Time Management Essay (2000 words)

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Table of contents

  1. Introduction to Time Management for University Students
  2. Theoretical Perspectives on Time Management
  3. Strategies and Techniques for Effective Time Management
  4. Overcoming Procrastination and Enhancing Organizational Skills
  5. The Relationship Between Time Management and Academic Success
  6. Local Insights on Time Management Among Nursing Students
  7. Global Studies on Time Management and Academic Performance
  8. Conclusion and Recommendations for Effective Time Management

Introduction to Time Management for University Students

A lot of university students complain about running out of time when asked to do a certain task, they get frustrated because they are not able to make it before the deadline. Time management is an ability that every student must not only know but also apply. Time management is extremely important, particularly when it comes to university students since it will boost their grades and improve their productivity (Laurie & Hellsten, 2002).

Theoretical Perspectives on Time Management

Faisal, Miqdadi, Abdulla & Mohammad (2014) demonstrate that time management practices show the way not only to a high level of academic performance but to good physical condition and lower levels of stress.

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Strategies and Techniques for Effective Time Management

Sabelis, (2001) analyze the Dimensions of Time Management: The effectual utilizing of time and managing time requires procedures and good quality planning behaviors. One can make use of time effectively and competently by keeping time logs, setting immediate and long-standing goals, prioritizing responsibilities, constructing to-do lists and arrangements, and organizing one`s workspace, as studies of the earlier periods and plentiful how-to books proposed.

Time-saving techniques and behaviors can be categorized into numerous groups and be liable to contribute to a number of fundamental qualities in general. There are three surfaces of time management behaviors: short-range planning, long-range planning, and time attitudes (Laurie & Hellsten, 2002).

Overcoming Procrastination and Enhancing Organizational Skills

However, most of the time students face problems like task aversion and uncertainty, so they start to procrastinate because they lack organizational skills. As a result, students will not be able to organize duties according to their priorities, so they get distracted easily, ending up procrastinating. As we can see, time management is quite essential to any university student, and it is one of the keys to higher academic achievements (Kelly, 2004).

The Relationship Between Time Management and Academic Success

It directs to have less perception of control over time because it may be tackling to be familiar with how much effort requires to be completed within hours, days or weeks; it may even be the immediately measurable effect of planning. This gives the impression to indicate that time management practices accomplish to have an influence on educational achievement, but that`s not all they affect (Brigitte et al., 2005).

The various group of students who exploited time-saving proficiencies notably had rich academic achievement. They accomplished those students who do not use time-saving techniques in their educational surroundings have significantly lower academic as compared to results students who employ time-management tactics have considerably higher achievement (Mercanlioglu, 2010). This literature revealed that the student's time management skills affect their academic achievement at a significant level and the skills are one of the predictors of academic performance. The relevant literature suggested that students should start to acquire time management senses on their own in their primary school years by reading materials on the issue or via the framework of psychological counseling and guidance studies applied in schools and adopt effective time management attitudes and techniques to determine how and where they spend their time (Lisa & Robert, 2008). The related literature showed the time management attitude and skill levels of university students and the effects of these skills on their academic achievement. The research revealed that a majority of student possesses moderate-level time management skills and only a significantly small portion has high-level time management skills (Yilmaz, Yoncalik & Bekta, 2006).

Gerald (2002) Defined time management as a set of principles, practices, skills, tools, and systems that work together to help you get more value out of your time with the aim of improving the quality of your life Aggarwal (2008) his contribution asserts that time management is usually a personal problem and if one instinctively knows what the right is, then there is no need to worry.

Local Insights on Time Management Among Nursing Students

Many nursing students complain about needing more time to perform various roles in different settings. They have to manage time not only as students but also as a child, partner, or a friend. Being a student alone is stressful because of the expectation of parents and relatives to perform well in school. With the escalating burden in the workload of nursing students as graduation approaches, time management becomes even more difficult. One has to juggle his time for both academics and clinical duties without compromising his academic performance. It is for these reasons that the researchers decided to investigate the relationship between time management and academic performance of selected third-year nursing students of Arellano University for School Year 2008-2009. CEBU, Philippines - It is said that time is a very scarce resource. While it seems to many people that there's plenty of it, time is clicking away every single moment. Before long, one realizes that he or she has already wasted a lot by just letting time pass by without making good use of it. Time waits for no one. The smart thing for one to do is to be ready with things to do at any time available. It means making one's time productive. Ironically, given the scarcity and potential value of time, smart management of time is not one of the skills people are usually taught while growing up. No wonder there's a lot of precious time wasted. No wonder many people wrestle with time pressure for their entire lives - there seems, to them, too much to do in too little time.

Truth is, there is enough time for everything. The problem is, people don't usually identify the right thing to do at the right time. They inundate themselves with all kinds of tasks to do all at the same time. Another problem is procrastination. Again, it is not doing the right thing at the right time, and so everything is lumped together at a later time. It results in time pressure, something that most people complain to drive them crazy. Time pressure is a common problem among students. There are class assignments and quizzes and new lessons to tackle every day. Students are left feeling there's no way to cover everything with the time available. Too many tasks to all fit in a limited time result in time pressure. But, in fact, almost always time pressure is avoidable. The secret is in developing an organized approach to the student's schedules in order to work more efficiently. Of course, with so many activities it feels like time just flies by. The student is often wondering where all of the time went. In contrast, there are also times when it feels like the day will never end. It is, thus, necessary to spread school tasks properly, such that there is something to do comfortably at particular times. The website www.qualifax.ie reminds students to remember that there are 24 hours in every day. No student has more time than another. The secret to achieving great exam results is good time management. Fortunately, good time management can be learned. Anyone can learn how to control his or her time - and how to spend it wisely. There are ways to ensure that the time spent studying gives the maximum amount of learning possible. The www.qualifax.ie website shares ideas for planning one's everyday life and getting organized in his or her studies: Make a list. The best way to track what tasks need to be done is to list them down. Prioritize. Next, decide which task is to be done first and next and so on - and arrange the tasks accordingly. Be realistic. Figure out how long each task will take and allot it to the time required. Procrastinate less. It is a formidable goal to aim for zero procrastination. Just aim to procrastinate less every time. Your written list of tasks will help you know exactly what you will study before you sit down at your desk. You are more likely to get down to it and get it done. Be persistent. There's no guarantee, though, that the tasks you list down will be sufficiently covered, no matter how much you planned. It's okay; just keep at it and keep learning better. Take note of what didn't work well and try adjusting tasks and time allotment for next time. Track your progress. Regularly check your tasks list and timetable to know how you are doing. It also keeps you on course to get everything done. Focus on the positive. For the few misses now and then, bear in mind that it would have been much worse if you didn't have a plan. Anyone who embarks on the journey towards managing time effectively should consider that it does not happen instantly. A journey takes a while to unfold. But the reward is worth it - a well-organized school life, even life in general. Much of the uncertainty of life is removed and more is achieved. ( Rufino Rios: THE FREEMAN).

There is an old saying that Time is gold.' It is also the only thing that people cannot replace. Time flies so quickly that once it is gone, nobody can ever bring it back. According to Ferner (2003), time controls and limits how we use other resources. Thus, it is often referred to as our most valuable resource. Similarly, in the healthcare setting, time affects both money and quality according to Severance and Cervantes (2003). For every individual, there is a finite and identifiable limit to the minutes and hours available to do work and for leisure. How you use it defines the person`s character and values about time. (Monica Jane F. Mendoza | Nenci Gay T. Gonzales | Criza Aina A. Masa | Clarissa Angelica L. Mingi | Marie Antonette C. Ocampo)

Global Studies on Time Management and Academic Performance

Alan R. Roper studied EDUCAUSE QUARTERLY 63 student is the self-discipline required to devote adequate time to class in courses that might not have regularly scheduled times to meet synchronously online or in person. Most students found that establishing their own schedules for class time helped them ensure enough time for class participation. One student commented, setting and staying to specific study days was one factor that worked for me. For example, in the evenings, throughout the week, I read my lessons. Saturdays were generally Educause Quarterly 30 (1), 62, 2007

Numerous studies invented that short-range planning behavior, forecasting of time in the short run, surrounded by the time enclose of a week or less, established a constructive relationship to grade point average. Short-range planning in interface with accomplishment determined was optimistically associated with dealing performance as well (Noftle et al., 2007). Likewise, most of the studies that control for the student time do so by determining the total time committed to the course, a variable normally found to be unimportant. Academic achievement means the educational objective that is accomplished by a student, teacher, or institution realized over a definite short period (Lisa & Robert, 2008).

In a related study Davis (2002) examined the effect of time management on work and academic settings. Using research design, his result suggests a positive relationship between time and management and work academic settings increased performance. A number of experts (wright,,2002, Acona, Goodman, Lawrence, and Trushtman,2001, George, and Jonas,2000), assessed the need to incorporate time in theoretical models and research design in organizations. Applying the survey method, their findings indicate that time management facilitates improvement and effort.

Prior studies on time management among students present varied perspectives and findings, repack ( 2007; Acemoglu and Sevil 2010; Ellam and Aharon 2003, In their study Gleason, Eerde, Rutte, and roe 2007, reviewed 32 empirical studies on time management conducted between 1982 and 2004 in order to provide an overview of the current state of the art in time management research. The review reveals that time management behavior relates positively to perceived control of time, job satisfaction, and health, while it is negative to stress. However, the relationship between work and academic performance is not dear Cognizance of none acceptability of a universal definition of time management in work in academic settings. Using survey research design, his results suggest a positive relationship between time management and work academic settings and increased performance

A number of experts ( wright, 2002, Ancona, Goodman, Lawrence, and transhuman,2001, gorge and Jonas, 2000), assessed the need to incorporate time in theoretical models and research designs in organizations. Applying the survey method, their findings indicate that time management facilities improve in the effort.

Cognizance of the non-acceptability of a universal definition of time management, Shellenbarger(2009) views time management as behavioral change techniques that help people get organized, clarify thinking and increase output. Eilam and Sharon 2003 believe that time management is a way of monitoring and controlling time.

In the study of Yilmaz, Yoncalk, and betas (2006), the result revealed that a majority of student possesses moderate level time management skills, and only a significantly small portion has high-level time management skills. It was also revealed in the study of Lisa and Robert (2008) that students' time management affects their academic achievement at a significant level and skills are one of the predictors of academic performance.

They accomplished those students who do not use time-saving techniques in their educational surroundings having significantly lower academic as compared to results students who employ time management tactics have considerably higher achievement (Mercanlloglu2010).

Abulshawi and Abusultana (2003) conducted a study aiming at recognizing the student of Yarmouk University's ability to manage time from different faculties and identifying its relation to academic achievement considering the variables; gender, the university year, and the faculty and how much these variables affect time management skills.

To the researcher, however, time management is as important as human and material resources in any organization, from observation, poor time planners seem to be faced with low productivity, Inefficiency, Ineffectiveness, low morale, stress, and frustration with themselves. Time is always available although it waits for no one

Conclusion and Recommendations for Effective Time Management

In relation to time management behavior, some people studied it. Kaufman (1991) states that time assessment behaviors were aimed at awareness of here and now, or past, present, and future self-awareness of one's time use and they cover or help to accept tasks and responsibilities that fit one's capabilities. Macan (1996) states that planning behavior includes goals, planning, task, prioritizing, making a to-do list, grouping tasks, aim to use effective time. Claessen (2007) says monitoring behaviors focus on observing one's use of time while performing activities generating a feedback loop that allows a limit to the influence of interruptions by others.

Necati and devil (2010) carry out a study to determine the relationship between the time management skills and academic achievements of students who are potential teachers studying in the faculty of education at Gazi University.

Meaningful and moderate relation between time management and academic achievements. The relative Importance order of the predictor variables on academic achievement, according to the standardized regression coefficient, was time consumers, time planning, and time attitude; each of the three variables had an important predictor effect on the academic achievement of the student.

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