Sociological Theories essays

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Essay on Cultural Appropriation of Native American Art

6 Pages 2517 Words
Indigenous artwork has been around for a long time, they use artwork to share teaching/stories. Indigenous tell their important cultural stories through the generations it is portrayed by symbols/icons in their artwork. Norval Morrisseau was an Anishinaabe Aboriginal Canadian Artist. Norval was best known for his paintings of mythical tableaux. His narrative works of figures and animals were painted in...

Essay on Cultural Appropriation in Asian Culture (Japan)

2 Pages 764 Words
Cultural appropriation has been quietly plaguing society for centuries and it is only recently that society as a whole has become more aware of the repercussions and the importance of individual responsibilities in preventing cultural appropriation. There is an ambiguous line between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation. Progress in society would be hindered if we did not inter-exchange ideas, fashion,...

Essay on Cultural Appropriation

3 Pages 1468 Words
Within the past few decades, the world has become more connected than ever before. It is easier than ever to pick up your phone or get on your computer and be able to talk to someone on the other side of the world. With the change in transportation, there are flights available that can put you on a completely different...

Essay on Cultural Appropriation Today

5 Pages 2074 Words
Methodology I was interested in finding out people’s perspectives on cultural appropriation and if they recognized it. Using Perry’s (2002) and Rodriquez's (2006) methods as an example, I observed as a participant and jotted down field notes of their expressions. Qualitative methods were used to conduct this semi-structured in-depth interview with 4 heterogeneous candidates all aged heterogeneously, ranging from thirty...

Essay on Why Is Cultural Appropriation Bad

1 Page 622 Words
Feld asserts that the intellectual rights of, That Was Your Mother, should have been collectively held by Alton Rubin and his band the Twisters (35). Unfortunately, it is Paul Simons who enjoys the intellectual property rights of the production. Indeed, because of cultural appropriation, it has become difficult for people from minor cultural groups to claim an infringement of intellectual...

Essay on Cultural Appropriation in Movies

3 Pages 1355 Words
If you crack open an Oxford dictionary and find the term ‘cultural appropriation’ its definition will read, “the unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of the customs, practices, or ideas, of one people or society by members of another and typically more dominant people or society.” Cultural appropriation has been a big controversy for many years. The topic can date back to...

Essay on What Does Intersectionality Mean

2 Pages 1857 Words
In the following essay, I seek to present two central concepts, the concept of Intersectionality and Gatekeeping and Passing. The main focus will be on using the example of feminism, gender, and race and showing how both concepts can be applied to this example. I will start by explaining first and discussing the meaning of each concept that I have...

Essay on Why Is Intersectionality Important

3 Pages 2167 Words
In this essay I will explore intersectionality and how it can contribute to the advancement of geographical thinking, specifically drawing on examples concerned with race, gender, and disability. Geographical thinking on race has been largely shaped by Critical Race Theory, encompassing the thinking of Derrick Bell, Richard Delgado, and Kimberle Crenshaw, a movement which can be defined as, 'a collection...

Essay on Intersectionality in Health Care

2 Pages 1717 Words
Canada is considered a multicultural and pluralistic country. It has become home for many immigrants seeking a quality of life amid social and political instability in their homeland. Every individual brings in different transition experience that gives insight into a diverse cultural and societal norm. To better comprehend these experiences, an intersectional approach is needed to accept the differences between...

Essay on What Is Intersectionality in Sociology

3 Pages 2373 Words
Critical race theory began as a scholarly movement in the early 1970s because of the writings of an African American civil rights lawyer Derrick Bell who presented a theory to understand Western racial history as well as the conflict of interest in civil rights litigation (Delgado & Stefancic, 1998, p. 467). As years passed new critical themes to this theory...

Essay on Intersectionality in Education

3 Pages 2153 Words
Intersectionality, as espoused by Kimberle Crenshaw, is a theoretical framework that we can use to identify how those with identities that are othered and oppressed by mainstream society are pushed to the intersections of society. The use of an intersectional framework helps us to be able to highlight how those who are othered by the mainstream are left to fend...

Essay on Intersectionality of Identities

3 Pages 1918 Words
When looking at the theory of intersectionality it's clear that it contributes to our understanding of gender inequality significantly, because of how it expands feminist theory by highlighting the different and unique experiences of women. Intersectionality is an approach that allows us to understand the complexity of human experience by illuminating inequality at the intersection of identities. In other words,...

Essay on Intersectionality Feminism

3 Pages 2467 Words
In politics ‘gender’ is both acknowledged and dismissed. The notion of political ambitions and actions has created a divide between policy and gender inclusivity. Throughout history, the political neglect towards women in society has led to the need for an activist response. It is understood that “the market women and the marketplace influenced politics and economics in the capital” (Jarvis)...

Essay on Intersectionality Theory

4 Pages 2754 Words
In this essay, I will recognize and explore visible and invisible types of privilege and oppression that molded my lived understanding, values, and personal beliefs regarding issues of racial and ethnic exploitation, privilege, gender, and disability. I will begin by illustrating an intersectional theory or theory of intersectionality including the concept of privilege and will clarify how they are associated...

Essay on Why Intersectionality Can't Wait

1 Page 996 Words
Criminologists have long been interested in the relationship of crime with race, class, and gender - particularly critical criminologists. There have been ongoing discussions as to which factor is the most important. Intersectionality scholars, however, consider these discussions as pointless, because these modes of power (race, class, gender, etc.) intersect to form particular oppressions that are not a sum of...

Essay on How Did Social Darwinism Contribute to Imperialism

4 Pages 1822 Words
Nationalism is an intense form of patriotism or loyalty to one’s country. Nationalists exaggerate the value or importance of their country, placing its interests above those of other countries. The ideology of nationalism is strongly connected to the revolutionary turmoil that began in France at the end of the 18th century and thereafter spread across Europe. The end of Bourbon...

Intersectionality Essay

5 Pages 1468 Words
Introduction Intersectionality, a concept first coined by legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw in the late 1980s, offers a framework for understanding how various forms of social stratification, such as race, gender, class, and sexuality, intersect to create unique modes of discrimination and privilege. This paradigm shifts the focus from singular categories of identity to the complex, overlapping networks of advantage and...

Intersectionality and Privilege Essay

2 Pages 856 Words
Humans have been plagued by privilege and oppression throughout history. People have been oppressed by a multitude of factors: sexuality, gender, ethnicity, class, etc. These same elements are responsible for how people experience privilege. While some people are more privileged or more oppressed than others, that does not necessarily mean that someone only has privilege or oppression. Privilege and oppression...

Intersectionality Identity Essay

2 Pages 798 Words
People experience identity and struggle with the concept of identity in many different ways. The intersectionality theory is tied to the concept of identity but before delving into it, it’s important to define the theory of intersectionality as well as understand the argument that it presents. The theory of intersectionality was coined by a social activist and feminist named Kimberle...

Intersectionality in Case Study: Race, Gender, Age, Class

3 Pages 1540 Words
This assignment will highlight and discuss the case study of Victor a 22-year-old black African male from the Nottingham area. I will discuss and provide detailed evidence on Victor's case through investigations and theories. This will help explain how Victor's race, gender and class could have had a big impact on his life and potentially discriminated against him when he...

Intersectionality' Reference Essay

1 Page 413 Words
Introduction Intersectionality refers to the way race, class, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, status, and other markers of differences intersect to inform individual realities and lived experiences. Intersectionality recognizes that individuals and groups are shaped by multiple and intersecting identities. These identities often inform an individual’s worldview, perspective, and relationship to others in society. The interdepartmental perspective or framework encourages...

Reflection Paper for the Urgency of Intersectionality

3 Pages 1317 Words
The Sociological Imagination: The Sociological Imagination is an awareness of the relationship between an individual and society. It is the ability to view one’s own society through the eyes of an ‘outsider,’ thus enabling one to broaden their view without, to a certain extent, allowing limited experiences and cultural biases to cloud their judgment. In ‘The Sociological Imagination,’ C. Wright...

Essay on Social Work, Intersectionality and Poverty

5 Pages 2106 Words
Poverty Poverty is a prime social issue where many people are poor and are unable to afford to pay for essentials in everyday life. The Joseph Rountree Foundation (2022) defines poverty 'as constraining a person's ability to afford to buy what they need and participate in the activities routinely undertaken by others in society. Low incomes also reduce financial resilience...

Critical Reflective Essay on Intersectionality

3 Pages 1360 Words
One of the most imperative concepts in gender studies and feminist theory is intersectionality which traces its origin back to black feminism when it was used to describe the intersectionality of race and gender since the two aspects exist collectively and operate dynamically in daily life to bring an impact (Crenshaw, 1244). Therefore, the term implies a system that names...

Intersectionality in Moonlight: A Critical Analysis

2 Pages 835 Words
Introduction "Moonlight," directed by Barry Jenkins, is a landmark film that explores the complexities of identity through the lens of intersectionality. Released in 2016, the film delves into the life of Chiron, a young African American man growing up in a rough neighborhood in Miami, as he navigates the challenges of his race, sexuality, and socio-economic status. Intersectionality, a term...

Social Facilitation and Obedience in Educational Development

2 Pages 1010 Words
Social psychology is the study of people’s emotions, including their thoughts, behaviors and how they are influenced by actual, imagined or implied presence of others. Social psychology can be used within educational development to further develop the understandings of social facilitation, social learning and obedience to authority. Social facilitation is the question of whether the presence of others has the...

Psychiatry Should Do Away with Diagnostic Categories and Labels

6 Pages 2721 Words
Recent research into the prevalence of mental health disorders in the UK has found that 1 in 4 people suffer from a current mental health disorder (Parkin & Powell, 2018), with 1 in 6 people experiencing a common disorder, such as anxiety or depression, in the past week alone (Baker, 2018). This extremely high prevalence of mental health disorders requires...

Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale: Analysis through Theories

6 Pages 2904 Words
A best-selling novel widely regarded a modern classic, Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid's Tale, has fascinated readers since its 1985 release. The novel depicts a dystopian society set in the land of Gilead, once known as New England, USA. This society acts as the manifestation of contemporary misogyny, resulting in a patriarchal civilisation in which the rights of humanity¬¬¬ and particularly...

Panopticism and Taylorism in Roads & Maritime Services

4 Pages 1746 Words
Introduction to Management Synopsis: The newspaper specified a stuck heavy truck on the bridge about 12.15 pm on Tuesday which caused traffic chaos and minor damage to a girder under the bridge. The driver had been slapped with a $2319 fine and stripped 6 demerit points, also $661 for operating the wrong area and $661 for not keeping a working...

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