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Challenges in School Speech Therapy in Malaysia

2 Pages 917 Words
In Malaysia, people are still wondering what Speech Language Therapy is compared to other developed countries such as as United States, Australia, United Kingdom and New Zealand. It is a new or still-developing course in a Malaysia which there is only 3 universities that provide this courses which are Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Universiti Islam...
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Garbage Enzyme: Composition & Growth Promotion

2 Pages 828 Words
Abstract Garbage enzyme as additive in synthetic grey water treatment. Fermentation products are kitchen waste, water, Brown sugar. Reduce the pollutant in grey water, used for various household purposes. Garbage enzymes also have antimicrobial activity. It is an eco-friendly biotechnology approach to waste water treatment. Introduction Industrialization revolutionized the world as it brought along with technological leap. Due to change,...
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The Importance Of DNA Amplification And Analysis

2 Pages 735 Words
The key goals in performing this study in-lab was to determine how PCR can be used to amplify desirable segments of DNA, examine how agarose gel electrophoresis can separate DNA fragments via size, and analyze DNA fragments on agarose gels to determine our PTC diplotypes. The collection of this data was done by gathering a sample of cheek cell DNA,...

Unicef And The Diffusion Of Innovations Theory

3 Pages 1442 Words
In the present times, the world is developing at a fast rate as such we see the formations of organisations that take it upon themselves to participate in the overall development of the world. Because of the above mentioned fact, we find that there is a response to everything that happens regardless of whether the catalyst is good or bad....
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The Ethical Considerations Of Human Genetic Engineering

3 Pages 1347 Words
Genetic engineering is the process of directly manipulating an organism’s genes in order to modify a desired set of characteristics. Humans have been altering the genome of species for thousands of years through selective breeding and artificial selection, however, it wasn’t until the discovery of recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid in 1972 that DNA could be directly manipulated. For several decades, scientists...

How DNA Clock Can Help Predict Your Lifespan

3 Pages 1278 Words
DNA is the inheritors and carriers of the organism. DNA plays a unique role in the flow and evolution of heredity. Originally DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is composed of three types of material. These are Phosphate, Deoxyribose sugar and 4 types of Nitrogen Alkaline. The Nitrogen Alkalines are Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine. DNA contains our primitive generation, our previous history,...
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Discourse Analysis And Semiotics

9 Pages 4287 Words
All art, regardless of shape or form, is inherently political. This is a simple fact. Ryan (2018) asserts that art cannot exist within a vacuum of apoliticality, for “[the artist’s] ability to create art is shaped by [their] political environment just as much as art itself is.” This is especially true for art created within recent decades, where more and...

Indian Sign Language To Text Conversion

4 Pages 1893 Words
Abstract Communication is the exchange of information by speech, visual signals, writing, or behaviour. Deaf and dumb people communicate among themselves using sign languages, but they find it difficult to expose themselves to the outside world. There is a need for research in this field to bring deaf-mutes more into the light of society and to increase their interaction with...

Plant-pollinator interactions and coevolution in species

6 Pages 2923 Words
Abstract Many different variables influence the relationship between plants and pollinators. Their mutualistic relationship drives a coevolutionary force among species. They rely heavily on each other for survival and reproduction, each exploited the others resources for their own benefit. With plants requiring insects and animals for pollen transfer and reproduction, new adaptations have arisen in response to pressures exerted on...

The Description Of Gene Cloning

2 Pages 747 Words
Gene cloning is a biotechnology in which a section of DNA is isolated and extracted before being cloned using bacterial plasmids. To execute this process, a restriction enzyme isolates a specific gene from a strand of DNA and the plasmid, and then cuts the gene creating complementary sticky or blunt ends. These are joined to form recombinant DNA, which is...

Decolorization Of Azo Dyes Using Contact Glow Discharged Electrolysis

7 Pages 3146 Words
ABSTRACT Contact Glow Discharged Electrolysis (CGDE) is a plasma electrolysis methode has proved to treat organic wastewater effectively. The objective of this study was to investigate decolorization process of the textile dyes Remazol Red RR, Remazol Yellow FG and Remazol Brilliant Violet with an air injection using CGDE method. Air injection was increased a percentage of decolorization Remazol Red RR...

The Enumeration Of Microorganisms

3 Pages 1421 Words
Introduction Enumeration is the determination of the number of individual viable microbes in a sample. Enumeration of microorganisms is performed to determine the number of microorganisms in a sample because the agar method of enumerating visible colonies is time consuming and not accurate. It is essential to measure the number of viable microorganisms accurately because it is considered as a...

The Purpose Of Mitosis In The Cell Cycle

4 Pages 1658 Words
Have you ever wondered how a kitten could turn into a full adult cat? If so, you are more than likely familiar with the impression of a life cycle. Cats go through some similar life cycle transition as we do. We watch something that looks like an ordinary baby kitten turn into a magnificent creature that runs free in the...

What Is Needed For Colonization Of Mars?

3 Pages 1274 Words
Introduction With the Earths ever expanding population, the thought of colonisation of other planets has been in the public eye for the last decade. This debate revolves around Mars, the second closest planet to Earth, where there is talk of life being able to prosper. However, with all the hype surrounding this potential colonisation, the question of whether this goal...

How Biotechnology Affects The Earths Biodiversity

3 Pages 1388 Words
Biotechnology is defined as “the exploitation of living systems and biological processes to develop tools for technological use”. It may be applied in areas such as industry, medicine, environmental sciences as well as computer design. The field of biotechnology is very broad because there is such a wealth of biological phenomena which we could harness for human benefit. However, although...

The Importance Of Protein

3 Pages 1391 Words
Everyone knows the importance of exercise, but the people are not much aware of the importance of protein and how it affects the human body in muscle recovery. Actually, muscle is starving for protein after high-intensity exercise. we all know that carbohydrates are a crucial fuel source throughout training, also perform a major role in helping recovery after exercise. However,...
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Controversial Issue Of Genetic Modification

5 Pages 2325 Words
Genetic Engineering is highly controversial since some people believe that it is a form of playing God. There is a lot of opposition to the progression of the field by people who do not see the value in genetic engineering, or they fear what genetic engineering may lead to for us as people. There is a history of discovery that...

Building Habitable Colonies On Mars: Uncovering New Frontiers

4 Pages 1660 Words
There are a lot of factors that have forced mankind to think that they would have to leave their home planet one day and find solace on another. One of those major causes is us, ourselves. We have been a major cause to the depreciating living conditions on planet Earth, but we do need to survive and go ahead into...

Data Analysis In DNA Sequencing

4 Pages 1919 Words
Abstract In conceptual view of big data, some living data is selected and that data is called medical data, this data contains a crucial piece of details that used for analysis purpose, after performing such kind of analysis methods the biologists can easily know the outcome of bioinformatics science more efficiently. This research is like an outline of the data...
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Is Food Biotechnology The Solution Of World Hunger?

6 Pages 2929 Words
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are the result of modern food biotechnology, a process of genetic engineering. Since the world is mounted by overpopulation and scarcity, science has provided a solution: agricultural biotechnology. Genetically engineered crops are the future of agriculture. According to the World Health Organization, Genetically Modified (GM) foods are from organisms whose genetic material has been altered in...

Magnetic Field And Its Impact On Plant Growth And Development

8 Pages 3490 Words
Abstract Plant magnetobiology has become an important topic to study and manage biological effects on plants.Studies over the past several years have paved its way asa new advancementfor achieving enhanced growth and development in crop plants including horticultural plants.An emphasis has been made upon the use of this technique with different magnetic field intensity and exposure. The precisemechanism of its...

Plant Health And The Environment

4 Pages 1958 Words
Introduction Growing crops hydroponically is an alternative to traditional soil farming methods (7). Hydroponics systems consist of a water-based solution enriching in nutrients, without the use soil (2). Commonly an artificial medium is used to provide support for the plant as soil is not being used (2). Hydroponic systems started in 1920 and have dramatically evolved in a variety of...

Role Of Language In Multicultural Teams

4 Pages 1720 Words
While completing an exercise during the cross-cultural management class which needed us to rate certain factors according to their importance in selecting a leader to work on a project abroad, I had rated language as one of the most important factors that constitute a leader’s ability to be successful. Ironically when we got to see the ideal ratings, language wasn’t...

Technology In Language Learning

2 Pages 977 Words
We are living in a time with unprecedented opportunities to communicate with others in authentic and compelling linguistically and culturally contextualized domains. In fact, language teachers today are faced with so many fascinating options for using technology to enhance language learning that it can be overwhelming. Even for those who are inclined to experiment with emerging technologies, it can be...

The Historical Evidence That Confirmed DNA Is The Hereditary Material

6 Pages 2616 Words
DNA which stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid is the basic unit of hereditary. DNA is a molecule that consists of the information an organism needs to develop, live and reproduce. It is also known as the life instruction of the cell. These instructions are found inside every cell and are passed down from generation to generation. DNA is mainly found in...
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Salivary Amylase and Amy1a Gene Evolution with Diet

4 Pages 1761 Words
Abstract Amylase is an enzyme produced by the salivary glands and pancreas of Homo Sapiens to hydrolyse polysaccharides such as starch and glycogen (Tracey 2019). Variation in the number of AMY1A gene copies is thought to be a result of ancestral heritage and levels of consumed starch (Tracey 2019). Results from a previous study conclude there to be a positive...
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Semiotic Analysis

2 Pages 1131 Words
Roland Barthes explains semiotic analysis is studying signs and symbols and using them for interpretation. It is the process of viewing the signs, understanding what the signs signify, what they portray and communicate. According to Barthes’s theory of semiosis, there are two parts of the sign; the signifier and the signified. Signifier is the visible part of the sign, whereas...
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The Influence Of Bilingualism On Creative Thinking Among College Students

4 Pages 1593 Words
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of being bilingual or monolingual using reliable measures of divergent and convergent thinking of creative performance. The results gave some support for the hypothesis that framing a creative problem in a verbal context would result in lower creative performance by bilinguals. However, no evidence was found to support bilinguals ‘advantages...

The Effect Salt Has On The Boiling Point Of Water

3 Pages 1354 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Introduction When boiling water, whether it be for pasta or some vegetables, it is always recommended to add salt into the water as the water begins to heat up to help speed up the boiling process. I will check to see whether or not this “cooking tradition” is effective or not, more specifically whether the salt actually affects the boiling...
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Review Of Gene Therapy For Hemophilia

4 Pages 1979 Words
Abstract The following paper is about genetic disorders, the one in which has been discussed in great detail being hemophilia, the gene therapies for such genetic diseases and the advancement that have been made in this particular field of study. As you read you find the definition of gene therapy and what it involves as well as how genetic diseases...
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