2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Biochemistry & Biotechnology: The Bioethical Dilemma Of Artificial Meat

Meat has always been an important part of our diet since it is a rich source of animal proteins. Due to the strong increase of the global population there is a strong increase in the demand for meat. As a result this will cause a strong growth in the livestock sector to keep up with the demand. Although need is necessary the growth of the livestock industry has a disastrous effect on the ecology of the planet, the welfare of...
4 Pages 1993 Words

Impact of Multilingual Instructors on ELL Learning

INTRODUCTION While it is known that learning and development for a child begin in the home and is furthered in the classroom, the structure and tools available to a student in the classroom are equally imperative to their cognitive development. One of the primary tools is the same provider of structure: the instructor. The instructor serves as the nexus from which all student academic learning derives. With proper attention to the instructor’s attributes, skills, and diversity, one can note that...
4 Pages 1951 Words

Gender Differences In Political Discourse

Political discourse is a broad field of study and it is identified by its participants that is politicians. Politicians actively participate not only in politics itself, but also in every kind of activity that may become helpful in gaining political aims. They are the group of people, who are elected and given trust by the society. However, politicians are not the only participants or members of the political domain. From the discourse analysis point of view various recipients of political...
4 Pages 1974 Words

The 1980s And Terry Fox’s Marathon Of Hope

The decade of the 1980s was well known for their wild tastes of fashion and music. Due to the materialistic lifestyle, there were different economic problems the 1980s had to face. Technological advancement and the interpersonal and business relations with other countries like the US were made and improved. The events that have happened in the 1980s had a role in changing Canada. Therefore, the social, economic, and political events in the 1980s had a significant impact on the formation...
5 Pages 2103 Words

How Do We Benefit From The Microorganisms That Live Within Us?

„Invisible helpers”, that’s how we can call trillions of microscopic organisms, too small to be seen by the human eye, living in our organism. In fact, our own cells do not make even a half of the overall number of cells forming our bodies. We are huge ecosystems and home for variety of microbes, such as bacteria, archaea, protists, viruses or fungi. The truth is that there are around 100 trillion microbial cells and only 10 trillion our own human...
5 Pages 2194 Words

The Ambition To Put A Man On Mars

Introduction The aim of this comprehensive and compiled document is to firstly, fulfill the requirements of the given brief as well as to go above and beyond. Secondly, the aim is to inform and educate individuals on surrounding matters regarding the space race in the past and the one occurring presently in a non-biased, well-researched manner. The first space race lasted between 1955 and 1975 consisting of the main political superpowers of the time, the Soviet Union and the United...
4 Pages 1985 Words

The Steps And Aspects Of Christianity Spread

Christianity is a universal denomination whose principles lie on the teachings, personality, lifestyle, and demise and the rising of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The follows of this religion are known as Christians. The elementary belief of the followers is that Jesus Christ is the foreseen Messiah and saviour in the Old Testament. He is also the son of God and a saviour to all humankind through his demise on the cross. Jesus Christ is, therefore, epicentre figure of the belief...
4 Pages 1999 Words

Stress Among Senior High Student Athletes: A Phenomenological Study

Abstract In today’s society students are exposed to stress. Stress is a process in which when an organism’s welfare is threatened or challenged by environmental events, prompting the organism to respond to that threat (Gatchel, 1996). Student Athletes experience different stressors depending on their athletic status such as time demands, injuries and conflict with their coaches or teammates (Humphrey, Yow, & Bowden, 2000; Papanikolaou et al., 2003). The main focus of the research is the experiences of Senior High Athlete...
4 Pages 2044 Words

A Review On Phytoremediation Of Heavy Metals-Concepts And Applications

Abstract Heavy metals beyond the threshold concentration in nature are often considered as phytotoxic. They cause damage to environment by affecting the soil fertility, biomass, crop yield and the human health. There are various approaches put forth by researches, but the most cost-efficient emerging remedy is been seen as phytoremediation; where the plants are itself involved partially or substantially in remediating heavy metals such as Copper, Arsenic, Nickel, etc from the soil, ground water, surface water. This review article comprehensively...
5 Pages 2153 Words

The Meaning Or Religion In Korea

Fans of Korean dramas are familiar with the many tropes that characterize that particular genre of storytelling. One of the most common involves the mother of a young woman who goes to see a shaman for help with her (typically) career-oriented daughter who just does not seem to want to find a husband. The daughter is perceived to have an abrasive and disagreeable personality and is quickly ageing out of what her mother deems “marriageable age.” The mother visits a...
4 Pages 2058 Words

The Role Of Karma In Buddhism

Buddhism is a philosophy and rеligion composеd of practical tеachings, such as mеditation for еxamplе, which aims to inducе a transformation within thе practitionеr. It promotеs thе dеvеlopmеnt of wisdom, consciousnеss, and goodnеss to rеach a statе of еnlightеnmеnt. Wе havе lеarnеd in class that Karma is causеd by intеntional actions pеrform by individuals not accidеntal actions. In Karma еxistеncе is approachеd as a pеrmanеnt statе of changе. Thе condition for bеnеfiting from that changе is to dеvеlop disciplinе ovеr...
4 Pages 2165 Words

The Olympic Games And FIFA World Cup

The Olympics, also called Olympic Games are international events that happen every four years in which hundreds of countries are involved in the different sporting competitions. According to Kubo (2014 V.75) the Olympic Games are governed by the International Organizing Committee (IOC) which is the authoritative, non-governmental organization that oversees the Olympic Games, Olympism and the Olympic Movement. The Olympic Games include; Winter Olympic Games that cover snow and ice sports, games for disabled athletes known as Paralympic Games, Youth...
5 Pages 2162 Words

Identification Of Respiratory Viruses Using Real-time PCR

Viral respiratory infections can cause many different illnesses related to the respiratory tract. These diseases may range from mild infections to more severe ones that can even lead to death. The most common respiratory disease is known as a cold, which is a mild infection that affects the upper respiratory tract and it is harmless in most cases. Common colds can be caused by many different types of viruses, the most frequent ones being rhinoviruses. Viral pneumonia, in the other...
5 Pages 2009 Words

Audit Theory Evaluation In Audit Industry

This essay will critically discuss and evaluate auditing theory in relation to the audit industry by paying particular attention to Flint’s postulate; “the essential distinguishing characteristics of audit are the independence of its status and its freedom from investigatory and reporting constraints” . Primarily this essay will investigate how this postulate is linked to the agency theory alongside the lending credibility theory and how when auditor independence is compromised, the credibility of their opinion is lost. We start by looking...
5 Pages 2079 Words

The Negative Aspects Of The Crusades

Introduction In November of 1095 for 10 days pope Urban II held the council of Clermont at Auvergne which culminated in the pope calling onto the Frankish knights for armed expedition into the Levant with the aim of freeing Jerusalem and the tomb of Christ from the grasps of Islamic rule, when the pope finished his speech the representative of the expedition Adhemar of Monteil was the first to carry the cross to the sound of the crowd shouting Deus...
5 Pages 2191 Words

Why Jesus Christ Is Considered To Be A King?

Can you imagine going through life being constantly scrutinized and subjected for every mistake you have ever made? Kanye West is the prime example of such an instance, and has put all of his faults and weaknesses in the forefront of his new project, 'Jesus Is King.' He accepts any wrongdoing and acknowledges that one can change and follow a new way of life, if they follow the ways of Jesus the Messiah. Through this transition, he highlights the importance...
5 Pages 2135 Words

The Use Of Video Games In Language Learning

Learning a second language conveys different factors that can affect the way learners learn, for instance gender, age, culture or even motivation can be significant at the time of learning a foreign language. A recent study by Baohua and Watkins (2008) states that motivation is a key aspect when acquiring a second language, because it determines the involvement of students in the learning process. Videogames can be one of the sources that can trigger that motivation in students as they...
5 Pages 2178 Words

The Phenomenon Of Machismo Activism And Women’s Rights In Mexico

Abstract This paper explores the varied history of women’s rights within Mexico and the modern implications of the Mexican women’s rights movement. This paper is structured chronologically, with a brief overview of the history of women in Mexico before delving into modern issues. The concept of ‘machismo’ is also explored within the essay and is used to explain the phenomena of femicide and gendered violence within Mexico. The essay ends with the conclusion that the apathy of the U.S. and...
5 Pages 2202 Words

Challenges of Leadership and Teamwork

In this essay analyse and discuss the three areas, Teamwork evaluation, leadership evaluation and motivation evaluation. I will assess and evaluate how me, and my team performed and what processes we went through and what challenges we may have faced when working together in a team. Teamwork forms the crucial element of any business or organisation or team. The better the teamwork the more the successful the organisation or group will be. As an individual if you are a team...
4 Pages 2021 Words

Effect Of Socioemotional Skills On Language Acquisition

Abstract Transgender individuals are disproportionately affected by psychological distress, resulting in a prevalence of depression, anxiety, suicide, and substance use within this population. Research consistently shows that resilience among this community correlates to lower levels of distress, however its moderating effect has yet to be confirmed. Literature compiled from the search terms transgender and resilience yielded 14 relevant peer-reviewed articles including one book, one literature review, three qualitative articles and nine quantitative articles. Preliminary findings indicate numerous factors of resilience,...
4 Pages 1987 Words

The Evolution Of Space Probes In Attempting To Colonize Mars

Curiosity is an innate urge in human nature. When explorers discovered the new world, thousands flocked to explore it out of curiosity. We are on the cusp of great exploration, the planets in our solar system have started to be explored, starting with Mars. Mars has captured the attention of astronomers for centuries. In ancient times, the Greeks thought of Mars as the god of war due to its red tint. Mars had been thrust into the spotlight once again...
5 Pages 2010 Words

Toxic Masculinity in Children's Literature: Hate That Cat and Diary Kid

As early reading literature was created as a stepping stone for children to be able to read and enjoy books themselves, some writing can be seen as toxic for the reader which can ultimately impact the overall well being of individuals within their society. Specifically, these toxic issues seem to occur within stories that feature a young boy and their status around friends and loved ones. In Sharon Creech’s Hate That Cat, we see our main character Jack and his...
5 Pages 2053 Words

Analysis of Fugitive Slave Narratives: American Slavery & Freedom

In order to better understand and analyze the narratives of different fugitive slaves and the impact their stories had on American society and the abolition movement, one must first gain a basic overview of the history of slavery in America. Slavery in America was a controversial issue from the very beginning, as it became a major topic of debate when drafting the constitution. Concessions were made on both sides and through the use of language such as “all other persons”,...
5 Pages 2200 Words

The Mind Can Make Heaven Out Of Hell And Hell Out Of Heaven

This quote, “The mind is its own place, it can make heaven out of hell or hell out of heaven.” has been taken from the epic poem ‘Paradise Lost’ by John Milton. John Milton (9th December 1608 to 8th November 1674) was a famous 17th century poet. He used to write poems about religion and politics. His desire for freedom expanded into his manner. He initiated new words to the English Language. He was considered as the “greatest English author”...
5 Pages 2045 Words

Culture Of China And Japan: Taoism And Shinto

Introduction to the Rich Cultures of China and Japan China and Japan share beautiful cultures and they are both well known for their many tourist attractions. Through they are very well known for their hundreds of attractions, not many people are aware of the beautiful background of the two countries. China became a country on October 1st of 1949 under leader Ma Zedong. Mao Zedong declared the country’s independence and introduced the creation of the People’s Republic of China (The...
5 Pages 2178 Words

Divorce And The Sociological Imagination

In this paper, the definition and standards of Sociological Imagination will be outlined first. The social trouble of divorce will be considered from this set of principles to see how divorce impacts people and society as a group. A description of the most important thoughts and standards in every of the three principal sociological perspectives will be accompanied by way of an analysis of divorce through each perspective. Using each of the views will uncover beneficial insights and data concerning...
4 Pages 1996 Words

The Parenting Crisis In America

In 1985, President Ronald Reagan and his administration released a report titled “A Nation at Risk”. This report highlighted some general issues with the infrastructure of America throughout, but it ended with an unexpected and quite damning statement. It warns, “If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war. As it stands, we have allowed this to happen to ourselves”...
4 Pages 2013 Words

Sign Language Interpreter For Hearing And Speaking Impaired

Abstract Sign language interpreter is the essential part of designing and developing an application for American Sign Language(ASL). In this application we are using ASL datasets of images of hands with different skin complexion, sizes and camera angles to build classification system by training a convolutional neural network (CNN). In first phase of this application it works on gesture recognition, converting sign gestures of impaired person into speech. The second phase is based on voice recognition, converting normal voice into...
5 Pages 2240 Words

Utility Of DNA In Cross-Coupling Reactions

DNA chemical reactions have found a couple of industrial applications. Targeting protein bound to DNA for manipulation of disease prognosis is gaining a lot of interest among scientists. Due to advancement of in silico technology, thousands of molecules can be search for protein interaction. Molecules with the best docking properties to target proteins can then be synthesized in the lab and used in wet lab setting to affirm their activity. To accelerate this process scientist have set up chemical databases...
5 Pages 2231 Words

Interpreting Sign Language with Robotic Arms

Abstract The usage of computer vision and artificial intelligence has become an important factor for many real-world applications. The automatic recognition of hand gestures using these two technologies are very much useful in sign language recoginition. In this paper we are going to see about the interpretation of the American Sign Language where the robots will recognize the sign and convey the information through audio or text to the normal persons and replicate the reply to the deaf and dumb...
5 Pages 2122 Words
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