Serial Killer Research Papers

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4 Pages 1906 Words
The Media’s Role in Glorifying Serial Killers Ted Bundy, one of the more infamous and prolific serial killers in history, was said to have killed 36 people, but what leads one to commit such heinous acts? Serial killers are all influenced by similar social experiences throughout life and learn from the environments around them to become serial killers. A sociological...
MediaSerial Killer
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5 Pages 2185 Words
Are hedonistic serial killers born with tendencies to kill? How is it possible that two men could witness death during their childhood, yet one turned out to be a famous writer and the other became a serial killer? A serial killer is an individual that kills a minimum of three people in separate events over a certain period. Hedonistic serial...
7 Pages 2991 Words
Introduction Since Psychology began to emerge as a strong field in the late 19th century, psychologists have been trying to study several aspects and associations between criminality or crimes and the psyche. Since then, thousands of psychologists and researchers have been conducting innumerable amount of research and studies to explore the relationship and understand the dimensions of criminality through a...
3 Pages 1432 Words
In the recent century, we have experienced many suffer to the serial killer culture. Whereas we have questioned whether their life experiences have affected their life choice. Referring to psychology, the brain plays a key role in consciousness, language, thought, perceptual awareness, attention and memory (human-memory, 2019). Life experience is the experience and knowledge gained through living (Merriam-Webster, 2020). It...
Human BrainMurderSerial Killer
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4 Pages 1625 Words
Introduction Theodor Robert Bundy (born Theodor Robert Conwell) is one of the most notorious serial killers of all time. However, Bundy was not like your ordinary serial killer, he was a very intelligent, good-looking man who was a master of manipulation. Bundy was able to take advantage of his intelligence and good looks to lure countless women to their deaths...
4 Pages 1718 Words
The crimes committed by offenders are relative to their psychological and social behavior. It has been observed through the study conducted by Samenow, (2014) that a number of criminals do not have a stable mental state. Correspondingly, the case of Ted Bundy is similar to psychotic serial, who do not need any particular reason or motive to commit crimes. Ted...
2 Pages 1062 Words
“If you don’t stop screaming, I’ll blow your brains out.” A quote that victim Carol DaRonch would later recall to police after escaping a kidnapping by a notorious serial killer named Ted Bundy. Over his 42-year life, Theodore Robert Bundy would have many names and wear many masks. His mother thought that he was the ideal son. To his friends,...
4 Pages 1773 Words
Witness testimony: 4 people suggested Ted Bundy’s name to the police after hearing a description of the suspect for the murders. This included his girlfriend Elizabeth Kloepfer who called the police twice with concern about Bundy, also a close friend of his, a co-worker, and an old psychology professor from university. This was the primary evidence Several witnesses gave eyewitness...
6 Pages 2534 Words
The 1970s was a time of evolution in the entertainment industry as well as mood rings and confusion caused by Richard Nixon’s resignation. Movies were booming, and pet rocks were smiling from ear to ear. In 1970, the Apollo 13 mission to the moon was successful and strides in NASA were being made. In 1974, “The Way We Were” by...
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2 Pages 925 Words
In the view of life sanctity, is the death penalty a moral way of retribution? Is the death of a criminal something to be celebrated? Can death justify death? One of the bases of moral retribution is written in the holy scripture, Matthew 5:37 states “You have heard that it was said, ‘eye for eye and tooth for a tooth’.”...
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1 Page 632 Words
“We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. And there will be more of your children dead tomorrow”, the serial killer Ted Bundy cautioned. Serial killers don't kill out of greed or jealousy. So what makes a person not only murder, but murder multiple people over periods of days, weeks, and years? We will be...
5 Pages 2312 Words
Criminals tend to view all information before committing a crime. Therefore, because they believe that the risk does not outweigh the rewards of said crime, they go through with it. In criminology, we call this Rational Choice Theory. “The view that criminality is a product of abnormal biological or psychological traits, is known as Trait Theory” (MindTap, Chapter 5). “This...
5 Pages 2222 Words
Jack the Ripper: Introduction For three months in 1888, fear and terror stalked the streets of Whitechapel, London. During these months, five women (some ought to believe more) were murdered and horribly mutilated by the man who was known as ‘Jack the Ripper’. Main Body: One of many forensic advances that would aid in solving this case would have been...
Jack the RipperSerial Killer
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1 Page 650 Words
The United States was the leading country in producing serial killers during the 1970s. One serial killer who evaded law enforcement for 40 years is Joseph James DeAngelo; by understanding his background and the impact he had on communities throughout, it is clear to see why he stands out among the many other famous serial killers. Studies show that the...
Serial Killer
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3 Pages 1467 Words
‘Victimism’ is the theory that sustains the point that female killers only act out because they are the victim of something else. Battered women syndrome, PTSD, and other psychological conditions can all be related to a woman committing homicide. “Victimism, in turn, relies on the depiction of women as powerless and oppressed, which can function to deny their responsibility, culpability,...
ChildhoodPersonalitySerial Killer
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4 Pages 2038 Words
Introduction to Serial Killers What is a serial killer? A serial killer is someone who kills without a clear motive, but they have a behavioral pattern. When you think of serial killers you think of someone who has had an abusive parent, who have been sexually abused or physically. Did you know that some are born with a type of...
MurderPerspectiveSerial Killer
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1 Page 514 Words
While research suggests that psychological factors may provide the necessary prerequisites for psychopathic tendencies, social factors, such as family life and upbringing, are also essential contributors to shaping the minds of disturbed individuals. According to Hestie Barnard Gerber, psychological abuse from parents, such as excessive humiliation and discipline, works to desensitize children, causing them to “grow up devoid of empathy...
MurderSerial KillerStudy
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5 Pages 2128 Words
Introduction to Serial Killers and Mental Illness Throughout the years, mental illness and the crimes, more specifically the methodology, of serial killers have often gone hand in hand with one another. There are various speculations that the people who do have a mental illness, such as schizophrenia and antisocial personality disorder, are more prone to committing moral atrocities. While this...
Mental IllnessMurderSerial Killer
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2 Pages 990 Words
In addition to the early traumatization in a serial killer’s childhood, the secluded social conditions of a serial killer acts as an accomplice to their violent and sadistic fantasies that inevitably direct them to kill. Many serial killers face isolation in their youth which oftentimes they turn to fantasies involving violence and sex. As many serial killers are isolated or...
Serial Killer
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5 Pages 2137 Words
The 20th century was a time of major events and a wide variety of progression. Specifically, in the 1980s, there was a wide increase in violent crimes, and mass murders. The number of active serial killers in America hit an all-time high during this period. As these murders were becoming very common, many people in America developed a strange admiration...
Serial Killer
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6 Pages 2804 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Have you ever stopped to think about what makes serial killers who they are? Do you ever wonder why they behave the way they do? Are they born or made that way? All of these questions frequently go unanswered due to the fact that there’s no logical scientific reasoning behind them. Numerous people around the world have their theories on...
Criminal BehaviorSerial Killer
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6 Pages 2518 Words
Identity What is a serial killer? A serial killer by definition is a person who has consecutively murdered 3 or more people within the time period of 30 days or more. Serial killing is one of the most bewildering crimes that occur in the United States and all over the world. Many serial murderers take a major cooling-off session. The...
MurderPersonalitySerial Killer
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6 Pages 2656 Words
A serial killing, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), is a series of two or more murders, committed as separate events, usually, but not always, by one offender acting alone. While there may be variations in the definition of serial killing, one must not forget how serial killers have been referenced in popular culture. Since the 1970s, with...
MurderPerspectiveSerial Killer
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2 Pages 815 Words
The term serial killer refers to a sole offender, male or female, responsible for a succession of murders over a matter of months or years, and frequently in different settings. In modern society there is a growing fascination with the ‘serial killer’. Public libraries, the media and book sales are filled with ‘true crime’, this category particularly committed to the...
MurderPersonalitySerial Killer
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2 Pages 1063 Words
To many people he is a serial killer, whereas others would term him as a charming and good-looking young man. Some people also applaud his intellect, the judge who announced his death sentence mentioned that he was a very intellectual and a witty law student. Although the estimated number of young girls and women he killed is 30, the exact...
Serial KillerTed Bundy
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2 Pages 865 Words
In most American cities the late 60ś to early 70ś was a time of peace and tranquility, but for the residents of the San Francisco Bay area, that time is forever stained red by the blood of the Zodiacś victims. From the late 1960’s to the early 1970’s a serial killer by the name of Zodiac terrorized California, with a...
Serial Killer
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1 Page 648 Words
The understanding of human behavior has been a subject of great importance for different natural and social disciplines such as, psychology, anthropology, sociology among others; this has allowed to the discovery of psychological and social factors that lead to the evaluation of different human behaviors, which has been of great help when it comes to labeling personality traits and conduct...
MurderPerspectiveSerial Killer
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2 Pages 764 Words
There were many reasons as to why there were many serial killers in the U.S during the 70’s and 80’s. Although their mental health and childhood development plays a big part as to why, for example, when their parents would be abusive for a long period of time or being isolated from scholar or home activities. Another major role that...
MurderSerial KillerSociety
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7 Pages 3147 Words
The Decade of Fear There are many characteristics that define a decade. The 50’s were known for poodle skirts and Elvis Presley, the 60’s helped spread the message of peace and love and then there was the 70’s. While the 70’s was a decade of social change and free will, it also was the decade that introduced the world to...
MurderSerial KillerSociety
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2 Pages 834 Words
Introduction The phenomenon of serial killing has long intrigued psychologists, criminologists, and the general public, raising significant questions about the underlying reasons that drive individuals to commit such heinous acts. Serial killers are typically characterized by their repetitive pattern of murder, often with psychological gratification as a primary motive. The path to becoming a serial killer is complex, involving an...
MurderPerspectiveSerial Killer
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