Social Movements essays

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Essay about Thirty Meter Telescope Protests in Hawaii

6 Pages 2614 Words
The scope of the problem I am going to discuss is on the issue that is happening in Hawaii about the building of the TMT. This social problem is becoming a big headline in Hawaii news because the protesters have blocked builders from proceeding with the building of the TMT. The TMT (Thirty Meter Telescope) is a project to build...

Analysis of the Song '21 Guns' and Anti-War Protests

2 Pages 775 Words
The thing with today's society is that when people listen to a song, they don't think twice about what the song really means. For decades there have been different social issues going on in the United States, one example of a social issue is from ‘21 Guns’. Unfortunately, the USA has not been thinking outside the box of using peace...

Essay about Montgomery Bus Boycott

1 Page 406 Words
Have you ever wondered if laws were different a long time ago? I have, and they definitely were. There were unfair laws that separated black people from the white people. These laws were called Jim Crow laws. Jim Crow laws made black people’s lives horrible. They were kept from using the same things as a white person. People had to...

Civil Rights Movement as the Most Influential Movement in the 20th Century

1 Page 667 Words
There were many rapid changes in America in the 20th century, some of which shaped entire generations. One of the major historical events that had a significant impact on how Americans redefined themselves during that century is the Civil Rights Movement. Minorities, specifically black Americans, had always been kept inferior. This movement reinvented the way they were seen as a...

Racism as a Significant Social Issue

1 Page 583 Words
The holy trinity of sociological variables that unite us and divide us are class, gender, and race. The most sensitive topic of these three is race which is defined as a group of people who share a set of characteristics—typically, though not always, these are physical characteristics—and are believed to share a common bloodline. Race is a social construct; it...

Racial Segregation in Montgomery

4 Pages 1880 Words
A harmonious urban society is dependent on basic civil rights. If these rights are severely compromised, then urban progression will only drive a further divide between the have and have nots. Those above the gaze of discrimination will remain untouched while the others will be submerged in an unjust and prejudiced city. Housing for non-white citizens in Montgomery, Alabama was...

Essay on Grunge, Post-Grunge and Women's Empowerment

5 Pages 2397 Words
“Measure 9 goes against American traditions of mutual respect and freedom, and Nirvana wants to do their part to end bigotry and narrow-mindedness everywhere”. “Kurt Cobain, lead singer of Nirvana, 1992, regarding a piece of Oregon legislation that would have eliminated protections from discrimination based on sexual orientation”. Nirvana and Progressivism Seattle sound or grunge is a style of music...

Nonviolence Civil Disobedience: Montgomery Bus Boycott & Sit-Ins

1 Page 671 Words
“One has not only a legal, but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws” - Martin Luther King Jr. Background information strategy used during the 1950-1965, strategy used in North Carolina, and Alabama. Strategy used to get more rights that the black people should have. Strategy used by Rosa Parks,...

Feminism in Film: 'Legally Blonde' and 'Erin Brockovich' Analysis

4 Pages 1610 Words
This paper aims to investigate and explain the movement of what feminism is in the context of popular culture, specifically in the area of film, and how this area of pop culture has influenced film. What Is Popular Culture? There are many views and definitions to what popular culture is, but intrinsically, popular culture is the traditions, beliefs, perspectives, ideas...

Comparison of Marxism and Feminism

4 Pages 1855 Words
This essay will discuss various comparisons between two sociological theories by touching on why society is structured the way it is as well as comparing and contrasting both views. The two theories that will be discussed are Marxism and feminism, both of which go on to have a significant impact upon modern-day politics. At its simplest, Marxism is a social,...

Role of Feminism in Development of the American Musical 'Hamilton'

4 Pages 1691 Words
Introduction The use of theatre is to communicate important issues from either the past or current, in one way or another. This essay will examine the role of feminism in Hamilton, an American musical by Lin-Manuel Miranda, and how the link to feminism creates an interesting look at the female characters within the performance. Feminism has become more ingrained in...

Feminist Perspectives in Criminology

3 Pages 1296 Words
Feminism is more than a view or perspective but a movement. As the question points out, it is a movement with a multitude of perspectives. Feminism traces its roots to male dominance and oppression, which according to Patricia Hills led to a movement to end male chauvinism and ensure equal rights for all and also to eradicate the ideology of...

Essay on Feminism and Disney Films

3 Pages 1433 Words
Ever since the dawn of every family’s favorite franchise, Disney, young girls everywhere have had their minds contorted into believing they should portray a certain kind of woman and to never dare break the glass-ceiling. Right from the get go with the studios first feature film, ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’ (1937), by using a doolally doe-eyed sweetheart relevant...

Nixon, Robinson, and the Montgomery Bus Boycott in American History

4 Pages 1963 Words
Throughout history, society has been evolving and growing with the voice of the American people. This voice has sparked teachings in schools, organizations, and other places all around the world. Two voices in particular have sparked and contributed to these teachings and how it has educated society. These voices are E.D. Nixon and Jo Ann Robinson. It is true that...

Nazi Past Fuels Student Rebellion in 1968

4 Pages 1850 Words
The wave of rebellion that swept across West Germany in 1968 is commonly documented to be an attempt to confront the Nazi past. This was exhibited through the mass of student protests by the so-called ‘68ers’, dragging the issues they were passionate about into the public sphere so they could no longer be ignored. As a result, the reasons conjuring...

Comparing 3 Versions of Little Red Riding Hood: Standard Gender Roles

3 Pages 1323 Words
The concept of power is the foundation of the story and revolves around the characters and the position of power that every character holds is different in each version of Little Red Riding Hood. Even as “Little Red Riding Hood/ Little Red Cap” celebrates the empowerment of a young woman in search of sexual and artistic agency, it also examines...

Contact & Assimilation Theory in Red & Black Power Movements

3 Pages 1247 Words
Social movements of the 20th Century played a vital role in the understanding of social minorities and their relations with the dominant groups of society. An aspect under the umbrella of social movements is the existence of racial oppression and discrimination. Two social groups that generated waves in America during the 1960s and 1970s were the Native and African Americans....

Respect to Traditions and Courage of Women in The Thing Around Your Neck

5 Pages 2339 Words
In the past few years, a Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie has become a feminist icon for many. The author openly criticizes patriarchal oppression, speaks often about the importance of feminism and equal rights for women, and consequently, she reflects her convictions in her literary works: “Adichie’s works wholly indict the patriarchal oppression of women and also encourage women to...

Black Power Movement Inspired Black Gender Roles in Pop-Culture

2 Pages 693 Words
In the 1970s, Marvel comics and DC comics released stories that had black leading superhero roles with supporting black characters. These stories were released under a film genre called “Blaxploitation” which featured hyper-masculine black leading roles (Lendrum, 2005) with stereotypical “difficult” black female as their supporting characters. In the Blaxploitation genre, black leading roles were written and directed by white...

Garvey's Impact on Black Nationalism, Black Power, Rastafarianism

6 Pages 2695 Words
In the year 1887, the year of Marcus Mosiah Garvey’s birth, many living knew enslavement. Emancipation occurred in 1834, and even though the more severe features for the formerly enslaved were no longer present many persisted. There was rampant poverty. Many formerly enslaved and their descents worked on plantations. Immigrants came, mostly from India, but also other contents as new,...

Oroonoko: Revelation of Feminist Agenda between the Lines

3 Pages 1510 Words
Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko is commonly seen as narrative that reinforces the immorality of slavery practiced by the English. Following the story of the enslaved prince, this message of injustice is clear within the text, serving to mask a feminist agenda that is encrypted throughout the work. While the tale of Oroonoko serves as the forefront of the story, the novella...

Modern Abolitionism: Ethnic Minorities in US Justice

2 Pages 939 Words
The primary focus of New Right Criminology (NRC) is on the prevention and control of criminal behavior. This is our current system in which the criminals are to be prevented from breaking the criminal law and punished if they do. With origins in Classical Theory, NRC accepts rational choice theory in which people act fails to consider why people...

Little Red Riding Hood's Influence on Gender Roles in Feminist Retellings

4 Pages 1966 Words
Through the Extension Two English course, I have produced a podcast - Fairytales: The Feminist Makeover - that explores the interplay between contexts, fairytales and female expectations. The concept of my podcast emerged through a process of independent investigation with my understanding of the concept developing deeply throughout. Although guided through the Preliminary Extension 1 and Advanced English courses, the...

Reasons Why Abortion Should not Be Legal Essay

3 Pages 1321 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Should Abortion be Legal in the United States? Parenthood is one of the most critical aspects of human life that require serious planning to be executed appropriately. Most ladies have been compelled to carry out abortions due to a lack of readiness to join the parenthood arena. Abortion is the process by which a pregnancy is terminated by expelling the...

Wonder Woman: A Fresh Take on a Feminist Icon

5 Pages 2098 Words
Wonder woman has long been considered a feminist icon ever since her first appearance in DC comics in 19411942, making her one of the very first female superheroes. In many ways, she was unlike any female superhero that was in circulation at that time, being a perfect example of a strong, formidable character at a time when female superheroes were...

Feminist Perspectives in Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary

2 Pages 925 Words
Introduction Gustave Flaubert's seminal work, Madame Bovary, published in 1856, offers a complex exploration of 19th-century gender roles and the constraints imposed on women in a patriarchal society. Through the character of Emma Bovary, Flaubert provides a critical lens on the limitations faced by women and their struggle for agency, autonomy, and self-fulfillment. While the novel is often classified as...

Prostitution as a Feminist Issue: Argumentative Essay

9 Pages 4224 Words
Why is prostitution a feminist issue, and what should feminists say about it? Prostitution is often referred to as the world’s oldest profession (Dylewski and Prokop, 2018). A long debate stands regarding prostitution amongst feminists and sex work in general. In order to fully understand the issue of prostitution and what feminists should say about it, it is important to...

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