness the power of molecular biology to address pressing ecological challenges, ranging from pollution control to biodiversity conservation. As anthropogenic activities continue to impose substantial strains on ecosystems, the role of DNA-based biotechnology becomes increasingly...

Does Language Influence Thought?

3 Pages 1142 Words
The purpose of this document is to provide a critical summary of Boroditsky (2001) paper on linguistic relativity, as well as provide an evaluation of the impacts of the paper’s findings. The paper is part of a mass of literature in psychology looking at evidence of language influencing thought, or how the speakers’ language structure affects cognition. In existing literature,...

Aliens: Fact or Fiction?

2 Pages 720 Words
“There are other forms of intelligent life out there”[Brief answer to big questions,pg 85]. A controversial and thought provoking statement that more often than not catalysis a galaxy of valid questions. The question that has seemed to grip minds of those since the beginning of time: Aliens. Fact or Fiction . By definition an Alien is a resident of one...
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Blocks In Language Learning

2 Pages 731 Words
Language learning is a complex process which requires a thorough study. A lesson can be a complete failure if we don’t consider the possible blocks. When the desired result is not reached and the progress is unseen, it’s high time to weigh up the pros and cons of our pedagogic approaches. As educators, we need to do our best to...

The Cloning Of Bacteria

1 Page 527 Words
Enterococci are facultative anaerobic and Gram-positive bacteria often forming normal fecal flora of humans. However, these bacteria are increasingly appearing as primary pathogens among patients with compromised immune systems (Hemalatha, Bhaskaran, Sowmiya, & Anusheela Howlader, 2017). This manifestation is believed to be due to its resistance to various antibiotics along with its ability to form biofilms and acquiring some virulence...

Evaluation Of Cell Viability Of Leukemic Cell Using MTT

4 Pages 1888 Words
In cancer research, viability tests are immensely significant. These tests are used to observe the characteristics of different kinds of cancer. In drug development, viability of hostile cells are tested against chemical substances to evaluate the potential of those substances in pharmaceutical use. Additionally, the adequate dosage for those drugs are also studied in vitro. Established in 1977 from a...

Genetics vs Environment in Human Development

4 Pages 1718 Words
In this essay I will discuss the extent to which hereditary factors influence human development, and whether our environment (observations and perceptions) play a role in individualistic growth. I will analyse epigenesis, by discussing the complex interactions between genes and environment Nature refers to the theory that genetic predispositions impact human traits and nurture involves the idea that we are...

Low English Proficiency Major Barrier for Foreign Students

2 Pages 805 Words
Language has profound effects on how a person perceives and process a piece of information. For learning purpose, it is indispensable to have the proper knowledge of the language in which one is pursuing a degree. Association of International Student Assimilation (AISA report, 2014) reported that most of the international students show poor academic results and low proficiency in English...

Mars As A Future Of Civilization

2 Pages 981 Words
Mars is the fourth planet in our solar system, yet its environment is extensively chillier than Earth. This is due to Mars’ weak atmosphere - less than 1% of Earth's – which prevents the planet from preserving heat for lengthy periods of time and is less covered from the Sun’s radiation. Earth is made up of 21% oxygen which is...

To What Extent Can Non-humans Use Language?

2 Pages 1075 Words
The topic of whether non-people can utilize language has been the subject of a lot of conversation from therapists and set up etymologists the same. One of the essential qualities of the human species is the capacity to make and use language abilities. In any case, the utilization of language in non-people has become a region of enthusiasm with the...

English Assessment for Young Learners in Indonesia

6 Pages 2744 Words
ABSTRACT Since the implementation of the decentralization policy in education management in 2001,many local governments (PEMDA) decide to teach English as' Local content' at the elementary school level (or even in kindergarten). This LG problematic because the implementation of this without coupled with special preparatory efforts English teacher to teach in elementary school. This article discusses the profiles of English...

Bioengineering as a Career Path

1 Page 644 Words
The 3D printing of mechanical pathways for nerves provides the life-changing possibility for someone to feel again. Whilst the development of needle-free drug delivery has supplied third-world countries with vaccines, the real-life inconveniences are often resolved due to bioengineering. My fascination with bioengineering is that unlike other engineering disciplines, who seek to further our quality of life, bioengineers design the...

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