Sociological Theories essays

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The Critiques Of Intersectionality Concept

2 Pages 791 Words
If we look at identity politics, a lot has changed since the 1960s. While the American Left rhetoric was all about colorblindness and national unity back then, it’s now changed to a group-based rhetoric. In current political discourse, intersectionality divides Americans along a sharp line, as it receives many criticism – not only from the conservative side. The idea of...

Crenshaw’s Intersectionality In Walker’s The Color Purple

6 Pages 2987 Words
In this essay, I will attempt to conceptualize Crenshaw’s (1991) intersectionality and apply it to the Walker text, The Color Purple (1982). Employing my intersectional (Crenshaw, 1991) analysis, I will attempt to convey a textual representation of gender and sexual orientation through lesbian or bisexual women as linked to and interconnected to other forms of identity such as age, race,...

Themes Of Gender And Intersect In Mary Wollstonecraft Works

2 Pages 971 Words
In her choice to cite John Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’, (“Among unequals what society can sort, what harmony or true delight?”), Mary Wollstonecraft not only underlines the workings of the precarious system that sat perched on the backs of its followers, but also highlights the absence of “true delight” in the eyes of those have been coerced into conforming to the...

African Americans: Between The Cultural Heritage And American Assimilation

5 Pages 2384 Words
In the twentieth century, the United States of America has transitioned into a more diverse nation. Immigrants arriving from around the globe combined with African Americans to challenge the American identity. As a result, prominent figures including Theodore Roosevelt believed every American should indeed be Americanized. Throughout the twentieth century, Americanization, which means to sacrifice an old culture in favor...

Factors of Business Growth in the USA: Legal and Social Influences

2 Pages 807 Words
In the nineteenth century the United States had transformed from a largely rural, agricultural society to an urban, industrial one, this change was driven by the emergence of the corporate business model. Some factors that created and environment that the corporate industry could thrive in was; labor surplus, favorable legal climate, and social Darwinism. These things are what drove the...

Is K-pop Guilty Of Cultural Appropriation?

3 Pages 1449 Words
Introduction Korean music or K-pop has become a global phenomenon recently in the music industry. It is important to determine the cause of success in K-pop that enables a small culture to be recognized by other cultures on a global scale. This is because of the globalisation strategy that is utilised predominantly in Korean music. One of the strategies is...

Social Learning Theory Criminology Essay

2 Pages 935 Words
Criminology is a wide range of theories being placed in perspective. Criminologists will use Social Learning theory as a way of explaining crime. We will analyze the theory itself through the positive and negative example. Social learning theory explains connections teach an individual (Cullen, Agnew, and Wilcox 2018). Ronald L. Akers claims, much like Edwin H. Sutherland, that crime is...

Social Learning And How It Affected Richard Ramirez's Behavior

4 Pages 1691 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Born in the year 1960 Ramirez was any average extroverted kid, but that changed in his adolescence. When he was 10, Ramirez started to smoke weed which opened the gateway of drugs for him. Richard Ramirez was constantly being exposed to his dysfunctional family. Ramirez's father would constantly be in anger fits and physically abuse his older brother, Ruben. Ramirez...

Intersectionality: Evolution, Development And Social Equality

4 Pages 2003 Words
Introduction: what is intersectionality? Intersectionality is an academic approach that helps us makes sense of the complexity of social reality by acknowledging the interdependence of different social ‘locations’ or ‘categories’ in people’s lives, such as gender or race, to explain their social situation and life experience. Intersectionality also helps us understand the mechanisms by which social inequality is reproduced in...

The Role Of Social Darwinism In Criminology Of Aboriginals

4 Pages 1586 Words
Across all professions that work with people, prejudices influence conduct and create considerable ethical dilemmas. One ethical issues for a criminologist working with Indigenous Australians is the overrepresentation of First Nations People in the criminal justice system. This can be attributed to over policing, discriminatory use of discernment and social influences (drugs, alcohol, parenting and poverty). However, we can address...

Scientific Racism And Social Darwinism Of Aboriginal People

1 Page 684 Words
The Aboriginal people for me, were barely spoken about over my years of learning history. What use to be a large population of Australia became a very small percentage over time and I wanted to know why. After studying the topic of Eugenics and observing how it affected this now dying race by separating their mixed race children or “half-casts”...

The Issue Of Race In The Book Black America: A Broken Social Contract

1 Page 480 Words
Black America: A Broken Social Contract by Jeffery Jones is a social science book. It discusses the issue of race in contemporary America. The author uses a historical approach viewed from a sociological perspective. Jones' goal, as he makes clear in the introduction, is to facilitate a dialogue between different races in the United States. According to him, the wealthier...

Social Learning Theory In Social Work Practice

6 Pages 2674 Words
The Theorist/Theory Social learning theory was developed by Albert Bandura in 1969. Bandura was born on December 4, 1925. Through Bandura years of work, he has been ranked one of the most prominent psychologists of the twentieth century. (Allan, 2017, pg 12). Bandura’s development of the social learning theory was a “response to the archaic position that aggressive behavior is...

Navigating Cultural Boundaries in Fashion Industry

4 Pages 1933 Words
Should the use of cultural codes and garments within the Western fashion industry be regarded as a legitimate source of inspiration or a blunt theft of cultural richness for the commercial use? Should culture be legally protected? Should Western designer limit their inspiration sources to the West? INTRODUCTION Style is an outlet for inventive articulation and an impression of individual...

The Problem Of Cultural Appropriation In Fashion Industry

5 Pages 2235 Words
There is a fine line that separates cultural appropriation from appreciation. In the fashion industry, this has been a controversial issue for a while now between models and the message that they are sending, on the runway and on magazines, by wearing cultural symbols as fashion items. The media has brought this issue into the light and shown a wide...

Valentino's Wild Africa: Fashion vs Cultural Appropriation

3 Pages 1302 Words
Cultural appropriation is a crime in the fashion industry that many fashion designers can be considered guilty of. It is defined as “the act of taking or using things from a culture that is not your own, especially without showing an understanding or respect the culture” by the Cambridge dictionary. One of the perpetrators of this act being Valentino through...

The Peculiarities Of Social Learning Theory

4 Pages 1621 Words
Social Learning Theory, theorized by Albert Bandura, is the idea that people learn from one another, via observation, imitation and modelling (Bandura, 1971). It states that learning is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context and can occur purely through observation (Bandura and Walters, 1963). It began as an attempt by Robert Sears and others to merge...

Classical Social Evolutionism Versus Neo-Evolutionism

6 Pages 2737 Words
Introduction The second half of the nineteenth century marked the dawn of evolutionary thought beyond human biology into human society and culture. This paradigm grew rapidly over the next century as well, with understanding of human society and culture becoming more complex and detailed with every new theorist. The onset of social evolution was considered to be analogous with biological...

Evolution of the Social Contract: Historical and Modern Perspectives

2 Pages 723 Words
Introduction The concept of the social contract serves as a foundational element in political philosophy, representing an implicit agreement among individuals to form societies and adhere to rules that govern collective existence. Originating during the Enlightenment, this notion has been pivotal in shaping modern governance structures and societal norms. Thinkers such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau provided...

Cultural Ambivalence in Barsa by Khadeeja Mumtaz

5 Pages 2156 Words
Postmodern studies focus on the issues of an individual than on a group or community. But in an era which tries to establish ' Personal is Political' (1970 Carol Hanisch), individual problems become social and cultural issue. Barsa by Khadeeja Mumtaz is a novel that focuses on Sabitha and Rasheed who leave their homeland Kerala to work in the holy...

Social Darwinism In Alice In Wonderland And Through The Looking Glass

1 Page 461 Words
Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass are based on social Darwinism, the 'survival of the fittest' and the novels explain the function of language and how the characters obtain power. First, is important to mention that Alice in Wonderland describes the creation of identity whereas Through the Looking Glass is a social negotiation of identity, thus finding your...

The Social Contract, Economic Instability, And The Textile Industry

7 Pages 2994 Words
In examining questions of legislation and civics in the works of James Hogg and Walter Scott, it would do well to examine which legal and philosophical framework they were writing in the wake of. John Erskine of Carnock is particularly useful in this regard as he sought to systemise Scots law in its entirety, based on his expertise as a...

The Effectiveness And Limitations Of Social Contracts In Rousseau's Works

3 Pages 1352 Words
My goal in this article is to examine whether the ideal political society proposed in Jean- Jacques Rousseau’s book successfully resolve the problems of three types of the dependence identified in his book. To examine the effectiveness and the limitations of Social Contract in regard to the problems of dependence, I will look closely into botH. On the one hand,...

Cultural Appropriation As A Form Of Business In Modern World

6 Pages 2907 Words
‘’If you don’t understand cultural appropriation, imagine working on a project and getting an F and then somebody copies you and gets an A and credit for your work’’ Cultural appropriation is defined as the ignorant adoption of the styles, patterns or designs of a minority group or society, by a majority society, (e.g. the West). For hundreds of years...

Gender Intersectionality With Race Or Class

5 Pages 2157 Words
Intersectionality describes the position of women of colour in the social hierarchy, of females. Gender is ultimately a constellation of norms given to a culture based on biological differences however, are performative expressions dictated and controlled by our conventional norms, thus resulting in conventionalised behaviours. With these two phenomenal beings combined only creates an intersection with the issues of race...

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