State essays

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2 Pages 1162 Words
At some point in my childhood, my friends and I went outside to play together for the last time. Years later I am still keeping in touch with some, but we all know how most long-distance relationships go. You intend on keeping up with plans of hanging out as much as possible on breaks from school, but we didn’t always...
1 Page 566 Words
In the first act of 12 Years a Slave, Solomon Northup is abducted by two men named Brown and Hamilton. The scene sharply breaks from the brightness of his last meal as a free man to the darkness of his cell, where he wakes up to find himself chained to the ground. The darkness and shadows allow the audience to...
1 Page 488 Words
Solomon Northup’s book “Twelve Years a Slave” is a Narrative directly from the person himself, Solomon Northup who experienced a personal journey of slavery directly through the experience of kidnapping and being sold as a slave in slave markets. Solomon Northup’s experience dates back to the mid-1800s and it is fair to say that Solomon’s book is one of the...
1 Page 484 Words
Social progress is defined as the capacity of a society to establish the building blocks that allow citizens to enhance the quality of their lives. The media is a dominant indicator of social progress nowadays and it is conclusive that social media’s audience across the world gives individuals new responsibilities and risks. Due to the effects and influence of social...
3 Pages 1158 Words
Introduction Life is a continuous journey punctuated by moments of significant change that often redefine our existence. Changing one's life, whether through deliberate action or circumstantial necessity, is a complex process that encompasses emotional, psychological, and practical dimensions. The motivations for such transformations are as diverse as the individuals experiencing them, ranging from personal and professional aspirations to overcoming adversity...
2 Pages 1374 Words
Within this essay, I will discuss Stress and Stress Management Techniques. Stress is a force that tends to strain or deform mental emotion or physical tension. Stress can be an unwanted feeling with deep emotions and physiological arousal which can be experienced in certain situations. When we look at different definitions of stress it can be seen in many ways...
1 Page 641 Words
Europe had once been covered by dark clouds of bloodshed, hostility, and conflict but many Enlightened thinkers and leaders struggled through many troubles for the cause of human life; upon the enlightenment, multiple philosophers and leaders emerged to create a new era where human life was treasured, new ideas were heard, and ways of life were improved upon for all....
1 Page 935 Words
Background: Study of terrorism is growing and portrayal of terrorism in media, motivation and recruitment processes, individual agency and environmental enablers are different factors within a terrorist organization that have been extensively studied. However, as most terrorist activities were undertaken by men, the studies inadvertently produced results that are relevant to men. Women also contribute to political violence and terrorism...
1 Page 607 Words
Mary Rambo’s character functions similarly to Emma’s. She is introduced in chapter twelve as the Invisible Man arrives in Harlem. While in a confused and weak state, the Invisible Man encounters Mary. She says, “You take it easy, I’ll take care of you like I done a heap of others, my name’s Mary Rambo, everybody knows me round this part...
1 Page 989 Words
Motivation has been defined as an internal drive that leads individuals to achieve their goals or organizational objectives (Certo, 2000). Several organizations these days attempt to find the best way to motivate and increase their workers’ efforts and performances as when workers are motivated, it contributes to the actual productivity of the organization. There are several factors which influence employee...
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3 Pages 1901 Words
In this essay, I would like to discuss Rousseau’s approach to childhood and how his work impacted society. The themes of innocent states and fears of corruption are repeating themes that appear within Rousseau’s work. I would like to highlight the main points he emphasizes throughout his texts, particularly in his treatise on education called Emile (1762), also known as...
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3 Pages 2384 Words
If a person has poor hygiene, decides to eat unhealthily, or refuses a seatbelt while driving, it does not have a direct impact on the health of others. Being unvaccinated, however, can affect the health of a community, and infectious diseases can be spread in places such as work or school. Vaccinations are a safe and highly effective way to...
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2 Pages 1233 Words
Social justice is a wide-ranging idea that is not restricted to a particular religious or political group. The term is defined by the Oxford Dictionary (2019) as “Justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society”. This is usually accomplished through institutions or services such as the government which work to ensure individuals can fairly...
1 Page 802 Words
It is no doubt that pet owners invest a lot into the well-being of their precious furry animals. With the growing popularity of veganism worldwide, owners are now opting to make their pets follow this diet. New research reveals that out of nearly 4,000 pet owners, a large chunk of them are interested in changing their pets’ meat-based diet to...
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3 Pages 2250 Words
Introduction: In this essay, I am writing about how drama therapy can help people suffering from the mental health of different conditions and their severity. I was inspired to write this due to personal struggles with mental health, I found it an interesting topic to research about how this different form of therapy could be used to help all ages...
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4 Pages 2816 Words
Introduction This paper researches the habits by which John Locke stated progressivism and refashioned its image. It has been discovered that the speculations given by Locke suggest the present current world in all the classes of the general public and are refreshed. John Locke (b. 1632, d. 1704) was a British logician, Oxford scholastic and restorative scientist. Locke's stupendous Essay...
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2 Pages 1606 Words
Customer service has become so essential to consider, whether locally or worldwide, particularly in the banking sector. With more financial services and products being provided by banks, these disparate systems must be integrated into a coordinated, effective infrastructure while offering customer support and comfort of the greatest possible level without exposing customers to issues relating to the integrated inner structures....
2 Pages 914 Words
Introduction The Legion of Honour, or LĂŠgion d'honneur, stands as France's highest order of merit for military and civil achievements. Established by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802, the award has come to symbolize exceptional service to the nation. Its history and evolution reflect the changing face of France itself, from its revolutionary origins to its present-day role in recognizing global contributions....
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2 Pages 739 Words
Introduction Stress is an omnipresent phenomenon in contemporary society, affecting individuals across all walks of life. The increasing pace of life, coupled with the demands of work and personal responsibilities, has contributed to elevated stress levels, making stress management an essential skill for maintaining mental and physical health. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), chronic stress is linked to...
2 Pages 1183 Words
The purpose of this text is to elucidate the causes of honor killings in Turkey and in the Turkish law, system to explain how they affect these murders. So, in this text, the aim is to raise awareness about the problem of custom and honor that has been going on for years. While writing this text, various articles on this...
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3 Pages 2348 Words
Introduction Google was born out of pure interest in the linkage structures of the World Wide Web that Larry Page and Sergey Brin shared. They managed to develop an algorithm that did page ranking and used backlink data so that it could be possible to regulate the importance of any web page out there. In 2001, “Google” got its patent;...
1 Page 981 Words
Written by Chuck Palahniuk in 1996, Fight Club follows a dejected man suffering from chronic insomnia who meets a peculiar man named Tyler Durden. The nameless Narrator soon finds himself living in Tyler’s condemned house after his perfect apartment is destroyed by a mysterious explosion. The two jaded men form an underground club with stringent rules and fight other men...
3 Pages 2531 Words
This paper explores the history of events related to the experience of African American veterans' rights leading up to today. The earliest African American veteran involvement in the U.S. Military will be covered dating back to the Revolutionary War. The challenges veterans faced during World War 2, leading up to the Civil Rights Movement will be surveyed. Furthermore, this paper...
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2 Pages 1413 Words
 “Sometimes you can do everything right, and things will still go wrong. The key is to never stop doing right.” The novel “The Hate You Give” by Angie Thomas, is about a girl named Starr (who portrays the author) who was drawn into activism after she saw a police officer kill her best friend because he was Black. Racism and...
2 Pages 1359 Words
 A Child’s Journey To Adulthood Every child grows up and develops skills at their own pace. Child development is genetic and involves internal changes that can occur in children during their youth. There are internal and external factors that affect a child’s development and growth. In Heather O'Neill's novel, Lullabies for Little Criminals, Baby is a 12-year-old daughter of a...
2 Pages 1857 Words
In the following essay, I seek to present two central concepts, the concept of Intersectionality and Gatekeeping and Passing. The main focus will be on using the example of feminism, gender, and race and showing how both concepts can be applied to this example. I will start by explaining first and discussing the meaning of each concept that I have...
2 Pages 814 Words
Introduction Affirmative action remains a contentious and polarizing topic in societal and political discourse. At its core, affirmative action is designed to address historical injustices and discrimination by promoting equal opportunities in education and employment for marginalized groups. Originating in the United States in the 1960s, this policy has been implemented worldwide in various forms to improve access for underrepresented...
3 Pages 2566 Words
Introduction Migrations, either by land or by sea, have always characterized human existence. To understand the extent of this phenomenon we have to be aware of the fact that nobody could say that they have never had direct experience with migratory phenomena or, in any case, with their effects[footnoteRef:1]. Therefore, what is the best prospect for analyzing migrations? Should immigrants...
2 Pages 1645 Words
Imagine an American fast-food chain. If said fast-food chain were to expand and appeal to foreign markets by opening locations in different states, that would constitute globalization. Globalization is the networking between nations via their many different markets through goods and services, which can include media, immigration, and communication. It is composed of the distribution of things such as products...
3 Pages 2621 Words
Homosexuality was a foreign topic until 1900’s; to the majority of people, eventually, due to an expanding number of individuals openly declaring their sexuality, people started to become familiar with the existence of such. Along with this rise in number, questions and controversial viewpoints regarding this subject also increased. According to, the ‘Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender,’ Homosexuality is simply...
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