Utilitarianism essays

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Utilitarianism! Ever heard the saying, “for the greater good”? That’s the heart and soul of it. Imagine you’re at a crossroads and have to pick a path. One way might make a few folks ecstatic but leave many in the dumps. The other? It could sprinkle a bit of happiness...

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2 Pages 922 Words
Introduction Utilitarianism, a prominent ethical theory, posits that the morality of an action is determined by its contribution to overall happiness or utility. Originating from the works of philosophers such as Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, utilitarianism has been a guiding principle in both philosophical discourse and practical decision-making. In essence, it advocates for actions that maximize happiness and...
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1 Page 497 Words
Gun control has hit the news heavily in response to the increase in mass shootings. However, there’s a huge divide in how to solve the issue, ranging from taking away the right for people to own guns or decreasing gun laws to allowing everyone to have one. But how do we solve gun control while benefiting the most people? This...
Gun ControlPerspectiveUtilitarianism
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6 Pages 2539 Words
The ugliness of Industrialism in Hard Times by Charles Dickens In his novel Hard Times Charles Dickens represents capitalist greed, the fragile education system, and the inhuman treatment of factory workers in a realistic perspective which were happening in Victorian in the 19th century. Introduction Charles Dickens is a quite well-known novelist of the Victorian Era credited with many voluminous...
3 Pages 1169 Words
Utilitarian reasoning is applied in various aspects of human life. A typical human life consists of 5 aspects: the work, health, learning, social, and spiritual levels of existence. It is often used both for moral reasoning and for any kind of rational decision-making. Additionally applied in several contexts, it can even be used for deliberations about the interests of various...
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5 Pages 2152 Words
1. Introduction In this essay, I argue that it is rationally preferable for a human being to act altruistically than to not do so if and only if the altruistic behavior does not harm the benefactor in any way. In the following paragraphs, I will present two theories that are considered consequentialist: Ethical Egoism and Utilitarianism, then compare and contrast...
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2 Pages 955 Words
The problem with utilitarianism is that morality depends entirely on calculations of consequences, but we cannot create a simple formula for complex moral decision-making. Gut feelings have no numerical value, furthermore, we simply can’t evaluate each action based on the effects it will have. One can never be certain that an action is indeed right and produces the greatest happiness,...
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5 Pages 2056 Words
The problem of trafficking of humans is widespread and it is estimated that annually, approximately 14,500 and 17,500 individuals are victims of trafficking into the United States. This is a hidden population involving factories, restaurant businesses, agriculture, the commercial sex industry, agriculture, domestic workers, some adoption firms and marriage brokers. 80% of individuals who are trafficked individuals are female; therefore,...
Human TraffickingSocietyUtilitarianism
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5 Pages 2205 Words
Introduction Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill demonstrate two contrasting moral theories. The philosophers have very different ideas about ethics and happiness. Immanuel Kant, author of “Duty and Reason”, believed in the morality of goodwill and duty. According to Kant, happiness is an emotion unable to be controlled while motive is controllable; therefore, duty is the most important aspect of...
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4 Pages 1970 Words
The movie 'Gone Baby Gone' revolves around the abduction of four-year-old Amanda McCready. The plot was made more interesting by each character in the story who had their take on each situation given their moral compasses. The complexity of each situation exemplified the grey areas of reality. Moreover, it must be recognized if they fit the criteria for the responsibility...
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2 Pages 952 Words
Is it acceptable to end a human being’s life who is in a critical state that is suffering through excruciating pain and suffering? In this essay, we will discuss how the philosophical principle of utilitarianism is applied to the complicated issue of euthanasia and the unique moral beliefs that come with different types of euthanasia. I’m also going to discuss...
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2 Pages 942 Words
In business ethics, moral guidelines are used to help people make the right decisions in organizations and utilitarianism ultimately provides the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people and these rules help that to be followed through. Utilitarianism provides the best approach as we know that utilitarianism is a teleological theory and looks at whether the ends...
Critical ThinkingEthicsUtilitarianism
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3 Pages 1485 Words
In 2001, Portugal became the first country to decriminalize the consumption of all drugs. The result was a decline in the proportion of drug-related offenders in the Portuguese prison population (Murkin, 2014). This led many to question if drug laws — and not the drugs themselves — cause the most damage to society. Proponents of this argue based on utilitarianism...
1 Page 404 Words
Introduction Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that posits the maximization of utility as the basis for moral decision-making. In the context of abortion, utilitarianism weighs the consequences of terminating a pregnancy against the potential benefits to determine the ethical course of action. This essay explores the utilitarian perspective on abortion, highlighting the ethical considerations and implications involved. Abortion: Definition and...
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1 Page 451 Words
Introduction Utilitarianism stands as a moral framework grounded in the pursuit of the greatest happiness and utility. This essay aims to delve into the various traits and characteristics inherent in Utilitarianism, shedding light on its complexities and nuances. By focusing on key contributors such as Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, we can explore the diverse perspectives within Utilitarianism and...
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1 Page 647 Words
It is 2019. America is the land of the free, and when it comes to marijuana that means thirty-three states allowing medical marijuana and eleven states legalizing it for recreational use. This, however, has not brought freedom back to the tens of thousands of Americans who have been charged with marijuana possession. Many of these people are incarcerated in private...
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2 Pages 969 Words
It is commonly acknowledged that the ethics of abortion have long been a source of discussion and debate, with debate spanning decades. The term literally refers to the act of terminating a pregnancy by either extracting an embryo or the fetus before it reaches development (Forster 52). Miscarriage is the term for an unintentional abortion; conversely, induced abortion is the...
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2 Pages 982 Words
Philosophy Term Paper: Jeremy Bentham Jeremy Bentham is a famous English political radical and philosopher. Among his philosophical works, the most well-known is the concept of utilitarianism in which the acts and actions are assessed based on the potential outcomes and consequences (Stanford Encyclopedia, 2019). The most aspired result or the relevant outcome is happiness or pleasure to ensure for...
Jeremy BenthamUtilitarianism
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6 Pages 2768 Words
Executive Summary This is qualitative research that possesses the capacity to introduce the standard of Utilitarianism as a standout amongst the most effective and enticing ways to deal with regulating morals. John Stuart Mill is an early established supporter of Bentham, who concocted this philosophical hypothesis. John Stuart Mills by one means or another did share some unique perspectives with...
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6 Pages 2746 Words
Journalists being free to publish information is vital to a functioning, democratic society, and an informed population. However, a number of checks and balances are required to ensure that this right is not abused. As the Council of Europe’s guidelines on safeguarding privacy in the media state, “a journalist’s right to freedom of expression is not absolute. Journalists have rights...
DeontologyGolden MeanUtilitarianism
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2 Pages 948 Words
In spite of debate with regards to the inception of ethics- are they natural or are they learned, are they God-given, or are they manmade develops - the way that ethics are priceless to people stays uncontested. Imagine a reality where we don't have ethical behaviors controlling us. In such a world, what is to prevent us from killing one...
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4 Pages 1937 Words
Throughout history philosophers have developed ethical theories that attempt to distinguish what is morally right and wrong. Although these theories differ from one another, they all can be applied to multiple aspects of our society. Some examples of these theories include Utilitarianism, Cultural Relativism, Social Contract Theory, and Kantianism. The differences between each of these theories are as follows. Utilitarianism...
2 Pages 1133 Words
There are many differences between utilitarianism and Kantian ethics. In Utilitarianism, our actions should result in more happiness than pain. Act-Utilitarianism is the thought that whether something is right or wrong directly correlates with how much happiness comes from the individual action. Whereas, Rule-Utilitarianism is the idea that rules were created to result in the highest amount of happiness. John...
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5 Pages 2274 Words
Utilitarianism is an ethical hypothesis usually considered to have been established by Jeremy Bentham, a nineteenth-century English thinker and social reformer. It is based on the idea of satisfaction and tries to promote and enhance it. The thought here is that everybody looks for happiness and joy, and that it is a definitive objective of every person to be cheerful...
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3 Pages 1377 Words
Dilemma 1 states that Blair has accessed Sam’s computer without his consent and has discovered Sam’s gambling bets with a local sports bookmaker over the last several days. Since employees of the casino are forbidden to partake in any gamble activities, Blair is currently concern as to whether he should report on his co-worker or refrain from disclosing his illegal...
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2 Pages 859 Words
Introduction The philosophical debate between justice, rights, and utilitarianism has long been a subject of intense scholarly discussion. Justice and rights are often seen as bedrocks of moral and legal reasoning, emphasizing individual entitlements and fairness. In contrast, utilitarianism, a consequentialist ethical theory, advocates for actions that maximize overall happiness and minimize suffering. This dichotomy raises pertinent questions about the...
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5 Pages 2251 Words
Interpretive Psychology A possible option of measuring utility is through, Interpretive psychological testing. A psychological study is a theoretical fact we do in our brains to test a philosophical hypothesis. The theoretical fact should be something that could actually happen (and generally it's something that actually happened or will happen later). In order for us to test the hypothesis, it...
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4 Pages 1767 Words
Philippa Foot in his publication “Killing and Letting Die,” formulated a thought experiment that incorporated two situations. Despite the two different scenarios yielding the exact same consequences in the end, the different methods employed in arriving at those similar outcomes raise questions revolving morally permissibility. In the first scenario which we shall call Rescue I, a person is in a...
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4 Pages 1637 Words
There are several ethical theories that attempt to distinguish what is morally right and wrong. Some examples of these theories include Utilitarianism, Cultural Relativism, Social Contract Theory, and Kantianism. Utilitarianism focuses on the outcome of an action as the primary motivation and whether or not that conduct is ethical (Hill, Utilitarianism PowerPoint, Slide 3) The problem with this theory is...
Immanuel KantUtilitarianism
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2 Pages 984 Words
About 13 million metrics of tons of plastic ends up in the ocean every year, causing sea animals to suffocate, starve, and drown. Plastic not only affect animals, it also has a negative effect on humans because it contaminates the sea food humans eat. (PEW) As a result, humans are being stressed everyday about the consequences of the use of...
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2 Pages 1002 Words
Act Utilitarianism’s direct aim is to produce the best outcome and welfare for the greatest number of people while weighing the sometimes heavy costs of what could be the best outcome for the many over the worst outcome for the few. Simultaneously, this theory wishes to conclude what decision brings the most good now and in the future in the...
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