God created everything on earth and saw that it was good. My observation from the Bible in the book of Genesis, God created man and God saw that man was lonely therefore he made a woman out of man’s rib. God made a companion for man to be a helper. Man and woman are brought together to become one. Is it rightful for a man to divorce his wife? Since the beginning many things has changed due to man’s disobedience. God made us in such a way that we are sexually different. I believe that the human body has specific meaning that is capable to answer question about our lives, how we view our bodies, sex and marriage. The paper will observe and discuss the theology of body, what is expected of man from God and how can one safeguard the body.
I went through the book of Matthew 19:3, which talks about divorce and marriage. Pharisees tested Jesus by asking him if divorce was accepted. Jesus reply by arguing that when God created man and woman, he created them to leave their parents and become one and what He has put together no man should separate. Jesus went ahead and told them that from the beginning there was no divorce but due to our hardness of heart Moses allowed us to divorce. Divorce is devastating thing some couple go through. I had a friend who was divorced and her marriage life ended. She spent her time crying and felt that her world was falling apart. It was the hardest moment of her life. It took time for her to accept the reality and move on. We are given the mandate to rule and control God’s creation. We are the superior over creation. God also commanded us to fill the earth by multiplying. Man procreate by having many children and at the same time taking care of the environment. In the book of Genesis 1:28 says that “fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion…” We were also ordered to till the land in order to find something to eat. Every day I have to wake up and go for work so that by the end I can place food on the table. Therefore, we are stewards of the body.
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People usually go against the command of God and do what they thinks is right to their bodies, from the document I have read, it talks about a country that launched a population-control programs which provide contraceptives, abortions and sterilizations in the name of “freedom” and “reproductive rights.” Evangelium Vitae was not against it, in fact, he encourage people for it. Many women have lost life because of abortion and I have also witnessed a friend who went through it and now she is infertile, not able to bore children. It is so sad to live your life knowing that you are the cause for infertility. There is no freedom in that. One enslave herself with regrets and also defiling God’s commandment, thou shall not kill. Use of contraceptives also has some effects to one’s body. It is argued that every child born is a threat to the world’s resource. However, the Catholic Church view babies as the great gift from God. I believe that children are blessing and each have a purpose and right to this world.
Our bodies are the temple of God, so it is our duty to maintain and safeguard it. There are different ways to maintain the temple of God which include: Chastity, modesty, consulting one’s conscience, prayer and dedication and also having good friends. Abstinence from sexual desire when not married is the best thing to keep the body pure. Good friends will never lead one astray instead they advise one how to in a modest way. We also need clear conscience which enable us to learn what good action is.
From the discussion above, I find it outrageous when people take matters into their hands and do things that annoy God by destroying what God created. Out of their actions there is consequences that they face. We should take good care of the body and also adhere to Jesus moral teaching. “You cannot do something bad to attain something good”
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