Legal Systems essays

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The Affect of Power and Political Factors on Costco's Business

1 Page 665 Words
Costco Known as Costco Wholesale Corporation is one of the well-known retailers in the world that supplies more than a million quantities of goods in a discount amount meeting customers satisfaction (Lewis, 2009). Costco has it’s own organization polices with the main objective to bring our customers to the most affordable costs on quality brand-name (Lewis, 2009). With many areas...

Reflections on the Need for Modernizing Copyright Law

4 Pages 1973 Words
On August 29th, 2014, screams, cheers, and emotional platitudes echoed throughout Soldier Field. While America’s oldest football stadium is no stranger to deafening noise and overzealous fans, the sixty thousand seats typically filled by Chicago Bears’ enthusiasts and football fanatics, were occupied by a more youthful, adolescent audience. That Friday night, as the sun set in Chicago, thousands of teenage...

The Connection between Common Law and Dred Scott

3 Pages 1444 Words
The common law theory is based on ‘what the law is’ in a certain situation that is followed as a rule in later decisions by the court involving similar material facts through the doctrine of precedent also known as stare decisis. The first point of discussion I would like to point out is whether judges make law through interpretation. In...

Legal Frameworks and Their Influence on Business Operations

2 Pages 845 Words
Introduction The intricate relationship between law and business operations is pivotal in shaping the landscape of modern commerce. Company, employment, and contract law constitute the primary legal frameworks that govern the conduct of businesses, influencing their internal and external interactions. These laws provide the necessary structure for businesses to operate efficiently while safeguarding the interests of various stakeholders. The impact...

Corporate Law Essay: Dali Painting Contract Breach

5 Pages 2371 Words
Executive Summary The report has focused on corporate law for breach of contract between Jen and her client over Dali paintings. There are several laws which are applied to this case in order to resolve the conflict under legitimate Australian Law. According to Australian Consumer Law (ACL), fair trading is necessary to maintain within a business that is not properly...

Public International Law Versus Natural Law: Analytical Essay

7 Pages 3116 Words
International Law Hugo Grotius was born on April 10, 1583 in Holland. He was raised in a family of well-educated people with ambitions. Grotius started reading when he was three years old and his mother prohibited him to read. When he was eight years old his brother died and that’s when he started writing poems in Latin to comfort his...

Literature Review: Consideration of Local Ownership

3 Pages 1493 Words
Defining Local Ownership Several authors have attempted to define local ownership, but there is still no accepted definition. The UN itself emphasizes on the significance of the principle but does not offer a coherent definition. Chesterman describes ownership as “how the population comes to regard certain policies as their own” . Other scholars describe ownership as a tool to increase...
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Family Ownership and Firm Performance: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2169 Words
Identity of ownership has always been a main topic to study in Finance. Many researchers studied the effect of ownership concentration and the identity of the largest shareholders on many factors, such as Capital structure, growth opportunities, and firm performance. (Jiang & Peng, 2010; Anderson & Reeb, 2003; San Martin & Duran, 2015; Javid & Iqbal, 2008; Thomsen & Pedersen,...
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Characteristics of Canon Law Contracts on Contract Law

1 Page 513 Words
In 12th century the church needed a special body of contract law to control economic relations between ecclesiastical corporations. The canon law of contracts is considered as an area of civil jurisdiction which is operated by canon law. In this law, canonists used texts of Justinian which were rediscovered by the glossators. Because Roman law was a great source for...

Legal Dynamics in Bridge Construction Contracts

2 Pages 891 Words
Introduction The construction of a bridge is a complex endeavor involving multifaceted legal frameworks. Contract law plays a pivotal role in ensuring the successful completion of such large-scale infrastructure projects. Bridge construction contracts are typically intricate, involving numerous stakeholders, including government entities, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers. The primary aim of contract law in this context is to facilitate the smooth...

Ownership Dynamics in Finance

2 Pages 1118 Words
Introduction Ownership within the financial sector represents a multifaceted concept that influences corporate governance, stakeholder relationships, and economic stability. As economies evolve, the nature of ownership in financial institutions has undergone significant transformations, impacting both microeconomic and macroeconomic landscapes. From individual shareholders to institutional investors, ownership structures dictate the strategic direction and operational efficiency of financial entities. This essay delves...
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Business Law: Contract Application and Breach

2 Pages 1089 Words
Introduction: Joey Joystick was approached by Great Games Pty Ltd for an internship for designing a game which afterwards benefited the company and helped it to gain some prestigious awards. Due to this they later approached it for a 3 year contract with the clause of not undertaking any design activity for any other company during the contract period. Also...

Business and Contract Law: Case Study of SOO Burgers

3 Pages 1280 Words
Part A: Option 1: Contract law (SSO burgers) Issue: SOO burgers have been a famous chain of the hamburger restaurant that opened in Australia. With its immense competition worldwide, this restaurant started to organise a promotional deal called “the Fair Dinked deal”. Thus according to the rules, a token is provided to every 'Double-decker Emu burger” and if 50 of...

The Dimensions of Australian Contract Law

2 Pages 882 Words
Introduction Contract law in Australia serves as a cornerstone of the nation's legal framework, facilitating commerce and ensuring the enforcement of agreements. It is a complex system that has evolved significantly over time, shaped by numerous statutory and common law developments. The essence of contract law is the legally binding agreement between parties, predicated on elements such as offer, acceptance,...

Case Study: Application of Contract Law

2 Pages 823 Words
Issue: Is there any legal relation between Soo Burgers and their customers (Michael and Brett) If yes than can Michael “mickey” “ask for his claim (grand price) from Soo burger? Can Brett vulture ask for his claim (grand price) from Soo burger? Whether Soo burger needs to provide both customers their claims? Rules: Under contract law, there are three element...

Influence of Contract Law on Sport Law: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1508 Words
Sports law is plainly described as a fusion of laws that apply to professional sportsperson and the sports they play. It is not just one legal matter with broadly relevant rules. Sports law affects a wide array of topics, including contract law, administrative law, competition law, intellectual property law, defamation law and employment law. The people that are committed to...

The Law of Seas and Jurisprudence of Ownership: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1601 Words
Introduction to The Law of Sea India has managed to build a rich Maritime history in the course of time even before the rise of the European Maritime laws. During the ancient period, Indian ships would sail across international seas and transport all sorts of valuable goods to the neighbouring Asian and Middle Eastern countries. After the advent of the...

Penalty Rule Versus Modern Law of Contract: Argumentative Essay

4 Pages 1899 Words
Since the penalty rule was for the first time formed in the Englsih contract law it has caused controversy. Some have argued against it and believed it should be abolished as it is believed it provides no suffiecient justification. However, its supporters believe the rule shoud be kept because it politically and economically will benefit them. The aim of this...

The Principle of Non-refoulement under International Refugee Law

5 Pages 2338 Words
ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the major problem of refugees and analyses the Principle of Non-refoulement in this regard. The paper focuses on the nature, scope and history of this principle. It also indulges into whether non-refoulement can be treated as a jus cogens norm by going through the criteria that have been laid down by the International Law Commission’s...

The Law and Morality

4 Pages 2026 Words
Laws protect citizens from themselves but it also protects them from any abuse of power at a local or national level. Laws are important aspects of life that guide the governance of many societies. It is supposed to help build society while promoting unity among those that are under it. In some societies, there are some people who willingly do...

The Relation Of Gun Ownership And Violence

3 Pages 1208 Words
If indeed guns do not kill, then why do mass killers have to arm themselves with guns? As a mother and concerned citizen, I feel that the government ought to take action to end the unnecessary loss of innocent lives we tragically lose every day. Gun ownership and violence has been a controversial issue in the US for centuries. Approximately...

The Relationship between Law and Morality is a Coincidence

2 Pages 1110 Words
To state that the relationship between law and morality is one of mere coincidence, would be inherently false. There has long been controversy and debate between positivists and natural law theorists as to what extent morality influences the law. Essentially, one can argue that both our common law system and Acts of Parliament themselves are built upon and influenced by...

Should the Law be Based on Morality?

6 Pages 2838 Words
What is morality? According to Mill (a renowned legal philosopher), our moral obligations result from the justified moral code of our society however there are numerous takes on what morality actually means, we have morality as set down by religion; the easiest examples being the ten commandments, morality and religion, however, are not the same; a society might found its...

Surrogacy within Family Law

4 Pages 1617 Words
The advancements in birth technology has irreversibly changed the discourse regarding families, for this reason the Australian Legal system must be responsive to these changes, in order to achieve just outcomes for family members and society Through analysing the legal and non-legal responses surrounding birth technology such as IVF and Sperm donation, it becomes clear that the Justice system has...

Family Law in Australia: Society Work and Surrogacy

5 Pages 2380 Words
Part A: Essay questions 1. In what way is the dissenting view of L’Heureux-Dubé J in Re Attorney-General of Canada v Mossop (1993) 100 DLR 4th 658 relevant to the way family law and society work? In Re Attorney-General of Canada V Mossop, Brian Mossop sort a bereavement leave to attend the funeral of his same-sex partner’s fathers and was...

The Peculiarities Of Islamic Family Law

4 Pages 1789 Words
Introduction Islam is a perfect religion governing all the principles that is required in the human life till the very end of the world. It was sent down by Allah Subhanahu wa ta’aala through His messenger and prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and preserved by Him in the form of Quran and Sunnah. The Quran and Sunnah serve as a guidance to...

Family Law And Constitution

1 Page 596 Words
Each and every country has its own set of rules regarded as constitution. Family law is just one of the arms of constitution focusing on family relationships. Adoption of children, divorce and support of children among others, form the definitions of this law. Specialized personnel such as judges, attorneys and lawyers, form part of this law each of them being...

The Aspects Of Family Law

2 Pages 873 Words
Family law is a fascinating area of study. It seeks to impose order on the chaos of people’s intimate lives (Herring, 2014). The area of study deals with relatively broad practice of issues that relate with marriage life and blood relations. Family law focuses on issues such as, adoption, divorce, child custody and among others. According to Herring, people seek...

Should An Employee Be Prejudiced Based On Her Or His Tattoos?

1 Page 529 Words
The tattoo practice is an ancient phenomenon, practiced around the world. The precise antiquity of tattoo is unknown, although tattooing has been practiced throughout human existence. According to the social and epidemiological survey research, this topic is important because of its pervasiveness of body art, especially in western societies Laumann and Derick (2006) This research estimated that, in 2004, one-quarter...

Diminished Responsibility Within Scots Criminal Law

3 Pages 1344 Words
Here in Scotland we have a hybrid legal system, this means it has combined aspects of both civil and common law systems. In Scots criminal law, it is recognised that there are two different types of mitigating pleas, these are diminished responsibility and provocation. If a mitigating plea is successful, an accused’s charge will be reduced. In the case of...

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