Work-life Balance essays

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6 Pages 2833 Words
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Introduction We all know that Work plays an important role in everyone’s life whether it is paid or unpaid, but it helps us to shape our identity, allows us to structure our time and brings us in contact with each other. In today’s fast paced society, people in the workforce often move from one task to the next, only to...
Work-life Balance
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2 Pages 823 Words
INTRODUCTION In the words of Hillary Clinton, “Life is a mixture of different roles and we all do the best we can to find whatever best balance is... but for me it is the balance between family, work and service.” Work Life Balance basically refers to the prioritization between personal and professional life. Every individual has life at work, home...
WomanWork-life Balance
like 432
4 Pages 1932 Words
ABSTRACT In India changing societal attitudes, inflation and rising educational levels made more women than ever before to drive into the paid workforce. The Indian women, who were confined only to the socially acceptable jobs like banks, teaching, nursing etc., are now stepping into various sectors. Irrespective of education, income and employment, professional women in India are still doing three...
Teacher/TeachingWomanWork-life Balance
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4 Pages 1775 Words
ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of the study is to identify the role and relationship of Guna and Emotional Intelligence with the Work-life balance and Job Satisfaction of Female Professionals. The study will also identify the impact of Work-life balance on Job Satisfaction. The present study is still in process and in paper only few identified relationships will be explained. Research...
Emotional IntelligenceWomanWork-life Balance
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6 Pages 2921 Words
Introduction Problem Statement The task of satisfying key employees is intense. High level of satisfaction and minimum level of conflicts at workplace and home has been shown to be momentous to the development of an organization in terms of gaining competitive advantage as well as wellness of society. Now a day, Level of frustration among people due to socio-economic issues...
Work-life Balance
like 432
5 Pages 2349 Words
ABSTRACT In terms of Indian context, the concern over work-life balance is gradually becoming a common talk. When employees go back to their homes, they should not carry any organizational stress with them. An individual has two roles to play- personal and professional; each role having different set of demands. When such role demands overlap, multiple problems are faced leading...
PharmacyWork-life Balance
like 167
3 Pages 1264 Words
​Work pressure can create critical issues in employees’ careers and social lives. Work/Life Balance (WLB) policies can be defined as adjusting how work is completed to suit employees’ circumstances such as flextime, job-sharing and onsite childcare centers. The work load and task list of employees are becoming more and more complex. For employees who are part of multi-national companies, time...
ChallengesWork-life Balance
like 265
4 Pages 1894 Words
Introduction The aim of this paper is to examine and critically analyse the literature previously written by professionals in regards to leadership and work-life balance. A leader will be described in broad form followed by an exploration through several leadership theories. The author of this paper decided to apply this research into the realm of work-life balance and work-life conflict...
LeadershipWork-life Balance
like 320
3 Pages 1447 Words
ABSTRACT In modern era, maintaining work life balance has become a more laborious task. Helping employees to attain a good work life balance will definitely increase work satisfaction. It is a tough job especially for the professionals like doctors who work 24/7 for the welfare of the people. This paper makes an attempt to measure the factors which influence work...
DoctorWork-life Balance
like 169
4 Pages 1687 Words
Abstract Work- Life balance refers to the competency and successful management of multiple roles both at work and family and also refers to employees balance and contently fulfilled their formal task and accomplished household task to prove their efficiency at both ends. It is a state of well defined well being. Women getting into job after marriage have been increasing...
WomanWork-life Balance
like 432
1 Page 538 Words
We often come across the term “Work-Life Balance” that has conditioned us to believe that there is a magic formula for having it all. Those who firmly believe that if they work hard and are disciplined then they can have a good job, money in the bank, nice home, fancy car and loads of free time to spend with their...
Work-life Balance
like 432
5 Pages 2085 Words
As the name suggests, work life balance relates to the equilibrium between the professional life, personal life and family life of the individual. This is a relatively new concept being brought on by the seismic advances of technology, the stigma of being regarded as “average”, and the disruption of the traditional 9-5 work culture. Not exclusive too, but heavily weighted...
Work-life Balance
like 433
6 Pages 2677 Words
Background There is a creating preparation in the present working environments that representatives don't give up their lives just in light of the fact that they work. Work and life remain the two most fundamental regions in the life of a used single individual. In any case, the trial of changing work and non-work demands is one of the present...
Personal LifeWork-life Balance
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3 Pages 1144 Words
INTRODUCTION One of an important attribute of a successful organization is its satisfied Workforce. The term “Work Life Balance” has become the new “buzzword” in today’s Corporate world. The concept of ‘Work Life Balance’ helps employees of an organization to balance their personal and professional lives. It encourages employees to divide their time as per the priorities and maintain balance...
Work-life Balance
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1 Page 606 Words
ABSTRACT This study is to analyze how women balance their life between the work life and personal life and their satisfactory level in their work. The work life balance is poles apart for each of the women because of different priorities and different lives. To analyze their effectiveness of balancing work and life a well well thought-out questionnaire is designed...
WomanWork-life Balance
like 432
2 Pages 831 Words
Introduction Work life balance refers balancing the work life and personal life. It is an art of balancing the work and other personal activities which includes activities related with family, society and personal development (KUMARI, 2017). Work life balance is a familiar and also an important topic to every employees. Work life balance is itself clear that there must be...
Work-life Balance
like 212
3 Pages 1487 Words
Introduction In this assignment I will build a case as to why men should be included in any future research on work-life balance and I will Identify a relevant qualitative methodology for researching the work-life balance of men. What is work life balance? Work life balance is Work-Life Balance does not mean an equal balance. Trying to schedule an equal...
Work-life Balance
like 341
3 Pages 1369 Words
A lack in work-life balance is costing employees and organizations billions of dollars a year. Organizations that are experiencing high turnover due to burn-out of employees lose wealth (knowledge and money) because of poor work-life balance. According to Harvard Business Review, an estimated $125 billion to $190 billion a year of healthcare spending in the U.S. is due to psychological...
Work-life Balance
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4 Pages 1932 Words
Abstract This research paper is based on some changes within the structure of family and how one is to take care of their families. Also how the household is formed in terms of responsibilities and balance between working and taking care of a family. Being that one of the biggest dilemmas as being a parent for most is their balance...
Work-life Balance
like 468
3 Pages 1506 Words
In today’s world, women have been stepping up to find a place in the workplace and have created their own significant identity; a role in the workplace, a role in the community and a role for themselves. About 20-25 years earlier, women in the workplace was an out-of-box or rather odd thing. Even though women are working now, there are...
Work-life Balance
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2 Pages 702 Words
In a world where more and more people are working in roles that could be considered as 'always at work', how do they achieve and maintain a balance between work and personal life? How do companies and leaders do to promote this way of life? Every day millions of people struggle with these questions. At the same time, leaders fight...
Personal LifeWork-life Balance
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6 Pages 2836 Words
The essence of work-life balance The global pandemic that hit the whole world has affected individuals around the globe in various ways and still continue to face the complex and syndicated challenges as a community which are usually initiated through social, economic, environmental as well as political aspects. Although it has shown a significant rise in worsening the physical as...
Personal LifeWorkWork-life Balance
like 188
5 Pages 2136 Words
Abstract Increased job responsibilities due to an increased demands at the workplace to achieve the objectives set at the workplace, together with family responsibilities at the home-front, have created a need to balance both the domains.To overcome this problem, employer and employees can introduce creative methods at the workplace innovate new methods and strategies at their home-front and at their...
Work-life Balance
like 432
8 Pages 3582 Words
Executive Summary Stress is a common issue in today’s organizations. More particularly employees have been noticed to suffer from it in most organizations. The main issue discussed in this paper is about how stress affects the life of single parents, and the challenges they face to balance work-life and family. It has become hard in this current generation to become...
Single ParentingStressWork-life Balance
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4 Pages 1773 Words
ABSTRACT Work Life balance has become an area of concern not only for the employee but also for the organisation as it impacts both in a big way. With the changing business environment change in work place is inevitable causing stress and insecurities in the lives of employees. It had led to reduction in employee productivity and increase in cost...
Work-life Balance
like 432
4 Pages 1873 Words
Abstract Work-Life Balance is a very important strategy for every organisation, group and individual for happy-living. Maintaining a balance between work and personal life is a necessity. A proper understanding of work-life balance can amount to more efficiency and productivity, better relationship among peers and superior-subordinate structure. Reaching out to a balance is a challenge to every employee, and understanding...
ChallengesWork-life Balance
like 432
6 Pages 2654 Words
Abstract The changing nature at workplace coupled with changes in socio-cultural level has led to imbalance in the work and personal lives of employees all over. Increasing demand, rising awareness among women, increasing stress levels, increasing family levels etc., have made it difficult for people to cope with their work and family lives. With increasing stress levels and demands at...
Work-life Balance
like 149
6 Pages 2679 Words
The following section of this project reviews literature related to work-life balance (WLB) and describes why this complex topic with numerous factors and cofactors underpinning its severity calls for much care from business leaders and has captured the attention of many scholars. It also highlights the academic contributions in the interplay between WLB, organizational commitment and workers’ motivation. Definition of...
Work-life Balance
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7 Pages 3143 Words
Dr. Tetsunojyo Uehara first used the term of ‘過労死 (karoshi)’, and it is defined as 'death from overwork and stress'. Since the latter half of the 1980s, karojisatsu has also become a social issue in Japan. The occurrence of overwork death is closely related to a country's unique economic and social conditions, and even the value orientation of the entire...
Hard WorkWork-life Balance
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2 Pages 824 Words
Constituted as an ideal, favorable way of living, the American Dream is achieved through hard work and dedication. Yet, some take diligence and dedication to hard work to an extreme causing them an unhealthy relationship between themselves and their occupation. As Clausen claims, dedication to one’s work proves disadvantageous and creates conflict with other aspects of life, causing one to...
Hard WorkWork-life Balance
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