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The Peculiarities Of Judicial Activism

2 Pages 986 Words
We should not be shocked that even within the courts, the judges can reach different conclusions. For example, a case in Alberta made its way to the Supreme Court of Canada. Hutterian Brethrens challenged a provincial regulation that required them to have photo identification on their driver's licenses. They claimed that the law infringed on their religious belief. The SCC...
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The Representation of Social Class and Feminism In Jane Eyre

6 Pages 2609 Words
Introduction The focus of the investigation is how social class and feminism is presented in both Charlotte Bronte’s novel and the magazine article titled ‘Feminism and Class Consolidation’. Jane Eyre was set in the 1800’s where society was changing slowly and steadily. The setting is a key part of the novel as it is used to express and symbolise what...

How Can Medea Serve The Cause For Women In The Terms Of Feminism?

3 Pages 1421 Words
Introduction Medea is a play written by Euripides; it has many powerful literary elements which is why it has brought the attention of different types of audiences. Medea to some might appear as a feminist text because of how Medea deals with her situation, and how she behaves or acts around people in the play, but to other people Medea...

Abortion as a Moral Intractability and a Pro-Life Movement

3 Pages 1493 Words
A moral dilemma occurs when there is a conflict in which you must choose between two or more actions and there is ethical reasoning behind each action. The conflict of abortion has been an ongoing debate since the early 1800’s. An abortion is the procedure a woman can choose to undergo to terminate her pregnancy. In most cases a woman...

William Shakespeare as the Feminist

2 Pages 728 Words
William Shakespeare’s plays have had an astounding impact on literature not only during his time, but for the many generations to come. Today, Shakespeare’s writing is known all across the world and has left its impact on movies, theatre, literature, and even the english language itself. Before Shakespeare, theatre was a pleasure that only the well educated and wealthy could...

Feminist Self-Development in The Handmaid’s Tale & The Scarlet Letter

2 Pages 1044 Words
Both The Handmaid’s Tale, and The Scarlet Letter written by Margaret Atwood, and Nathaniel Hawthorne respectively are novels that explore self-development within a dystopian society through a feminist lens. They also examine the idea of having self-consciousness under an extremely controlling and oppressive environments. Both of the protagonists, Offred from The Handmaid’s Tale and Hester from The Scarlet Letter derive...

Can Modern Feminism Start The Discrimination Of Men?

2 Pages 700 Words
When men argue that modern feminism has brought about their discimination , I empathize with them because i know that if I wore their shoes, I'd probably sing the same song. The average African man is raised in a beautiful world of privilege (Relax guys! Its okay to admit this every once in a while). Because the African society is...

Rising Employee Activism In Tech World

2 Pages 805 Words
For the past decade, there has been a surprising increase in the number of employee activism instances reported worldwide, specially among the technical community. Almost all tech giants including Amazon, Facebook and Google have faced this struggle with their growth journey. Employees have now started questioning the project agenda, goals, company socio-economic policies and are getting their voices out by...
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Hawthorne and Feminism in The Scarlet Letter

3 Pages 1507 Words
Feminism is defined by Webster’s as organized activity on the behalf of women’s rights and interests aiming toward political, economic, and social equality of the sexes (“Feminism”). It would stand to reason an author of feminist works of literature would create characters and storylines based on struggles associated with these ideals. Feminist viewpoints and feminist works are quite common, if...

The New Age Of Student Activism Is Failing

1 Page 582 Words
The impact of activism can be felt worldwide. Done right, activism changes ideas and shakes the very foundation of society. Student activism is rising, but also falling, and the fall is cause for concern as insufficient vital changes are made after demonstrations and protests. Marx proposed that the economy colours our ideas, and indeed capitalism has infiltrated our thought process...
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Theme of Feminism in Hamlet

3 Pages 1223 Words
In the times when Hamlet was written, women were developing their power. Even though women's behaviors were limited by their power, they were still the major influence in shaping the whole story. The Renaissance ushered in an age of human awakening in Europe. Men find their own individuality and dignity and pursue the happiness of worldly life, while women are...

Feminist Analysis of Woman in Wordsworth's Perfect Woman

4 Pages 2040 Words
Introduction Many facts say that humans are the most perfect creatures compared to other living creatures. Developing technology and science at the present time are the result of the minds that exist in human. They are able to develop the world thanks to the intelligence given to them. The development of this world may be based on human thinking that...

Civil Disobedience VS Morality

1 Page 404 Words
Nobody has the same morals, beliefs, or even opinions. Morality does not have a true right or wrong because of everyone's individuality. Since everyone has their own opinions, they should have the right to voice those opinions; there are several ways of doing so. As a citizen, an individual with my own beliefs, I believe I have the right to...

A Discourse Analysis Of News Coverage Of Popular Culture Activism

5 Pages 2171 Words
Introduction Scholars have studied how mainstream media reports the activities of protesters and how news coverage influences the way the activists are depicted in those news stories (Harlow, SalaverrĂ­a, Kilgo & GarcĂ­a-Perdomo, 2017; Ismail, Torosyan & Tully, 2019; Kilgo & Harlow, 2019; Kyriakidou & Olivas Osuna, 2017). The dominant pattern which scholars agree that typically appear in news coverage of...
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The Role Of Teen Activism In Society

2 Pages 978 Words
The use of direct and noticeable actions using vigorous campaigning to achieve a change, usually a political or social one. This is the definition of activism given by the Cambridge dictionary. If this definition is analyzed deeply, some of us, teens, might wonder if we could really be the motor of such drastic changes in our society and political arena....
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Malcolm X and Emmeline Pankhurst: Comparing Effectiveness

2 Pages 1087 Words
Malcolm X was a radical leader in the Black Civil Rights Movement, while Emmeline Pankhurst was a militant suffragette leader in obtaining the voting right for women. Although both of them have played important roles and made significant contributions to the two movements respectively, we firmly believe that Emmeline Pankhurst was a more effective leader than Malcolm X. Our essay...

The Peculiarities of Pro-Life Social Movement

5 Pages 2057 Words
In 1973, the court case of Roe versus Wade established that women had the constitutional right to decide to have an abortion or not. An anonymous woman sued the district attorney of Dallas, Texas, because she believed that her right to choose to have an abortion was being violated (Oyez 2018). Harry Blackmun, Supreme Court judge, announced that the woman...

Frederick Douglass A True Groundbreaking Civil Rights Figure

3 Pages 1225 Words
Frederick Douglass was an escaped slave, self taught author, abolitionist, human rights and women’s rights activist, and social reformer. He helped shape America through his determination and eloquence. His actions led to the Civil War, a pivotal point in time where slaves were freed. He was an advocate for teaching slaves how to read and write, and his story inspired...

Can Environmental Activism Be Seen As A Doomsday Cult?

3 Pages 1365 Words
Today most people would agree that climate change is a problem. We can see why this problem through out the world. The ice caps are melting at an alarming rate and forest fires have hit some of the most important places in the world. Environmental activism has taken over the news trying to show us what needs to be done...
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Graffiti As A Means Of Protest In The Philippines

4 Pages 1749 Words
Definition Decker and Curry (n.d) define graffiti as a method of visual communication done by individuals or groups. Graffiti may be taken as an expressive art form, however, this act is often considered illegal as it involves writing or imprinting symbols or phrases on public spaces. The authors also construe that it is a type of rebellious behavior that seeks...

Jane Austin And Feminism

3 Pages 1288 Words
The late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries (not to mention the years prior), were times of patriarchal dominance on all fronts, whether it be economic, social, or political. The lives of women were dictated by high social expectations and deeply rooted traditions regarding her role within the family, and how she was to conduct herself around others, particularly when it...

Feminism in the Scarlet Letter

2 Pages 1067 Words
The creation of “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne was written at a time when the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes became a huge movement in America. Femenist authors such as Mary Wollstonecraft and Margaret Fuller had circulating works of literature, making women's rights a cultural discussion. Hawthorne had previously been labeled...

Jane Eyre as a Feminist Novel

3 Pages 1170 Words
Although the term “feminist” has only recently come in to use, universally, Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë, has been acknowledged as a ‘feminist novel’ since published. The character of Jane Eyre is looked up to by many, due to her strong nature and ability to bounce back from the mental and physical abuse afflicted by her aunt and teacher from...

Malcolm X as a Famous Civil Rights Leader

4 Pages 1750 Words
Malcolm Little, Aka Malcolm X, was a famous civil rights movement activist. He had a hard childhood. He was picked on due to the light color of his skin by peers and family members. His family lived in poverty and as a result Malcolm Little spent several years of his life committing crimes and ended up in prison. Malcolm X...

A Priceless Gift: Student Activism against Abortions

3 Pages 1303 Words
In an era of rising poverty and inequality among many social issues; today’s high school and post-secondary students are taking initiative and educating themselves in public matters through school and any means necessary, in order to be a part of the change. Many people dismiss student activism as they think it is only relevant to changes pertaining to within the...

Queer And Disabled Feminist Activism

2 Pages 922 Words
This week’s discussion takes a look into LGBTQ+ and disabled feminism and activism. In the articles written by Abelson and the speech given in the Incite page, we take a look at LGBTQ+ feminism along with black feminism. In the article written by Abelson, we begin by discussing both the inclusion and exclusion of transgender feminists, which begins in the...

Jane Eyre as a Feminist Text

6 Pages 2719 Words
Charlotte Brontë created a piece of literary revolutionary work in a world where women were marginalised in a society dominated by men. Powerfully written, she commands a dominating, liberating woman’s voice and using it as her strength we can relate to Jane’s struggles and explore the twists and turns of her turbulent world. Sophie Franklin writes that the ‘Woman Question’...

Sexism, Feminism And Rape Culture

2 Pages 1071 Words
A very warm good morning to everyone present here. I am Suchita Patil and my hobbies include reading books, destroying patriarchy and crushing misogyny. I am sure by now you all have realized that I am going to be talking about gender discrimination. To be specific, my topic is Sexism, Feminism and Rape Culture. Sexism is the discrimination or oppression...

Feminist Dystopia in Handmaid’s Tale

5 Pages 2429 Words
Manifestation of Modern Feminism in Handmaid’s Tale It was in the early nineteen hundreds with the addition of women’s suffrage when the first waves of modern feminism began. This was one of the first steps in altering women’s previously thought power, identity, and individualism. These factors continued to be at the crux of later feminist movements especially the second and...

Medea Through The Feminist Lenses

2 Pages 853 Words
In all history men were favored and privileged. Men were given freedom, an education, pride, and an opportunity to share their opinion, however women in ancient Greek were not given any of these privileges. The play Medea by Euripides, shows how women were seen by ancient Greek society and how some women did not fall into these expectations. Therefore, “Medea”...

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