Theories On Space: Time And Black Holes

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Time is the basic unit of human. But most of the human even don't know what even the time is. Time is said as the fourth dimension of the universe. 'String Theory' tells us that, there are 11 dimensions in the universe, where 10 dimensions are of space and one dimension of time. These dimensions of the universe are connected to each other in a pattern or may be overlapping each other. String Theory is the theoretical framework which is the part of Quantum Physics, in which smallest particles in the universe are defined according to there vibration. These vibrations in the String particles are the definition of there existence in the universe. Two theories, The 'Theory of Special MRelativity' and 'Quantum Mechanics' gave phenomena which further gave us the result of the elementary particles of an atom and gave us knowledge about the smallest particles, which was known as 'String Particle'. 'String Particle' is not an actual dot, but it is the vibration which makes the sub-atomic particles 'Quark'.

According to Sir Albert Einstein, Time and Space are the part of the same factor. Einstein gave a theory 'Time Dilation' which means that movement of any object will slow-down the speed of time accordingly. It was said that when we move a very high speed and gain the speed of light, the time will stop for us. Also when we exceed the speed of light, we can go into the past. But 'Second Law of Thermodynamics' says that the entropy always increases with time. Which means that everything will transform to the disordered state of existence from orderly state of existence.

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‘Gravity' is the Geometrical Curvature in the field. Space- Time is also defined as a field which is affected by the 'Gravity' with the help of 'Gravitons'. There are 16 fields in the universe, 12 matter fields which made-up this universe and 4 forces of nature fields. The string particles in these fields decide the existence of the particle, means that the vibrating particles in the electron field will make up the electrons.

‘Black Holes' are the deepest holes in the 'Gravitational Fabrics' of the universe which completely absorbs every particle which comes in contact to its gravitational field. Black Hole is the particle which gains a lot of mass at a very small area, which leads to increase in the gravitational force andattracts all th nearby bodies. The visible region around the black hole is the 'Event-Horizon' which is visible in the form of circular rings. Black Holes also emit radiation, which contains some mass. Which lead to the end of Black Holes. As said in some theories that everything which takes birth in the universe has to finish one day.


Big Bang was an event which occurs in the singularity which further made the universe. The most famous theory, The Big Bang Theory was given by George Lamaitre. We started to observe the universe, we saw our Solar System, our Galaxy, other Galaxies, Clusters, Super Clusters, etc. Edwin Hubble started observing that the universe is continuously expanding. So Hubble decided to go back in time and check what was the cause for this behaviour of the universe.

With this equation, he came to the conclusion that all the matter in the universe was contracted in a single point which was also known as Singularity. According to Stephen Hawking, if we compress the earth into a small ball, it will have a very high gravity in a very less area. Then it will become unstable and the gravity will pull the last particle inside and lead to a very large explosion and universe is formed. According to 'Kant-Laplace Nebular Theory' when the gravity became unstable the particles started moving toward the core and formed a disk which started rotating. The rotation of that disk started gaining angular momentum and with a great explosion, it threw out every matter which it contained and it formed universe.

History of the Universe

The above image is the history of our universe which occur after Big Bang. Here came the birth of ‘Time’. Time came in existence after 1/10th part of a second. Inflation which we can see in the image was the expansion of the universe. Here comes the era of the Quarks which last for 10-32 seconds. Here every tiny particle quarks started colliding with the anti-quarks to destroy one another and gave a large glow- on and the made a new quark. According to Sir Albert Einstein, Matter and Energy are same things in nature and both can not be made or can not be destroyed. That time Matter started winning over Anti-Matter and one Matter in a million Anti-Matter came in existence. At 1/10-9 Neutral laws came in existence, which was 'Strong Nuclear Force', 'Weak Nuclear Force', 'Electromagnetic Force' and 'Gravitational Force'. After this universe was stretched in billions of kilometre and lead to a decrease in temperature. Then the quarks began to form 'Hadrons' and 'Leptons' like 'Protons' and 'Neutrons'. There were many combinations of quarks were formed but very few remained stable. After one-second Nucleosynthesis begun and everything came to existence. Every Neutrons combined with Protons which made an 'Atom'. This time universe was filled with infinite particles and energy, and the temperature was about 10 billion degree centigrade. Slowly in Millions of year the universe started to cool down. Hadrons and Leptons formed a stable and electrically neutral environment. Later these Hadrons and Leptons formed a stable nucleus and Hydrogen atoms were formed. After 200 seconds the Opaque era started where the universe was filled with hydrogen gas which didn't allow the visible light to pass through. After Millions of years when hydrogen gas clump together with the gravity it started to form the stars and galaxies. The theory of Big Bang was proved in 1964 when accidentally the ‘Cosmic Background’ picture of the universe was taken.

In 1935, Subrahmanyan Chandrashekhar and William Alfred Fouler gave the joint thesis on life-cycle of a star. In 1983, they got Nobel Price for it. This was the first every theory which told us about the Black Holes. When Hydrogen gas started to clump together they were brought together in lumps. These lumps were made of Gas Clouds and Dust. These lumps were known as Nebula. These Nebula further condense with there own gravity and makes a Protostar. Protostar contains a lot of Hydrogen and it works like a Nuclear Reactor. Where Hydrogen atoms convert into Helium and produce a large amount of heat and light. Now it comes in the category of the Main Sequence star.

Life Cycle Of a Star

Now the stars are categorized according to their mass in comparison to the sun. Here the Chandrashekar limit is used to compare the masses, which is 1.44 times the mass of our sun, which is 2.86 Quintillion Kilograms(on Long Scale). If the mass of the star is below 1.44 times the mass of our sun then the star will be categorized as a Red Giant. And if the mass of the star is more than 1.44 times the mass of our sun then the star will be categorized as a Super Red Giant. Both the stars contains core, but the outer surface starts to cool down due to shortage of Hydrogen on the star, its outer layer stars cooling down and become red or orange in colour and the light dims down. The Red Giant which is less than the Chandrashekhar Limit cools down and the upper surface of this star cracks away and the inner core which is still burning also cools down and the Star becomes a White Dwarf. The White Dwarf continues the further process of Fusion. And when the resources are over it changes into a Black Dwarf and after millions of year it again spreads away and forms a Nebula and this process continues.

The Super Red Giant further continues the Nuclear Fusion to make Helium, later Helium makes Carbon, then Carbon makes Iron. Iron is extremely denser and started to collapse in the core. Further due to high collapse the gravity becomes unstable and it explodes. This explosion is named a Supernova Explosion. Now again the gravity of this star will decide what the star is going to be. If the gravity of that star is less than 3 times the mass of our sun(about 5.97 Quintillion KG) then it will become a Neutron Star. It is about 10 KM containing a large amount of matter. If the gravity of the Star is greater than 3 times the mass of our sun then it will become a Black Hole. It contains all the mass in about a few meters.


From the Theory of Special Relativity space-time always has been the most important part of the analysis, that how time works in other places in the universe. Euclidean Geometry told us that our universe has three dimensions of space. Einstein's theory proved that the fourth dimension of Time is greatly affected by the three dimensions of Space. Various theories say that the curvature of gravitational fabrics slow-down the time. Suppose there are two people, one is sent near a very high gravity and other is away from that gravity. Both have a watch and they both note down the time. Later it was found that there was a difference in there watching. The person away from the high gravity is running ahead in time. Whereas the one near the high gravity has a different time. When we take time as the fourth dimension, then the Law of Reflection Gravity tells us that gravity will be scattered and due to the scattering of gravity, the fundamental interaction may take place. This fundamental interaction is the wave function of the gravitons that carrying electromagnetic fields as their primary force. This difference in time is also known as the Time Dilation. Which can be measured by the given formula.

The above formula and the theory don't define the Dilation in Time. It is found that the two watches have a different rate of time on the different ratios. In Einstein's theory of relativity, time dilation in these two circumstances can be summarized as Special Relativity and the General Relativity. In Special Relativity, the person moving with respect to an observational system is measured to be moving very slowly. This effect is also known as the Lorentz Transformation. In General Relativity the person is positioned at a low gravity are found to be moving very slowly. The time dilation effect is related to the point of view of a person who is moving, and the Time will be Dilated for the other one.

Stephen Hawking told us more about Black Hole and gave his contributions to famous Indian Scientist Subrahmanyan Chandrashekhar who first gave the theory on Black Hole and Chandrashekhar Limit as explained above. Basically, the star with mass mode than 5.97 Quintillion KG makes a Black Hole at the end of his life. Stephen Hawking said that the Black Hole is a Giant which contain a very large amount of mass in a few meters. And it has a very large gravity which even doesn't allow the light to come out. Black Hole is basically the deepest hole in the Gravitational Fabric, which doesn't allow the object to come out which fall in it. Black Hole has the dark centre and an extremely glowing outer region named as Event-Horizon. Event-Horizon is the stars that are trapped in the gravity of the black hole and can not scape away. And slowly the Event- Horizon is eaten up by the black holes. Every object in this Galaxy is trapped in its Gravity and Revolving around it. The Galaxy is spread in 1,05,700 Light Year. Which is possibly very large to think that how much strong the gravity of the Black Hole is. Earlier every scientist believed that Black Holes take everything in but Stephen Hawking told in us that Black Holes emits radiation in the form of matter and after a period of time the Black Holes gets evaporated and finishes its life-cycle back to a singularity.


Earlier few Scientists Newton and Aristotle believed that time is constant unit for all in the universe. But Einstein proved that the time is relativistic and not constant. Above topics, we have read about the Time Dilation that how the time is different for everyone in the universe. Einstein said that Time bends with the effect of gravity. Also, the Gravitational waves are scattered all around. Nowadays Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory is made. It can detect Cosmic Gravitational Waves incoming from any sources in the universe. Time is highly affected by the Gravitational Waves, which can curve the path of the space-time.

This is the Time Cone which shows the Ripples which will spread when the time will passed away and the future time will be compressed as shown. It has Four Events A, B, C, and D. X-axis shows the distance travelled in Light Years and Y-axis shows the time taken. Due to the gravitational waves, the actual position('Here & Now' as marked in the diagram) moves according to the wave. This diagram will be more clear if we take a rocket which is moving at a very high speed. Then it will be deflected to the right side at event D in the coming time. Now when we see that the speed is increasing continuously the rocket is deflecting to the right to the event D. This high-Speed movement of the Rocket will be Different for the other people on the earth. The Time will Slow down for that rocket. And when rocket will reach the Speed of Light the Time will Stop that Rocket and the person seeing it from outside will see it as the rocket is standing still in the space without any movement.

When the rocket will Cross the speed of time the rocket will enter in the Event B and this will take the rocket to the past. Suppose a person, in a Space Craft, travels away from the earth at speed of time and he returns after one day. He will find that on the Earth thousands of years has been passed. So theoretically that person will be known as Time Traveller. These theories Completely prove that Time Travelling is possible but gaining the speed of light is impossible without any source which can give the infinite source of energy.

According to Stephen Hawking, in the theory of Time Warp, time is defined by three arrows:

  1. Thermodynamics Arrow of Time
  2. Psychological Arrow of Time
  3. Cosmological Arrow of Time

Thermodynamics Arrow of Time was the theory which gave us an answer that an increase in the entropy or energy makes the situation of dis-balance. Psychological Arrow of Time tells us that the time is going ahead but why no one knows. Cosmological Arrow of Time tells us that the universe is continuously increasing in size not contracting (as earlier scientists believed that the universe is contracting). Black Holes are the singularity point in the space which consumes everything and also changes the flow of time. Suppose a person is going near the Black Hole and the black hole started pulling him in then the gravity of the black hole will work on each atom of the body separately and the difference between the gravity at the body and the leg will be different. If the person's leg is closer to the black hole than his head, the leg will face a millions of time higher gravity than that on his head. This will stretch his body and the body shape of the person will become long and narrow. The Black Holes have a very high mass so the Time near Black Hole is also very very slow for the one who sees it. So if anyone is watching that person falling in the black hole, it would be about a second for that person but one who is watching it will spend more than a year watching him falling.


The result comes out of this thesis is how the concept of Time Travelling is possible in the theories. Even more, theories came in the light which tried to show the possibility to make this concept possible. Such as famous scientist John Wood Campbell gave the theory of Warp Drive in his novel 'Islands of Space' which was impossible to make but was only possible solution for the scientists to think about it. Another way to use Time Travelling was to go near the Black Hole and to return in time. It will take about billions of years to reach there and infinite resources. So the second solution was to use the Warm Holes. Stephen Hawking gave this concept. Warm Hole is basically a bridge which is a shortcut between the galaxies and other faraway places. So using these warm holes we can go near the black hole, spend few time and return to original place then we will find that many years have passed.

The Theory of Everything which was defined by Stephen Hawking in his book was about the theory which can define everything in the universe and existence of the universe, also the possibility of the Big Bang and the other equations, etc. Warner Heisenberg gave the uncertainty principle which tells us that we can not calculate the Position and the Velocity of any particle at the same time. Quantum Mechanics is all about the study under the microscopic world. General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and Uncertainty principle is combined together can make the theory of everything.


The conclusion of the overall study was to discuss the History of Time from very beginning, Space-Time, Time Dilation, Possibility of Time Travelling, Big Bang, Black Holes and various other things. Everything was related to one other. The main theory which is The Theory of Everything will explain everything which can not be explained till today.


  1. Albert Einstein, Relativity: The Spacial and The General Theory, Germany, 1916
  2. Stephen Hawking, The Brief History of Time, Bantam Dell Publishing Group, London, 1988
  3. G Dheeraj Kumar, Dimensional Quantization of Time Dilation, International Journal of Research, 2014 Vol-1
  4. Daniel Buzzo, Time Travelling: Time Dilation, The University of The West of England, Briston, 2014
  5. Shawn Zhu, Time Dilation Inconsistency, New York, USA, 2016
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